You are becoming a Galatic Human

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Re: You are becoming a Galatic Human

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Thanks for the comments! I'm now inspired to reread the UB
for its discussion of humanoids from other planets, arriving in UFOs. :o

I always understood that, other than Part IV's "Life and Teachings of Jesus",
the Papers were discussing spiritual beings (divine and ascending humans).

Rod :)
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Re: You are becoming a Galatic Human

Post by happyrain »

Amigoo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 1:09 am :bana: Thanks for the comments! I'm now inspired to reread the UB
for its discussion of humanoids from other planets, arriving in UFOs. :o

I always understood that, other than Part IV's "Life and Teachings of Jesus",
the Papers were discussing spiritual beings (divine and ascending humans).

Rod :)
Hello, hello! Mayhaps I am chiming in without much perspective at the moment.

A Curious statement-

Are we not spiritual beings- divine and ascending?

Surely there are neighbors in our galaxy who must be considered the same. Maybe some are more technologically advanced than us? Maybe some are not as evolved.

And still more, how is it personalities seem to exist beyond the 3D earth life- all that we've come to know? Do I believe in angels? Absolutely.

Hmm! :scratch: :sunny: :study: :afro: :elephant: A one too many emoji kind of day~ Happy Sunday! :loves
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: You are becoming a Galatic Human

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:34 pm
A Curious statement-

Are we not spiritual beings- divine and ascending?
As to whether Rod agrees from a UB perspective, I will have to wait and see. But you surely know my baseline source is the Padgett messages orchestrated by Jesus from 1914 to 1923? Right up front he has maintained that ever since he walked this Earth he taught that we are not divine, just an image of the divine, and that to be divine you must be born again (from above) Now the Christian Churches all of them pretty much decided that baptism was that instant reborning. But in the Padgett Messages Jesus teaches that its a very long slow process, unless you are capable of a Pentecostal experience, and that its achieved by regular prayer asking for the specific energy that changes the soul from an image to the real divine deal. But it gets better. This process is largely automatic if you are an individual that believes in Source and is benevolent towards that source. But it will be slower if not consciously practised.

But thats not what the New Agers like to teach their folks. So your milage may vary, but as a spiritualist, I can tell you what Jesus teaches is correct. You will not get out of the "Mansion worlds" aka Spirit Spheres unless you achieve this transformation. We have endless numbers of conversations with spirits to support that statement. Including my friends who have passed.

While not every Off Planet civilisation teaches the same concept, particularly in the lower dimensions, I have found several who do. In particular my friend Al Fike has a bunch of teachings from a guy calling himself Orion.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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