Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

It's all so very exciting! You must be beaming from ear to ear. :D
Please continue to share your experiences as things develop.

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

:shock: :salut:
Yes ma'am! :kiss:
Today has been flooding me with license plate prompts.
The whole array, but mostly
777, 888 999, 222
AND twice did I see the word, "SKY" on two separate license plates
and one car read, "CALIBER" next to a car with repeating digits.

All of this, after having an OBE last night. About a week ago I had an OBE where I boarded a craft- I tried going back to the stars again in my OBE last night but was nudged back into the physical body :lol:
>Lucy, you gots some splainin to do!!


I am also really loving my involvement over at the GTC, and watching Casey grow in her crystal captures. I enjoy sharing our dreams nightly, which has helped me see some connecting themes with other people overall.

It seems this past week or so and still going, there is this idea of remembering our GREATER SELF. Through different ways of realization, one even theorizing that this body does not exist- ultimately saying the same as another who would recount a NDE involving interacting with beings from a different vibration.

A part of me wonders if the increase in UAP(unidentified aerial phenomenon) has anything to do with the increase threat of nuclear war.

The other part of me has been seriously reminded that, "They're here!"
Contact is now, and we're all working on our selves to the best of our ability, administered unique guides to help us grow into the desired personality and ultimately to understand our greater being.

Though the old age around is in turmoil, and efforts to control a new in play- what matters is we grow in faith with our spiritual teachers- with ourselves... Continue to pray to God and your ultimate Love regularly... And be open-

The more we can be present, the more miracles abound. And so I pray for all of us here, to achieve- to discover, to remember, and to experience divine Love <3
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,
The more we can be present, the more miracles abound. And so I pray for all of us here, to achieve- to discover, to remember, and to experience divine Love <3
I believe that is "it" in a nutshell. We can want contact...wish for contact but if we do not make ourselves present, build up strength in this spirit muscle of ours, then we will always be wishing and what we desire left unfulfilled.

Thank you for this reminder, Eric...I needed a proverbial, "Kick in the pants" lol

I am thrilled that you are experiencing what you long for.... :sunflower:

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

i have a dream that ends with a very literal translation as i'm waking up... as if spoken in direct conversation
whoever is behind orchestrating this dream tells me that the three dragons belong to the one creator(they are all three crawling on a giant human hand) and that they all fear the peacock

.... Melek Tause


the three dragons are- sky, metal and earth

the beginning of the dream opens up with me once again escaping or getting away in an RV. it's as if i'm a different person. i light my beard on fire as i'm being chased by authority figure. and i remember being free from so much rubbish, living independently along the edge of the world. i had to navigate through some dark times, and cobwebs- in order to get electricity sent to this place... but the rv is parked somewhere near the ocean and a beautiful quiet place free from much noise...

and during this i am being shown the three dragons are at first in disarray. not realizing they belong together- one dragon is black and blue... another is silver and gold... i can't remember the colours of the third- but the third i am being told is representative of earth.

in the dream these dragons take human form and have powers. the black and blue one is my friend and is trying to sing.
he and i are on the ground in the center our backs against each other- facing oppression
the silver and gold one is wrapping a chain around the black and blue, and the third comes in and also wraps its chains around the black and blue... i believe the black and blue one is sky. in order to free them my friend shows me that rather than fight against each other- the three of them are crawling on a giant human hand.

all the dreams kind of collapse into themselves as i wake up to direct conversation with someone i can't see
he says that the three dragons belong to one creator and they all fear the peacock(angel).

god i'm so close i want to go back and learn more/be with the peacock angel! .... woke up around 4AM. 4:22AM when i saw the time.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

A lot of how I understand the spiritual world has been made in a nice illustration.

Casey has been a really good friend, helping me understand a lot of my self along the way. I often mention the 1111 MB to her in our video chat, and I think she may even be perusing around here time to time. I try to share communities in this way. Her forum is pretty active too, the galactic travel channel. I told her that her capture of Christ or the Master Energy was one of the last photos I shared with Shane before his passing. How wrong was I to ever question the smoke in his ears, because I did not understand. But I am happy I met someone who helped me understand, and allowed me to share that curiosity with Shane in peace.

Anyway... I've always felt drawn to Sufism- and the belief all is one.

So when we discussed 14(my midwayer friend?) and when I asked her to help me understand how she defines the subconscious...

A lot of how the 1111 communication takes place really started coming together.

She gave me permission to share her picture, she isn't very proud of how quick it was put together heh.

When people hear the word subconscious they tend to think of what's happening inside their head. The hidden stuff, the stuff where we store all our pent up emotions and unresolved issues- the stuff that speaks to us in our dreams. We think that all of that gunk is somehow limited to what takes place within our brain.

I really think we got that backwards. When we think of Angels and midwayers, and more specifically- when we think, how is it God is able to communicate with us in a way that speaks to our innermost thoughts and manipulates the outside world in acknowledgement- we need to start moving past the confines of 3D, physical time/space. Maybe even past linear experience.

I start to think of UFO's as well. Why is it sometimes we only see partial glimpses of a UFO, and how is it they're able to disappear in the blink of an eye? Not saying I got it figured out, but just thinking that what we see is a partial view because that's all we're able to perceive while looking through the 3D lens of human experience. What does a 3D object look like in a 2D world?

So we got to start thinking of higher intelligence in ways that move beyond the visible, and ask how that communication might be connected with the unseen.


So the Sufi principles, the law of one... The idea that it all belongs to God starts to make sense when I see this picture. I remember telling Casey, she somehow accurately drew what I've always believed. I didn't know it until our coming together. Wasn't able to piece my beliefs in an articulate fashion.

Slowly but surely God would lead me along, and expand my horizons.

In this photo the subconscious is all that exist outside the conscious self, not all that we think to be limited within. What is within is still a part of the subconscious but as you can see, the subconscious expands much further than the conscious self. And where might angels reside in this picture? Maybe they reside in the superconscious. When you look at this picture maybe you begin to see how small we really are. And what we think as belonging only to ourselves couldn't be further from the truth. All belong to God.

I think there are a myriad of beings, both physical and nonphysical existing within the different layers in this picture. Casey helps further by saying...

Think of a city belonging to a state and then- a state to a nation or country. A country to a continent, and continents to a planet. So the conscious, as a city, can appear independent and full of life- and still belong to something much greater than itself.

This is how we need to expand our understanding where communicating with an unseen intelligence take place...
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

The picture and your explanation is awesome...thank you Eric...and please thank Casey too. Our universe is so huge and amazing...inside, outside and everywhere in between. It really blows your mind when you think about it. :roll :bana:
I'm pondering...and getting tingles in the process...
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Will do Sandy. Casey has been receiving names now with her crystal portrait captures(if I hadn't mentioned that already).

I will show you one of her recent contacts, which looks like a being straight form the superconscious fields.

His name is Piqua'an'e

Absolutely stunning...

A galactic friend. ... tml#p28651
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I watched Interstellar tonight and have made a revelation from personal experiences developed over these last few days- I can share with video clips if you have the time and patience and I hope you enjoy the ride...

Lately I am feeling like a type of conduit. A customer recently told me I was in his head, articulating his exact thoughts. Friends online and in person are illustrating images to me that my mind is focusing on or that my subconscious is relaying to me. I see the greater meaning behind 14 now too. I have probably come to this conclusion... But I am back at it again to say with clarity- 1111 is a method of communication and act of *love* bridging the unseen and connecting humans to a collective Self. SELF communicating with itself. This is where I am at. It's presently 9:55 as I pause to think on that...

Messages from the galactic self...
Murphys law is not a "bad thing."

"What can happen, will. "

In the movie, Murphy gets in trouble for having literature that is no longer allowed. Its about the moon landing which she ultimately gets in trouble for believing in and sharing that with her classmates instead of accepting the altered version of history that, "the US staged the moon landing to squander soviet resources." During the parent-teacher conference her Father, Cooper, says he'll "discipline" Murphy by taking her to see a baseball game.

Cue synchronicity and further understanding of personal experience... Bridging the gaps.

When he took her to that baseball game, a dust storm caused everything to end short- they rush home to hunker down. Murphy accidentally leaves her window open and that's when Cooper and Murphy discover a gravitational anomaly which is responsible for the entire theme behind the movie.

Dr. Brand pleads with Cooper- "love is the one thing we are capable of perceiving that transcends the dimensions of time and space"

Two nights ago my Dad in a buzzed state divulged to me something he doesn't normally feel comfortable talking about. He passed out once on the highway and veered off the road. He calls it a miracle- the car and himself were unharmed despite driving off the highway over 70mph.

What spurred the conversation was my trying to glean insights of intelligence beyond 3D linear experience. Even though he didn't have the patience(alcohol) to receive information, he did transmit this quite clearly... He thinks that life goes on after we die and that experience is simply, "another form." He asked, what if beings with strong enough will can influence our life here? Saying he believes it was his Mother who protected him from getting in a crash and he actually received a message when he passed out which was to proceed with getting his heart surgery.

He didn't have much more in him at the time- message delivered. But I continued to stumble on things that would extend the conversation... Being guided by interest and a loving, intelligent force.

The tesseract, toroidal field and spherical wormhole another synchronicity...

This clip has just a few segments cut from it but I especially love how Tars' voice changes over time to suggest Cooper is communicating with the 5D beings...

So I really do believe we are communicating with Beings we can't ordinarily perceive- that it is out of love and quite possibly because we are all of God. So this is considered an ultimate service... And it is rewarding, magic...

I found my self saying this to our friends at the GTC(speaking of service)...
I only hope others realize how majestic life is, and am often saddened when people speak in absolutes in a way that diminishes or puts limits on our experiences derived from the subconscious/superconscious state of being.

It's great how mysterious it is, and I hope to help others-that help isn't so much as trying to define reality but merely help create excitement around the possibility of an elevated perception.

And I hope I can continue to enjoy, maybe even come closer... I once saw the energetic residue of Raphael as he freed me from a unique experience... There is way more to life than linear 3D experience- and way more to the subconscious and superconscious states than simply being some "accumulated gunk gathered from the day" as if it has no interconnection or inter-being.

Well... If you've enjoyed the clips here is the end scene from the movie.

Thanks and ...

.... ❤ Thanks be to God.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

It's funny to me that the last post here has a timestamp of 10:04, which is a prompt I saw this morning.

14 has been speaking to me a lot this morning.

I found another video about The Peacock Angel last night.

This is the video:

Which acknowledges some of the things I have discovered and experienced.

I am of the belief that 14 is somehow connected to this, "144,000" To my Sufi discovery, to the dreams from 2008... To my being here learning about 1111.

To Mother. Pleiades and The Peacock Angel.

I was fortunate that the author of the video would take the time to answer some of my questions. I hope I can go on one of his tours, it's affordable and happens to be here in the US. Sedona, AZ.

I believe the being Casey Claar captured for me is a part of me, maybe a higher self, from Pleiades... That this is the being who has shared ideas of, "Fallen Angel" with me.

Here is, again, the crystal portrait:

And here are the questions I asked Mark... With his answer:

Question: Why do we experience the peacock angel? And what more can we do?

Answer: The Peacock Angel typically appears to those who have a karmic connection to him, perhaps by having been a Yezidi in a past lifetime or by having been a devotee of one of his other forms, such as Sanat Kumara. He is appearing to many people right now because, according to prophecy, it is his time to return to mass consciousness. This is part of the prophecy regarding the return of the Pleiadians that is one of the events scheduled to occur as we move into the 5th World. The Peacock Angel is a Pleiadian. It was from the Pleiades that he created the universe and from there he governs it. He was the leader of the original group of Pleiadians that colonized Earth, and his royal court on Earth in Sedona and aligned with the Pleiades.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Starwalker wrote: Sat May 28, 2022 2:28 am Hi Eric,

I’ve been drawn to this thread lately. I really enjoyed reading of your experiences and interpretations of them. I was sorry to hear of your health issues. What an amazing experience of how you found the less expensive imaging company though. I hope that all works out for you. Anyway, I don’t have much to add here, but I just wanted to say that I think you are a beautiful person. I hope you find everything your heart desires!

God bless,
Hi Jonathan,

I'm sorry I missed this post. Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. I think the same about you, I was thinking about you today as I was discovering my own answers.

So I hope you're doing well in your world. I am grateful for all your contributions and hope you are feeling inclined to grace us with your presence in the near future. Are you spotting the yellow flowers?

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

The Living Spirit has graced me with further insights and ideas regarding my connections to Sufism. It was from a dream I learned the word Sufi. There is a connection to the Green Man, Al Khadir- also known as the Peacock Angel. Well, I learned of something else from a dream just this morning... So here's the journal entry-
The time shows 4:14AM when I decide to get up and record.

In the first dream I am shooting a gun with a couple friends on moving targets. It's nighttime and we are practicing leading our shots. I don't want to shoot anything that's alive, we are practicing on inanimate objects. There is a young child hiding in the shadows as authority figures move in and begin hunting us.

After this I dream that I wake up in my bedroom and I am looking at a tall old book which is dedicated to Hazrat Inayat Khan. I'm sitting up in my bed admiring this book. There's a clear plastic film on the outside of the book which is holding all kinds of pictures and a personal note inside. I empty the contents out and am looking at these old timey photos of Inayat Khan. They are *very surreal.* The author has circled with faint, white chalk the different shaped eyes. It reminds me of looking at Casey's crystal photos- there are atleast two Beings imposed in these photos. The nonhuman eye is what is circled in chalk. I look at the next picture and there is something else circled, another odd shaped alien eye blended onto HIKs face. Each photo or painting of Inayat Khan is different, I am looking at different ET's superimposed.

I should also note I feel a fondness for these pictures like I am to keep them by my bedside to be reminded of him.

I hold the last photo of him up and the author of the book had circled something off to the right- but I look and I see in the depths of the black portions of the photo a ET somehow belonging to Hazrat Inayat Khan- but as a completely separate entity whereas in the other photos they are blended together- the author did not circle this one.

I notice at the bottom of the book on its cover there is a note written for me. This takes me by complete surprise because the book is dated something like 1936-1945.

It says something like... There are four winds but only one compass. There are different sects. I am called, or to be included in a group that starts with an S. I think the word or name is Sanjaya. Sanjiit? S... Something. I can't remember. I'm not familiar with this word. It was a great honor for the author to bestow this title on me. Even stranger, in this myriad of pictures and notes and other items found under the plastic film are cutouts of a family. The author somehow cutout a Mother, Father, my self and my Sister- and two older dogs. The author hand drew spots on the dogs and wrote, "Sorry I made them dalmatians." (I am a family of 4 with two dalmatians).

This really excited me- to the point I had to show someone. I did not realize I was dreaming- I was just getting up to show someone in the house when Aprils boyfriend started coming inside. I heard them chatting outside my bedroom door. I am eager to tell someone about this book, excited by all these details.

Wake up....
Things that are grabbing my attention... One, I thought I was awake. But the odd events would show me I was dreaming. Almost like the dream itself was trying to wake me up. For example, the fact that I had an old book but the author was speaking directly to me- even capturing the details of my family unit and dalmatians.

Two... When I did wake up I lay there and replayed the dream over before recording it. I decided it was important enough to write down and noticed the time, 414AM. 14 has been a part of this whole discovery... 14 is like an 1111 prompt. I have connected with Shane while he was still a member here with 14. I believe 14 connects me to an intelligence that has taken multiple forms.

Three... Something in the dream really stood out to me... "There are four winds but One compass"

And... "Yours is the group S" In the dream the author actually told me to remember the word... But I forgot it.

But I did some research and found this book... I did not realize, because I am not so disciplined to claim myself a devotee- but I do admire HIK and the wisdom from the bowl of Saki... But I did not realize he studied four different Sufi philosophies(the four winds... One compass)... Here's what's interesting- one of those groups or "orders" to the name I couldn't remember starts with an S.

This biography recounts the life of Hazrat Inayat Khan in his own words, from his early years in India mastering classical Indian music and studying under Sufi teachers of the Chishti, Naqshbandi, Qadiri, and Suhrawardi orders, to his travels to America, England, Russia and France in the 1920s. During his time in the West he created a school of spiritual training based on his vision of the unity of all religions and the awakening of humanity to the divine within. In his unique form of Sufism, there are no barriers of race, creed, or religion. He did not see Sufism as a religion, but rather a way of life that enhances and fulfills every religion. Additional material and anecdotes from the archives of the Nekbakht Foundation. Published by the Nekbakht Foundation.
So tonight before bed I am watching this video which talks more about Suhrawardi- a Sufi Mystic and the Philosophy of Illumination

Suhrawardi & The Philosophy of Illumination

I have come to realize the Peacock Angel is the initiator, and ultimately, it's more important to recognize his guidance as a way to God-Realization.

I am extremely grateful for this experience and all of the blessings God has provided...
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My CE5 Contact Experience

Post by happyrain »

I have been familiar with Dr. Greer for some time now, and before witnessing the national press conferences I discovered close encounters of the fifth kind.
The film, for free: ... ntary.html

A quick search on Dr. Greer using Braves AI:
"Dr. Steven M. Greer is an American ufologist and retired physician who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project. He was born on June 28, 1955, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Greer claims to have seen an unidentified flying object at close range when he was eight years old and another UFO when he was 18. He was trained as a Transcendental Meditation teacher and served as director of a meditation organization. Dr. Greer's correspondence and position papers were sent to President Clinton, along with a NASA press release regarding unidentified flying objects. Dr. Erin Kent Greer is an experienced hand surgeon who completed medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in 1999 and undertook residency training in Orthopedic Surgery, also at Baylor College of Medicine. Following residency, he pursued further specialization through a fellowship in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery at the University of Utah."

And his website,

An excerpt from, "One Universe, One People" Steve Greer 1991 ... ne-people/
But what does it mean to be human, essentially human, apart from a purely biological definition? Our deepest point of unity transcends race, culture, gender, profession, life roles, even level of intelligence or emotional make- up, since all these attributes vary widely among people. Rather, the foundation of human oneness is consciousness itself, the ability to be conscious, self-aware, intelligent sentient beings. All other human qualities arise from this mother of all attributes. Conscious intelligence is the root essence from which all other human qualities emanate. It is the universal and fundamentally pure canvas on which the dazzling array of human life manifests. The firmest, most enduring and transcendent foundation on which human unity is based then, is consciousness itself, for we are all sentient beings, conscious, self-aware, and intelligent. No matter how diverse two people or two cultures may be, this foundation of consciousness will enable unity to prevail, as it is the simplest yet most profound common ground which all humans share.

The term extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), so curiously nondescript, wonderfully lends itself to these concepts of unity. Regardless of planet, star system or galaxy of origin, and no matter how diverse, ETIs are, essentially, intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. Humans are essentially intelligent, conscious, sentient beings. We are, essentially, one. On this basis, we may speak of one people inhabiting one universe, just as we now envision one people as children of one planet. Differences are always a matter of degree, but true unity established in consciousness is absolute. The beings currently visiting earth from other planets, while no doubt different from humans in both superficial and more profound ways, are nevertheless conscious intelligent beings. Consciousness is the basis for both human and extraterrestrial existence and is therefore the foundation for unity and communication between the various people of the universe. Beliefs may vary, biological processes may vary, assorted capacities may vary, social systems and technology may vary – but the simple thread of conscious intelligence which runs through all peoples elegantly weaves our unity. This essential unity is not subject to the trials of diversity, for it is pure, immutable and fundamental to the existence of intelligent life itself.

The challenges of establishing unity among the peoples of the universe is a grand extension of the challenge of establishing unity and peace among the people of the earth. Diversity, distinction and differences must be met with mutual respect, acceptance and even celebration, while the deeper foundations of unity are held steadily in view. The eye of oneness does not exclude or reject the diversity among peoples, but relates this diversity to a paradigm of universality based in consciousness. The development of this capacity, of this kind of awareness, is the most important prerequisite for not only peace and unity among humans, but also for the peace and unity between humans and other intelligent life in the universe. We must hope and pray that the errors and shortcomings humanity has manifested in its long and, as yet, incomplete march to world unity will serve as well-remembered lessons as we face the task of peacefully interacting with extraterrestrial peoples. The endless diversity which so outstanding a universe can present will only be endured by minds established in the calmness of universal consciousness. In the coming decades, centuries and millennia, it will be increasingly realized that the success of humanity’s existence will be dependent on the development of consciousness more than on any outward progress.
You can find both national press conferences in the search results below: ... conference

The CE5 contact method is a type of remote viewing in reverse. After enough encouragement from the Universe, I finally purchased the app for $10 to see what it was all about. On day 1 I had an OBE. It's important to note during the process I invited contact to take place in my backyard...
I set the intention that, whatever was going to manifest- please manifest in my backyard.

Here's the journal entry March 9th 2024,
I almost resisted the sudden toning in my ear and overwhelming sensation creeping over my body. But I did not fight. I tried pushing myself out of body and looking around my room wondering if anyone was with me. I quickly went out to my backyard and noticed something that did not belong... A dalmatian puppy on a bench. I said hello rather loudly, excitedly- and everything ended.
This experience is more profound than what the words do justice. Two years ago in September I had an OBE of a golden statue in my backyard. There was a light rain but in this OBE the rain did not touch the statue and the sun was shining down on it. The statue became alive and started speaking with me telepathically. If anyone is interested I can share that journal entry a little later. But that presence was the very same energetic signature as the dalmatian puppy on the wooden bench in my backyard.


The app says that initial contact efforts don't just stop when you stop using the app. Last night I had three distinct OBE's.
What's unique is, in the first one- it was raining. It was supposed to be night time but it was actually sunny outside, and instead of rain everything appeared as a light snow. And what's stranger still is I was not getting wet. The colors were more vivid than ordinary, everything felt alive- and I was floating high up in the sky shaking the leaves of the tree in my backyard. The leaves were a brilliant green, and I was filled with so much joy just shaking the leaves in my tree.

Everything ended and reset itself. I had one more OBE and my friend the dalmatian puppy appeared again...
I go to the backyard, it's not as sunny as it was in the first projection. And there's no rainy snow anymore either. It's nighttime and I'm standing in the backyard and get the idea to use the CE5 contact method while in the astral. Right away I am feeling assistance. A part of me is almost nervous for how much more powerful I am feeling and witnessing the experience. I ask the guides to help me broadcast the milky way galaxy in my minds eye. I see it in ways I've never seen it before. I instantly channel it down into our universe, to our planet, to my continent, and into my backyard.

I feel as if there are 3 or 4 beings with me now.

Suddenly the dalmatian puppy I saw a week ago is here with me by my side. I am a bit perplexed why it still chose the dalmatian form. I am asking if it is because I am not ready to see this being in its true form. At this point in the experience everything has become extremely heavy. Like it's difficult to be in this state.
In fact the dalmatian puppy only appears in my peripherals to my right side and kind of like a blur image. Like there's some wall between us. And I wasn't asking directly but I was asking telepathically, almost like a conversation with my self. The puppy is trying to push forward and I am trying to accept it more and more into my field. I intuit that this is as good as it's going to get for now, that I am not ready to see the true form. I believe this being relays this to me before I wake up again. I am somewhat contesting with these beings who happen to be observing that I AM ready and want to see, but a part of me deep down knows that's not true.

I'm up again, listening to the thunder outside.
If you know me, you know dalmatians have always been a part of my life. Maybe like a guardian angel. They're my Moms dogs. The first set of dalmatians were born exactly 1 year and 1 month before me(June 19th 1987 I was born July 19th 1988). And ever since the dalmatian has been a family dog that seems to hold some type of spiritual significance.

I believe the contact experience was a success... I believe the golden statue all those years ago was attempting to relay to me a daughter that might be inherited in my lineage- but I am not so sure. I do feel encouraged to continue using the app and make the effort to connect once more. I will share future discoveries here, as intended.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Wow, Eric! Those are awesome experiences. Thank you for sharing. It brings to mind the message that went out yesterday about psychic abilities actually being gifts. I think it befalls us to learn how to use these gifts and I like the way you are intuiting the experiences. You mention the Dalmatian puppy coming across as a daughter in your lineage. Perhaps it is your own daughter who is yet to be born. I remember you writing about your desire to have a wife and family. Have you made any progress on that goal? Perhaps this is what the puppy is trying to push you towards.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Geoff »

Yeah Eric thats pretty cosmic. By the way I would say if I had to be a Muslim, I would be Sufi. And interestingly Rumi, and Inayat Kahn have been channeled a few times by my buddy Jimbeau. I had a cleaner in my business for some years who was Sufi and we have many very interesting conversations. I could actually find no real difference in her beliefs and mine.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Thank you both. I hope the film I shared here gets watched by others, and they too might feel inspired to try and download Dr. Greers CE5 contact app.

I admit I do not know the UBook all that well(thank you all for your patience and teaching me along the way), but the thought occurred to me that perhaps there are cosmic brothers and sisters who share the same journey, "Godward." maybe even some who are further along in their journey than our society who may be fully conscious of their TA partnership. Maybe even some we've called angels... ? I can't help but think the dalmatian which is like the "family sigil" is connected to the angelic realms. Or like I am actually contacting guides/family on the other side.

Who knows, but perhaps the chance to contact benevolent/divine beings or even connect with our own TA's can be discovered utilizing this resource.


Loving regards all ~
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

The UB teaches that the universe is teaming with other life forms much like us. And we do indeed share our journey with them. If you are interested in learning more about the UB then I would really appreciate the opportunity to help you with that. I’ve started working on my first PowerPoint presentation to teach the UB. It’s a work in progress. But I was thinking that I could present it to you sometime and get some feedback on how to improve it. So it would serve us both well if you’re interested.
Peace to you!
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Sure, next Zoom meeting? I'm free next Friday March 22nd
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Yes, it should have something put together by then. 6pm central?
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I'm in. :bana:
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Good. I'm spending some time working on the slides today since I have the day off of work. My plan is to present a brief introduction of the book and then step you through the Foreword, explaining a lot of the terms and concepts used throughout the text. This will lay a good foundation for further studies. It will be a lot to take in, but no matter how much is piled on our plates we can only eat it one bite at a time. So there will be no need to feel overwhelmed, just take what you can from it. I am far from an advanced student of this text, but I will try to convey the topics as I understand them. Perhaps that will make the concepts a little easier to digest.

Also, I upgraded my Zoom plan to Pro, so we will only be limited in time by our own schedules and attention spans. I am hoping that others will eventually join as well and that this will evolve into a UB Study Group. But we'll see where it goes.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:03 pm maybe even some who are further along in their journey than our society who may be fully conscious of their TA partnership. Maybe even some we've called angels... ? ~
A friend is writing a book based on his communications with a pretty advanced living human who calls himself Orion. It turns out he does not talk of TA's but talks of soul development via Divine Love. In my own private circle was have several years of teachings from the head and sub head of the Space Peacekeeping force of the Galatic Federation. Their role was to teach us some Earth history - Atlantis, Lemuria etc, and explain how the universe has both dark and light beings. So their focus was not on spiritual matters but they also appear to believe in Divine Love. It is a concept present in TUB but incompatible really - intellectually - with notions of the TA unless you accepted you need Divine Love to reach a point of fusion. Which is certainly what I understand excepting only we "fuse" with God in a sense that we became at-one. Still not God, still we are ourselves, but totally changed. I think if you wanted to find believers in TUB amongst the space civilisations, the Andromedans would be your best bet, as it has been said they delivered the TUB. I do note that beliefs differ, but then degrees of advancement differ hugely too. What I am yet to reconcile is how many of these space civilisations appear to support reincarnation into multiple living human forms, even if they move around the universe. I have even heard they have built machines to research "past lives" automatically.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Geoff, the many theories on alien civilizations and the roles they have played on our world are very fascinating. I don’t claim to believe or disbelieve them, but have faith that we will get full disclosure eventually. For now, TUB provides us with a great construct with which we can make sense of the cosmos. Its been said that the Bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. To me, TUB is the advanced course.

I’m looking forward to meeting our space brothers and sisters someday. But I think we will have to attend to our earth brothers and sisters first. Peace to you!
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

It's all very exciting, and the reason I feel God has introduced me to Sufism early on is for this reason... To understand behind all sincere forms of worship or beliefs, truth can be found.

I have no doubt we are not alone and that there are many beings and races that exist and assist us on our journey Godward. As we have discussed in earlier conversations, I believe we do not perceive reality in the fullest sense- one example being additional dimensions that would allow us to see craft in plain sight- but there is nothing wrong with this either. I do believe the time we find ourselves in, with the advancement of technology and the turning of the ages(dark age to golden age) means opening ourselves up to additional fields of reality. This includes utilizing more of our brain and establishing communication with our guides, or better understanding the workings of Spirit and Matter. To me, it is apparent these things are becoming more common.

There is still much work we have to do, to accept ideas that were once scoffed at. Much anger and much fear to work through. But that is what many of us here actually *want to do.* We want to do the work, we want to clear the blockages... We want to open ourselves up to the wonders of God. Though the journey may differ, the destination is the same. That's what my Sufi influence has taught me.

I don't mind hearing each persons unique perspective, I have Faith I am being guided by God and will assimilate what I'm meant to.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Geoff »

Starwalker wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 9:42 pm Geoff, the many theories on alien civilizations and the roles they have played on our world are very fascinating. I don’t claim to believe or disbelieve them, but have faith that we will get full disclosure eventually.
AS I have had four years contact I am not in the position of considering any of this as "theories". Disclosure is everywhere. If you aren't seeing, its because your eyes are focussed elsewhere. I have a feeling for you the first disclosure will be when the skies are full of space craft, and that could be this year. By which time it will be too late to do research.

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Actually, I did my research many years ago. And I’ve already seen one of these spacecraft. But until the stories are proven they will remain theories.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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