UB Cookin'

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.yahoo.com/news/im-scientist ... 44419.html

"I'm a scientist who researches aging. These are the 6 supplements
I take daily in the hope I'll live a long, healthy life." :finger:

:scratch: Best guess (since there's little evidence that supplements
work unless to address a medically proven deficiency):
Hope is powerful and can have placebo effect. 8)
"... and the ginkgo - well, why not?" :lol:

:idea: This is why I just tested 1/2 teaspoon chlorella powder
with 1 cup virgin olive oil to boost chlorophyll (well, why not?
... it also gives the oil a nice green olive color). :roll:

:study: See also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5502042/
"Improving oxidative stability of virgin olive oil by addition of Chlorella" (July, 2017)

"Chlorella addition to the Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) significantly increased its stability."
"natural antioxidants such as phenolic compounds, chlorophyll, and carotenoids
exude from the medicinal plants and are thus released into the VOO." :roll

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://academic.oup.com/nutritionrevie ... 24/2349955
"Role of gut microbiota and nutrients in amyloid formation and pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease"

"A more favorable strategy would be to encourage higher intakes of low-fat, plant-derived foods and lower
or null intakes of meat products as a general strategy to prevent AD, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome."

:idea: However, types and quantities of non-meat products (e.g., grains and sugar-intense foods)
seem more related to diabetes problems. Nevertheless, a robust microbiome is the likely
preventative for many health problems :!:

Tip: Legumes can supply too many carbs, but some legumes have significant
resistant starch and fiber that help slow carb digestion. 8)

See also: https://www.verywellhealth.com/best-foo ... ch-4000028
"11 Foods With Resistant Starch That Help With Digestion"

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Re: UB Cookin'

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Re: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti ... octor.html
"The simple diet tweaks that will banish wrinkles, stop you going grey and beat hot flushes"

"After drinking a cup with about two-and-a-half teaspoons of natural cocoa powder,
subjects had a significant increase in blood flow within the skin within two hours"

"Popeye was right to eat spinach. If he’d added blueberries and garlic,
he might have been even more ripped." 8)

"Simply strive to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs at every meal."

:idea: Good tips about better health, but grains and legumes are not mentioned
(other nutritionists claim that small servings are still important). ;)

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BB&C Compote

Post by Amigoo »

BB&C Compote

Super nutrition with fine seedy ambience. :roll

:arrow: Combine 16oz pkg frozen blackberries
with 8oz pkg frozen wild blueberries; let thaw,
then add 1/2 cup water, mash with hand blender.
Stir in 1/3 cup chia seeds. Refrigerate overnight,
then stir before first serve.

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Red Beet Cacaophony

Post by Amigoo »

Red Beet Cacaophony

Dark colors, intense flavors, serious fiber - nutritional asphalt!
After a spoonful you may be uncertain about what you just ate. :roll:

For mortar mix, substitute 1 1/2 cups applesauce for olive oil.
To upscale mix, Include 1/2 cup dried red bell pepper flakes,
hydrated in 1/3 cup hot water. "So, who eats this stuff ?!" :?
Those who dare to walk on water in the parking lot? :roll:

:arrow: Whisk together 2/3 cup virgin olive oil,
3/4 cup fermented 100% cacao powder,
and 3 tbsp organic red beet powder,
then stir in 1/3 cup cranberry seeds,
1/3 rounded cup dessicated coconut.

Keep refrigerated. 8)

:bana: "But wait! There's more!" :lol:

When you're getting enough cacao from the bars
(not those bars) :roll: , try Red Beet Mush

Combine 1 1/2 cups natural applesauce, 1/4 cup water,
1/3 cup dessicated coconut, 1/4 cup cranberry seeds,
1 tbsp red beet powder, 1 pkt True Lemon powder.
Upcrunch with raw sunflower seeds. :roll

:bana: "But wait! There's another one!" :lol:

Apples & Fibers

In a medium sauce pan, rinse 3 diced red apples,
drain well, add 1/3 cup water, then cover pan
and simmer until steamed (or al dente).

While hot, stir in 1/4 cup cranberry seeds,
then 1/3 cup dessicated coconut. Sprinkle on
2 pkts True Lemon powder, stir, then refrigerate. 8)

To upscale, top servings with generous dollop
of plain Greek yogurt, sprinkled with beet powder.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/arti ... aging.html

"After spending $6 million in total to reverse his physical age,
Johnson claims to have turned back the clocks by five years." :o

"(46-year-old) Johnson now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old,
and the fitness of an 18-year-old after adopting the highly-regimented program in 2020.
His regime includes gobbling down 80 vitamins and minerals a day, and eating 70 pounds
of pureed vegetables a month." :shock:

:idea: However, $3,288 per day of reverse-aging benefit is a bit steep,
so just compromising on slower aging may be a good Plan B. :roll:
The Mediterranenan Diet comes to mind. ;)

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Tofu Meat Loaf

Post by Amigoo »

Tofu Meat Loaf

Creates a tasty "white meat" loaf.
Serve with salsa or preferred sauce.

Or refrigerate after baking, then fry slices
in olive oil for another presentaion. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

16oz pkg extra firm tofu, rinsed
3/4 cup egg whites
2 tbsp dried chives
1 1/2 tbsp dried cilantro
1 tsp garlic granules
2 tsp rubbed sage
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking powder
2/3 cup light oat bran
2 1/2 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Pre-heat oven to 375F degrees;
lightly oil small loaf pan.

Mash tofu well, vigorously stir in
remaining ingredients as listed.

Spoon into loaf pan, press lightly to create
rounded loaf, then reduce oven to 350F
and bake 1 hour 20 min.

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Sunflower Seed Cakes

Post by Amigoo »

Sunflower Seed Cakes (makes 9 cakes,
or spread batter, use pizza cutter after baking) ;)

Simple oat bran flatbread with sunflower seeds,
dropped thrice on counter before baking. :roll:

For lite energy breakfast, serve with raw walnuts*,
slices of preferred apple, morning vitamins,
and hot cuppa whatever. :D

* seeds + nuts boost energy

:roll Ingredients:

1 2/3 cups light oat bran
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup hot green tea
1/2 cup applesauce
1/3 cup egg whites
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
2/3 cup raw sunflower seeds

:arrow: Directions:

Place parchment paper on baking sheet;
pre-heat oven to 400F degrees.

In mixing bowl, combine ingredients
vigorously as listed (olive oil last,
then fold in sunflower seeds).

Spoon onto parchment paper, then drop
on counter to flatten. Reduce oven to 375F,
bake 50 min. For crispy, turn over
and bake another 10 min.

:idea: Tip: When using pizza cutter, slide parchment paper
onto newspaper, then roll (avoids dents in baking sheet). 8)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/lif ... 161625.cms
"Kiwi a day keeps the doctor away" :o

:scratch: Best guess: Include kiwi fruit weekly, but "an apple a day" is good mantra. ;)

:idea: Kiwi fruit skin is not consumed so residual pesticides may be lesser concern.

And "keeping the doctor away" is quite a challenge these days considering
all the environmental problems, medication costs and side effects,
and heavily advertised fast- and processed foods (hinting that
foods not consumed are the real key to better health). :roll:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://rumble.com/v4copur-homemade-bre ... ating.html
" Homemade bread that I will never get tired of eating"

:idea: Actually, "Meat & Cheese Bread" :roll:

Tips: Use fewer eggs to get more bread texture.
Include jalapeño slices to balance the chorizo.
Cook in baking dish for casserole appeal.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.foodtalkdaily.com/recipes/s ... i-44634796
"Secret Ingredient Chili"

"We’re starting with a basic store bought chili seasoning packet then adding
a couple special ingredients to make this bowl of comfort feel totally homemade.
But, this chili has a secret. A nutty little secret that nobody will see coming" :o

:idea: Tips: Sesame seed butter might be substituted.
Low-sodium canned beans juice could be included. 8)

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EZ Cilantro Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.alyonascooking.com/canned-k ... z-copycat/
"Canned Ketchup Recipe" (requires 22 lbs of tomatoes) :roll:

:idea: Tip: A 6oz can of tomato paste plus
1 1/2 cans water creates a good base
for many tomato sauce recipes! ;)

Add to preferred salsa or pasta sauce
to boost nutrition, reduce salt and sugar. :roll

:hithere I noticed that a major brand of paste
is now more watery, suggesting reduced packaging
without reducing price! Shop carefully.

:sunflower: EZ Cilantro Sauce

To this base, add 1/2 tsp garlic powder,
1/4 tsp onion powder, 1 tbsp dried cilantro,
1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar.
Refrigerate overnight then stir. 8)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere Titillating humor in nutrition ...

Extrapolated from "Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy"
by Walter C. Willett, M.D., 2001

His comment about soy protein, p. 131
"At the same time, it probably isn't more effective than the tincture* of time."

Subtle extrapolation: A Tincture In Time is often nutritionally sublime. ;)

* "concentrated herbal extract made by soaking the bark, berries, leaves,
or roots from one or more plants in alcohol or vinegar"

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Amazing amount of health information in such a small book!

"The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough" by Burt Berkson, M.D., 1998

:idea: Focused on the "super antioxidant" alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and mentions this doctor's experience
with "the system", effectively ordering him not to use his expertise to save the lives of some patients
(similar to pharmaceutical-biased ordering that persists even during the current pandemic?). :roll:

Note: ALA is an unnecessary antioxidant supplement
until the body stops producing it naturally in sufficient quantity.

See also: https://www.amazon.com/Alpha-Lipoic-Aci ... 0761514570

"The Superb Antioxidant That May Slow Aging, Repair Liver Damage,
and Reduce the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes"

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Dr. Fuhrman would advise that NO supplements are required for good health
when one's daily diet stays focused on his G-BOMBS ...

Re: https://www.drfuhrman.com/blog/210/beginners-guide

"G-BOMBS is an acronym for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds.
These are the most health-promoting, anti-cancer superfoods on the planet.
Make sure that you include some or all of them in your diet every day."

:idea: Best guess: Fuhrman's Nutritarian Diet is best for maintaining good health
and for preventing poor health, but certain supplements and other foods
may be required when one's health needs quick improvement. ;)

:study: Re: https://health.usnews.com/best-diet/nut ... iet/review
"Nutritarian Diet - Expert Reviews"

Quick summary: A good plant-based diet but with limitations ...
hinting that the Mediterranean Diet is the best compromise. :roll:

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Crunchy Green Stuff

Post by Amigoo »

Crunchy Green Stuff

You say "tomato" - I say "Kumato" (dark brown tomatoes) 8)

Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRZ-IxZ46ng
But it's good to be green ... and brown:

:arrow: Combine 16oz pkg raw pumpkin seeds,
1/4 cup virgin olive oil, 3/4 tsp garlic granules,
1/2 rounded tsp salt, 2 tbsp dried cilantro,
and 3 tbsp liquid chlorophyll.

Keep refrigerated. If desired,
serve with sliced Kumatos
(and dark green napkins) :roll:

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Hemp Seed Spread

Post by Amigoo »

Hemp Seed Spread (proof of concept) :roll:

Gooey, chewy, sweet & spoonable.

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup shelled hemp seed
3/4 cup sesame tahini
3 tbsp virgin olive oil
3 tbsp raw honey
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt

:arrow: Directions:

Mix well, keep refrigerated.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Speaking of "gooey, chewy & spoonable" ...

Re: https://www.herzindagi.com/diet-nutriti ... cle-245181
"Soaked Flaxseeds: 5 Benefits Of Eating Soaked"

Also ... "Soaked Nuts Are the Perfect Addition to Your Diet Plan"
(not about a hot tub but morning coffee and hot tub sounds OK) ;)

:study: Re: https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellne ... cle-733986

"Flaxseed is also known to be one of the best sources of ALA (alpha-lipoic acid),
which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid." :?

:study: Re: https://www.mountsinai.org/health-libra ... ipoic-acid

"Alpha-lipoic acid is not the same as alpha linolenic acid, which is an omega-3 fatty acid
that may help heart health. There is confusion between alpha-lipoic acid and alpha linolenic acid
because both are sometimes abbreviated ALA."

:shock: Obviously, the jpost article is incorrect! Flaxseed is a good source of alpha linolenic acid
- not alpha-lipoic acid. Now, hot tub and spiked coffee sounds best to understand 'ALA'. :roll:

:study: Re: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3698061/
"Flaxseed oil and alpha-lipoic acid combination ameliorates hepatic oxidative stress"

Stronger coffee may be required to comprehend this article
referring to synergy of alpha linolenic acid and alpha-lipoic acid. :duh

:bana: Speaking of "gooey, chewy & spoonable" ...
(creates spoonable condiment for whatever) :roll

:arrow: Soak 1/3 cup flax seeds in 1 cup hot water 30 min.,
stirring frequently, then combine with 16oz bottle
Olive Oil & Vinegar Dressing. Keep refrigerated. 8)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, for breaking down the confusing information, Rod!
I am dying to try the tofu meatloaf too! 8)

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Plan B Coffee

Post by Amigoo »

Plan B Coffee
(testing how to make coffee if the drip machine breaks) :roll:

Place filter in coffee maker basket or in hand strainer.

Microwave quart measuring cup of water to boiling,
then stir in 3 standard scoops of drip coffee, cover
and let soak 2-3 min.

Stir, then carefully pour into coffee filter (be careful
not to collapse side of filter), resting on pre-heated
4-cup pot or other glass container.

:idea: Tips: This coffee tasted better, probably because
it brewed in just-boiled water - not quick-dripped
with hot water. This method permits stronger brew -
add hot water later to dilute as desired. :roll

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Chilly Chia Compote

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Chilly Chia Compote

:arrow: Let 8oz pkg frozen wild blueberries
and 16oz pkg frozen blackberries
thaw in a deep container.

While still cold, stir in 1/2 cup water
then use hand blender to mix in
1/3 cup dark chia seeds.

Refrigerate until chia hydrates,
then stir before first serve. 8)

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Super Sippin' Tonic

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Few people know that red cabbage has resveratrol (found in red grapes).

For Super Sippin' Tonic ...

Simmer head of rinsed cabbage chunks in 2 cups water until cooked,
refrigerate cabbage for later meals, stir in 2 tsp red beet powder
and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. Refrigerate for super sippin' .

For Pickled Red Cabbage ...

:arrow: Simmer head of rinsed cabbage mini bites in 3 cups water, then stir in
1 tbsp beet powder and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (add 2 tsp caraway seeds
when simmering to upscale flavors). Serve hot, cold, or Goldilocks! :roll

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Auld Lang Syne Soup

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Auld Lang Syne Soup

Re: https://rumble.com/v4eglzx-delicious-wh ... efore.html

:idea: Comforting video with slow cooked ingredients
and familiar song in background. :roll

8) Cool! Topped with fresh cilantro!
Substitute other grains for rice (try quinoa)
and chicken (even sardines) for the white fish.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Speaking of chickpeas (in the soup) ...

:study: Re: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/ ... report_sod
"Superoxide Dismutase: Boosting the Body’s Primary Antioxidant Defense"

"Primary antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) are our first and most important line of defense
against highly reactive, potentially destructive oxygen-derived free radicals. Researchers believe SOD decreases
with aging, and evidence suggests that boosting falling SOD levels may help guard against disease and extend life span." :roll

"scientists discovered that SOD and other primary antioxidants ... are produced by certain plants, including the sprouting seeds
of crops such as wheat, corn, and soy. These young grains harbor an abundance of powerful antioxidants, which may serve to protect
the fledgling plants from various environmental insults. Melons also manufacture some of these antioxidant proteins, and fruits
with the highest concentrations of these beneficial enzymes have significantly longer shelf lives." 8)

:study: Re: https://draxe.com/nutrition/superoxide-dismutase/
"Superoxide Dismutase: The Antioxidant Enzyme that Combats Inflammation"

SOD is available in many fresh food sources: cabbage, Brussels sprouts,
wheat grass, barley grass, broccoli, peas, tomato, mustard leaves, spinach,
honeydew, cantaloupe, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, cashews, hazelnuts.

:study: See also: https://superfoodly.com/superoxide-dism ... ent-foods/

"The best way to increase superoxide dismutase naturally from foods may be through cruciferous vegetables.
Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts contain high amounts of SOD. Additionally, they contain
a unique compound known as sulforaphane ... sulforaphane boosts the body’s production of glutathione,
which is another very important primary antioxidant."

:study: See also: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-brain-foods
"Best Foods for A Healthy Brain and Improved Memory"

"Fish, Coffee, Berries, Turmeric, Broccoli,
Pumpkin seeds, Dark chocolate, Nuts,
Oranges, Eggs, Green tea"

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: The most subtle of brain anatomy humor ...

"The Amazing Brain" by Robert Ornstein and Richard F. Thompson, 1984
"The Limbic System", p.28

"One way to remember limbic functions is that they are
the 'four F's' of survival: Feeding, Fighting, Fleeing,
and sexual reproduction." :roll:

WTF? (re: "limbic system also controls blood sugar", p.27)
Indeed "Amazing", considering 1984 publication then later study:

:study: Re: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8087998/
"Hypothalamic glucose-sensing mechanisms" (May, 2021)

"The central nervous system (CNS) plays a critical role in continuously monitoring
circulating glucose levels and appropriately communicating to peripheral organs
in order to maintain glucose levels within a tight range." :o

Suddenly, brain health (re: antioxidants, etc.) gains new focus :!:

:scratch: Why include this seeming digression? This well-dated but still informative little book
highlights the complexity of the human brain, such complexity that no AI modeling can replicate
human intelligence, let alone simulate it (albeit, proof of simulation lies in brains thus persuaded). :lol:

Rod :)
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