A Marvelous Blending Of Human And Divine

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A Marvelous Blending Of Human And Divine

Post by Redshift »

A Marvelous Blending Of Human And Divine.
Taken from the PDF publication, “The Guiding Light Within.”
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 251 – March 31, 2004.

Dear one, glorious indeed is the infinite future, especially when you begin to realize your eternal goal; that you are to become a true reflection of your Divine Parents, the Rulers of this universe.

You will become a reflection of Michael, Who lived among you as Jesus, and of Nebadonia, your local Mother Spirit, after Whom this universe is named, and Whose evolving offspring all you mortals are.

Incalculable potentials, like tiny seeds, are still locked up in your personality, and together, under My watchful guidance, we shall make each and every one of these into a reality, and to our complete satisfaction. It will be a marvelous, gradual blending of human and divine, a fusion, until no one will be able to tell us apart.

Just like your beloved Jesus did, when He blended His Divinity with earth’s humanity as the Son of God, He earned the title of Son of Man. His Personality is matchless, and to such a degree, there is no one like Him. He was tried and tested on all points, and at the completion of His bestowal on this earth, died a most horrendous and ignominious death on a cross.

His suffering was totally unnecessary, for He did not have to atone for the supposed racial sins of erring humankind, for each mortal is held accountable for their own sins of omission and commission.

But the Father, in all His wisdom, allowed the will of the people to prevail. This has nothing whatsoever to do with appeasing an angry and offended God. The Father, like the Son, is all-loving and all-merciful in allowing humankind to wake up to their holy destiny, and become perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect.

It is unreasoned fear that holds non-thinking and non-feeling humans in its sorry grip. They are the old animal fears, and the instinct for survival, that sets brother against brother, which create all disagreements and wars.

It is time for humankind to wake up and start thinking rationally, each for his or her self, in throwing off the shackles of an unprogressive and oppressive system of superstition and religion, to discover the sublime and living faith of Jesus.

Love and teamwork are the watchwords of the universe.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
All of “The Guiding Light Within” PDF publications can be found on

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