Who knew? The Urantia Book is all about the "brotherhood of man",
a term appearing 50 times with 20 before "The Life and Teachings of Jesus".
Whether or not "He Gets Us" is intended to promote "the brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God",
such interpretation gives "He Gets Us" literal meaning: Instead of "He comprehends us, etc.",
"He gets us! (literally)" as newly awakened members of his spiritual family.

Who knew?
Makes a good Home page for a browser! (Daily Quote appears when browser is started)

https://www.adweek.com/creativity/creat ... bowl-2025/
" 'He Gets Us' Brings a Heartfelt Ad to Super Bowl 2025"

A positive review of this ad repeat (third Superbowl) that effectively alludes, not to Jesus,
but to
the gospel he taught: brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God:
"The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man present the paradox of the part and the whole on the level of personality. God loves each individual as an individual child in the heavenly family. Yet God thus loves every individual; he is no respecter of persons, and the universality of his love brings into being a relationship of the whole, the universal brotherhood." (12:7.8 )
"The post-Adamic epoch is the dispensation of internationalism. With the near completion of the task of race blending, nationalism wanes, and the brotherhood of man really begins to materialize." (52:3.10)
"Great ethical advancement characterizes this era; the brotherhood of man is the goal of its society. World-wide peace - the cessation of race conflict and national animosity - is the indicator of planetary ripeness for the advent of the third order of sonship, the Magisterial Son." (52:3.12)
"The brotherhood of man is, after all, predicated on the recognition of the fatherhood of God. The quickest way to realize the brotherhood of man on Urantia is to effect the spiritual transformation of present-day humanity. The only technique for accelerating the natural trend of social evolution is that of applying spiritual pressure from above, thus augmenting moral insight while enhancing the soul capacity of every mortal to understand and love every other mortal. Mutual understanding and fraternal love are transcendent civilizers and mighty factors in the world-wide realization of the brotherhood of man." (52:6.7)
"And this progress in the arts of civilization leads directly to the realization of the highest human and divine goals of mortal endeavor - the social achievement of the brotherhood of man and the personal status of God-consciousness, which becomes revealed in the supreme desire of every individual to do the will of the Father in heaven." (71:4.15)
"Regardless of the drawbacks and handicaps, every new revelation of truth has given rise to a new cult, and even the restatement of the religion of Jesus must develop a new and appropriate symbolism. Modern man must find some adequate symbolism for his new and expanding ideas, ideals, and loyalties. This enhanced symbol must arise out of religious living, spiritual experience. And this higher symbolism of a higher civilization must be predicated on the concept of the Fatherhood of God and be pregnant with the mighty ideal of the brotherhood of man." (87:7.6)
"Future religionists must live out their religion, dedicate themselves to the wholehearted service of the brotherhood of man. It is high time that man had a religious experience so personal and so sublime that it could be realized and expressed only by “feelings that lie too deep for words." (99:5.9)
"Love is infectious, and when human devotion is intelligent and wise, love is more catching than hate. But only genuine and unselfish love is truly contagious. If each mortal could only become a focus of dynamic affection, this benign virus of love would soon pervade the sentimental emotion-stream of humanity to such an extent that all civilization would be encompassed by love, and that would be the realization of the brotherhood of man." (100:4.6)
"But revelatory religion is excellent as well as genuine. The new loyalties of enlarged spiritual vision create new levels of love and devotion, of service and fellowship; and all this enhanced social outlook produces an enlarged consciousness of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man." (100:6.8 )
"Even in Christianity the Lord’s Supper retains this mode of communion. The atmosphere of the communion provides a refreshing and comforting period of truce in the conflict of the self-seeking ego with the altruistic urge of the indwelling spirit Monitor. And this is the prelude to true worship - the practice of the presence of God which eventuates in the emergence of the brotherhood of man." (103:4.1)
"(True religion) lifts man out of himself and beyond himself when he once fully realizes that there lives and strives within him something which is eternal and divine. And so it is that a living faith in the superhuman origin of our ideals validates our belief that we are the sons of God and makes real our altruistic convictions, the feelings of the brotherhood of man." (103:5.9)
"The security of a religious group depends on spiritual unity, not on theological uniformity. A religious group should be able to enjoy the liberty of freethinking without having to become 'freethinkers.' There is great hope for any church that worships the living God, validates the brotherhood of man, and dares to remove all creedal pressure from its members." (103:5.12)
"You can consciously augment Adjuster harmony by:
Loving God and desiring to be like him - genuine recognition of the divine fatherhood and loving worship of the heavenly Parent ... Loving man and sincerely desiring to serve him - wholehearted recognition of the brotherhood of man coupled with an intelligent and wise affection for each of your fellow mortals." (110:3.6-10)
"Jesus said: 'The people of another age will better understand the gospel of the kingdom when it is presented in terms expressive of the family relationship - when man understands religion as the teaching of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, sonship with God.' " (142:7.4)
(Jesus) "Love is the greatest of all spirit realities. Truth is a liberating revelation, but love is the supreme relationship. And no matter what blunders your fellow men make in their world management of today, in an age to come the gospel which I declare to you will rule this very world. The ultimate goal of human progress is the reverent recognition of the fatherhood of God and the loving materialization of the brotherhood of man." (143:1.4)
(Jesus on the rule of living) "The level of brotherly love. Still higher is discovered the level of unselfish devotion to the welfare of one’s fellows. On this higher plane of wholehearted social service growing out of the consciousness of the fatherhood of God and the consequent recognition of the brotherhood of man, there is discovered a new and far more beautiful interpretation of this basic rule of life." (147:4.7)
"This overemphasis of the personality of Jesus in the theology of Christianity has worked to obscure his teachings ... we would not permit such consideration to eclipse his inspired life or to supplant his saving message: the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man." (149:2.4)
"And thus migrating to the ends of the earth, they carried with them the message of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man - the gospel of the kingdom." (156:4.3)
"Jesus made the care of God for man like the solicitude of a loving father for the welfare of his dependent children and then made this teaching the cornerstone of his religion. And thus did the doctrine of the fatherhood of God make imperative the practice of the brotherhood of man. The worship of God and the service of man became the sum and substance of his religion. Jesus took the best of the Jewish religion and translated it to a worthy setting in the new teachings of the gospel of the kingdom." (159:5.7)
"However, there were still any number of his followers who were material-minded, and who failed to grasp the truth that the kingdom of heaven is the spiritual brotherhood of man founded on the eternal fact of the universal fatherhood of God." (163:7.4)
"For these and other reasons, the Master thought best to designate the spiritual brotherhood of man as the kingdom of heaven and the spirit head of this brotherhood as the Father in heaven." (169:4.1)
"In the place of the concept of Yahweh, the racial deity, (Jesus) introduced the idea of the fatherhood of God and the world-wide brotherhood of man." (169:4.8 )
"To Jesus the kingdom was the sum of those individuals who had confessed their faith in the fatherhood of God, thereby declaring their wholehearted dedication to the doing of the will of God, thus becoming members of the spiritual brotherhood of man." (170:5.11)
"Human salvation is real; it is based on two realities which may be grasped by the creature’s faith and thereby become incorporated into individual human experience: the fact of the fatherhood of God and its correlated truth, the brotherhood of man." (188:4.13)
(Jesus) "... while salvation is the free gift of God and is bestowed upon all who accept it by faith, there follows the experience of bearing the fruits of this spirit life as it is lived in the flesh. The acceptance of the doctrine of the fatherhood of God implies that you also freely accept the associated truth of the brotherhood of man." (193:1.2)
"... these men whom Jesus had ordained to go forth preaching the gospel of the kingdom, the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man" (194:4.4)
"The religion of Jesus does, indeed, dominate and transform its believers, demanding that men dedicate their lives to seeking for a knowledge of the will of the Father in heaven and requiring that the energies of living be consecrated to the unselfish service of the brotherhood of man." (195:9.6)
"The hope of modern Christianity is that it should cease to sponsor the social systems and industrial policies of Western civilization while it humbly bows itself before the cross it so valiantly extols, there to learn anew from Jesus of Nazareth the greatest truths mortal man can ever hear - the living gospel of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man." (195:10.21)
Q: Online comment: "While campaigns like Catholics Come Home and He Gets Us have shown short-term engagement,
the broad trends in religious affiliation have declined despite these efforts." What explains this disconnection?
Is "religious affiliation" modern polling perspective that needs redefinition?
(Perplexity) "The disconnection between short-term engagement from campaigns like
Catholics Come Home and
He Gets Us
and the broader decline in religious affiliation can be attributed to several factors:
Changing Nature of Religious Identity:
- Decoupling of Identity and Experience: There is a growing gap between religious identity and actual religious practice.
Many people identify with a religion but do not regularly attend services or engage in religious activities.
- Cultural Religiosity: Religious identity is increasingly linked to cultural or ethnic aspects rather than specific beliefs or rituals.
Decline in Institutional Trust:
The decline in religious affiliation is part of a broader trend of disengagement from institutions.
This includes not just religion but also civic organizations and community groups.
Trust in institutions, including religious ones, has decreased, leading to a decline in participation.
Generational Shifts:
Younger generations, such as Generation Z, have different religious experiences and values compared to previous generations.
They are less likely to have had robust religious experiences in childhood, which are crucial for maintaining religious beliefs into adulthood.
Disaffiliation often occurs early in life, before deep commitments to religious beliefs are formed.
Short-term vs. Long-Term Engagement:
Campaigns like He Gets Us and Catholics Come Home may generate short-term interest and engagement but may not lead to sustained religious affiliation. These campaigns often focus on emotional or intellectual connections rather than long-term community involvement.
Redefining Religious Affiliation:
The concept of "religious affiliation" might need reevaluation. Traditional measures of affiliation, such as church membership or attendance, may not capture the full spectrum of religious or spiritual experiences in contemporary society. There is a growing segment of people who identify as "nones" or are spiritually engaged outside traditional religious structures, which complicates the measurement of religious affiliation.
The disconnection between short-term engagement from religious campaigns and the broader decline in religious affiliation reflects deeper societal shifts in how people experience and express their religious identities. As religious practices and affiliations evolve, the way we measure and understand religious affiliation may need to adapt to capture these changes accurately."