Has he incarnated yet?

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere How such missions unfold in their own time ...

Re: "2. Planning for the Garden (of Eden)" (UB, 73:2-3)

"But it was a cause for great disappointment when Van, not knowing how soon the expected Son and Daughter might come, suggested that the younger generation also be trained in the work of carrying on the enterprise in case their arrival should be delayed." (73:4.5)

:idea: Van had such belief and faith - even knowledge - about what would eventually happen
that it was unimportant when this would occur (and might not occur in his lifetime). ;)

See also: http://www.theub.org/part-iii.html#P073_2

"For almost one hundred years prior to Tabamantia’s inspection, Van and his associates, from their highland headquarters
of world ethics and culture, had been preaching the advent of a promised Son of God, a racial uplifter, a teacher of truth" (73:2.1)

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

Sadly I have become very disillusioned about the whole Monjoronson thing. I did ask a very senior space being about him, and he said he had not heard of such a being, but that there were so many teachers and guides currently assisting Earth that did not mean he does not exist. But I felt that the way he has been portrayed means he could not be unknown to others entrusted by Christ Michael with supporting the Earth at this time, if he is who he claims to be. Things are co-ordinated and organised. I sure wish George B was talking to at least one of my friends, all of whom did say they would channel him. There is actually a heck of a lot going on behind the scenes that I do hear about, but nothing about this supposed Magisterial Son. However I am certainly not disillusioned about the immediate future and how things will unfold, and the assistance we will get, if we choose for God.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Amigoo »


You were probably on target, writing in 2011 ...

"I gather these are all stresses that Urantia has to relieve herself of,
and the Monjoronson team plan to come in on the back of that."

:idea: 2023 seems to be the year for many major stresses
with a Magisterial Son (and team) due soon after ...
but "soon" a relative term. ;)

:duh Speaking of stresses ...

Re: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/
"In a terrible sign of how much worse things are getting between Russia and Ukraine/NATO,
the Russian military today began deploying mobile air defenses around Moscow!"

Curiously, someones keep pushing NATO (including U.S.) and Russia toward major conflict ...
not to mention continuing Chinese preparation to acquire Taiwan ... not to mention
increasing financial doom & gloom being forecast by corporate leaders. :o

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

It is my understanding, and I sure hope it's true, that no nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction will be allowed again. And to my knowledge the infrastructure to achieve that is in place. Were this to occur, it would cause a huge concern and surprise to the folks pulling the levers of power here to realise they are not the kings of this sandpit. Of course they would then be sure this is a new enemy, and there is near zero chance they would realise its benevolent. My concern would be that this belief would then be the new 'truth" albeit totally false. However localised warfare is not their target. We have localised warfare all over this planet.
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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

I actually asked Lord Ashtar if he knew of Monjoronson. He did not. However he said there are thousands of "teachers" helping Earth. That was not the answer I expected. Far from it. In his teminology Monjoronson would be expected to be "elohim" and be widely recognised. Elohim are up there with Archangels.

Things will change, space folks will arrive. Will Monjoronson?

If you dont know who Lord Ashtar is, he is the guy in absolute change of the over 1 million craft holding orbit around Earth, and which have been in place for some years as a blockade to stop reptoids, dinoids, borg and annanuki from re-occupying Earth. He knows Christ Michael well. So why not Monjoronson? Truly GB should give us his perspective. Not holding my breath there.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Amigoo »

Quick accumulation of online information about Ashtar ...

:study: Re: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtar_(e ... ial_being)
"The Ashtar movement is studied by academics as a prominent form of UFO religion."

"Though followers of Ashtar believe in his divine right and knowledge spread across the human race,
he and others of his kind have yet to provide any physical evidence of their existence." :?

:study: Re: https://www.scribd.com/document/3287325 ... ar-Command

"Commander Ashtar is the man who is in charge of the Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood,
or Brotherhood of Light. Commander Ashtar and His vast extraterrestrial army of workers of over twenty million,
work closely and in conjunction with the Ascended Masters. Besides the twenty million personnel under His command
in our solar system, of which He is in charge, there are another four million members and workers on the physical plane.

Commander Ashtar is a great and noble being approximately seven feet in height with blue eyes.
His body type is that of the Adam Kadmon which means it is similar to ours of Earth. He evolved
from the planet Ashtar, and the planet Venus, in His development as a soul."

:study: Re: https://www.amazon.com/Project-World-Ev ... 938294377/
"UFOs To Assist In The 'Great Exodus' Of Human Souls Off This Planet"

"Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise many who read this book will neither understand
nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance
and accept its timely and imperative revelations."

"Here are details of the three evacuations: ... Who will qualify? ...
Total evacuation in 15 minutes ... Where will the rescued be taken?"

:study: Re: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/en ... aps/ashtar
"one of the original extraterrestrial entities who appeared among the flying saucer contactees of the 1950s."

"Messages from the Ashtar Command flourished as the New Age Movement peaked and continued through the 1990s.
By the end of the decade, however, so many varied descriptions of Ashtar existed that it became impossible to depict his likeness,
and so many contradictory bits of information about him had been written, that it has been difficult to write his biography."

:idea: Suggests that "Ashtar" is a synthesis of what aficionados believe and/or channel,
even hinting that group mind is now the common source of Ashtar communications?
Best guess: New AI will better synthesize all that's been written about Ashtar.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

Yeah thats the issue with channeling. Some folks are hopeless but don't know it. There is not a really accepted and accurate training information available for mediums. We know how to be the clearest medium that is possible, but we never state that our mediums are perfect, because no one is. Yet that is what TEAM claimed. What I share about Lord Ashtar, I heard directly.
New AI will better synthesize all that's been written about Ashtar.
You dont obtain better truth by synthesising truth and untruth.
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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Amigoo »

You don't obtain better truth by synthesising truth and untruth.
:scratch: So, what does Ashtar say about this truth/untruth problem?
How does a truth seeker know what Ashtar messages to believe?
Wouldn't he be concerned about the quality of his messages?

Incidentally, AI creators employ hundreds of people to evaluate/improve
the output of their AI platform, often(?) helping the truth prevail.
"Data labeling" also involves human assistance:

Re: https://labelbox.com/guides/data-labeling/

"The data labeling process typically involves human-powered work in order
to manually curate datasets, and in some cases, computer-assisted help.
The types of labels are predetermined by a machine learning engineer
and are chosen to give a machine learning model specific information
about what is shown in the data in order to teach the model"

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:18 am :scratch: So, what does Ashtar say about this truth/untruth problem?
How does a truth seeker know what Ashtar messages to believe?
Wouldn't he be concerned about the quality of his messages?
He has not addressed that issue with us in regard to information about him, but our guides as well as he have said we need to improve our soul contact so that they don't need to feed us information. In fact its been obvious we are off the feed and on to self obtained info. What you would call TA derived.
Amigoo wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:18 amIncidentally, AI creators employ hundreds of people to evaluate/improve
the output of their AI platform, often(?) helping the truth prevail.
So these guys can recognise truth but you can't? How come Christianity has performed so badly over 2000 years with all those learned guys screening the truth?

I doubt that they do anything except screen out what they consider far-fetched. But I find far fetched is often the truth.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the perspective! And I remember your previous comment,
contemplating that "space folks" could refer to Magisterial visitation. 8)
Things will change, space folks will arrive.
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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by lethaniel »

Hello everyone! Rod, Geoff, long time no type! :lol:

It has been a while since I've been here. Busy being a father, husband and child all at the same time.

The excess of information, according to history as now we know it was part of the problem. As humanity, we were not ready back then. Impatience, was the other thing that lead us to where we are "now" actually. Now you could say that we are nothing like back then, and you're right. Everything and everyone has changed. People popping up everywhere trying to do good. A soul a time though.

If something indeed has changed, about our next Divine Teacher it is probably for the best. But these plans are from high above. Failure is not an option, considering that Urantia is Christ/Micael last incarnation world. So yes, we are being fed up with these news from everywhere, but interestingly nothing happens into major scale. It reminds me of those videos where dogs bark at each other through a fence, but when the gate is opened, they just stop. Perhaps you should switch to other channels and try to "feel" the truth. Remember that within, we don't just have a TA, but also His Spirit of Truth and His Holy Spirit.

This is still an experimental planet, and whatever happens, planned or not, will be. We are already immortal beings. We look within for teachings on how changing the world within our grasp or reach. We might want things to be speed up a little, but I believe that taking into account how time is measured in our Universe, things are already fast.

We always may be of service, wherever in whatever we are needed, as long as we feel it wholeheartedly.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by happyrain »

HI Oscar,

I enjoyed reading your post.

In fact, I believe where we are now has much to do with just how fast things are moving.

One breath at a time, we will Love through and through.

Thank you for your wisdom ~

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Geoff »

Hi Oscar,

I dont think we have long to wait. But the reason for the delays is this plan will not fail, and every domino must be in exactly the right spot.

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Re: Has he incarnated yet?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Oscar,
I was just thinking recently of you and your little one. It is good to see you again and read your words.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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