
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Yes I do. The person was looking at their phone and from my observation may have been enraged.
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Hello all. :hithere Gentle greetings from Houston, TX USA. :alien:

I have a question about TA's, and whether or not 14 may be a TA. Do TA's grow alongside the Earth-Ego personality? Can TA's encompass multiple personalities- like you and I belonging to a similar court? Would we belong to the same TA?

My understanding of 14 has evolved over the years. My personal experience is bleeding unto others and becoming a shared experience. It's a language that doesn't belong to any one person. And it's difficult to describe without creating distinctions, which belittles the experience.

As I first discovered 14- I had a dream of meeting my self. I was older, and bowed to myself. In another dream/memory, perhaps the same dream, I made friends with a young Spirit by the name of "Wash." Wash, and all the data in the dream, may have been my limited way of translating the experience- considering I have a limited understanding. He was like a teenager/young adult. I asked him how he could teleport in the manner he was- going from room to room. Floating up in a corner and teleporting somewhere else. He told me he didn't know how, he just could.

Eventually, I would associate this experience to belonging to the energetic signature (14). But, like my journey, 14 would evolve to encompass something greater than a lone teenage entity unaware of its abilities. 14 would no longer be a he or a she, but an indication that some greater bonding in the realms of mind and spirit have taken place. Soon I would share this marker with others... Shane was such a person. Yet I, as Eric- would not define the personal experience between Shane or 14.

Sometimes, in my personal experiences, 14 would come across as playful... Or even, a dragon. Other times there would be no feeling of personality behind it but that its indication would be made known when some important exchange between self or between peoples has taken place. Even if I was not fully conscious of what that exchange entailed.

If I did not have the realization that Truth can be experienced in so many unique ways... As many ways as there are people- I would likely go mad. It is already a bit maddening as I witness the world around me addressing the world within me- the mediums of this communication are not themselves aware of what is happening. It's a thin line to tread, I surely don't wish to define what's what for other people. But I lose myself, gladly, in this merging of the fields. I believe I am recognizing God. But I do not have the answers for others. All I can do is witness, and real magic begins to unfold around me- around others... Through me.... The inside and outside become one. I don't know what that greater energy or being is. But it is an intelligence in itself. One I willingly surrender to.

After 10+ years of unique spiritual experiences... I have learned the Peacock angel and 14 belong together. I have come to realize there are certain people in my court who share this energetic signature. But I can not tell them we are a part of 14 as matter of fact. If I do, I deprive the Truth from complete manifestation. The Truth blossoms in its own ways, we should be made surprised. Do not demand an experience oblige our limited faculties. I do not obsess over the peacock angel or the number 14- but the peacock angel and the number 14 continually manifest in the world around me. And I have made a conscious prayer to grow closer to this intelligence. I stand by this prayer. I ask more. I may completely lose my self.

I went to the coffee shop this morning and started contemplating on the number 14 and the peacock angel. I took a break to greet my friend at the front door. In that very moment a car pulled up. This is the image on its front license plate:
I've never seen that before. BTW My car is the blue one next to it.

I, as Eric, could not orchestrate that this unknown person drive this particular vehicle and park itself in front of me. But somehow- as I was thinking about the peacock angel and the number 14, asking myself how it all relates... This car would appear. The outside world would acknowledge the inside one. It was in the present moment. Immediate alignment with my thoughts. And like that, it pulled out of the parking spot and left.

I am witnessing this communication, and attempting to work with it, through many people at this time. It feels like a type of assimilation. It is both a personal experience and shared. Everyone who encounters this intelligence has a sovereign right to learn alongside it in their own way. So I must be careful as I define it from my limited understanding.

I've witnessed a green breasted peacock walk in front of my car, forcing me to stop(as I was thinking on my recent discovery of the peacock angel)... That same day, shortly after, pink flower petals were scattered all about the front door of my workplace. In this way it is personal. But I feel I am somehow learning a type of... appropriation- rotating angles- consciousness speaking this unspoken language and bleeding into the personal spheres of others. Like I may be a part of 14 as a greater being, beyond the lone Earth-Ego personality that is Eric. One I am not fully conscious of, but one that is actively shared with others.

Another example I can give- where things seem less personal but more so shared... I am in conversation with someone, we're recalling our dreams and reporting on things that stand out to us. We both recently dream of the color red and I feel there is some importance to it. That importance is now in the past, I can not say whether it holds the same importance or not. But, another person in my circles, unaware of our conversation- would, at the same time, completely change their forum colors to the color red and say they are experiencing this color in their third eye area. In this way, we share our Being. Still unique and individualized, but there is something greater- nonverbal that binds us.

I believe the peacock angel is real, and really is the regent of this local universe. But by choosing these words, I am robbing you of your own discoveries. It's like a Christian who says only by accepting Jesus as your lord and savior do you stand a chance of eternal life. But there are those who discover eternal life who have not once verbally declared Jesus their lord and savior- at least not in the same capacity as someone who is only familiar with the bible. If we only realized people come to discover Jesus in their own ways, maybe never even utter his name- would we feel the need to warn others or chastise them? I can say he(the regent of Earth) doesn't care about what name you choose. He only cares that we Realize our greater being. He is not even a He... ? But maybe a- We... ?

Maybe I need to learn more about TA/ fusion and ultimate fusion with God.
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Sandy wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:46 am
I've got to say, 14 sounds like a Midwayer to me. The Primary Midwayers are around 500 thousand years old and the secondary Midwayers who do much of the prompting as they can easily communicate and easily move in our dimension are around 37,000 years old. They do not age and are immortal. They look like us and are representative of all the Earth or Urantia's races. They can move in and out of our vision should they wish and can assist the angels with dreamwork...but there must be permission from either our TA or from ourselves as they respect our free will prerogatives. Of course, there are other "higher up" celestials who can do that too..so back to square one. :) Still it is mostly midwayers and angels that use the number prompts unless as Kim described an agreement is reached with others. It is exciting and fascinating to think that you are drawing closer to the answers about the number 14.

In looking for more information about 14 ( in relation to possible Midwayer status) I stumbled across this on Chris's site...its an interesting read about our friends and cousins, the Midwayers and a nice website to explore if anybody is interested. https://1111prompt.blogspot.com/2009/12 ... igins.html

Just a little snippet from the first message on the page...I found this interesting in your mentioning the "green Man. "
“We are considering this day the ancestry of the Midwayers, the Primary Midwayers first of all. Their parents were those 100 who elected to put their future fusion with their Thought Adjusters on hold, and who were brought to this earth some 500.000 years ago to serve the then appointed– later vanquished -- Planetary Prince, Caligastia. They were super-human, pre-Nodite, one might suggest, but before they gave birth to the tall, long-lived Nodite races, their spiritual liaisons produced the, to most of you, invisible Primary Midwayers.

“Even though the pre-Nodite parents were hardly similar in appearance, the Primary Midwayers would be difficult for us of the Secondary Group to tell apart . . . if we were to somehow manage to disengage our ability of personality recognition. Contrary to this, we, the Secondary Midwayers have virtually identical parents, all immediate relatives, and yet we represent all the races of that time – the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, as well as the Adamite, and the already then established Mediterranean blended race.
You wrote earlier:
That night I did ask for contact, though there is no verbal or visual- I got chills down my spine and almost cried. Maybe I'm just too sentimental.
No really that is a classic sign of contact. :D :sunflower:

I'll keep investigating... but you have made a really good start... don't give up. (I'd definitely do much of what Kim suggested in preparation. :bana: )

Hi again, Sandy and Kim.

Thank you for your assistance in helping me establish contact and attempting to understand the powerful force behind 14 and the 1111 communication. All is God. I am attempting to live this, and have quite a ways to go before I reach this ultimate realization. At times I feel graced with little lovely insights. At other times I am peeking at the nervous system for digging too deep.

Right now I experience a little bit of both. Maybe I've got it both right and wrong with regards to the peacock angel and a midwayer. I do feel the peacock angel is one such responsible entity behind 14 and this style of communication. And now, reading this post from Sandy... I see this mention of the original midwayers who put their fusion on hold to serve the planetary prince calegastia.

I don't know if you guys are aware but the peacock angel has some fallen angel lore associated with him. Which is interesting because I've felt I've shared a personality with something or someone from fallen angels since childhood. I had a dream once, when I first came here, of being cast out and impaled, placed underground. As the stone above me was shutting the light out- blood of angel wings splattered against the wall in front of me. I'll never forget it. Perhaps I should be asking if the peacock angel(or his helper 14- these energies somehow belong together) whether this entity is a primary midwayer?

Maybe I've gotten many things wrong... But there is a real connection here to it all.
Going back through this thread... Wow, so many emotions. I am really grateful for you all, and all who have responded here.

That the collective is seeing red right now- instead of green, and these are the two primary colors from my spiritual awakening. I wonder if it has anything to do with the races we have quoted by Chris above... ?

There's a lot of mystery and love coming together.

At times I feel a strong desire to merge/unite.

I also know I need much grounding, and have been somewhat successful at tampering my far-reaching or peeking energies. It seems my reaching energy really do go into other peoples subtle fields. So I have to ask how we are connected to these beings- midwayers? And do we have any influence in this communication: the outside world reaching peoples internal world? Maybe that's the wrong question... I don't care to, I only care to draw closer to the truth behind these beings who are lovingly acknowledging and guiding me.
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »


I have been seeing 11:14 lately. Also, I recalled today that I was born at 1:14 pm. That’s likely not important, but an interesting coincidence all the same. I just wanted to say that I think you are on the right track with the relationship between the Peacock Angel and Primary Midwayers. I came across this passage in the UB:

38:9.8 (424.8) Primary midwayers resemble angels more than mortals …primary ministers can achieve liaison co-operation with both morontia- and spirit-energy controllers and mind circuiters.

It struck me as relevant somehow since it states that the Primary Midwayers are closer to the angels than us and also that they can work with mind circuiters. The new mind circuits are of particular interest to me lately. My best guess is that the Peacock Angel is a Primary Midwayer who is attempting to make contact with you.

As for your mention of red and green, did you know that red light and green light when mixed create yellow light? This is because of how our eyes perceive colours. It’s very interesting actually. When you see white light on your screen it’s actually red, green, and blue light in the pixels which combine to make white light. Anyway, that may not be important either, but a fun fact nonetheless.

I hope you reach a satisfactory answer to your mystery.

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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

The reason red and green hold an importance to me is because the Being that initiated me at the dream level used these two colors. But I don't think my dream of these two colors relates to the race as quoted by Chris. Not that what he's saying doesn't hold value, but that I might be reaching in the wrong direction as it relates to my personal experience. I think of these two colors more like the root and heart chakra. In my research last night, I am learning both the color red and the color green have a very special significance to the Peacock Angel. His court is held in the, "Sedona Red Rocks" and still more- "The Green Man" is the one to have brought this transcendental experience to my dreams.

How cool Jonathan, I really think you're onto something about the enhanced mind circuits. I wanted to comment on these sparks of light since you've brought it to my attention.

I have to tell you that
1) You probably already realized your post total 114 just after your mentioning the time of your birth (Awesome!)
2) Since you mentioned the tiny sparks of light... I feel graced to have noticed some again. Tonight I was responding to a friend on another forum... I was drawn to a post of his, and suddenly noticed the time stamp displayed May 09, 2021 03:14 pm ... As I read his words, a tiny blue electric spark appeared in front of me. And so I quoted his post only to realize the time of my own reply was showing 9:14PM. :shock:

More people(in my circles) are coming to experience 14 in magical ways. I am really pleased by this. 14 has the ability to reach into others personal spheres. And this is nonthreatening communication. This *shared language* between us and the unseen intelligence. I really think this is probably one of the most important things we can endeavor to understand. Because I believe there is only One Being orchestrating this level of magnificent manifestation... Ultimately, it is God. And so I question what is reality, when the outside world can manifest things in an instant to acknowledge your internal one?

I have had a bit of revelations as it relates to Truth and my continued journey towards discovery. It also serves as a reminder because I realize I would never wish to impose my will on others as they come to their conclusions about the peacock angel and 14.

It also seems 14 is connected to archangels, so I wonder how that connects to primary midwayers?

I'm really glad you hold an interest and am looking forward to our discoveries! :hithere
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

I actually haven’t been keeping track of my posts count, so it took me back a little that that last one was number 114. Amazing!

You asked these questions which I think I can answer for you:
I have a question about TA's, and whether or not 14 may be a TA. Do TA's grow alongside the Earth-Ego personality? Can TA's encompass multiple personalities- like you and I belonging to a similar court? Would we belong to the same TA?
As far as I know, TAs do grow along with us from an experiential viewpoint. They experience everything that we do. This is one of the main purposes of our existence. And it is when we cooperate and identify with them that we may become immortal. TAs can be grouped by their level of experience and training. So we might belong to the same TA group, but not the same TA. However, they can communicate with each other. While I don’t think 14 is a TA, I do believe that all of our spiritual experiences are coordinated by our TAs. So your TA would have a role to play in this phenomenon as stated in this quote:

38:9.9 (425.1) The gap between the material and spiritual worlds is perfectly bridged by the serial association of mortal man, secondary midwayer, primary midwayer, morontia cherubim, mid-phase cherubim, and seraphim. In the personal experience of an individual mortal these diverse levels are undoubtedly more or less unified and made personally meaningful by the unobserved and mysterious operations of the divine Thought Adjuster.

As for the involvement of the archangels, it is entirely possible since they have a headquarters on this planet. If 14 involves the archangels then it likely has something to do with the coming of Monjoronson as well and perhaps with the return of Christ. Check out this excerpt:

37:3.4 (409.1) Do you grasp the significance of the fact that your lowly and confused planet has become a divisional headquarters for the universe administration and direction of certain archangel activities having to do with the Paradise ascension scheme? This undoubtedly presages the future concentration of other ascendant activities on the bestowal world of Michael and lends a tremendous and solemn import to the Master’s personal promise, “I will come again.”

37:3.5 (409.2) In general, the archangels are assigned to the service and ministry of the Avonal order of sonship, but not until they have passed through extensive preliminary training in all phases of the work of the various ministering spirits. A corps of one hundred accompanies every Paradise bestowal Son to an inhabited world, being temporarily assigned to him for the duration of such a bestowal. If the Magisterial Son should become temporary ruler of the planet, these archangels would act as the directing heads of all celestial life on that sphere.

I had a strange experience today concerning the archangels. This video about the 144,000 appeared on my home page of YouTube.


They claim that there are 144,000 archangels Incarnated as humans on this planet. It resonated with me. And when the video ended my eyes were drawn to the time, which was 3:52. I’m not sure if everything in this video is true, but the :52 time prompt tells me there is something to it.

I believe that the unfolding of this wonderful mystery will be truly magnificent.

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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Thank you Jonathan, interesting how all of this kind of connects with what we've been talking about on the forum.

It's exciting.
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Re: :14

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Sandy wrote: Wed Jan 05, 2022 6:57 am Just after I posted above, I had a thought...There is a very good chance that your number 14 is a foreign midwayer. I got a very positive affirmation when I enquired. Our dear friend, Midwayer Mathew is a foreign Midwayer who has come from a planet already settled in Light and Life and has volunteered and won the honour of assisting on this planet. I don't believe they are from the same planet but still searching....


Thanks Sandy. I wanted to bring this post to light so I can ask Jon about midwayers in our next chat- and foreign midwayers. It's a fun little session we have on Zoom if you ever want to join in and discuss the UB in an informal and relaxed way.

I hope to join in next Friday 6PM CST.
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

I had the thought today that this foreign Midwayer may also be from a formerly rebellious planet. One which has now been settled in Light and Life. Rebellion has occurred three times in Nebadon. It would make sense if Midwayers from other planets that have experienced rebellion would come here to assist in the rehabilitation of this planet. This might also be tied to your experiences with fallen angels. Just a thought. I look forward to discussing it at our next meeting. Sandy, you’re more than welcome to join us. I’d love to meet you. :)
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Re: :14

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry guys ...just seeing this. I kept starting from the bottom up on the message board and kept having to stop before I finished. So today I am doing it in reverse. I would love to join in on your Ubook zoom if I can...Let's see if it is 6:00 pm CST that would make it 7:00 pm EST for me, eh? :shock:
I am re-reading the 4th section right now. Is there a section or part in particular you are reviewing or discussing?
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Sandy,

We have had two sessions so far. The first was mostly an introduction. And we got part way through the Foreword last time. I did up slides with talking points and visual aids. But the conversation tends to go all over the place when Eric gets to asking questions. :lol:

The plan is to finish the Foreword this week. And maybe start looking into Paper 1..

I’ll send you a meeting invite later. And yes, it’s Friday, 7pm Eastern. Hopefully you can make it! It would be great to have you there.

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Re: :14

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Wow! I'm impressed...2 sessions and you are almost finished with the foreword. I glanced at it again before I settled on the fourth section and thought :shock:
I've forgotten so much of this and daunting it was the first time around. But still, it is so worth the effort.
Okay, I will start with that and try to be up to speed by Friday. Do you still have my email?

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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

I thought the same about the Foreword when I first read it and in later readings as well. I think that feeling is pretty common. It definitely takes some effort to properly grasp it. We left off on the Three Absolutes and we will pick it back up there.

Yes, I still have your email. I just checked. I’ll set up the meeting this evening. :)
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Oh how exciting!

Also- sorry if I ask one too many questions. Since we will have more people I will be better able to refrain from personal inquiries.

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Re: :14

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Don't think of me as another person, Eric...LOL not sure what you are supposed to think of me... that sounded strange. :cat: :albino: I know that I will learn from your questions, Eric. That is how it is supposed to be. They well up from within and benefit everyone. A fresh perspective will help us all learn. You notice something that perhaps we haven't and that of course goes with everyone who participates freely.

Thanks for the heads up on where you and Eric are, Jon. I am hoping your alls input will help me better understand the complicated foreward. I do remember the first time around being so relieved that the first papers were not as complicated as the introduction. :shock:
I'll look for the email to attend.
Thanks, Jon
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

I think of you as a great friend! :loves

And ok, boy do I have questions. I tried listening to the forward last night and my brain fizzled out. But it sounded like there are great beings that constitute an even greater being- the realization of diety??? I'm probably guffing this one up. But that the other beings themselves are separate- like the anciet of days. They are seven fold. Somehow the sevenfold ancient of days combined with other aspects of "being" constitute and even greater being or, come closer to understanding God than what we do while evolutionary time creatures.

But I really do believe we are all just covers of God. Like the many layers of an onion- and I would love to try to better understand paradise too. And the way I understand it... God is both within and without time/space as it is presented in the UB. And I believe though we may not fully understand the true nature of God we can experience real glimpse/taste of that ultimate expression even while alive and as some of the most outer layers of the onion. :roll
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

Eric, I'm sorry if I gave you the impression that I didn't want you to ask questions. It brings me great joy to answer your questions and help you understand these concepts. So, never stop asking questions! I'm not saying I can answer them all, but together we will figure it all out.. eventually.

Looking forward to meeting with you both tomorrow! :)
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Well that was fun!

I do think our talks are influencing my dreams.

This morning I had a bout of sleep paralysis. As the rising sensation occurred I started hearing alien like chatter. "Zingy" is the only way I can describe the pitch in their voices. Because everything was so lifelike I interjected a very firm, "hello!" Except- by doing so the chatter came to a halt and the experience ended.

Perhaps I'm not to impose myself in this experience but to observe.

What followed was also very interesting. I had a very long dream. And by long I mean- the passing of time occurred in the few hours I had sleep. Could it have been years? I don't know. But I was aboard a spaceship and traveled across three solar systems.
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

I experience the alien chatter sometimes when in a semi-conscious state. I’ve also been aboard a spacecraft. But it wasn’t in a dream, it was in a very short lived vision. I was on my knees in prayer at the time. And all of a sudden I was on a spacecraft. I felt like I was an engineer there and I knew how the power and propulsion systems worked. But then I snapped out of it. I didn’t retain any knowledge of alien technologies, I just had the impression that I knew how it all worked while in the vision. I haven’t had any visions like it since. At the time I was deep in repentance. I feel like that experience was Spirit giving me a glimpse of my future to try to knock me out of my depressed emotional state. Whatever it was, it certainly left a lasting impression.
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

Thanks for sharing that you can relate Jon. I am beginning to understand this relationship of ours and Caro's and think we are each helping each other affirm our progress with Spirit.

Out of curiosity, were you able to correlate your experience with any of the wisdom found in the UB?

Like, do you think we experienced a bit of the mansion world?
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

What comes to mind from the UB is the Star Students. I imagine they travel throughout the universe to conduct their research. Here is a section on this group. They are mentioned in other sections as well.
30:3.2 (338.20) 1. The Star Students, the celestial astronomers, choose to work on spheres like Uversa because such specially constructed worlds are unusually favorable for their observations and calculations. Uversa is favorably situated for the work of this colony, not only because of its central location, but also because there are no gigantic living or dead suns near at hand to disturb the energy currents. These students are not in any manner organically connected with the affairs of the superuniverse; they are merely guests.
30:3.3 (338.21) The astronomical colony of Uversa contains individuals from many near-by realms, from the central universe, and even from Norlatiadek. Any being on any world in any system of any universe may become a star student, may aspire to join some corps of celestial astronomers. The only requisites are: continuing life and sufficient knowledge of the worlds of space, especially their physical laws of evolution and control. Star students are not required to serve eternally in this corps, but no one admitted to this group may withdraw under one millennium of Uversa time.
30:3.4 (339.1) The star-observer colony of Uversa now numbers over one million. These astronomers come and go, though some remain for comparatively long periods. They carry on their work with the aid of a multitude of mechanical instruments and physical appliances; they are also greatly assisted by the Solitary Messengers and other spirit explorers. These celestial astronomers make constant use of the living energy transformers and transmitters, as well as of the reflective personalities, in their work of star study and space survey. They study all forms and phases of space material and energy manifestations, and they are just as much interested in force function as in stellar phenomena; nothing in all space escapes their scrutiny.
30:3.5 (339.2) Similar astronomer colonies are to be found on the sector headquarters worlds of the superuniverse as well as on the architectural capitals of the local universes and their administrative subdivisions. Except on Paradise, knowledge is not inherent; understanding of the physical universe is largely dependent on observation and research
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Re: :14

Post by happyrain »

That's amazing. Super cool Jon.

It suggest to me, as well, that we might be a part of other personalities and lives not necessarily understood/actualized. Kind of like how I see 14 as a larger being, and we are a part of it. I like how we were saying this life is not quite reality but more like a shadow of life.

My dream last night felt so real, and it would suggest that I experienced years in the course of a few hours.
Much intrigue! :alien:
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Re: :14

Post by Starwalker »

Well, I’m not sure it would work to be a part of another personality. But those who do not choose eternal life are destined to become a part of the Supreme, where they will remain in the mind of God. But those people will be mourned and it is never recommended.

The recommended path is fusion with the TA to eternalize the personality. Here is a passage concerning personality survival:
112:0.1 (1225.1) THE evolutionary planets are the spheres of human origin, the initial worlds of the ascending mortal career. Urantia is your starting point; here you and your divine Thought Adjuster are joined in temporary union. You have been endowed with a perfect guide; therefore, if you will sincerely run the race of time and gain the final goal of faith, the reward of the ages shall be yours; you will be eternally united with your indwelling Adjuster. Then will begin your real life, the ascending life, to which your present mortal state is but the vestibule. Then will begin your exalted and progressive mission as finaliters in the eternity which stretches out before you. And throughout all of these successive ages and stages of evolutionary growth, there is one part of you that remains absolutely unaltered, and that is personality—permanence in the presence of change

The UB teaches that this life is transient. It is not until we fuse with the TA that we become eternal and start upon our real and lasting life. This life is the vehicle to get us to that point, like I wrote about in The Self: A Means to an End.
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Re: :14

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for finding the information about Star Students in the Urantia Book. It is exciting to think about the endless possibilities that await us and our future selves.
My first thought when you both described your dream and vision, was that your TA, God Within, shared it with you. Which could also be responsible for the feeling that eons of time had passed in Eric's case. And Jon's innate understanding of engineering principles at the time of his vision. This would be possible for your God within as Time does not the infinite God Spark of Paradise origin. They are free to show their charges their own experiences with other beings in their past and their experiences shared with you in the future.

I am reaching back now and trying to remember a vision/story George was given. At first, he thought it was a bit of creative fiction but then he realized it was a glimpse of something that would be in the future. He had a strong sense that it was Lytske and the time was beyond the grand universe in the systems to come. I wish I could remember more. I will try to find it.

I believe that in a sense, we are all part of each other. What is it, Chief Bzutus says, "We are all part of each other at our spiritual root source."
That would include celestial beings as well as human beings. We are all children of God.

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Re: :14

Post by CAM7215 »

"We are stardust - we are golden and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden ... " ---- Joni Mitchell
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