Row ... Lest You Drift

Post any poetry here. It's just too hard to define "inspired" in this context, so we will settle for that which inspires.
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Row ... Lest You Drift

Post by Amigoo »

Row ... Lest You Drift

Gently down the stream you float
unless you row to guide your boat.

Oh, merrily you'll glide along,
but drift too far and then be gone.

Or drift to shores you can't foresee,
uncharted lands of mystery.

So row with cause! Steer your course!
Tack those winds of least remorse.

Now row with spirit - don't delay -
for aimless boat oft led astray.

Row with strength to then attain,
else drift afar with no acclaim.

Life's a dream yet take the helm!
Guide your oars for job done well.

Let merrily your course unwind
and row your boat with goal in mind.

- Ro w

Note: Developed from this ditty written a decade ago:
"Row, row, row your boat ... else drift to places unknown."
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Re: Row ... Lest You Drift

Post by happyrain »


I love it.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Row ... Lest You Drift

Post by Sandy »

Rod! That is brilliant!
It speaks to me this morning with things that have been on my mind.
I appreciate your sharing this.


The better creativity may originate with Celestial Artisans who standby, waiting for opportunity to participate with humans.
And MANY human creations in the past hint of such participation! A clue seems to be sudden inspiration to write this poem
that was started and finished in two days. :o

"Although celestial artisans do not personally work on material planets, such as Urantia, they do come, from time to time,
from the headquarters of the system to proffer help to the naturally gifted individuals of the mortal races. When thus assigned,
these artisans temporarily work under the supervision of the planetary angels of progress. The seraphic hosts co-operate
with these artisans in attempting to assist those mortal artists who possess inherent endowments, and who also possess
Adjusters of special and previous experience." (44:8.1)

Rod :D
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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