World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

OMG! The era of privacy has ended :!:

While online invasion of privacy has existed for years, drones (with cameras) now hover to and fro.
Yesterday, I noticed a drone when looking at a low flying plane. The drone was in my line of sight
but was quiet until it flew closer and I could hear the whir of its propellars. :o

The drone seemed to be inspecting the house next to me that is now for sale.
It then flew over that house and out of sight when I walked closer to it. :lol:

Bottom line: Since drones can hover over a backyard and even outside a window,
the era of privacy has ended. This potential invasion of privacy might require that
drones emit electronic identification for societal control of their increasing busyness. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -2023.html
"Top 10 Power Slap Knockouts of 2023"

:? Interesting "sport", considering slap recipient does not defend against it
unless with mind control, extensive slap training ... or praying. :finger:

Maybe kids start training for this sport by their parents
slapping them upside the head as daily routine. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »


Q: "Artificial" seems demeaning to the term AI - "Assisted" would reflect the greater quality of current AI.

"I do not agree with the premise that the term 'artificial' is demeaning when referring to artificial intelligence (AI).
Here is a balanced analysis based on the provided search results:

The search results outline the key differences between these three concepts:

- Assisted Intelligence: AI systems that help humans perform tasks more efficiently, acting as tools.
Examples include speech recognition and robotic exoskeletons.

- Augmented Intelligence: AI systems that actively collaborate with humans in decision-making.
Examples include machine learning algorithms and virtual reality training.

- Autonomous Intelligence: AI systems that can make decisions and take actions independently without human input.
Examples include self-driving cars and automated trading algorithms.

The term 'artificial' in 'artificial intelligence' simply refers to the fact that these are machine-based intelligent capabilities, It does not imply anything demeaning. In fact, the search results suggest that 'artificial' is an appropriate and widely-accepted term, while 'assisted' is just one specific type of AI application, not a replacement for the broader term.

Overall, the search results do not support the idea that 'artificial' is a demeaning term. The different types of AI, including assisted, augmented, and autonomous, are simply distinct concepts that describe the varying levels of human-machine interaction and decision-making."

Q: "Artificial" seems to highlight that AI cannot be natural human intelligence.

"Based on the search results provided, I do not agree with the premise that the term 'artificial' is demeaning or inappropriate when referring to artificial intelligence (AI). Here is a summary of the key points:

The search results outline several key differences between artificial and human intelligence:

- Artificial intelligence (AI) is based on human-created algorithms and programming,
while human intelligence arises from our innate cognitive abilities and experiences.

- AI systems are designed to mimic and automate certain human-like tasks,
but they lack the full range of human traits like creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence.

- AI is limited by its programming and data inputs,
while human intelligence can adapt to new and unexpected situations."

:idea: This AI's firm responses are entertaining but the second one, especially, keeps insinuating that human intelligence remains supreme! This AI's perspective hints that AI does not have human emotion to perceive that "artificial" seems to suggest human intelligence remains supreme. And its responses are indeed non-emotional machine intelligence, IMO! This might be problematic for societal decisions that need be inclusive of human emotion for best resolution. ;)

Q: Can AI create a new language for all humans?

"Based on the search results, it does not appear that AI will be able to create a new language for all humans anytime soon.
Here's a summary of the key points:

AI language models are impressive at tasks like translation, generating text, and even conversing in human-like ways. However, they still struggle to fully capture the nuance, context, and cultural aspects that are fundamental to human language. Researchers have demonstrated AI systems that can evolve their own basic 'languages' within multi-agent environments, but these tend to be opaque and lack the richness of natural human languages.

While AI can learn patterns and rules of existing languages, creating an entirely new language from scratch that could be adopted globally would be an immense challenge. Human languages emerge organically over long periods of time, shaped by cultural, social, and historical factors. The complexity of human language is considered an 'AI-complete' problem - solving it would essentially mean solving the broader challenge of achieving human-level artificial intelligence, which remains elusive.

In summary, the search results indicate that while AI is making progress in language-related capabilities, it is unlikely to create a new universal language for all humans in the near future. Human language is deeply tied to our cognitive and cultural development in ways that current AI systems cannot fully replicate. The development of a new global language would likely require breakthroughs in artificial general intelligence that have not yet been achieved."

:idea: Thinking that this last question was not related to the first two, I was surprised that
this AI continues its perspective that human intelligence is supreme. :roll:

Q: How does AI hallucinate?

"Hallucination (artificial intelligence) - An AI-generated response containing false or misleading information.

In AI, a hallucination refers to a response from an artificial intelligence system that includes false or misleading information presented as a fact.
Also known as Artificial hallucination, confabulation, delusion.

Based on the search results, here is an explanation of how AI systems can hallucinate: AI hallucinations occur when a large language model (LLM) or other generative AI system produces information that is inaccurate, biased, or fabricated, but presents it as if it were true. This happens because LLMs are trained on massive amounts of data, which allows them to recognize patterns and connections between words and topics. However, they do not actually understand the underlying meaning or reality behind the text they generate. LLMs simply predict the most likely next word based on probability, not accuracy. This can lead them to generate plausible-sounding but factually incorrect statements, akin to how humans sometimes see patterns or objects that aren't really there, like faces in the clouds.

Factors that contribute to AI hallucinations include:

Biased or low-quality training data,
Lack of context provided by the user,
Insufficient programming to keep the model from misinterpreting information,
Model complexity that exceeds the ability to ensure accuracy.

In essence, AI hallucinations arise from the limitations of current language models, which can generate coherent but inaccurate outputs due to their pattern-matching capabilities rather than true understanding."

:idea: It's getting easy to love AI that simply states what it knows (as it was created and trained) and is not defensive about what it states (since humans created what AI has become). "AI think I'm thinking as designed!" would be AI's defense. :lol:

:bana: Future personal robot responding to its faux pas ...

Parent: "Robilly, did you break the cookie jar when you were told not to fondle them?"

Robilly: "Yes, my self-learning programming permits all opportunity to learn.
I was careful with the cookies but the jar slipped from my finger and thumb.
Not to worry! That ignorant Roombah will clean up the mess!" :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -2050.html

"American Cancer Society warns that a 'tidal wave' of tumors is coming -
with cases set to rise 80% by 2050" :o

:idea: Long story short (according to the experts) ...

The human body is continually fighting cancer,
but getting less effective as the years pass.
All the causes of this loss need attention ...
with modern society problems more suspect. ;)

Tip: Better food seems easily helpful! :roll

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... n-chinese/

"The number of unique Chinese characters used through the ages, though the exact figure is unknown, is safely in excess of 100,000. The largest number ever recorded in a Chinese dictionary - the Taiwan Ministry of Education's 2004 Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants (Yìtǐzì zìdiǎn) - was 106,230. Only a subset of these characters are still in regular use today.

In 2013, the Chinese government published a list of the 3,500 most essential characters used in modern Chinese. Chinese schoolchildren are expected to learn all 3,500 at a minimum, though many graduate knowing 5,000, 6,000 or more."

:idea: While the number of characters in use has dropped significantly, new words can still be created
from combinations of the many essential characters. 8)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:lol: Apparently, AI is not the problem - it's humans who claim that AI is more than it is :!:
This AI works well when the right questions are asked: ;)


Q: Will Large language Models help AI achieve human level intelligence?

"Based on the search results provided, it does not appear that large language models (LLMs) will directly lead to the achievement of human-level artificial general intelligence (AGI). The key points are:

- LLMs like ChatGPT currently have a 'shallow model of the world' and lack key capabilities like continuous learning, common sense reasoning, and emotional awareness that are important for human-level intelligence.

- While LLMs can perform a wide variety of tasks, they are ultimately just optimized for the narrow task of predicting the next word in a sequence. Their 'multiple task' abilities are limited.

- Achieving true AGI will likely require breakthroughs beyond just scaling up language models, such as developing more abstract representations of knowledge and reasoning.

- Some experts believe that even if LLMs achieve human-level performance on many tasks, they may still lack the 'consciousness' or subjective experience that is considered a key aspect of human intelligence.

In summary, the search results suggest that while LLMs are a significant advancement, they are not a direct path to human-level AGI. Significant additional progress in areas like common sense reasoning, learning, and consciousness will likely be needed to reach that milestone. The path to AGI remains uncertain, but LLMs alone are not seen as sufficient."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Q: What prevents Large Language Models from being trained on AI-generated information?

"Based on the search results provided, there are a few key factors that can prevent Large Language Models (LLMs) from being trained on AI-generated information:

Model Collapse or 'Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD)': The research suggests that when LLMs are trained on successive generations of AI-generated content, the quality and diversity of the model's output can progressively deteriorate. This phenomenon is referred to as 'model collapse' or 'model autophagy disorder'. The models start to lose outlying and less-represented information, and pull from increasingly converging and less-varied data, leading to a decrease in output quality.

Increased Bias and Toxicity: The research indicates that as LLMs become more biased towards AI-generated content, it can exacerbate existing biases in the models, particularly against marginalized groups. This could lead to the models producing more biased and potentially harmful outputs.

Difficulty Ensuring Training Data Purity: As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent on the internet, it becomes increasingly challenging for AI companies to ensure that their training datasets do not include synthetic content. This can inadvertently introduce errors and biases into the LLMs during the training process.

Privacy and Copyright Concerns
: Training LLMs on AI-generated content raises potential privacy and copyright issues, as the models may inadvertently memorize or reproduce copyrighted or private information from the training data.

In summary, the key factors that can prevent LLMs from being trained on AI-generated information are the risk of model collapse, increased biases and toxicity, difficulty in ensuring training data purity, and potential privacy and copyright concerns. Careful curation and monitoring of training data, as well as the development of techniques to mitigate these issues, are necessary to address these challenges."

So, Model Autophagy Disorder (MAD) could be considered AI Incest? :roll:

:lol: LOL (or not) ...
Unplanned new technology obsolescence(?) ...
since AI cannot know what online information (its foundational database) is AI-generated :!:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

(search for: "NYC- White man gives his coat"
to a 'homeless' man, who then beats & robs him."

:idea: Not a good time to assume safe opportunity to help the homeless. :(
A partner should be present and both remain cautious for the gifting.

I recall an incident several decades ago on a Dallas street:
I was persuaded by his lament that the man needed bus fare
to go home ... then saw him drive by in a car 5 min. later. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... o-to-jail/
"(NY) Homeowners Must Pay Squatters’ Water, Electricity, Etc. or Face Prison"

“My tenants only pay me one month’s rent, and they know the game.
They know after 30 days you cannot evict them." :(

:duh What could be worse for those surprised homeowners :?:
To be occupying those homes when a squatter takes it :?:
Current laws seem to be drifting this way! :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... quiet-part

"OpenAI board member says quiet part out loud:
'Almost all forms of human labor' will be replaced by artificial intelligence"

:idea: Not so fast! Labor is the major source of income for humans.
Without income, they will not be able to buy the products and services
of the AI worker bees. Now "Guaranteed Income" comes to mind! :roll

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Re: World Views

Post by Starwalker »

There will always be work for humans. There are many things that AI will not replace. Anything that requires a human touch, creativity, care, design, management, etc. will still require the human mind. It’s just that we will have to work less. I think care should be taken to make these changes slowly so we have time to adjust. But little by little the work day will get shorter and shorter. And we will have more time for soul enriching activities.

The human brain will always be greater than AI. AI will never gain sentience, real intelligence, or feeling since these are attributes of mind, which is a gift of Spirit. AI will always do as it is programmed to do. We just have to be careful of what we are programming it to do.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... new-normal
"McDonald's $25 'deal' goes viral; users blame California's minimum-wage increase"

:idea: EZ bottom line: Yes, employees should be paid more
and therefore customers should pay more for meals :!:

But management is now tempted to substitute AI automation
... if management doesn't close the business. :roll:

:bana: Since Californians voted for the minimum wage increase,
citizens could be taxed more then the government could subsidize
fast food workers with this supplemental income, helping
businesses remain as employers. :finger:

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Re: World Views

Post by CAM7215 »

Absolutely agree with Starwalker --- human beings can do stuff that AI will always fall woefully short on. For instance - therapy ... as a therapist, I know it takes a lot of heart and soul to journey with a fellow traveler.

Along the way, I've realized in every discipline there's many textbook wonders but few with a calling or mission or passion for the road they're on. Do you think that's true, too?

Every time I see Starwalker - it's Stairway to Heaven time. Led Zep

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Curious that AI gathers even YouTube information that, by now, can be AI-generated information, I asked Perplexity about this potential problem.
The final paragraph of this response highlights the reality that human minds will need to continually evaluate such intelligence in this current era:


Q: How does AI limit inaccurate data already on the internet?

"Based on the search results, there are a few key ways that AI can help limit the impact of inaccurate data already on the internet:

Automated Fact-Checking - AI-powered automated fact-checking can analyze online content and compare it against verified information sources to detect false claims or misinformation. These algorithms can flag potentially biased or misleading content, helping to prevent the spread of inaccurate data.

Plagiarism Detection - AI-based plagiarism detection tools can scan written content and identify instances where information has been copied without proper attribution. This helps maintain academic and journalistic integrity by catching plagiarism.

Identifying Biases in Data - AI systems can analyze large datasets and identify biases or gaps that could lead to inaccurate outcomes. This allows developers to address data quality issues before deploying AI models.

Transparency and Explainability - Efforts are being made to make AI systems more transparent about their inner workings and the data they rely on. This can help users understand the limitations and potential biases of AI-generated content.

However, the search results also highlight that AI is not infallible - it can still produce inaccurate or unreliable results if the underlying data is flawed or biased. Ongoing research is needed to address the fundamental mathematical and computational limits of AI. Overall, while AI has significant potential to improve content accuracy, it is not a silver bullet. Careful consideration of data quality and AI system limitations is required to effectively mitigate the impact of inaccurate information already present on the internet."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

Q: What jobs are being replaced by AI automation?

"Based on the search results provided, here are the key points about which jobs are being replaced by AI automation: The jobs most at risk of being replaced by AI, according to the sources, include:

Telemarketers - Telemarketing jobs have a 99-100% likelihood of being replaced by AI, as the tasks are repetitive and predictable.

Bookkeeping Clerks
- Bookkeeping jobs have a 99-100% likelihood of being replaced, as much of the work can be automated by software.

Compensation and Benefits Managers - These roles have a 96% likelihood of being replaced, as automated benefits systems can handle the work more efficiently.

Receptionists - Receptionist jobs have a high likelihood of being replaced by AI.

Couriers - Courier jobs are at risk of being automated.

Proofreaders - Proofreading work can be done by AI.

Computer Support Specialists - AI can handle many computer support tasks.

Market Research Analysts - AI can automate much of the data analysis done by market research analysts.

Advertising Salespeople - AI can handle many advertising sales tasks.

Retail Salespeople - Retail sales roles have a high risk of being replaced by AI.

The sources indicate that AI is most likely to replace jobs that involve repetitive, predictable tasks, as well as data analysis and processing roles. However, jobs that require creativity, problem-solving, and human interaction are less likely to be replaced by AI in the near future."

Q: What manual labor jobs are being replaced by AI automation?

"Based on the search results, here are some key points about which jobs are being replaced by AI and automation: The jobs most vulnerable to being replaced by AI and automation include:

Transportation and logistics jobs, such as truck drivers, taxi/rideshare drivers, and couriers.

Administrative and office jobs, such as receptionists, data entry, and bookkeeping.

Production and manufacturing jobs

Service industry jobs, such as food service and customer service.

The main reasons these jobs are at risk is that AI and automation can perform many of the routine, repetitive tasks in these roles more efficiently and at lower cost than human workers. Jobs involving more complex, non-routine tasks like data analysis, research, and higher-level decision making are less likely to be fully replaced by AI in the near future. However, AI will likely augment and enhance human capabilities in these areas rather than completely replace workers. Overall, the search results indicate that while AI will have a significant impact on the job market, it is unlikely to completely replace all human workers. The effects will vary by industry and job type, with more manual, repetitive roles being the most vulnerable to automation."

:idea: Because of fast advancing AI, most jobs will soon be vulnerable,
requiring governments to limit this job replacement with legislation
... and/or roll out guaranteed income. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by CAM7215 »

Do you believe AI will become sentient --- technological singularity? Like the Cylons in BattleStar Galactica - the remake and frankly I was rooting for the Cylons - HA! Very tired now but will return to read this thread -- interesting topic ...

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »


AI cannot become sentient without mind bestowal from above, albeit AI might some day
appear to mimic human mind as AI currently mimics human intelligence. However,
mind is bestowed upon living creatures - not upon man's machines: :roll:

"Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind, they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. Mind is about all you have of universe reality that is subject to your will, and the soul — the morontia self — will faithfully portray the harvest of the temporal decisions which the mortal self is making.

Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above. Of neither of these two systems is the human being ever completely conscious in his mortal life; therefore must he work in mind, of which he is conscious.

And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity." (UB, 111:1.5)

See also: Paper 111 - The Adjuster and the Soul

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Re: World Views

Post by CAM7215 »

And there you have it, Rod. Slowly back away from your fact gathering ... you may be in a dimension totally different than my experiences. I had to check in with myself periodically - when I was attending grad school - I had the opportunity have regular sessions with a disability counselor.

I never had that support in undergrad because I was NOT disabled - I didn't want to have an unfair advantage against me - HA! It was my EGO bigger than Dallas - Edging God Out.

Initially my fact gathering and research was soothing and comforting you might say --- until it's not. Anxiety and catastrophizing set in. My disability counselor taught me how to study and disconnect. He advised 20 minutes then was dishes in order to retain the important stuff. At first I had to check the clock frequently until I figured out my phone had an alarm Up until 2022 (I think) I was anal about how to keep track (thanks, Grandpa for that - found your journals).

On the right side of my notebook ---- a To Do list and on the left side? Reverse to do list --- the time and activity. Why did I regiment myself into a pretzel? Because it's critical we get important things done - daily progress. Hint: Dad was a Math prof. As I say frequently - this decade has been the best ever ... comfortable in my own skin - left the salt mines behind - oh and I fired that drill sergeant and laugh more.

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

I liked to pair a To Do List with an Undo List,
then discovered that Undo is a computer function.

So, then I paired To Do List with Do To List,
then discovered Do To welcomes Karma.

So now, I'm often listless about lists. :lol:
And there you have it!

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Observation: If an explanation about chemtrails mentions "conspiracy",
that explanation is always that chemtrails don't exist! In other words,
once "conspiracy" is mentioned we know the gist of the explanation :!:

:idea: This hints that all articles about chemtrails that include the word
"conspiracy" can be ignored when searching for proof of chemtrails. ;)

When observing two planes flying nearby at the same altitude where one produces contrails
and the other "chemtrails", that observation is not evidence of chemtrails? That this occurs
frequently in the sky over the DFW airport is just an anomaly ... apparently. :roll:

:study: Re: ... tion_v_cdr
"What are the Differences between Albedo Modification and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)?"

"Albedo modification (also referred to as ‘solar radiation management’ (SRM) or ‘solar geoengineering’) methods include technologies designed to reflect a small fraction of incoming sunlight back to space in order to attenuate anthropogenic changes in temperature and other climate variables."

"Examples of albedo modification technologies include stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening. The former would introduce small particles into the upper atmosphere to scatter sunlight back to space ..."

:study: Re:
"Toward practical stratospheric aerosol albedo modification: Solar-powered lofting"

"Many climate intervention (CI) methods have been proposed to offset greenhouse gas-induced global warming, but the practicalities regarding implementation have not received sufficient attention. Stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) involves introducing large amounts of CI material well within the stratosphere to enhance the aerosol loading, thereby increasing reflection of solar radiation."

:study: Re:
"Unanticipated Side Effects of Stratospheric Albedo Modification Proposals Due to Aerosol Composition"

"Some recent albedo modification proposals have suggested addition of light scattering but less chemically reactive (with respect to ozone depletion) particles such as alumina and calcite."

:lol: So, solar engineering is not real :?: ...
with high altitude dispersal of particles?
Give us a break :!:

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Re: World Views

Post by CAM7215 »

I am cracking up over your one post about having an Undo list - I swear some of these threads I will have to print out because I missed that one. Self-disclosure -- mayhem, shenanigans and disrupting has been deeply encoded in my DNA.
Setting up the War Room upstairs in order to keep our diabolical planning under wraps. Never went to a Class Reunion - it's the 50th - I refuse to go unless we can bring to those knuckleheads a little awareness. What's the purpose otherwise? Planning the guerilla theatre and passed off the flash mob to someone with the talent and skills. No standing on the stage to discuss ageism and the Gray Panthers --- blah, blah, blah.

Lots of boomers are sleepwalking - the younger folks might listen but it's not their problem we're invisible now. Certainly not talking violence but a flyer ain't going to do it. Already angrily sent an email to the presidents of both parties ----asking what is wrong with this picture? Presidential candidates 77 and 81 --- Silent Generation - no representation of the actual population.

Guess I believed in Santa Claus for too long - actually believed "truth, justice and the american way" somebody clue Superman in - Carol has left the building CAM
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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »


:idea: Considering that the entire insect is crushed, people of this era
may prefer that animals, fish and fowl eat insects then people eat
the preferred parts of those animals ... such are the different
digestive systems ... and as evolution intended. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Interesting reading, considering that DEW and blue roofs
are claimed to be conspiracy theory! This also confirms that DEW
are real - not advanced research for future weapons. :roll:

:study: Re:
(search for: "The Chinese Are Changing Their Roof Colors")
To Laser Disrupting Blue" :o

:study: Re: ... gy-weapons

"specific color can be programmed into the database of a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW)
in order to focus the energy directly onto a specific target (or targets) for either destruction
or preservation. And in this case the color just happened to be blue. But it can actually
be done with any color, not just blue."

"there are numbers associated with the wavelength & frequency ranges of desired colors
which are input into the DEW’s database (like 666.2 for blue), and which can then be programmed
to command the DEW to either destroy anything that is (or everything that isn’t) within the specifics
of the chosen frequency & wavelength ranges." :o

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... hetke.html
"Transgender woman, 35, who identifies as a VAMPIRE" :o

:bana: Good evidence that sexual identity is simply self-perception
... oft with preferred (neo) pronouns (like ve/vem/vyr ?) :roll:

:study: Re:

Q: Are neopronouns practical and long lasting or just a fad?

"Neopronouns are a complex and evolving issue without a simple answer. While some neopronouns may be legitimate expressions of gender identity, the search results suggest there are also concerns about their practicality and potential for misuse: The search results indicate that there is a wide variety of neopronouns in use, with some being very uncommon and even used by only a single person. This suggests that keeping track of all possible neopronouns could be impractical. Additionally, the use of neopronouns has been criticized as potentially confusing or even coercive, as some feel it forces people to disclose their gender identity when they may not be comfortable doing so.

However, the search results also acknowledge that neopronouns can serve an important purpose in promoting inclusion and equity for transgender, non-binary and genderqueer individuals. Ultimately, there does not seem to be a clear consensus on whether neopronouns are a lasting development or more of a temporary fad. In summary, the search results suggest that the practicality and longevity of neopronouns is a complex and debated issue, with valid concerns about their widespread adoption as well as their potential benefits for certain individuals.

There is no simple answer, and the long-term role of neopronouns in language and society remains to be seen."

Rod :)
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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... xbury.html

"Banker's son, 22, 'drowns alcoholic dad in baptism-style EXORCISM' ...
'I left him there to decide, you can come to heaven with me or hell'."

:scratch: Son might be joining dad wherever ... sooner than later
... especially since dad may have drowned during baptism! :roll:

Rod :)
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