Discussing Celestial Messages

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Thank you for this post, Eric. It mirrors my own sentiments exactly, though I’m not sure if that always comes across in my posts. I feel disheartened lately too. Really disheartened.

I think my zeal for the UB is rooted in my desire for unity. I received the 11:11 time prompt yesterday. Just as my eyes were drawn to the time, my computer froze and that little rotating blue circle appeared. It made me think of the three concentric blue circles of the banner of Michael. I long for this planet to be united under this banner. I do understand that the message of the UB is more important than the UB itself. However, it is probably the most concise source of this message on our planet.

Anyway, I’m not feeling much joy in posting these days. But I will try to stay active. Hopefully, I can pull myself out of this rut I’m in lately.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Jon, the celestial messages seem to align with what's happening here in real time. Another miracle for our consideration, my Brother from another Mother :lol:

I hope we can all do another Urantia study group soon!


I am really fond of Ophelius. I just got the most heart warming sensation reading his words to us
These challenges are not punishments - https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic.php?t=33327

Not some test, not punishment. But real challenges that we have to deal with! And what a power we've been given... The fragment of God.

I have witnessed this fragment... Or- maybe they are indeed midwayers. But communication with the unseen intelligence has been so incredible lately.

Here's what I know.

The unseen intelligence can access our thoughts and feelings. The same intelligence can influence physical matter to acknowledge what we perceive as "inside" our self.

It can also be in two places at once.

What does that tell us? Jon, do you remember when we were on Zoom call and you felt a presence- I had such incredible chills as you mentioned it, and I felt like I was being visited by the same presence- AT THE SAME TIME. We are states apart friend.

So what is physical reality to these intelligent beings who can be in two places at once? Who can access our thoughts- past, present and future?

I was also impressed by this little golden nugget of truth by Ophelius...
"“Finaliters are powerful beings that have achieved and overcome the challenges of time."

Lets talk about the Finaliter reality! :hithere Lets discover what this LOVING INTELLIGENCE IS... HOW IT IS... WHERE IT IS...

What are we really? What is this 3D time/space to a being that can influence the physical to address the immaterial happening within us?

I mean... WHAT!? Really! C'mon guys. This is the most amazing thing happening in our lives right now. :lol:

Peace & Love to you ALL.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Hi Everyone,
Eric, your posts have me so charged this morning... :bana: and I haven't even carefully read the last one...

In response to the post before last, as I see you just posted relating to Ophelius's jewel.

That Celestial message from Oscar you spoke of blew me away this week.
Just so you all know, Nelson puts the messages out on the English list. He generally puts them out in an order as to how he gets them from me. They are in a pretty long queue. If you notice, Oscar's messages are in an order of proceeding dates as to when they were transmitted. (He receives a message nearly every day which is why we are only in the 2014 year with him.) My point is, what are the odds that something so spot on to our discussions would be revealed to us in 2024 just when we need it? :shock:

The message from Chris and Ophelius has my heart swelling this morning...I have more contemplation to do as I have been busy getting it ready for the French list this evening. We are so blessed. :happy
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

morning again...
Eric you wrote;
What does that tell us? Jon, do you remember when we were on Zoom call and you felt a presence- I had such incredible chills as you mentioned it, and I felt like I was being visited by the same presence- AT THE SAME TIME. We are states apart friend.
This sometimes happens with Kim and I as we discuss spiritual stuff.
The unseen intelligence can access our thoughts and feelings. The same intelligence can influence physical matter to acknowledge what we perceive as "inside" our self.

It can also be in two places at once.
So what is physical reality to these intelligent beings who can be in two places at once? Who can access our thoughts- past, present and future?
Well as I understand the basic workings of the universe... many, many different beings are working to uplift humans in the grand universe. They are amazingly gifted in their work.

Midwayers can do some of what you speak of, but not be in two places at the same time...although they can move nearly instantaneous. They can read our thoughts if we give them permission to better assist us but they prefer not to do that as it is invasive. To get around this our particle of God can give them permission and also much information as ...well... they are particles of God. The important thing to always remember is that our free will is never put into question. We have the choice to receive or not in all of this.

We cannot forget our angels and destiny guardians in all of this, either, as they can move freely in our realms. But also from the Urantia book there are beings who can reach us and easily be in two places at once... the "higher-ups". Do you both remember what exactly you were discussing when this occurred? I mean, I haven't a clue but it could have even been a response from within...both your TAs which is glorious!
Kim, when feeling the visit of a being she doesn't recognize, asks them to give her a "signal" and to use this always when they visit her. She eventually gets a name and then when they come and go she knows who it is.

Wow Wow Wow... :sunny: :happy
Here's to Light n Life! :cheers:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Jon, the celestial messages seem to align with what's happening here in real time. Another miracle for our consideration, my Brother from another Mother :lol:
Eric, this has been the case for me for a few years now. It’s actually one of the reasons I joined the message board. I had been reading the messages for many years and then I started noticing how they were reflecting my own thoughts and daily occurrences. It is truly amazing and far beyond coincidental. We can discuss it more when we meet again.

The experience with the presence during our call was quite profound. We were actually talking about how I am starting to sense presences and even see them sometimes. Then right next to me I saw a small spiralling light. I think every hair on my body stood at attention and I teared up a bit. I have never experienced anything quite like that and haven’t since. But I have felt presences since. Thanks for telling me about Kim’s experiences, Sandy. I will have to try this as well.

A strange thing happened today when I got home for work too. My cat jumped up on my dresser and next thing you know my birthday cards got knocked down. The funny thing is that I remember taking those cards down a few days ago. But there was that yellow tulip again telling me that today was the day that God made and to be glad in it!

I am coming around a bit today, despite a challenging day at work. Thanks for your post, Eric. Your energy must be contagious.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Jon, when is your birthday?

It's funny- I've been feeling the need to express more "yellow" in my life.

Today was my Bosses birthday, and tomorrow is mine. = )

I wonder if that presence was 14! These are some very exciting times... I am glad we have a place to discuss it all. :bana:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

My birthday is June 8th. June is my favourite month of the year. It’s when I celebrate my birthday, when the trees finally turn green and it starts to warm up after a long cold spring. I also enjoy the fall of the year when the trees showcase their beautiful coloured leaves, yellow being one of them. I know a thing or two about expressing yellow. Lol.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

A happy belated birthday- 1 month and 10 days later. = )

I've been trying to think about color from a non-human perspective. Or, from a non-ordinary perspective.

I think it's a consequence of asking, what is life like for this intelligence that can communicate to us free from the linear time/space 3D human-perspective???

And I think of color as frequency.

It's really incredible when you think- who decided to make my broom green? They could have picked any color, but they chose green. Our cars are blue... People feel like wearing certain colors on certain days.

I think color can move through matter like a wave... And maybe it communicates with all it moves through.

It moves through multiple ideas and forms or distinctions.

So I notice things lately, group energy kind of things.

When I was thinking about this at work- I realized I was standing by two other people. And guess what? All three of us were wearing dark green and black.

All three of us wearing the same colors.

We didn't get together the day before and plan it- but how often does that happen?

There's something here, that will help us understand this intelligence and these spiritual types of communication we're receiving.

And maybe you'll have something to teach us regarding the color yellow-

It's really quite amazing...

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Morning everyone,

Jon, My sister's birthday is June 8th as well. It is a good day to be born! :D

Before I forget I will be away for a few days at the Miller reunion and for the sake of space in the car I won't be taking my computer, so I want to wish you a happy birthday Eric! I'll be thinking of you and praying for many blessings on your special day!

Also Jon, you wrote:
But there was that yellow tulip again telling me that today was the day that God made and to be glad in it!
I woke up after an uneasy night concerned about the trip. But the world shined so beautifully in the early morning as I watched two deer in the backyard. These words flowed through my mind and with it peace...
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it!"
I smiled when I read your post this morning...We are all connected.

Please say a few prayers for my family as we travel to North Carolina. It isn't more than five hours but it looks like we may run into some bad weather..

Have a good weekend everybody. :hithere
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

This lovely message came in my inbox today from one of the Urantia groups George visited in 2000 and 2001.

Southern Idaho


* Aaron: Friends, we are with you. Thank you for adding your prayers and energy into the circuitry, setting an intention and then listening. We are part of that focus to the degree that you seek connection within and allow for the possibility that our Father opens his circuit to allow the cross communication of his children, one with another. This is not an isolated universe, not any longer that is, here in this sector, in this system. You always had connection with our Father available to you even when the circuits were disconnected, but the brother and sisterhood was limited due to the factors you know well regarding the rebellion and default.

While we have been part of the restoration of the circuitry, bringing a dawning awareness more purposefully toward the circuit of our Father, part of our mission is to also bring about this reconnection of the various orders of siblings throughout the universes in contact with you so that you might recognize, yes the Fatherhood of God, but also your participation in a cosmic family of those who seek to augment and support that very light source from which we all emanate.

It has been our pleasure to participate with you these many years in this project. We are not finished, but it is satisfying to take a moment and recognize all that has occurred and its impact on each of your lives and all the lives of those who have come and gone from your group, and those brother and sister groups you have connected with, knowing that the influence of the cosmic family plays its part in the manifestation of the fifth epochal revelation, not simply contained within a book, but combining source material along with the attendant educational process/project that is much like a school for learning.

Sometimes it is easy to be able to point to one thing and say this is the truth and many people do this with the Urantia Papers, but the Urantia Papers are a reflection of a greater reality. It points to the values, the meanings that must impact you from within, that change your life, that cause you to take steps toward new realities experientially. This is the substance of our mission from Michael to you and we reiterate this for you because you have shown your commitment and we would like you to know that even as you come and go in this life, the project continues and you are the pioneers by making this space available, by listening to the lessons, retaining them, providing them for others, connecting them with other sources who can manifest and share them. All of these aspects play a part in the outworking of Michael's mission for Urantia. soon to be more prevalent in the minds of those in your world.

So take heart my friends, both you here present now and those who participate as they can, that we are a system and process of incorporating knowledge and expressing new insights stemming from this awareness. Continue on and we look forward to sharing with you another time. I am Aaron, speaking for the group of us tonight, those you know well as part of your teacher corps. Good evening.

http://circuit1.teamcircuits.com/piperm ... anscripts/
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

:hithere :hithere Thank you Sandy!!

Behind all these forms is Gods Light. Vibration. Everything is constantly speaking to us- Gods creation. GOD. Even the inanimate, supposedly lifeless, can becoming living. And still more, not every thing perceives it self in the same manner as the other. Color, for instance, can be perceived differently. So can the interpretation of Life itself.

It's all the splendor of Gods creation, we are the oscillations of HIM. And I am so happy for the variety God blesses us with. I found this quote in line with what you were trying to relay,

" It points to the values, the meanings that must impact you from within, that change your life, that cause you to take steps toward new realities experientially. This is the substance of our mission from Michael "

Experiencing new realities bringing us closer to God. New meaning we are not yet familiar with, or must acquire a type of familiarity. And Godward being the direction we are headed.

And who are we to say, when all is Gods Light, who is headed Godward and who isn't? No, it's not our job to say. Thank you for that reminder Sister. I will leave the condemnation to others. Instead... I will attempt to see and Recognize Gods light, in all of its splendor. Moving from known to unknown, and finding my self in a new world Knowing once more.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

This really came just in time.
Monitor the overall quality of the emotions that populate your inner world. Kick out the bottom-feeders to make room for more becoming feelings — a free-will choice on your part, adamantly contested by emotional anarchists whose livelihood depends on your co-dependence. Only a fool would choose to remain under their evil spell.”
I had a run-in with a customer who on some level enjoys getting a rise out of me. Sometimes he is successful in making me quite angry. It's a very sick, controlling and negative energy. Some people enjoy exuding that type of aura. Why?

Or am I misunderstanding?

All I can do is recognize how I don't want to be. And I have been praying to God for help overcoming this aggression pooling inside of me. Because I feel very aggressive in this emotional field.

I believe this quote is helping-

Thank you :loves
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

You know, Eric, there was a book I read 15-20 years ago that I found very helpful in that area. It was called the " Celestine Prophecy" and spoke of ways people around us can prey/steal our energy, giving simple ways to change the dynamics simply by stepping out of the box of our normal behaviours with these various certain types of people. I don't have the book anymore but it was a very nice easy read...with the important information given in a kind of story plot. So basically think about the way you normally react to this aggressive person and step out of what he expects...
I've done this twice with two different people....both customers. The first were two somewhat aggressively snotty graduate students from Kent State who came into the restaurant I worked at as an innocent 18-19 year-old. They seemed to take great pleasure in confusing me and putting me in my place. Well...a wise woman I worked with, Jeannie, told me to, "kill them with kindness." Well, I thought about it and they always ordered the exact same thing which was a special grill. So the next time I saw their car pull in I called back the special order immediately so it was nearly ready before they walked in and I was very nice saying hello and it was good to see them etc... Not to be overdone, of course.
Well, it worked. Everyone likes to be noticed and remembered. They were always kind after that.

The other one was a grumpy fella who only came into our pet shop on the buy one get one free fish sale held on the first Saturday of the month. We were always swamped the first half of the day and he always came ready and waiting in line when we opened the store. He was very distinguishable and easy to remember. Once again I made him, in nice little ways, know that I remembered him and was glad to see him and before I knew it, he wouldn't let anyone else wait on him, even waiting extra time for me if I was busy with someone else.
Of course, I am a lady, and with these two examples, they were males so the dynamics might need to be shaken a little bit ...not sure???

If I know you, Eric...I bet you normally make a lot of friends with the customers who come into your work...
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

When it comes to difficult people, each case is different. I think these behaviours are likely to be learned early in life. Also, when people are unhappy they tend to take it out on others to try to bring them down to their level.

There are psychological issues to consider as well such as narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, sociopaths, and all sorts of different psychoses. When someone doesn’t care about their fellow man they are mentally ill. And this illness runs rampant on our planet.

It’s also possible that this person just wants to get your attention. Deep down we all desire human connection. If someone feels socially jilted by you, even if it wasn’t intended, they can react badly to it. And if that person has a particularly bad temperament, it can get ugly.

I think it’s important to note that there is a difference between pushing someone’s buttons and outright abuse and violence. Killing someone with kindness only goes so far. Sometimes we just have to kill them, figuratively by removing them from our lives or literally if in self defence.

Ultimately, the solution is love. Have their best interest at heart even if they don’t. That could mean praying for them. Anyway, I hope you get those negative feelings under control somehow. They are spirit poison. But I think most of us have been there, and likely will be there again.

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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hi guys, thanks for all the advice. Yup, it's not my first rodeo. The celestial message had me chuckle when I imagined that person as a "bottom feeder."

I've had people completely lash out at me for just looking at them and saying good morning- I've had kids threaten my life with a gun over $2. And I've been on the side of animalistic aggression, something I am too familiar with.

It's wise to say we will face these challenges again.

Considering all the close calls in my life, and then considering all the amazing and beautiful moments to boot- I have experienced way more positive than negative.

This is likely a challenge for my self, rooting out the remnants of my own aggression. Not abandoning it to where I can't defend my self. But learning how to see things for what they are and overcome them... You have to acknowledge the dark parts in your self to do that. The city is a challenging dynamic, presently I am looking at a man across the street starring down traffic and tweaking out. I'm in the heart of fear, animalistic aggression and insecurities. Despite all that, I still have hope for my city and have to choose where to place my energies.

Kind regards ~ :loves
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Yeah, this life isn’t all rainbows and moonbeams, there is darkness to contend with as we’ll, both in the outside world and within ourselves. This is actually what I’m reading about now in The Secret of the Golden Flower, the yin and yang, darkness and light, or anima and animus. I’ve just started to digest this information. It is not entirely new to me, but I feel like it’s time to dive a bit deeper into it.

I wish you a safe and productive day!
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »


Hi Sandy,

It looks like George has a lot of fun with Frank, the advanced and playful Spirit comes through-
I really liked this particular message.

I understand the endgame- at least for my self. Love.

I see how Empathy could be considered one of those sixth sense gifts.

I am also learning how to see the world from a non-ordinary, non-typical perspective. Considering what life must be like when you remove the human filter, and recognize everything that is manifest is a living intelligence in a state of flux. All originating from Source. We are Light Waves.

Don't dissect this statement too much, I am just enjoying my morning coffee and don't fully comprehend what I say.

But I do know that I have been experiencing more of this sixth-sense wonder. And it isn't to acquire any power, unless that power is Love(endgame). We experience it here with the 1111 time prompt, which is more than a simple wink from God.

Lately I am experiencing a type of micro-psychokinesis. An example, I play a card game called Hearthstone. You have a deck of 30 cards and a starting health of 30. You play against other people online, and you use the cards in the deck you've built to bring their health to zero first. What you draw is completely random. Well... I've learned through some manner of disassociation and clear imagination or focus, I can will the card I need to draw. It's not been a 100% success, but it's been so successful that I think God or the TA is showing me something here. It was at one point where I said, "Ok God, if this is real- I need to draw this card, let me know!" And I drew exactly the card I needed, I was so humbled I was initially scared to share this experience with anyone. I promised my self I would keep it a secret for just a while. Well, it's been a while- and I would like to continue to explore what this phenomenon is.

Not for powers sake. I believe, again, this is a type of communication- with the unseen intelligence that is the Source of all manifestation. We see it in the material world around us, but those material objects are more like Shadows. But they are only shallow truths to what permeates within and without. Yes, there is a real mystery here- it's probably a simple Realization.

What's not simple is undoing all we think we know to be True, to allow the new World we are preparing for to grace us.
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Eric and everyone.

Yes, George very much enjoyed Cherumbim Frank and Alice. Frank was a brilliant character for sure. I did too, Alice who was the shy side of the duo, often presented right next to me on the chair I meditated in while the lively Frank would communicate with us. I usually had the sensation of her sitting right up next to me on my right side. LOL of course she allowed me to sense that. She would not have enjoyed a physical body for me to feel.
Frank nearly always got right to the point with little beating around the bush.
I am also learning how to see the world from a non-ordinary, non-typical perspective. Considering what life must be like when you remove the human filter, and recognize everything that is manifest is a living intelligence in a state of flux. All originating from Source. We are Light Waves.
That feels spot-on and very beautiful as I visualize what this means!
So, here's to coffee in the morning! ;) :cheers:
Lately I am experiencing a type of micro-psychokinesis. An example, I play a card game called Hearthstone. You have a deck of 30 cards and a starting health of 30. You play against other people online, and you use the cards in the deck you've built to bring their health to zero first. What you draw is completely random. Well... I've learned through some manner of disassociation and clear imagination or focus, I can will the card I need to draw. It's not been a 100% success, but it's been so successful that I think God or the TA is showing me something here. It was at one point where I said, "Ok God, if this is real- I need to draw this card, let me know!" And I drew exactly the card I needed, I was so humbled I was initially scared to share this experience with anyone. I promised my self I would keep it a secret for just a while. Well, it's been a while- and I would like to continue to explore what this phenomenon is.

Not for powers sake. I believe, again, this is a type of communication- with the unseen intelligence that is the Source of all manifestation.
I have experienced something similar to what you describe, but it was word search for me. (Yes...I'm an old lady. LOL Gotta keep that brain thinking :D ) I could find every word immediately... know where each one was in the puzzle.... sort of like my TA was working the puzzel through me. Now one may ask yourself, why would a particle of God wish to do something as mundane as doing a word search. Well, it could be the same potentially as you, Eric. Such things can be for our benefit to help us realize we are connected to God/ TA in all our moments. It doesn't have to be necessarily only those high Spiritual moments. God is with us when we try to balance our bank account, mow the grass, or clean up doggie do in the yard. We don't have to be in an enlightened place to be with this amazing gift of the Creator.
Now with that said, I would also like to give a plug to our awesome Midwayer friends who are not beyond enjoying some time with their mortal kin as well. and once again, for those who feel the need to discredit any need or desire for these tireless, closer to human, helpers of the human race. As a physical spirit source of God's hands and feet, they, too, enjoy being with us, enlightening us sharing our lives when they are allowed. We all enjoy having human friends, who fill a need within don't we?...well, Midwayers are celestial friends to humans, angels, and the "higher-ups" who are working for the Creator and his high emissaries in a very tangible way with humans...They do this because they have accepted this difficult job, and are here for the long haul, learning themselves along the way. Midwayers always work towards progress for the individuals and the human race. Slow and steady, yet we still must earn what is given and our right to free will and self-determination is always respected.
Progress is a very delicate dance, yet, is astounding in revelation, especially the inner wonders shown.

yikes...I've gone on and on again...(just rolling with my thoughts this morning... :oops: )
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Roll on Sandy! I love every bit of what you've shared. I want a physical/intimate/romantic relationship with God and I believe it's possible. Whether that's with a midwayer or not, who knows. Maybe they're laughing at the idea. :lol:
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by Starwalker »

Hey Eric and Sandy,

I really liked that transcript from cherubim Frank as well. I have had rare experiences of being able to see people’s auras. I worked with a woman on a project once and when I first met her there was some sort of glimmer or shine around her. I would later learn that she had a crush on me. And there was one time I saw greyness around a young man I went to school with when we were studying together. A short time later we ended up having a heart to heart talk about how he was feeling depressed lately. So, I do believe that the aura is real.

The part about Kirlian photography piqued my interest as well. This method is used to photograph an object’s coronal discharges when subjected to a high voltage. This hints at the electrical nature of the aura. Our emotional state affects the colour of the aura. Frank’s suggestion that these devices be used as lie detectors seems to imply that lying or other low vibrational actions physically affect us and it can be witnessed in our aura.

I think the aura is an indicator of our spiritual health. When our behaviours and attitudes reflect universe values, our auras are vibrant colours. But sin and evil will turn the aura dark. This makes me think of today’s message as well. I was with meeting what the ‘seven core values’ encoded in our beings. I assume this is referring to the seven adjutant mind spirits: intuition, understanding, courage, knowledge, counsel, worship, and wisdom.

Today’s message ended with words that also stood out to me yesterday when I was reading a little from the UB, concerning being considered worthy of eternal life. A quick check of the vital signs shows plenty of room for improvement. But I must remember to not be too hard on myself for this. It is this differential between what is and what can be that drives progress.

Taking it step by step,
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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Re: Discussing Celestial Messages

Post by happyrain »

Hey Jon,

I want to make sure you were aware I replied to you here:
https://board.1111angels.com/viewtopic. ... 12#p222212

As I am trying to plan my day accordingly!

Let me know if we're still catching up on zoom today or not. Thank you kindly~~~ :bana:
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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