Quick accumulation of online information about Ashtar ...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtar_(e ... ial_being)
"The Ashtar movement is studied by academics as a prominent form of UFO religion."
"Though followers of Ashtar believe in his divine right and knowledge spread across the human race,
he and others of his kind have yet to provide any physical evidence of their existence."

https://www.scribd.com/document/3287325 ... ar-Command
"Commander Ashtar is the man who is in charge of the Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood,
or Brotherhood of Light. Commander Ashtar and His vast extraterrestrial army of workers of over twenty million,
work closely and in conjunction with the Ascended Masters. Besides the twenty million personnel under His command
in our solar system, of which He is in charge, there are another four million members and workers on the physical plane.
Commander Ashtar is a great and noble being approximately seven feet in height with blue eyes.
His body type is that of the Adam Kadmon which means it is similar to ours of Earth. He evolved
from the planet Ashtar, and the planet Venus, in His development as a soul."

https://www.amazon.com/Project-World-Ev ... 938294377/
"UFOs To Assist In The 'Great Exodus' Of Human Souls Off This Planet"
"Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise many who read this book will neither understand
nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance
and accept its timely and imperative revelations."
"Here are details of the three evacuations: ... Who will qualify? ...
Total evacuation in 15 minutes ... Where will the rescued be taken?"

https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/en ... aps/ashtar
"one of the original extraterrestrial entities who appeared among the flying saucer contactees of the 1950s."
"Messages from the Ashtar Command flourished as the New Age Movement peaked and continued through the 1990s.
By the end of the decade, however, so many varied descriptions of Ashtar existed that it became impossible to depict his likeness,
and so many contradictory bits of information about him had been written, that it has been difficult to write his biography."

Suggests that "Ashtar" is a synthesis of what aficionados believe and/or channel,
even hinting that group mind is now the common source of Ashtar communications?
Best guess: New AI will better synthesize all that's been written about Ashtar.