A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

Yes, meeting you on a video call was what I was referring to. Actually meeting in person would be difficult since I’m a long way from Texas. But I sure would enjoy some of that sunny weather. We are right in the middle of a snow storm right now.

It’s understandable if people are nervous about this idea. I’m even nervous about a one on one call since this is new to me. But perhaps a little anxiety is what’s needed to shake it up a bit. It would be a big step from writing messages, but I think it would be fun. Hopefully more people will chime in here.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

As some of you realise, I am in Australia, and the windows of opportunity with the US and all its time zones is pretty narrow. As also, I currently meditate 2 hours every day, and frankly have little time for more. As also, unless I could silently do "my thing" I would consider it a waste of my time. As it is there are zoom based meditations and messages going on virtually every day with folks from Divine Love circles that I could attend, but I dislike - as a regular thing - hearing someone receive a message every time I want to meditate, as you cant do both at the same time.

Regarding Welles idea, its likely to be an extremely long session I would think, and as we have very varied outlooks, possibly tedious and challenging to be sufficiently supportive of another's effort that one might feel is somewhat off beam.

But socially hanging out? Yeah I would not mind that at all. But in my case, its not easy to line up opposing time zones. So maybe I am a party pooper?

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Sandy »

I think in a way meeting up on say zoom to discuss things could fit into the category of a meet-up. This is something we talked about for years before the zoom technology. I would be in if the time was right. I can do it later at night times if that would be good for Geoff. Evening or even late times are good for me as I take care of my mom and certain times during the day would be impossible. But she likes to read, so it wouldn't be too hard to sit her somewhere safe to read while we talk.
The beauty of this board is that varied outlooks are the norm. We have learned over the years that everyone is finding God in their own way and maybe even learning something from someone else's view. ;) So it could work discussing spiritual things too if we are gentle with each other. We are friends, right?
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Amigoo »


Two hours seems a long time for daily meditation!
What do you achieve in this time, especially relative to daily life?

As for Zoom, my little notebook computer is stressed
and prefers networking in the slow lane. :roll:

:hithere Postscript (later today) ...
Thanks for the response and UB quotes. 8)

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Geoff »

Two hours is 2x1 hour. It goes remarkably fast. I have a background soundtrack, some instruments, some vocals that are spiritual. Other meditate in silence. I find the track helps me to know when the time is up, because it can go longer very easily. I have one focus:
Urantia Book wrote:3:4.6 (50.4) Mortal man cannot possibly know the infinitude of the heavenly Father. Finite mind cannot think through such an absolute truth or fact. But this same finite human being can actually feel - literally experience - the full and undiminished impact of such an infinite Father’s LOVE. Such a love can be truly experienced,
Urantia Book wrote:1:7.2 (31.2) Man does not achieve union with God as a drop of water might find unity with the ocean. Man attains divine union by progressive reciprocal spiritual communion, by personality intercourse with the personal God, by increasingly attaining the divine nature through wholehearted and intelligent conformity to the divine will. Such a sublime relationship can exist only between personalities.
Urantia Book wrote:117:6.9 (1289.2) Men all too often forget that God is the greatest experience in human existence. Other experiences are limited in their nature and content, but the experience of God has no limits save those of the creature’s comprehension capacity, and this very experience is in itself capacity enlarging. When men search for God, they are searching for everything. When they find God, they have found everything. The search for God is the unstinted bestowal of love attended by amazing discoveries of new and greater love to be bestowed.
I do that because its the very fastest way to raise your vibration and grow your soul. At one time I was doing 3x1 hour and kept it up for several years. It made a huge difference, but these days I find it harder to have that time (I am not living in an apartment but on a 1 acre property)

If I restate what TUB says, and tell you what Jesus said directly January 24th, 1915:
James Padgett channeling Jesus wrote:“No man can come to the Father’s Love, except he be born again. This is the great and fundamental Truth which men must learn and believe, for without this New Birth men cannot partake of the Divine Essence of God’s Love, which, when possessed by a man, makes him at one with the Father. This Love comes to man by the workings of the Holy Ghost, causing this love to flow into the heart and soul, and filling it, so that all sin and error must be eradicated. I am not going to tell tonight just how this working of the spirit operates, but, I say, if a man will pray to the Father and believe, and earnestly ask that this Love be given him, he will receive it; and when it comes into his soul he will realize it. Let not men think that by any effort of their own they can come into this union with the Father, because they cannot. No river can rise higher than its source; and no man who has only the natural love and filled with error can of his own powers cause that natural love to partake of the Divine, or his nature to be relieved of such sin and error. ”
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

These are nice quotes Geoff. Thank you.

And I agree with you Sandy, there are so many personalities and walks of life/differing beliefs... But they too experience 1111 and through an earnest plea to God, experience Divine Love.

Also... The quote- "personality intercourse with personal God" did something to my mind.

It puzzles me- it feels like, the older I get- the denser I become. That sense of innocence and Faith are there, but have somehow become tucked underneath all this... Stuff.

And at the same time, it seems important to interact with others and attempt sincerity- even when my Ego and personality deviate form being able to understand the truth before me.

At times it feels like I'm just getting back to my internal world. The sense of wonder is there- but it takes more digging and more reframing/adjusting as I age and am exposed to all types of vibration. This may just be a human attribute, to complicate uncomplicated things.

I am grateful for the wonders of Silence... It's a curious dance, life.
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Starwalker »

Beautiful quotes, Geoff. The James Padgett messages from 100 years ago are much the same as the messages being received today, which are essentially the same teachings that Jesus gave us when he was here in the flesh 2000 years ago. Anything of eternal value is timeless.

Mortal man can do nothing to save himself apart from accepting the salvation of Christ and abiding in Him. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

While time alone in meditation is the best way to have personality intercourse with the Father, I think it’s also important for us to get together and commune among ourselves. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20.

With everyone being spread out all over the world, Zoom meet-ups seem to be the best option. Eric and I had a call last night and I think it flowed very well. And the time prompts we received during the call tells me it wasn’t just the two of us on that call. I’d look forward to meeting you all, one on one or in small groups. I’m sure we can work around time zones somehow. Where there’s a will there’s a way!
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

:happy :happy :happy
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Sandy »

:happy :happy :happy :happy
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Speaking of AI, this gozinta hints how the brain processes information:

I had just added more water to the coffee pot that is usually kept in the refrigerator.
That gallon water jug stays on the counter next to the refrigerator.

I intended to put the coffee pot back in the refrigerator, but without looking grabbed jug
and started to place it in the refrigerator. The handles are somewhat alike so feel was not
an immediate clue and current weights were similar. However, not until I saw the jug
next to the refrigerator shelf did I realize the mistake. :oops:

:idea: Vision trumps touch? Somehow explains how half & half carton
can end up in the microwave ... or car keys in the bread box ...
aka "entertaining senior capers". ;)

Suggests brain's "something gozinta something" processing
that can easily fail when A gozinta I. :lol:

Rod :)
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Sgguest Smoetihng Is Rghit. I tihnk I raed so lnog as the frist and lsat lteter are in palce the barin atuo crorcets. Did it wrok?

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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Amigoo »

She slels sea sehlls by the saehsroe ...
epsceailly atfer the tusanmi qiuseecs.

Rod :stars:
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by Sandy »

LOL It worked! :roll
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Re: A Little Fellowship ...Anyone?

Post by happyrain »

Bumping this lovely thread for others, and sharing the bowl of saki wisdom here.

All my sorrow, anxiety, fear and anger has stemmed from the creation of what is experienced within my own world. Never truly another persons fault. And so, I must dig deeper and deeper towards the source of my Liberation.

Are thoughts alone what create the feeling of freedom and happiness? I don't think so. Sometimes thoughts can be a tyranny unto themselves. Often, we seek to free ourselves from ourselves. What is the self? A most important question- and, perhaps more- what is the true and mystical meaning of the Breath?

Do Thought and Breath exist as a one entity- or do they exist independently from one another?

Now todays Wisdom:

We blame others for our sorrows and misfortunes, not perceiving that we ourselves are the creators of our world.

Bowl of Saki, June 6, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

Externally we are a single being, but internally we are a world. As vast as is the world around us, so vast is the world within. Asif says, 'The limitation of the sky and land cannot be compared with man's heart. If man's heart be wide, there is nothing wider than this.' All can be accommodated in it; heaven earth, sun, moon, all are reflected in it. It becomes itself the whole. This world becomes as one chooses to make it. If man only knew that! But since he does not know that, the world is not heaven, but has become its opposite. We blame others for our sorrows and misfortunes, not perceiving that we ourselves are the creators of our world; that our world has an influence upon our life within as well as upon our life without.

from https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VII/VII_17.htm

One learns to understand that there is a world in one's self, that in one's mind there is a source of happiness and unhappiness, the source of health and illness, the source of light and darkness, and that it can be awakened, either mechanically or at will, if only one knew how to do it. Then one does not blame his ill fortune nor complain of his fellow man. He becomes more tolerant, more joyful, and more loving toward his neighbor, because he knows the cause of every thought and action, and he sees it all as the effect of a certain cause.

from https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XIII/XIII_5.htm
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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