Servers of the Divine Plan

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Servers of the Divine Plan

Post by artguys »

Dear Folks,

I've been reading an ebook that is quite interesting. I wonder if anyone has heard of, "Servers of the Divine Plan"? I'm interested in what others might think about the content. It is basically a call to service but adds another layer. That layer is the premise that some of us are "Servers" who are in the process of recovering our latent memory in order to quickly come to our full potential in service to the restoration of the planet and, therefore, the universe.

Anyone interested in downloading the "Servers of the Divine Plan" the address is:

There is also another book which I have yet to get into called "The New Call."

I look forward to hearing from you all.

It is my prayer that the maturing relationship between human beings, God and our home in space will continue to strengthen and all of us will embrace the extraordinary Divine Love being offered.
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Post by artguys »

Dear Folks,

You know its bad when you are replying to yourself!

I finished reading both books. Within them was much that resonated for me. I like the language used and appreciated that these are not channelled texts. Rather they are researched compilations. Here are some of my observations:

I read the "Servers..." book first. The first part was very exciting to me. I was taking in the concept of our memory recovery with interest. But is was a fairly foreign concept to me, except for references I've read recently in other's writings. It was not so new that I had much trouble taking it in. But the question was whether or not I was experiencing this track, this awakening. I read about a third of the book and was feeling a bit confused as to whether or not this was me. So I decided to turn it over to Michael.

I went into stillness and requested that He show me the truth of this document's relevancy to me. I asked him to not let me be misled by my own excitement or by the actions of others. After all, some of the choices spelled out would deeply affect those around me, especially my wife. I did not want to embark on a leap of faith that was irresponsible and destructive simply because I thought I was doing the "right thing." I had to be certain.

I continued to read.

I enjoyed reading about the imitation ego that masks the true self. I enjoyed the explanation of the concept of the group soul and its fragmenting activities. I was touched by the recitation of the new way and new teachings. They were a valuable essence of what is to be done by all of us, not just the "Servers." This particular paragraph grabbed my attention:
"At this stage it becomes apparent to the illumined mind that every deed that is performed with a pure and unselfish motive always yields favorable results for everyone concerned as it creates positive causes that subsequently reverberate forth along the corridor of time and on into a brighter future. Such is the enlightened understanding of a saint, yet that which is regarded as 'enlightenment' by many is recognized by those who see and know as just the beginning of an eternal and sacred journey. Enlightenment is not an end-product or result, but a continuing process of cumulative remembrance within the supernal light of spiritual reality, and such is the divine heritage of every sincere servant of Life. Enlightenment is a never-ending and joyful process of spiritual unfoldment, discovered only through the giving of Love to others; a Love that resides within the heart of every single soul in the world and can never be found by any outward grasping. Indeed, once something of the unbound unity and limitless nature of Creation has been understood, the notion of seeking to attain Truth, enlightenment or spiritual power for oneself alone is recognised as being wholly absurd. To the contrary, upon the dawning of true understanding, we shall gladly accept the one supreme honour, become most happily acquiescent in humbly taking our rightful place amidst the shining ranks of the Hierarchies of Servers throughout the multifarious spheres of the universe, and begin serving as we are able by starting from right where we are, as all the Great Ones have done before us."

I had some problems with other parts though. There were so many qualifiers, warnings and cautions that I felt uncertain about what I was reading. Was this really directed toward me? Am I one of the incarnated Servers?

By the time I got to "The New Teachings and the New Way" and "The True Path," I had pretty well determined that I am not one of the incarnated Servers. Of course, the duties and responsibilities I am taking on at this time are not very much different than those expected of the Servers. But I am not one myself. Since we are all one in the heart of God, why should my tasks be markedly different when the shared goal of healing our planet is the same?

I then went on to read "The New Call." Now this was more along my wavelength. I resonated with the solid core of the document, a call to spiritual service. I think that there are many wonderful truths in the document.

I was a bit amused at this:
"Having thoroughly researched the spiritual supermarket for over a decade, uncompromisingly seeking full-time across four continents, it is our personal and authentic observation that at the time of writing (1995), an accurate figure denoting the proportion of bogus (or at best misguided) 'spiritual' teachers, leaders and groups at large today in our experience is 95% plus! The larger part of the New Age movement, even at its best, only manages to provide a dubious presentation of the truth of the times, while at its worst is undoubtedly sinister."
If 95% is the right number, I do have to wonder how and why it is we see ourselves as qualified to be in the less than 5% that addresses the truth. After all, wouldn't the majority of the 95% see themselves as unqualified purveyors of "The Truth"?

This kind of question is worth asking - more than once! I know that you do seriously doubt and question many times along this path, as do I. I think we need to continue that activity with great diligence and vigor. We simply cannot accept everything that is thrown our way. And at this time, there is much that is being thrown our way! Didn't I just spend about three days reading two small books that are intended to change our lives forever? How many more of them will come our way? How much of "The Truth" is going to be in them. Didn't I just read (repeatedly) that the falsehoods and misdirections contained in many messages float on the bouyancy of the truth that they also contain? How are we to decide what is worthy and what is not?

I feel passionate about these questions. And I don't think the authors of these books would argue with that perspective. In fact, I think (to their credit) they would encourage that kind of honest questioning. Indeed, there is much in these two books that is worth reading and absorbing. For that I'm grateful. When Jesus poured out the Spirit of Truth on this planet he did so for us to be able to discern for ourselves what is resonant. In this he designed it for each of us, individually. What is true for you, may not be true for me. What I need, you may have no use for. The Spirit of Truth is the only tool that I have at my disposal right now. So with it, I have taken what I can use and have to wait until I catch up to the rest.

Near the end of "The New Call" there is a sentence that I thought applied to this perspective:
"An all-important key-attitude for adoption today embraces the realization that it is time to become very fluid, like a stream that completely accepts and yields to its surroundings in order to flow unimpeded as it meanders onward in a smooth and uninterrupted movement."

And so that is my book report. I believe that anyone interested in reading these should start with "The New Call." They are worth the effort and not so terribly dense as the Urantia Book can be.


It is my prayer that the maturing relationship between human beings, God and our home in space will continue to strengthen and all of us will embrace the extraordinary Divine Love being offered.
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Daddy - O
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi William,
And so that is my book report. I believe that anyone interested in reading these should start with "The New Call." They are worth the effort and not so terribly dense as the Urantia Book can be.
If I was a teacher I would give you and A+ for a job well done :D. I enjoyed reading your discussions about the books.

Do you think it is fine to read "The New Call" without reading the first books of the series?...that is, is an understanding of the first books necessary for understanding this one?
"Having thoroughly researched the spiritual supermarket for over a decade, uncompromisingly seeking full-time across four continents, it is our personal and authentic observation that at the time of writing (1995), an accurate figure denoting the proportion of bogus (or at best misguided) 'spiritual' teachers, leaders and groups at large today in our experience is 95% plus! The larger part of the New Age movement, even at its best, only manages to provide a dubious presentation of the truth of the times, while at its worst is undoubtedly sinister."
A few years ago, a psychic (medium) friend of mine told me the same thing. She also stated that the number is 95%.

Thanks for sharing your book review.

Daddy - O
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Post by Geoff »

Hi William,
If 95% is the right number, I do have to wonder how and why it is we see ourselves as qualified to be in the less than 5% that addresses the truth. After all, wouldn't the majority of the 95% see themselves as unqualified purveyors of "The Truth"?
The problem with any such statistic, is that there is not a single individual on this earth who has ZERO error in their understandings. So what then is the benchmark? Is 70% good? Or 90%? Does that observation really mean 95% have ZERO truth? Unlikely I would suggest.

On the other hand, I have found a few hundred sources I valued, and found sufficient truth to make my heart sing. I have no idea what % that might be.

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Thanks William, I found what you wrote very intresting and thought-provoking. I'll be pondering on it for a few days and nights to come.
Love always, Petra XXX
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Post by artguys »

To Daddy-O:

I think that the book entitled “The New Call” stands on its own without introduction. The book is a compilation/distillation of both human and celestial sources. I’m sure that there will be some difficult and foreign concepts for some. But I also believe that all will see the vast majority of the text as a fine presentation that resonates, that rings true.

To Geoff:

I really find this 95% “bogus (or at best misguided)” to be a very difficult point to consider. Like you, my heart sings at the teachings we are receiving through a variety of sources. But there is a continuum that bleeds into the realm of “Well, I don’t know about that!” This is where I’ve decided to let questionable (for me) information go by the wayside, taking what I can use - what rings true - and leaving the rest for someone else to consider.

When I read the other book, “Servers of the Divine Plan,” I had to stop about a third of the way into it and pray to Michael for guidance through the Spirit of Truth.

Without passing judgment on the content of these books, I have to say that there is much information out there that can be very exciting and could cause one to head off in the wrong (unbalanced, uncentered) direction. These two books are intended to change peoples’ lives. The “Servers” book is particularly direct about that and I would urge caution to all reading it.

It is my prayer that the maturing relationship between human beings, God and our home in space will continue to strengthen and all of us will embrace the extraordinary Divine Love being offered.
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