
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Sandy »

Because there has been little discussion over the past years concerning the Urantia Midwayers I thought it might be nice to begin a thread with the basics... and expand into what the Midwayers have told us about themselves. Most of what I will post can be found in the stickies of the 11:11 forums but for some reason, these get overlooked.

My husband, George Barnard, experienced Midwayer contact from a very early age. At that time, he did not know who or what these beings were who approached him and supplied information, encouraging his curiosity and theories. And in child-like simplicity, he assumed everyone could see them and do some of the things he enjoyed like astral traveling. (Midwayers did not teach or necessarily encourage him to astral travel, it was something he could always do)

As a youngster, George remembered a rather stern-looking man in a suit,(Doctor Mendoza) standing against the wall across from him while the family ate. He was an adult but never said anything. This seemed rather odd, as children could not speak at the table but adults were welcomed to. No one else seemed to notice him and while this was a curiosity, he never spoke of it. (As a child George was more an observer than a talker.)

Later in Life when he was somewhat settled and at a place where it was conducive for them to approach him, they formally introduced themselves and began training him as a healer, working with him in his clinic to help him get to the root of the problem with near-suicidal patients. ("They", being Midwayer Chief Bzutu, Midwayer Sharmon, Dr. Mendoza, and a Primary Midwayer, Andrea.) All of these beings had numerical names but for human ease, these human names became their own. He met other celestial beings as well, and they all became friends and even co-workers. It wasn't until George noticed the Urantia book in a pile of books at a library sale that he began to put the pieces together and the history of their beginnings. It was one of those "EUREKA" moments...and from there the universe opened up for him.

George and Geoff began this website many years ago to help others meet/have contact with these amazing beings. I was one of their early students. It has changed my life and the way I see the universe. What a blessing to know we are not alone and without help on this planet. I've said this before, but it is much like the world turned from black and white to blinding color. Anything is possible!

If you would like to talk with them it is possible. If you would like to walk with them, that too is possible, especially if you are receiving their "call number" 1111. Communication in some form or fashion is possible with the Uarantia Midwayers and many other celestial beings. The Midwayers can help open that door. They put "your hand" in that of your God within, and where you go from there is up to you.

We often think of communication as being words and sentences, all neat and tidy. But sometimes it is a feeling...For instance, I always know when there is a celestial near me...I feel it...a vibration of a sort. It isn't the same vibration for every celestial being. With familiarity, you can know who is near you by the vibration. Some people hear, some people see and occasionally there is touch. But with all this...please note that above all...your free will is always respected. Midwayers never purposely harm a human or put them in danger. They try very hard NOT to scare us but...well...some people are frightened easily. Midwayers can materialize and you would not even know they were not human. They do this if there is a need...

I will stop there for now, as I said, this is just the beginning. But I will post more information a bit later.

The Meaning of the 11:11 Time Prompts.

Those who are prompting you are Planetary Helpers, Secondary Midwayers or “lower angels.” They are opportunists. They will vary the numbers to make you realize you are dealing with incredible intelligence, and they would like you to live a more spiritual life. They are all good guys and gals.

At this point in time more than 75,000,000 million people all over the world are getting the 11:11 pm and 11:11 am ‘wake-up’ and ‘reminder’ prompts, as well as other time-prompts like 1:11, 2:22, 333, and more. Some will see this as positive, some will fear, but this is the New Age – the Correcting Time -- and the communication circuits to higher spheres have largely been reconnected. There is nothing to fear but fear itself, because the Lucifer rebellion was at last adjudicated in the mid 1980’s.

Getting the 11:11 pm wake-up calls, and the 11:11 am reminder calls, tells you more about you than it does about the 1,111 Secondary Midwayers.

1. You are genetically capable of 2-way contact with the 1,111 and other Celestials if you care to meet them halfway.

2. You are prepared to be guided -- obtain information from those who measure their IQ’s in the thousands.

3. You are fair in your dealings with others, and useful to the 1,111.

4. You are ‘ascending’ in spiritual growth.

5. I’m often told the 1,111 will ask for your help at some (distant) future time, but I rarely get specific details for anyone other than for myself.

6. A member of your family, recently passed on, may have requested this contact, as the Lucifer rebellion has finally been adjudicated (1984).

7. And, most importantly, your Thought Adjuster (Spirit Self or God Fragment) wishes for you to get involved with the 1,111.

Your best approach to meeting them halfway would be stillness meditation.

God bless….
George Barnard.
The 11:11 Progress Group.
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Re: Midwayers

Post by happyrain »

Wow :hithere Thank you for creating such a detailed and lovely thread. I didn't know some of those little stories about George. Sandy, which midwayer is associated with x:22?? You posted right at that time!

I want to share a personal testimony to midwayer presence. I have been a member here since 2008. Only recently have I considered the Urantia Book. I've always had an interest in dreams and out of body experiences. One time, as a child, a being walked up to me and whispered in my ear. I felt their breath against my face despite no one being in the room. I was so terrified I pulled the blanket over my head and asked it to go away. It did.

But whatever was with me never left. It patiently worked with me without interfering with my current comprehension of "reality." It took years to build the courage to face the unknown and welcome that part of my life back. But once I overcame one hurdle, I welcomed back the mystery so fast because it was one of the most exciting part of life!

Now, in 2025- I recognize with more conviction that something has been guiding me and strengthening my relationship with God. That something has lead me to the Urantia book and given me a real run at contemplating the nature of existence and unseen beings who help us step into a richer life beyond the immediate 3D sense-gratification.

How advanced are these beings who can manipulate our physical reality? I am of the notion they reside in a dimension we are not able to perceive completely. And it may be because we are so identified with our host body. But I hope... And believe, it is possible to see them while 3D incarnate. Just as George did. I'm not sure I would understand what I'm seeing... My beliefs at this time make me think this intelligence provides a form that we are more familiar with. They may even choose a form that contains knowledge in our subconscious going beyond the present life we find ourselves living. I'm not sure time is the same for midwayers and it would seem there is a method to the madness. They are aware that I can not comprehend these lessons with the flip of a switch but they know how to leave clues and keep me moving in the desired direction.

They can manifest things that communicate with things we think are private such as our thoughts. They can take light and form cohesion. They can mold matter to speak to our inner being.

The ways you experience midwayer activity will surely be unique, as our existence and our learning with them and with God is unique.

All of this fuels my passion and excitement for Life after Life. For Life NOW and sharing Love with others, it is a burning desire that I may get closer to these beings- to seeing them as they truly are and to know.

I have to remind others, it's a process, we share reality but we are usually in a denser and more isolated perspective of that reality. We have a lot to unlearn and a lot to let in.

Well. This forum has been extremely gracious to have me here since the beginning and has respected everyone's differing beliefs and ways of understanding. The midwayers have shown me they work with all of us, and they do not judge which way we choose to learn. Their ways are both direct and subtle. It took 16 years of being here and I'm finally diving into the Urantia Book considering spiritual realities even more than before. I believe they were with me when I asked them to go away, with me when I chose a different school of thought and with me even now as I try earnestly to get closer to the truth. Urantia book or not, they have always been with me. I believe in the end, we will all understand the Truth... And I have complete faith in the acknowledgment of divine assistance like midwayers- intelligent beings helping us understand the truer nature of reality, the truer nature of ourselves and our relationship with God.
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Re: Midwayers

Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone.
Thank you Eric for that lovely testimonial to your time here and what you have experienced and learned. It is definitely a process for all of us and never the same. One size does not fit all as we are all so wonderfully diverse. I believe that, above all, patience and kindness is needed between all of us and not just those on the board, all humans, as we find our way. But I must admit, the Urantia book lit a fire within me and a strong desire to know this God who is beyond anything I could ever imagine in human form or any form for that matter. My heart sings with the thought of someday standing in the presence of the very Love that created the Grand Universe, to stand in the presence of the Creator of all. Until then, I revel in the presence of the gift of my TA.

I want to add a few thoughts about Midwayers that came up as I read your post, Eric...
One thing, the Secondary Midwayers are our closest kin. They are born on this planet from super humans so they look human, all forms of humanity. For instance, Bzutu is red and looks and chooses to dress like the American Indian tribe of old he was with for centuries. But they also have energy signatures as we all do, which one can see depending on their abilities and gifts in spirit vision and with their eyes. They all have differing personalities too which you enjoy when you get to know them.
The Secondary Midwayers can jump the dimensions closest to their own. They can converse with us as well as higher beings. George spoke of mind endowments given by Mother Spirit, Nebadonia, that allowed this... The Secondary Midwayers have mind endowments closer to our own allowing for easy communication with us and the Primary midwayers with higher mind endowments. Primary Midwayer Andrea, a very loving being, asked Nebadonia for a lower mind endowment so that she could better work with humans. And so, it was given to her. In the early days George, who could see her when she projected to him, said it took a lot out of her to communicate with him. It drained her in visible ways the longer she spoke with him. With the lower mind endowment, this changed.

Paper 77 and 144 of the Urantia book, I believe, speak more of the Midwayers and their beginnings...( I'll double check.) They are not perfect beings. The rebellious Midwayers, I suspect, enjoyed themselves at human expense but, Bzutu said they were born into a lawless time with Caligastia siding with Lucifer. Bzutu and the others of the group knew Andrea, the Primary Midwayer, who was nearly 500,000 years old at this point. They listened to her and followed her directions as she was loyal. So, it was pure luck and friendship, which caused him and the 1111 Secondary Midwayers to remain loyal to their advantage.

I hope this helps. I will post more as I can and as things are brought to my attention.

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Re: Midwayers

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Wondering if the sleeping subject would have attended Sadler's meetings to hear a Paper,
I asked Perplexity: "Why would he have 'had no interest in the Papers' yet attend the meetings?"

(Perplexity) "The sleeping subject was reportedly unaware of the content of his communications while in the 'peculiar sleep' state.
He was described as not being interested in or conscious of what he communicated psychically ... it would be inconsistent with
the described process and the efforts to maintain anonymity for the sleeping subject to have attended meetings where the Papers
were read. His involvement appears to have been limited to the unconscious transmission of information during his sleep episodes,
with no conscious participation in the development or discussion of the Urantia Papers."

:idea: I've long believed that Secondary Midwayers were the real voice of the Papers and other communications (as well as being
they who materialized any writing). The sleeping subject seems the "ruse" to get Sadler involved, because Secondary Midwayer
activity would have been considered ghosts at that time (therefore, rejected by Sadler).

Rod :)
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Re: Midwayers

Post by lethaniel »

Hey Rod,

Long time no interact.

We could ask a Midwayer about it, but the answer wouldn't change the core messages of the UB.

In any case, I see you took a liking to Perplexity. Have tried any other IAs? There's a new one from China, but maybe not many people will try it.

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Re: Midwayers

Post by happyrain »

Are you referencing DeepSeek? If I'm remembering correctly, it was a strategic move to make it cheap and truly open source. The hope is many try it, and why not??? I'm told it's like someone selling a brand new iPhone for $5. The US hoped to be the AI monopoly center. Woopsie

(Sorry to deviate the convo, we can continue in World Views maybe?)
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Re: Midwayers

Post by lethaniel »

Sorry, got carried away.

This is a safe place for those who make contact with Midwayers, our closest spiritual family.

It starts with meditation. Then it is like a roller coaster from there, if we are needed.

There is a lot to be done, and not enough hands even if we think there are plenty. Once a helper leaves, another fills in, from another part of the planet to something either similar, or totally different.

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Re: Midwayers

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: About 11:11 time prompting ...

Those who experience this phenomenon know it's reality regardless of cause. In some social circles, secondary midwayers
are theorized to have this ability, using natural pattern recognition in the human brain. Many explanations have been proffered
about a prompt's meaning (usually personal), but a good starting point is "They're really here!" (secondary midwayers).

Q: What is known about 11:11 time prompting?

(Perplexity) "11:11 time prompting is a phenomenon where people frequently notice the time 11:11 on clocks
or see the number sequence 11:11 in various contexts. This experience is reported by many individuals worldwide
and has sparked various theories and interpretations.

Key aspects of the 11:11 phenomenon include:

- Widespread occurrence: Millions of people globally report experiencing 11:11 time prompts.
- Repetition: 11:11 appears repeatedly in different contexts, such as digital clocks, receipts, billboards, and other places.
- Other number sequences: Some people experience similar prompts with other number sequences like 3:33 or 4:44.

Theories and interpretations:

- Spiritual significance: Some believe it's a message from angels, spirit guides, or the universe.
- Synchronicity: It may be viewed as a meaningful coincidence.
- Subconscious awareness: Some suggest it's due to heightened awareness of time and subconscious prompting.
- Numerology: The number 11 is considered significant in numerology.

Psychological explanations:

- Baader-Meinhof phenomenon: Increased awareness leading to perceived frequency.
- Confirmation bias: Tendency to notice and remember instances that confirm existing beliefs.
- Scientific perspective: Some researchers explore connections between number sequences, synchronicities,
and the mathematical nature of reality.

While many find the 11:11 phenomenon intriguing, there is no scientific consensus on its meaning or cause.
Interpretations range from spiritual awakening to simple coincidence, and experiences vary among individuals."

:o AI now knows this is real phenomena! However, "phenomenon is not supernatural" is misleading since the phenomenon
(specifically, 11:11 prompting) is proven but the cause of this type of pattern recognition is not yet known.

Q: Is the 11:11 time prompting phenomenon related to natural pattern recognition in the human brain,
such that the cause associates with this brain function?

(P) "Yes, the 11:11 time prompting phenomenon is directly related to natural pattern recognition in the human brain. This phenomenon is a prime example of apophenia, which is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. The human brain has evolved to be highly efficient at recognizing patterns, and this ability is fundamental to how we process information from our environment.

The 11:11 phenomenon occurs due to several factors related to our brain's pattern recognition capabilities:

- Selective attention: Once we become aware of 11:11, our brain is primed to notice it more frequently, creating a self-reinforcing cycle.
- Cognitive bias: We tend to remember instances when we see 11:11 and forget the numerous times we look at a clock and see other numbers,
leading to a false perception of frequency.
- Pattern matching: Our brains are constantly trying to match stimuli to known patterns or templates, which can sometimes lead to false positives.
- Significance attribution: The human mind is prone to attributing special meaning to patterns, even when they occur by chance.

The phenomenon is not supernatural but rather a result of our brain's natural pattern recognition processes sometimes overreaching. This tendency to find patterns has been crucial for human survival and cognitive development throughout evolution. However, in cases like the 11:11 phenomenon, it can lead to the perception of meaningful patterns in random data.

Understanding this connection between the 11:11 phenomenon and our brain's pattern recognition function helps explain why many people experience this and similar time-related patterns, highlighting the fascinating way our cognitive processes shape our perception of the world around us."

:idea: Incidentally, 11:11 patterns (there are many) typically include increments of 11 (11:11, 11:22, 11:33, 22:22, 44:44, etc.)
And 11:11 is theorized to associate with the 1,111 secondary midwayers who did not default:

"The 1,111 loyal secondary midwayers are engaged in important missions on earth. As compared with their primary associates,
they are decidedly material. They exist just outside the range of 'mortal vision and possess sufficient latitude of adaptation
to make, at will, physical contact with what humans call 'material things.' These unique creatures have certain definite powers
over the things of time and space, not excepting the beasts of the realm." (UB, 77:8.11)

Rod :)
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