Group Meditations

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hello! Is this thing on?

Have we all decided to stop tuning in together?

:P :P :P

I have been practicing concentration, because I am at times plagued with thoughts I do not wish to have. Restlessness is a great contender towards our meditative efforts.

So I am practicing taking 10 uninterrupted breaths. Long, wide, deep inhalation..... Permeation.... Gentle, quiet, narrow exhalation--- pause- reset If I realize my mind starts to drift and entertain different dialogues happening within. I have to start over. Yup, we might be here a while.


I hope everyone is OKAY

and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS. :loves :loves :alien: :alien:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

I like the concentration exercise you shared. I would like to try it as well. How many times a day do you suggest we do this? LOL I guess any amount is better then none at all, eh? I would still like to do the group meditation it has just been hard the past couple of months as I am the carer for my parents now. I fall asleep when I have the time. but in this new year anything and everything is possible!

Happy New Year to all you mediating angels out there! :cheers:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

:bana: :alien: :bana: :alien:

Sandy, I saw your post and was inspired for an impromptu meditation. I tried the 10 breath practice, had to reset a few times until I could gain better clarity of all the thoughts happening within and around me. Finally got my awareness somewhat single-pointed, then decided to let it all go and just sit there for a while.

Afterwards I turned on my laptop to a 4:44PM prompt. :loves :loves I take it my desire for contact is acknowledged, and my practice to meditate seems to be a positive in the eyes of the prompters.

I am ecstatic you're here and revitalizing efforts!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

:bana: Your enthusiasm is catching, Eric.
I am getting ready to put the computer away for a bit and do the breathing exercise. It will be good for the tightness in the chest too. Breathing helps everything. LOL, That sounded silly to my ears.. :roll: not breathing isreally bad for your health, eh? :oops: ;) :love
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »


Hey Sandy,

I'm excited to meditate with everyone, and have been encouraged to increase my practice. I don't meditate for a long time nowdays- and am hoping to meditate just a little every morning/night and spontaneously through out the day as time permits. Even just 10 minutes morning and nights, if done every day, would be a great benefit.

Thanks for the boost!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Thank you for the reminder, Eric.

I suspect a little bit of meditation/stillness done regularly will grow into something special... especially if the heart is willing.
I'll see you tonight. :cheers:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy...
I felt you as I was nearing 8:30PM central, and so I was inspired to try a bit of stillness.

Thank you!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

It's a little past the regular time but I'm tuning in now. Loving regards ~
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Good morning!

It is a little past our designated group meditation time for me too...but as we are well aware, Spirit connects us whenever and wherever we are on the planet and at any time if we ask. With my situation with my carer responsibilities, it is not always easy to be where I wish to be but, because my mom slept in this morning, I was blessed to be wide awake and in "no time with you, Kim, and PP, maybe others, but I am so familiar with your all's energies, it is easy to find you.

I began meditation with a prayer to the Divine asking and setting an intention to connect with my dear siblings in group meditation. As I settled in to ground myself I followed the energy tendrils to Urantia and felt her overwhelming energy that became love as I recognized her figure solidify from the violet mist. She reached for me and held me close in her enormous spirit arms. I felt joy and overwhelming love. She told me that I had everything I needed in my heart...well something like that... It is hard to remember exactly now...and then she released me.

In a whosh, I was aware of the two stones resting palm up in my hands as I sat cross-legged in meditation. One, my Isua Teaching stone, resting in my right hand, and the other, a labradorite half moon, in my left became very heavy even though they are small stones and I knew someone was holding my hand stones and all. I knew the bright eyes that I saw glowing in the circle around me were from Eric, Kim, and PP. I could only see their glow as everything else was pitch dark. I am unafraid. I feel the love, strength, and energy flowing through my human siblings from Spirit. As the Light grows I see we are all together in an iridescent bubble of energy. Much like the Labradorite stone, it reflects the colors of the rainbow! I realize we are stronger together than apart. We are one with the Divine. The circle begins to expand and grow...and that is where I lose it...LOL I popped right out of Alpha. :lol: :roll: :oops:

As I thought about this...I realize that no matter what happens in the upcoming weeks months and years...all we need do is reach out in spirit and we will find each other. That brings me such comfort.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Wow, Sandy.

That's amazing! :loves
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Something really nice happened in meditation last night before going to bed-
I briefly heard and felt the sounds of whales. With closed eyes it felt like I was a whale communicating to other whales. I felt the depths of the ocean and the longing of sound pushed out from my Being. It was brief, but it was quite magical.

It has also been raining for the last three days and I absolutely love it. It feels very rewarding/healing.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

You just proved that anything and everything can happen when you meditate. :sunflower: :sunflower:
That is soooo cool and I am green with jealousy! :mrgreen: (kidding) 8)
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy. This felt really majestic because... I was in a fully awake state. Yet my awareness was somewhere else entirely. It was really, really beautiful.

Thank you Sister for your encouragement.

I decided to look up the totem of the whale... I am quite fond of the message:
"The animal totem whale is a symbol of intuition and awareness that guide individuals to make the best decisions and move forward with ease and confidence. It is a good luck talisman for fine-tuning intuition and expanding consciousness beyond the physical world. The whale totem teaches individuals about listening to their inner voice, understanding the impact of emotions on their everyday life, and following their own truth. It is a helpful symbol for protection, personal transformation, and enhancement of psychic abilities. Those who have the whale as their animal totem are nurturers and go-getters who understand there is more to life than meets the eye. The whale totem provides intense awareness of things beyond this realm." ... ce=desktop
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Thanks, Eric, I can see why you are fond of the whale totem. How beautiful... :happy
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Hello my 1111 family. :sunny:

Wow I can't believe how simply posting here is bringing such a smile to my face! Where are you guys at? :lol: I missed yesterdays practice, but was able to get a practice in today.

I want to extend the invite, see below:

Jonathan, Sandy, Kim and anyone else reading this who wishes to participate in our group meditations.

Casey from the Galactic Travel Channel forum has extended the invite for us all to participate in silent meditation together. It's a video call where we can see one another's smiling faces, say our hellos and then get into our practice.

Topic : Silent Group Meditation
Date : Every Tuesday and Thursday
Time : 2:00 - 2:30 PM PST

Join Zoom Meeting, Silent Group Meditation
Meeting ID: 845 4360 0142
Passcode: 053902

Galactic Travel Channel Forum

Is 4PM central Tuesday doable for anyone? That is my day off work, and it would be nice to see ANYONE here that is interested. :hithere

Loving regards!!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

I just had a wonderful meditation with Casey. Jonathan if you still want to chat with me, I might suggest Zoom since I have it. I have Teams too. Just let me know how to add you. :lol:

Well, I haven't seen much activity here and I haven't been meditating on Mondays regularly. I am going to try and change my practice using the group zoom available to us(linked above) - Tuesday and Thursday 4PM central. I find it helpful since I'm kind of just getting back into things. Where did all the time go? :roll

I hope everyone is doing well, I understand there are members here going through difficult times. It's okay that we meet in the no-time. Should you ever find your self available Tuesday 4PM central, you know how to find me. Please know you are all in my thoughts and heart- wishing each and every one of you peace and happiness.

Loving regards to my 1111 friends and family. :sunflower:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry that I've been a bit out of it Eric. I'm glad to hear you are still meditating. Kim is on an extended vacation but still meditating along the way as well. We always have no time and regardless of when and how you meditate, I would love to hear all about it if anyone would like to share.
For those just starting meditation and those returning to it after a brief or long hiatus, please be gentle with yourself and accept it as it comes to you. Sometimes focus abilities can get a little rusty so don't give up. Celebrate the very idea that you set aside even a few minutes for this important endeavor.

You know, we have been speaking to my parent's lovely young Lutheran minister who is officiating Dad's memorial service and it is bringing up old memories of my parents, siblings and I coming home from church every Sunday. It was a 20-minute drive and I suddenly realized that the peace I felt on that drive home was much how I felt after meditation. And I remember something Bzutu often repeated..."We are One."

I honestly think it doesn't matter where or how we speak or listen to the Divine. Where love flows...God is there.

so...Love to all... :kiss:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Dear Sandy,

No need to apologize. I used to meditate in my 20's everyday. Now I meditate once a week, if even. So it definitely feels like I'm just getting back into it. It's nice to know Kim is still practicing.

I agree with you. You don't have to be anywhere, other than wherever you are. God is in all ways present. It's up to us to tear down the walls down that stands between us and recognizing that Divine Love.

I may not get to go to Sedona, AZ this year. A personal pilgrimage to discover more about the Peacock Angel. But I must remember that God allowed all that has happened already to manifest. And the initiation dream happened in the middle of nowhere Texas. In other words... I didn't have to go to Sedona to recognize the connection as Alive.

As I share a dream journal with others, it is also interesting to me that we experience parallels sometimes even on the same night even though we are continents apart. It makes you question the reality of time/space and/or what it means to say we are more connected to one another than we realize.

I do admit that going in the Zoom call is really nice, to say hello and then after 30 minutes to wake up and see the smiling faces of those sharing the practice with you in the moment. I actually missed yesterdays to watch Dune Part 2 with Dad. A FANTASTIC FILM. Probably my favorite Sci-Fi movie series to date.

But I will try again in the no time this week- and then try again to hop on the Zoom next Tuesday.

Loving regards! Your little Bro. :alien:
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

I do admit that going in the Zoom call is really nice, to say hello and then after 30 minutes to wake up and see the smiling faces of those sharing the practice with you in the moment. I actually missed yesterdays to watch Dune Part 2 with Dad. A FANTASTIC FILM. Probably my favorite Sci-Fi movie series to date.
Those shared memories are sooooo important. We are only on this planet for a limited number of days... and family of every sort is so important. That is one reason I am loath to give up our group meditation. This is an important family in my life too. Yet, I can see that expanding that family into a new format with other members could be a good thing...Only thing...Kimmies meditations nearly always run long. She might not wake up in a half hour lol ;)
Yep, we're all connected in Time Space this chocka block full universe full of beings of every description and purpose.
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by CAM7215 »


Is it possible for me to purchase another copy of the Akashic Construct? I've had such a profound experience with this CD -- bought and given it away many times over. Looking forward to discussing Track 3 with others and participating in a group meditation.


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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Hi Carol,
I just sent you a pm. :hithere
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by Sandy »

Are we on for tonight? I may be a smidgeon later than what we normally plan as my mom believe it or not has become a real night owl. I may also need to start taking naps to keep up with her. :shock: :lol:
Anyway, I would like to participate. I'll send Kim a reminder too.
See you tonight! :sunflower:

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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

Yes, I'll be there. 8PM central???
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

CAM7215 wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:56 am Sandy:

Is it possible for me to purchase another copy of the Akashic Construct? I've had such a profound experience with this CD -- bought and given it away many times over. Looking forward to discussing Track 3 with others and participating in a group meditation.


:shock: :hithere Excuse me for almost missing this post! Welcome to the forum. I will be setting the intention to connect with our meditation group tonight and ask for Gods Love! I'll be live in 30 minutes.

So nice to have you.

Later, if you feel like it, please share a little about your self.

My name's Eric from Houston, TX- a warm greetings!
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Re: Group Meditations

Post by happyrain »

How was it? Did anyone else join in? =)

I wonder if I can set us up on a zoom call for 8PM central Monday night?? The room is free for 30 minutes. A brief hello and then 20-25 minutes of meditation seems like a good practice for those of us who want the extra help developing the habit!

Just a thought~
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