World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Consider this if/when governments claim humanoid space alien visitation
(but non-humanoid aliens would have longer "lifepsans"). :roll:


Q: Can a humanoid live for one light year of travel?

Based on the search results provided, a humanoid could not live for the duration of one light year of travel. The key points are:

The life span of humanoid species is known to vary greatly, from less than a decade to several millennia. However, even the longest-lived humanoid species would not be able to survive the time it takes for light to travel one full light-year, which is about 5.88 trillion miles or 9.46 trillion km.

For comparison, the nearest exoplanet to Earth is over 4 light-years away. Traveling at the speed of light, it would take over 4 years to reach that planet. Even the most distant known exoplanet in the Milky Way galaxy, Kepler-443b, is about 3,000 light-years away. Traveling at light speed, it would take 3,000 years to reach that planet.

So in summary, the vast distances involved in measuring distances in space using light-years make it impossible for any humanoid lifeform to survive the duration of traveling one full light-year, given their typical lifespans. The distances between stars and galaxies are simply too immense for humanoid lifespans.

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Considering the approaching Earth Day 2024 celebration on April 22nd ...


Q: What are the major sources of carbon dioxide in today's atmosphere?

The major sources of carbon dioxide in today's atmosphere are:

Burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) for electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes. This is the predominant human-caused source, accounting for around 90% of global carbon dioxide emissions.

Deforestation and land-use changes that release carbon stored in vegetation and soils.

Natural sources like outgassing from the oceans, decomposition of organic matter, respiration by plants and animals, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires. However, these natural sources are balanced by natural sinks like photosynthesis and ocean absorption, so they don't contribute to the overall increase in atmospheric CO2 levels.

The rapid rise in atmospheric CO2 levels since the Industrial Revolution is primarily due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels for energy production. This has upset the natural balance of the carbon cycle by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere than can be removed by natural sinks.

Q: If these account for 90% of global carbon dioxide emissions, why are fossil fuels still burned for electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes?

"Fossil fuels are still widely used for electricity generation, transportation, and industrial processes primarily due to their affordability, availability, and the existing infrastructure built around them. Despite the environmental impacts, there are several reasons why the transition away from fossil fuels has been slow:

Energy density and cost-effectiveness
: Fossil fuels, especially coal and oil, have a high energy density and have historically been relatively inexpensive compared to many renewable energy sources. This has made them an attractive choice for meeting the world's growing energy demands.

Existing infrastructure: Trillions of dollars have been invested in fossil fuel extraction, transportation, and utilization infrastructure over decades.
Transitioning to new energy sources requires significant capital investments and restructuring of established systems.

Energy security concerns: Many countries prioritize energy security and self-sufficiency, which fossil fuels have provided. Transitioning to renewable sources often requires reliance on imported technologies or resources.

Vested interests and lobbying: The fossil fuel industry is a powerful economic force with significant political influence, which can slow policy changes that threaten its interests.

Technological barriers: While renewable energy technologies have advanced, challenges remain in areas like energy storage, grid integration, and scalability to meet baseload power demands reliably and affordably.

Developing world priorities
: Many developing nations prioritize economic growth and energy access over environmental concerns, making inexpensive fossil fuels an attractive option in the short term.

While the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is widely acknowledged, the transition to cleaner energy sources has been gradual due to these entrenched economic, political, and technological factors. Overcoming these barriers will require sustained efforts in policy, investment, and technological innovation."

Q: How does bitcoin production and usage contribute to increased energy demand?

"Bitcoin's production and usage contribute to increased energy demand primarily through the energy-intensive process of mining. Here are the key points:

Bitcoin mining involves using high-powered computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and create new bitcoins. This proof-of-work system requires an enormous amount of computational power and electricity. As of March 2024, Bitcoin's annualized energy consumption was estimated at a staggering 176.02 terawatt-hours (TWh), more than the annual energy usage of many countries like Pakistan or the Netherlands.

This massive energy footprint is due to the ever-increasing computing power required to mine new bitcoins as the network grows. The energy consumed by Bitcoin mining is often sourced from fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil, contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. While some mining operations use renewable energy sources, a significant portion still relies on carbon-intensive energy.

Bitcoin's energy demand is directly linked to its price and adoption rates. When bitcoin prices rise, more miners join the network lured by greater profits, driving up the network's overall energy consumption. The reverse happens when prices fall. Furthermore, each individual bitcoin transaction, while not directly consuming much energy itself, indirectly contributes to the network's massive energy footprint required for mining and transaction validation.

In summary, Bitcoin's proof-of-work mining mechanism, coupled with its rising popularity and price volatility, has led to a spiraling increase in energy demand, straining energy grids and exacerbating environmental concerns over the cryptocurrency's sustainability."

:scratch: Of what value is blockchain technology that permits every bitcoin to "remember" - in perpetuity - its transactions as its ownership changes?
LOL: This technology permits, as one's life flashes before their eyes, a similar flash of all their transactions that used bitcoin. :roll:

:hithere Suddenly, more walking and bicycles, less heating and cooling, fewer consumer products, and less vacation travel come to mind!
... with avoidance of bitcoin production and usage that gobbles so much energy! A retro revolution sabbatical now would be timely. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Long story short about biological sex (centuries old perspective)
and gender identity (modern acceptance of another perspective) ...


Q: How many genders are there? :scratch:

"According to the search results, there is no definitive number of genders, as gender identity is understood to exist on a spectrum with many different identities beyond just male and female. The search results indicate the following:

There are over 72 different gender identities that a person may belong to, beyond just male and female. Some examples of gender identities include nonbinary, cisgender, genderfluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, and pangender. Recent research has found there are up to 107 different types of gender identities.

Gender is not neatly divided into a binary of 'man' and 'woman', but rather exists on a broad spectrum where people can identify in various ways. An individual's gender identity is personal and can change over time, and only they can determine how they identify.

So in summary, while the traditional view has been that there are only two genders, the current understanding is that there are many more diverse gender identities that people may identify with. The exact number is not fixed, as gender exists on a fluid spectrum."

Q: Since there are only male and female chromosomes, what causes the many different gender identities? :scratch:

"Based on the search results, the existence of many different gender identities beyond just male and female is not primarily caused by chromosomes, but rather by a complex interplay of biological, genetic, and social factors:

Gender identity is distinct from biological sex, which is typically determined by chromosomes. Gender identity refers to a person's internal sense of being male, female, or another gender.

Genetic factors alone do not fully determine gender identity. Conditions like congenital adrenal hyperplasia and androgen insensitivity syndrome can lead to differences in sex development and gender identity that don't align with chromosomes. Prenatal exposure to hormones like testosterone also play a role in shaping gender identity and sexual orientation, but this influence is not deterministic.

Family and twin studies indicate that genes contribute to gender identity and sexual orientation, but no specific 'gender identity genes' have been identified. Social and environmental factors, including socialization and cultural views on gender, also influence how individuals develop their gender identity over time.

So in summary, the diversity of gender identities arises from the complex interplay of biological, genetic, hormonal, and social factors, rather than being solely determined by chromosomes. Gender exists on a broad spectrum, and an individual's internal sense of their own gender may not always align with the sex they were assigned at birth."

Q: Why did gender identity become so important in recent decades that it's contrasted with biological sex? :scratch:

"Gender identity became an important concept in recent decades, distinct from biological sex, due to a few key reasons:

The women's movement and LGBTQ+ rights movements brought greater awareness and acceptance of gender non-conformity and identities outside the male/female binary. This challenged the assumption that gender identity always aligns with the sex assigned at birth.

Psychologists and sociologists began distinguishing between biological sex, gender identity (one's internal sense of being male, female, or non-binary), and gender expression/roles (societal expectations around masculinity/femininity). This separated gender as a social construct from biological sex characteristics.

The medical field started providing gender-affirming care, including for transgender individuals whose gender identity differed from their birth sex. This legitimized gender identities that don't match one's biological sex. Feminist and queer theory deconstructed traditional views of gender as a male/female binary, arguing gender exists on a spectrum and is socially constructed rather than biologically determined.

So while biological sex refers to physical attributes like chromosomes and anatomy, the concept of gender identity emerged to describe one's deeply felt, internal sense of gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. This distinction allowed for greater recognition and affirmation of diverse gender identities and expressions."

:hithere Conclusion: "We're not in Kansas anymore!" Biological sex is less important (until important medically)
than sexual identity, suggesting a new consulting career: Help people determine their sexual identity. 8)
Note: "What's 'sex'?" is usually a later retirement perspective. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Q: What countries have independently acquired UFO evidence?

"Based on the search results provided, there is evidence of UFO sightings and alleged encounters from multiple countries around the world, including:

The United States, where the modern UFO phenomenon began with Kenneth Arnold's sighting in 1947, leading to numerous other sightings by military and civilian pilots, air traffic controllers, and the general public. The CIA and U.S. Air Force investigated UFO reports through projects like Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Blue Book.

Brazil, where there were incidents like the 1957 Ubatuba UFO explosion and the alleged 1957 alien abduction of Antonio Vilas-Boas.

The United Kingdom, where in 1957 a U.S. Air Force pilot claimed to be ordered to intercept and fire on a UFO over East Anglia.

South Africa
, where in 1956 a meteorologist named Elizabeth Klarer took photos purportedly showing a UFO and claimed interactions with an alien lover.

Japan, where in 1986 the crew of a Japanese cargo flight witnessed unidentified objects near Alaska.

While the search results mention these specific cases from different nations, they do not provide definitive evidence that any country has independently acquired conclusive proof of extraterrestrial UFOs. The results suggest that UFO sightings have been a global phenomenon, but their true nature remains unresolved and controversial."

:idea: Since AI is not likely programmed to ignore evidence of UFOs, this response
suggests that Perplexity is reporting what's known about UFOs on the internet.

This also begs the question ...

If space aliens have such advanced technology to travel to far distant planets,
how and why did they conspire with some humans to keep their existence hidden
... for many decades? It's unbelievable that space aliens travel such distance
to an inhabited planet only to interact with a few of those inhabitants.
Official explanations to date, suggest human creativity in the "news". :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Q: Why would space aliens conspire with humans to keep their existence hidden?

"There are a few potential reasons why extraterrestrials might conspire with humans to keep their existence hidden, according to the search results:

The aliens believe humanity is not ready to handle the revelation of their existence, as stated by the former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed. He claimed 'The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet.' "

They want to monitor and study humanity without interference, as suggested by Steven Greer's claim that 'the aliens are monitoring us' because they are discomfited by our aspiration to 'weaponize space.' "

There could be cooperation agreements or contracts between the aliens and governments like the U.S., as Eshed stated 'There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here.' "

The aliens may not want widespread panic or chaos on Earth due to the revelation of their existence, so they prefer to keep it secret for now, as hinted by Eshed's comment that 'If I had come up with what I'm saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized.' "

So in summary, the potential reasons cited are that the aliens believe humanity is not psychologically prepared, they want to study us uninterrupted, they have agreements with governments to keep it secret, and they want to avoid potential chaos and panic on Earth."

Q: What studies are being conducted by these aliens and where?

"The search results do not provide any credible evidence that aliens are conducting studies on Earth or anywhere else. Most of the claims about aliens conspiring with humans or studying humanity appear to be unfounded speculation or fringe theories without scientific backing. Specifically:

This source from the Library of Congress discusses the search for extraterrestrial life from a scientific perspective, but does not mention any evidence of aliens studying humans.

This PBS article reports on a Pentagon study that found no signs of alien life or extraterrestrial technology after analyzing decades of reported UFO sightings.

The Wikipedia article on xenoarchaeology discusses the hypothetical study of potential artifacts from alien civilizations, but does not claim any such studies are actually occurring.

This NBC article cites an Israeli former space security chief making unsubstantiated claims about aliens cooperating with the U.S. government and studying humanity. However, these claims are not backed by any verifiable evidence.

The Washington Post article provides a scientific perspective, stating that while the search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues, there is no definitive evidence yet of alien visitations or studies being conducted on Earth.

In summary, while the possibility of alien life studying humanity is an intriguing idea explored in science fiction, the provided search results do not present any scientifically validated evidence that such studies by extraterrestrials are actually taking place. Most experts maintain that credible proof of alien visitations or interactions with humans remains elusive so far."

:bana: Since space alien type phenomena seems real, we might conjecture that this phenomena is of earth origin :!:
At least, this would explain why some humans could control evidence of "space alien" existence. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... -chocolate
"Toxins in chocolate"

Excellent reference, revealing heavy metals in chocolate
(avoid product with a red bar if consumption is frequent) ;)

I verified that a certain brand is acceptable for the combo:

Coconutty G-spot (intense cacao treat)

Two bars 86% cacao + one bar 100% cacao, melted,
combined with one cup dried, finely shredded coconut
(pour onto plastic covered tray and refrigerate). 8)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... atoes.html

"TikTokker ... claims she flashed her breasts at NYC's livestream portal to Dublin
because she wanted to show them her 'two New York home grown potatoes' " :roll:

:idea: Of course, a wandering mind immediately wonders if "potatoes" is the correct produce
and selects a tune to accompany another trip to the produce section of a grocery store
(first observation at the store: those potatoes are not cantaloupes) ;)

:sunflower: Who knew? Potatoes contain reistant starch! Apparently, any negative advice
about potatoes probably relates to how they are prepared and portion sizes. :roll:


Q: Are potatoes a healthy vegetable?

"Yes, potatoes are a healthy vegetable when consumed in moderation and prepared in a healthy way.
Here are some key points about the nutritional benefits of potatoes:

Potatoes are nutrient-dense, providing a good source of vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, and fiber. One medium potato with the skin contains 27% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 18% of potassium. They contain antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acids that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Colored potato varieties like purple and red tend to be higher in antioxidants. Potatoes contain resistant starch, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic and feeds the beneficial gut bacteria. This can improve digestive health, blood sugar control, and nutrient absorption. Potatoes are naturally low in fat, cholesterol-free, and relatively low in calories when not fried or loaded with high-calorie toppings.

A medium baked potato has only 168 calories. The key is to consume potatoes in their whole, unprocessed form with the skin on, and prepare them in a healthy way like baking, roasting or boiling instead of frying. Fried potato products like french fries and potato chips are much less nutritious.

So in summary, whole potatoes can absolutely be part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation and prepared with minimal added fats or unhealthy toppings. Their nutrient density and fiber content make them a nutritious vegetable choice."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:duh Long story short ...


Q: How long do cryptocurrency transactions remain in their blockchain ledger?

"Cryptocurrency transactions remain permanently recorded on the blockchain ledger indefinitely.
Once a transaction is confirmed and added to the blockchain, it becomes an immutable part of the ledger
and cannot be altered or removed." :o

:idea: By using cryptocurrency, a person's financial transactions remain in this database for their lifetime
(then long after they departed the planet). Is this a good thing? Consider the unfathomable storage,
computer networks, etc., required for humanity when cryptocurrency becomes a global mandate :!:

Q: Why is infinite storage of a person's cryptocurrency transactions important?

:idea: Perplexity says this is important for "the system" (therefore, governments).
Consider all the items (and services) one might purchase in their lifetime :!:
Silly example: A man purchased a dozen condoms (for his bachelor party).
Does this transaction require forever storage in a database? :roll:

:hithere Re:
"WEF just admitted CASH will soon be Illegal" :o

:idea: Hmmm ... financial services might arise where consumers use cryptocurrency
to purchase blocks of tokens/credit which can be used to purchase daily essentials
without the cryptocurrency archive-forever overhead. Cryptocurrency itself
could then be reserved for larger transactions. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Apparently, a Great Diet without such daily beneficial fiber is an oxymoron!


Q: Does the human microbiome require consumption of fiber from different plants?

"Yes, consuming a diversity of fiber sources from different plants is beneficial for modulating the human gut microbiome. The key points are:

Different types of dietary fiber promote the growth of distinct gut microbial taxa. For example, inulin increases Bifidobacterium, while resistant starch promotes Ruminococcus. Consuming a variety of fiber types supports a more diverse gut microbiome.

Adequate total fiber intake is important, but the source and diversity of fiber also matters. The major food sources providing diverse fibers are grains, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, and fermented foods. Consuming a mix of these fiber-rich plant foods supports a healthier gut microbiome.

The soil microbiome impacts the nutrients and microbes present in crops, which in turn influences the human gut microbiome when those crops are consumed. Maintaining biodiversity in agricultural soils increases the diversity of beneficial compounds and microbes available from plant-based foods.

A short 2-week high-fiber diet intervention significantly altered the gut microbiome composition, including increasing the abundance of fiber-degrading Bifidobacterium. However, a diversity of fiber sources is likely needed for more comprehensive microbiome modulation.

In summary, consuming dietary fiber from a variety of plant sources like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fermented foods provides a diverse array of fibers that promote a rich, balanced gut microbiome. A diverse plant-based diet high in different types of fiber is recommended for optimal gut health.

Q: Is the human microbiome related to good health?

"Yes, the human microbiome plays a crucial role in maintaining good overall health. Here are the key points:

A diverse and balanced gut microbiome is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and protection against pathogens. Dysbiosis (imbalance) in the gut microbiome has been linked to various diseases.

The gut microbiome aids in digesting dietary fiber and producing beneficial short-chain fatty acids that promote gut health and reduce inflammation. A fiber-rich diet supports a healthy microbiome composition. Gut bacteria are involved in synthesizing certain vitamins (B12, K) and amino acids, and breaking down toxins and carcinogens. An inadequate microbiome cannot perform these functions properly.

The microbiome plays a key role in training and regulating the immune system from birth. Disruptions can lead to autoimmune diseases, allergies, and increased susceptibility to infections. Emerging research links the gut-brain axis to mental health, suggesting the microbiome influences brain function and behavior.

Microbial metabolites can interact with the nervous system. A lack of microbiome diversity, often resulting from poor diet, excessive antibiotic use, or other lifestyle factors, is associated with increased disease risk including obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, metabolic disorders, and colorectal cancer.

In summary, the human microbiome, particularly in the gut, is intricately linked to nearly all aspects of human health and physiology. Maintaining a diverse, balanced microbiome through diet, lifestyle, and limiting unnecessary antibiotic use is crucial for promoting overall well-being."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: With the right questions, Perplexity reveals that sharing DNA with simians is not so significant to human intelligence!
Intuitively, human anatomy is closer to that of simians, but animal brain development determines adjutant mind nurturing
(which promotes animal intelligence). ;)

:idea: See also: Urantia Book Paper 61
"The Mammalian Era on Urantia" (earth)
"6. Primitive Man in the Ice Age"

"The great event of this glacial period was the evolution of primitive man. Slightly to the west of India,
on land now under water and among the offspring of Asiatic migrants of the older North American lemur types,
the dawn mammals suddenly appeared." (61:6.1) 8)

:study: Re:

Q: Is human DNA related to lemurs more than simians?

"No, human DNA is not more closely related to lemurs than to other simians (apes and monkeys). The evidence clearly shows that humans share a much higher percentage of DNA with great apes like chimpanzees and bonobos compared to lemurs. Here are the key points from the provided sources:

Humans share around 98.7% of their DNA with chimpanzees and bonobos, our closest living evolutionary relatives with a common ancestor around 6-8 million years ago. In contrast, lemurs evolved independently from monkeys and apes over 60 million years ago and are more distantly related to humans. While lemurs share some broad similarities with other primates due to their ancient common ancestor, they are genetically quite distinct from the great ape lineage that includes humans.

The extensive shared DNA between humans and great apes, including non-coding regions, provides overwhelming evidence that we share a much more recent common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos compared to lemurs. Even distantly related species like mice share around 85% of their DNA with humans due to inheritance of fundamental genes from very ancient common ancestors of all life. But this does not imply a close evolutionary relationship.

So in summary, while lemurs are primates like humans, the genetic evidence conclusively shows humans share a vastly higher percentage of DNA and a much more recent common ancestor with chimpanzees and bonobos than with the lemur lineage that diverged over 60 million years ago."

Q: Is similar intelligence a feature of shared DNA between animal species?

"No, similar intelligence is not a direct feature or implication of shared DNA between animal species. The extensive sharing of DNA across species primarily reflects their common ancestry and evolutionary relatedness, as well as the fundamental unity of life at the molecular level. However, it does not directly translate to similarities in intelligence or cognitive abilities. Here are the key points:

DNA provides the blueprint for building proteins and regulating biological processes, but intelligence arises from the complex interplay of genes, brain structure, neural connectivity, and environmental influences during development.

Species that share a large portion of their DNA, like humans and chimpanzees (around 98.7%), may have some broad similarities in brain architecture due to their relatively recent common ancestor. However, even small genetic differences can lead to significant divergence in cognitive capabilities over evolutionary timescales.

Many distantly related species share a substantial amount of DNA due to inheriting it from very ancient common ancestors billions of years ago. For example, humans share around 60% of DNA with bananas. Yet, their intelligence and cognitive abilities are vastly different due to the immense evolutionary distance between plants and animals.

Convergent evolution can also lead to the independent emergence of complex cognitive abilities in unrelated species with very different genetic makeups, like primates, cetaceans, cephalopods, and birds. This demonstrates that intelligence can arise through diverse genetic pathways.

In summary, while shared DNA reflects evolutionary relatedness, the specific genetic underpinnings and developmental processes that give rise to intelligence and cognition can vary greatly even between closely related species. Similar intelligence is not an inherent outcome of sharing a large portion of DNA."

:study: Re:

Q: Which DNA is more related to lemurs: simian or human?
Or do they have similar relationship to lemur DNA?

"... while human DNA is much more closely related to other great ape species than to lemurs, simian (ape) DNA
also shares a similarly distant evolutionary relationship to lemur DNA compared to its close kinship with human DNA." 8)

Long story short ...

Perplexity agrees that human DNA and simian DNA have similar relationship to lemur DNA, although human DNA and simian DNA are now more closely related. Therefore, the DNA of humans and of simians evolved separately but similarly, whereupon human and simian DNA were eventually more closely related than that of humans and simians to lemurs. This highlights that creature DNA, by Life Carrier design, was meant to keep evolving.

:bana: Does this research not convince that simians and humans both evolved from lemurs
... and that humans did not evolve directly from simians?! :D

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Re: World Views

Post by Sandy »

:bana: Does this research not convince that simians and humans both evolved from lemurs
... and that humans did not evolve directly from simians?! :D
What an informative post, Rod! Thank you for that! :bana:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... eteorites/
"Where Science Meets the Paranormal. Ep. 1 —Mystery Drones, UFOs, and Meteorites"

:idea: Video mentions drones, each with a red, green, and white light.

:study: Re:

"Navigation lights consist of a red light on the left/port wing tip,
a green light on the right/starboard wing tip
and a white light on the aircraft tail."

:idea: So, despite Dr. Hein's conjecture about non-aircraft phenomena,
these lights hint of dutiful conformity to national flight rules ...
and therefore hint that these drones are not alien aircraft. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Good example of this AI's value in research!
(and directly related to question quality) ;)

:study: Re:

Q: What is the cause of gender identity that does not complement one's birth anatomy?
At what age is this identity known?

"The search results suggest that the exact cause of gender identity that differs from one's birth anatomy (often referred to as gender dysphoria or being transgender) is not fully understood, but likely arises from a combination of biological and environmental factors. However, there are some key points regarding the potential causes and development of this experience:

Gender identity appears to have a significant biological component, though the specific genes or biological mechanisms are not entirely clear yet. Twin studies show that if one identical twin is transgender, the other is more likely to be as well compared to fraternal twins, suggesting a genetic influence.

Prenatal hormone exposure, particularly androgens like testosterone, is thought to play a role in the development of gender identity in the brain. Some individuals appear to have a gender identity more aligned with their prenatal hormone exposure than their birth anatomy.

Brain structure and function in certain areas also appears to differ based on gender identity rather than birth anatomy in transgender individuals. This suggests the brain's sexual differentiation may not always match the development of the genitals. However, biological factors alone do not determine gender identity for everyone. Social and environmental factors also likely play a contributing role.

As for the age at which gender identity becomes established, the evidence suggests it emerges very early in childhood: Gender identity typically becomes relatively fixed around ages 3-4 years old. Some children show signs of gender non-conformity and identifying with another gender than their birth sex from as early as 2-3 years old.

So in summary, while the specific biological mechanisms are still being researched, the current evidence points to gender identity having significant biological underpinnings established very early in life, with additional potential influence from environmental and social factors. But a gender identity differing from one's anatomy at birth is not considered a mental illness or disorder itself."

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Re: World Views

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Rod.
That is another very good answer.
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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ze-me.html
"How junk food causes cancer - as Morgan Spurlock, maker of Super Size Me, dies from disease aged 53" :(

"Piles of research in recent decades have shown that eating lots of processed foods is linked to at least 34 different types of cancers -
even in people who are not obese." :o

"If we eat too many ultra-processed foods, we may not eat enough of the foods in the diet that we know boost the immune system
and help prevent cancer from forming, such as wholegrains, fruit and vegetables."

:idea: This last quote seems the key: Not enough healthy foods are consumed to compensate for processed foods.
And more importantly, not enough soluble/insolube fiber is consumed with processed foods. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Long story short (apparently): Inflammation is natural immune response to a problem - not the cause of the problem!
Any cure should focus on the cause of the problem, albeit too much inflammation creates a different problem. :roll:


Q: Why is inflammation a beneficial response of the immune system?

"Inflammation is a beneficial response of the immune system because it helps protect the body against harmful stimuli like pathogens, injuries, and toxins. Here are some key reasons why inflammation is beneficial:

It initiates the healing process by recruiting immune cells, chemical mediators, and proteins to the site of injury or infection. This helps remove pathogens, damaged cells, and initiate tissue repair. It creates physical barriers around the affected area by increasing blood flow and vascular permeability, allowing immune cells and proteins to reach the site more easily.

It activates the immune system's defenses by stimulating the production of antimicrobial proteins, cytokines, and other inflammatory mediators that fight off invading pathogens. It prepares the body for healing by inducing fever, which creates an unfavorable environment for pathogens and enhances immune cell activity.

It helps remove debris and damaged cells from the affected area through increased blood flow and immune cell activity, preparing the site for tissue regeneration.

In summary, the inflammatory response is crucial for initiating the immune defenses, isolating the affected area, eliminating the harmful agent, and setting the stage for healing and tissue repair. Without inflammation, the body would be vulnerable to infections, injuries, and impaired healing."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... earch.html
"New research reveals the 'most attractive penis' " :o

:idea: Who knew?!
The most attractive member is not necessarily one that performs
well for what it was designed: elimination and procreation. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Starwalker »

Thanks, Rod. Now, where's my measuring tape?
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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 024-06-03/
"UK Conservatives say they will define sex as biological to end 'confusion' " :o

:idea: Interesting trend and reasonable (biological sex is long-historical definition -
not modern sexual identity with dozens of definitions and still increasing). :roll:
After all (and from anatomical perspective), what other anatomical parts
exist beside the two that complement by evolutionary design :?:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Good info but effectively highlights that Type 2 diabetes is rarely cured but can be so well controlled
by diet (and exercise) that average blood sugar stays within good range. 8)


Q: How is Type 2 diabetes reversable by changes in diet?

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed or put into remission through significant changes in diet and lifestyle, particularly by reducing calorie intake and losing weight. Here are some key ways diet can help reverse Type 2 diabetes:

Low-calorie diets: Studies have shown that very low-calorie diets (600-800 calories per day) can lead to significant weight loss and reversal of Type 2 diabetes in some cases. These diets help reduce fat accumulation in the liver and pancreas, improving insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function.

Low-carbohydrate diets: Restricting carbohydrate intake can help lower blood sugar levels and promote weight loss, leading to diabetes remission. Low-carb diets reduce the need for insulin and improve insulin sensitivity.

Intermittent fasting:
Alternating periods of fasting and eating can help reduce insulin resistance and promote weight loss, potentially reversing Type 2 diabetes.

Plant-based diets: Diets rich in whole, unprocessed plant foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes have been associated with better glycemic control and reduced risk of diabetes complications.

Mediterranean diet: This diet, emphasizing healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins, has been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The key factors for reversing Type 2 diabetes through diet are significant calorie reduction, carbohydrate restriction, and weight loss, especially in the initial stages of the disease. However, long-term adherence to these dietary changes is crucial for maintaining diabetes remission."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -humanity/

"On Sunday Mike Adams joined the Alex Jones Show to discuss the depopulation dictatorship
and the alien nature of the anti-human agenda." :o

:idea: On the other hand, "alien nature" could also refer to humanity's occasional drift toward evil.
If we begin to believe that aliens are this directing influence, we may then discover that foxes
were permitted (or elected) to manage hen houses while we're busy searching for space aliens. ;)

:lol: We could believe that this is the modern version of religion's centuries-long perspective:
Blame the devil for that which humans have long been directly responsible. Nevertheless,
how does AI perceive the devil's influence?


Q: Of the religions that include belief in the existence of the devil,
which evils can be identified as caused by the devil?

Satan: Entity in Abrahamic religions seducing humans into sin; also known as the Devil, Lucifer (in Christianity).

Perception in Judaism: An agent subservient to God, metaphor for the yetzer hara or 'evil inclination'.

Perception in Christianity and Islam: A fallen angel or jinn who rebelled against God, has temporary power over the fallen world.

Based on the search results, in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) that include belief in the existence of the devil or Satan,
the following evils are specifically attributed to the devil:

- Tempting humans to sin, reject God, and follow the path of evil and destruction. The devil is seen as the source of temptation that lures humans away from righteousness and obedience to God.

Inciting humans to blaspheme against God. Religions that reject or go against the Abrahamic faiths are sometimes viewed as being influenced or inspired by the devil.

Infecting human minds with evil suggestions (waswās). In Islam, the devil (Shaitan/Iblis) is believed to whisper evil thoughts and suggestions into people's minds to lead them astray.

- Leading humans to worship false gods or idols. The proliferation of different pantheons of gods in various religions is sometimes attributed to the deceptive work of the devil.

- Causing human suffering and misery. In some traditions, the devil or evil beings like asuras are seen as responsible for human suffering, though not as powerful as the Abrahamic conception of the devil.

It's important to note that while the devil is seen as the source of temptation and evil inclinations,
the search results suggest that humans are ultimately responsible for their own actions and choices

to succumb to or resist the devil's influence. The devil's role is to test human faith and loyalty to God."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: New research confirming that a robust microbiome is necessary for good health :!:
(prefer soluble and insoluble fiber in fresh whole foods more than fiber from supplements)

Re: ... eople.html

"Researchers may be one step closer to unravelling the cause of a colon cancer crisis in relatively young people. They've found that a combination of eating too much sugar and not enough fiber causes the gut to produce a bacteria that speeds up the aging of people's cells. This makes them more susceptible to mutations and damage that leads to cancer and less likely to be able to fight off the growth of tumor cells ... low-fiber, processed diets throw off the gut microbiome balance in a process called intestinal dysbiosis."

:idea: That probiotics as supplements were not available until recent decades suggests that
natural and fermented foods were sufficient support for the human microbiome ... and that
modern food processing may be the reason that probiotic supplements were invented. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for sharing the article about the potential cause for increased cancer rates in young people, Rod.
My grandchildren are a bit of a worry in this area. Of course, I am one to talk... :roll: :)
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Re: World Views

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:study: Re:
"Sex and gender: What is the difference?" :scratch:

" 'Sex' refers to the physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex. A person typically has their sex assigned at birth
based on physiological characteristics, including their genitalia and chromosome composition. This assigned sex is called a person’s 'natal sex'."

'Gender', on the other hand, involves how a person identifies. Unlike natal sex, gender is not made up of binary forms.
Instead, gender is a broad spectrum. A person may identify at any point within this spectrum or outside of it entirely."

:idea: Thus, 'sex' is binary perspective - 'gender' whatever. :roll:

:study: Re:

Q: What percentage of humans are born with binary genitalia and complementing chromosomes?

"... it appears that over 99.9% of humans are born with unambiguous male or female
biological characteristics aligning with either XX or XY chromosomes." :o

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Re: World Views

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:study: Re:

Q: How did people live long, healthy lives before probiotics were available? :scratch:

"Before the availability of modern probiotics, people lived long, healthy lives through a combination of factors that supported their overall health and well-being. Here are some key points based on the provided sources:

Dietary Habits: Traditional diets rich in naturally fermented foods provided beneficial bacteria similar to those found in modern probiotics. For example, the Japanese diet includes natto, a fermented soybean product containing Bacillus subtilis, which is associated with longevity and good health. These foods naturally contributed to a healthy gut microbiome.

Even before the concept of probiotics was well understood, people consumed diets high in prebiotics, which are specialized plant fibers that feed beneficial gut bacteria. Foods such as legumes, oats, bananas, garlic, and onions are rich in prebiotics and help maintain a healthy gut microbiome by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Healthy Lifestyle: Regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and low levels of chronic stress also played crucial roles in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and overall health. These lifestyle factors help regulate bodily functions and support immune health, which are essential for longevity.

Natural Exposure to Microbes: Historically, people had more natural exposure to a variety of microbes through their environment, which helped build a diverse and resilient gut microbiome. This exposure came from living in less sanitized environments, consuming unprocessed foods, and having close contact with animals and nature.

Traditional Medicine and Practices: Many cultures had traditional medicinal practices and dietary guidelines that promoted gut health. For instance, the use of herbal remedies and specific dietary practices in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine often included components that supported digestive health and balanced gut bacteria.

In summary, long, healthy lives before the advent of modern probiotics were supported by diets rich in naturally fermented foods and prebiotics, healthy lifestyle choices, natural microbial exposure, and traditional medicinal practices. These factors collectively contributed to maintaining a balanced and healthy gut microbiome."

Rod :)
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