Discussing Celestial Messages

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

You're welcome, Eric. Yes, this was a curious transmit, wasn't it?
It is weird the synchronicity as after posting this Kim was describing to me her adventure in seeing her early relative, a cave person of sorts in her spirit vision. Cool huh? I think she was working on generational healing. There are no limits with spirit. :sunflower:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Sandy! More divine timing from these *Spiritual messages
:alien: :alien: :alien:

What's up with that! Midwayer activity Sister?? Let me know your thoughts :sunny:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,
They have been very busy lately...
Nelson sends out the English and he often sets them up a couple weeks in advance. So it never fails to amaze me how the perfect lesson is provided that coincides with something someone needs in the moment. I suspect this may be TA knowledge that is instituted by the Midwayers.

I will read this one again later in depth as right now my cold is full-blown and my head is too heavy to hold up. :geek: LOL

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 45#p223264

Great lesson, "Forgive and let go"

As I read it I understood that Jesus saw all offenses committed against him as offenses committed against who he represents. Is that true?

"Jesus never felt sorry for himself. He dealt with the earthly life blows by adopting an elevated perspective, ever more concerned about his heavenly Father’s feelings than his own. To him, the injured party as the Father he had come to represent. "

I see how doing this, means turning to the Father for forgiveness.

I am curious how you interpreted this message.

Also- I have been thinking...

Love and Fear are on the same 'spectrum'
Two sides of the same coin?
Different poles of the same wavelength?

I think that anger is a type of fear. Usually a need to/or lack of control.

But there is also anger that comes from feeling we've been wronged... So anger could also come from an exaggerated sense of self importance. But I suppose that exaggerated sense goes back into the category of control- the lack of which may even be an unrealized/subconscious fear.

I was looking to get others opinions. Do you think anger is a type of fear??
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: During today's Q&A with Perplexity about types of emotions,
Pickleball Playhouse emerged as a concept ("franchise" comes to mind).
And this concept name keeps levity in the development mix! :lol:

Q: Pickleball Playhouse could be extracurricular entertainment/education
with role playing in front of other students frequent part of the lessons.

(P) "Pickleball Playhouse sounds like an innovative extracurricular activity that could combine
multiple beneficial elements for students. Based on the search results about extracurricular activities,
this concept could fit into several categories:

Sports Extracurricular Activity

- Pickleball as a physical sport provides exercise and skill development.
- Aligns with sports activities that promote mental and physical strength.
- Performance Art Component.

- The role-playing aspect connects to performance art extracurriculars.
- Encourages self-expression, confidence building, and creativity.
- Similar to theater and drama clubs that help students develop communication skills.

Skills Development

- Combines physical skills (pickleball techniques).
- Develops social skills through role-playing interactions.
- Promotes teamwork and interpersonal communication.

Potential Learning Outcomes

- Physical fitness.
- Social skill enhancement.
- Improvisation abilities.
- Confidence building.
- Fun, engaging learning environment.

The concept of Pickleball Playhouse appears to be an innovative approach to extracurricular education,
blending sport, performance, and interactive learning in a unique format."

Q: "Pickleball" in this context refers more to "getting into a pickle" with emotions.
But combined with the sport (or as option) includes sports like activity
that can defuse intense emotions from the Playhouse.

(P) "Thank you for the clarification! Using "Pickleball" in the context of navigating emotional challenges -
getting "into a pickle" - while incorporating sports-like activities to help defuse intense emotions
is a creative and engaging concept. Here’s how this could be structured:

Pickleball Playhouse: A Unique Emotional Learning Experience

Concept Overview

The Pickleball Playhouse serves as a dynamic space where students can explore and manage their emotions
through role-playing, interactive activities, and sports-like games. The dual focus on emotional intelligence
and physical activity creates a holistic approach to personal development.

Key Components

1. Emotional Role-Playing

- Scenario-Based Learning: Students engage in role-playing scenarios that simulate emotional challenges,
such as conflict resolution, grief, or stress management.
- Feedback Sessions: After each role-play, participants can discuss their feelings, reactions,
and alternative approaches with peers and facilitators.

2. Sports-Like Activities

- Team-Based Games: Incorporate sports-like activities (including pickleball) that require teamwork,
strategy, and communication. These games can serve as metaphors for emotional challenges.
- Physical Release: Engaging in physical activity helps release pent-up emotions, reduce stress,
and promote a sense of well-being.

3. Emotional Regulation Techniques

- Mindfulness Practices: Introduce mindfulness exercises before or after activities to help students
center themselves and reflect on their emotional experiences.
- Coping Strategies: Teach practical techniques for managing intense emotions,
such as deep breathing, visualization, or positive self-talk.

Benefits of the Pickleball Playhouse

- Safe Space for Exploration: Students can safely explore complex emotions without fear of judgment.
- Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Participants develop skills in recognizing and regulating
their emotions and understanding others' feelings.
- Physical Well-Being: The combination of physical activity with emotional learning promotes overall health.
- Community Building: Fosters a sense of belonging and support among participants.

Implementation Ideas

Workshops/Classes: Regular sessions that combine role-playing with physical activities.
Events/Competitions: Friendly competitions that incorporate both emotional challenges
and sports elements to encourage engagement.
Guest Speakers: Invite mental health professionals to provide insights on emotional well-being.

In summary, the Pickleball Playhouse concept creatively merges the exploration of emotions with physical activity,
providing an engaging environment for students to learn essential life skills while having fun. This approach
not only helps in managing emotions but also fosters a supportive community among participants."

Rod :)
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

The wording in this transmit puts a bit of an odd perspective.
You wrote:
As I read it I understood that Jesus saw all offenses committed against him as offenses committed against who he represents. Is that true?

"Jesus never felt sorry for himself. He dealt with the earthly life blows by adopting an elevated perspective, ever more concerned about his heavenly Father’s feelings than his own. To him, the injured party as the Father he had come to represent. "
The wording in this transmission puts a bit of an odd perspective. It feels like something is missing in the text... I believe that the transmit refers to the time of Jesus's ministry and the offenses to his character as the son of God and His knowledge of the Kingdom of God. We must remember in some circles such things were blasphemy. The priests and the Sanhedrin were none too pleased with the simplicity of God's love that Jesus preached.
Jesus was an astute observer and, with his close communion with his Thought Adjuster, understood where the angst was coming from. As so His All Powerful Father understood and forgave such injuries.
Jesus never felt sorry for himself. He dealt with the earthly life blows by adopting an elevated perspective, ever more concerned about his heavenly Father’s feelings than his own. To him, the injured party was the Father he had come to represent. By not taking offenses personally, Jesus did not brood over them or schemed revenge. He distanced himself from the Old Testament retaliatory an-eye-for-an-eye response and, by turning the other cheek, he stunned his tormentors and the bystanders.
I do not feel comfortable looking at injuries against me as injuries to the Father... but I would love to practice the same kind of forgiveness that Jesus practiced while on Earth. I think it came from seeing all people as his brothers and sisters. He listened to them and learned to understand the people he came into contact with.

I'm not sure I've made any sense...LOL

Thanks for sharing the Pickleball concept, Rod. I think my grandkids play pickleball, but I haven't got a clue about it. It would be such a godsend if such a tool could help kids with their emotions and interactions... My grandson is a new teenager and whoa...it has started already. :shock:
Junior high can be such a difficult time for kids.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

You wrote:
Love and Fear are on the same 'spectrum'
Two sides of the same coin?
Different poles of the same wavelength?
Love and fear being two ends of the same spectrum is a concept that could use a little more attention. I believe this would be called the Faith spectrum. When we are poor in faith we live in fear. And the more faith we have the more we are living in love. But what is faith? Faith is more than believing in the unseen Father, it is essentially living the will of the Father. As we get closer to living according to His will, we naturally become more loving since God’s will is the path with the most love in it. On the opposite end, when we are low in faith, fear becomes our primary motivation.

Ideally, we want to keep our faith gauge on the loving end or light side. But we all experience moments that kick us back to the fearing end or dark side. It is in these moments that we must flex our faith muscles. Faith conquers fear, sets our heart right, and gives us the strength to put our love in action.

Fear is usually a response to a threat, real or imagined. And when we feel threatened our natural instinct is to protect ourselves through flight or fight. Anger, deceit, and greed all spring from fear motivation. It takes faith to move the scale away from fear and towards love. Faith muscles are flexed by abandoning the anxieties of animal instinct, using our higher thought processes to determine the best course of action, and then following through with it. Each time we do this, the muscles get stronger and we grow in faith.

I think Jesus knew that many of his tormentors were just fearful and low in faith. But running the race from animal fear to spiritual love is how it’s meant to be for us. This is how the Father ordained it. We can’t run a race without starting at the beginning. And the beginning is pretty messy for us. This reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from the UB:
On this Wednesday afternoon, in the course of his address, Jesus first told his followers the story of the white lily which rears its pure and snowy head high into the sunshine while its roots are grounded in the slime and muck of the darkened soil beneath. “Likewise,” said he, “mortal man, while he has his roots of origin and being in the animal soil of human nature, can by faith raise his spiritual nature up into the sunlight of heavenly truth and actually bear the noble fruits of the spirit.” (UB, 156:5.1)
And so it is that we must grapple with our animal natures in order to sprout from the darkness of fear into the sunlight of God’s love.

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Jon,

It's nice reading your post, and I'm certain you're helping more than just my self by participating in this thread. I'm glad you've decided to elaborate on this particular subject.

I believe we are collectively going through something(similar). Sentient energy waves bringing lessons and opportunities for Urantian-habitants.

Over the last few days I have been experiencing revelations around Faith. How peculiar that you would take the time to dive into the very subject?

Guys, it happened again yesterday. I prayed to God- "What colors should I wear to work today"

And all day I encountered co-workers and customers wearing the exact color combination(Black and fuchsia for the curious) and those wearing the same colors as me felt like sharing their hearts with me. What a curious pattern and unique observation!

Jon, others are telling me they too feel a significant change in energy and I am encouraging my circles to recognize this moment as an opportunity to cultivate or strengthen Faith.

I've been placing my Faith not just in the unknown but in the present and as a consequence the "now" is speaking to me as if God-incarnate. With the help of 14 and the peacock angel, I have been feeling more alive and in the present than whatever we normally ascribe as "being present."

Interesting that there may be various interpretations of "present" than what we've come to know. That there may be more magic to the now than what the human experience is even capable of interpreting.

But with Faith, our Loving God grants us a mere taste and the inspiration that follows is sublime!

I truly appreciate your heart felt reply and am thoroughly enjoying our fellowship.

Peace to my Divine friends and Spiritual Brethren! :alien:
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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