New images in an unusual way

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Shane,
My sister was an exchange student in Japan many years ago when she was in High school. She remembers a few times scrambling under the table when Tokyo had an earthquake. We actually had one here recently in Victoria. Strange huh? I hope the earth is settled here so there's no more shaking when you and Melody get back home. You'll be just in time for cool weather and upcoming winter. It's the opposite for me.. I will have two summers close together... one here and one in the US. :roll: ai yi yi I'll have to get used to strong storms and potential tornados again. Where we are here in Australia we are sitting relatively pretty. The storms are rarely very bad, we are not especially dangerously flood prone and so far no bush fires. The sea breeze cools us against all but the worst of the Northern heat. So, yep, I've been spoiled.

Well for better or worse my shipping boxes were picked up today. It is official. I am definitely moving in a month or so. I guess a part of me didn't let it register that it was going to happen as with the lock downs it has been postponed for so long. Oh it is 11:11 on the clock as I type. :) a reminder that I am not alone and my friends are with me. :happy

I think of all of you and hope to get caught up as I can.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Heavensabove »

So my time here in Japan is just about to come to an end.

I haven't been as successful in capturing spirits in smoke as I have in Australia.
Have to wait and see if they missed me when I get back! :D

I did capture this one this morning. I see a sad girl / woman to the left of the pic.
Also at the bottom very faintly I can see someone bending.

Image here - ... okey_girl/

Thanks for reading.
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Shane,

I am trying not to, but I am seeing a betta fish. :) :scratch: Once you get something in your head it is hard to see anything else. I'm thinking of you guys.

I hope you and Melody have a safe trip back.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Heavensabove »

Hi all,
So we've settled back into home in Australia. Haven't attempted any smoke pictures as yet but caught these orbs a few days ago.
They went crazy.

Please pardon the mess. We are in the middle of re carpeting other rooms and everything got thrown into this room.

Video here - ... vps2/orbs/

take care,
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Seeker13 »

Wow! I guess you were missed! Word has spread you two are back!

Thanks for posting, it made my day. :bana: :bana: :bana:

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Heavensabove »

Hi all,

So I had an attempt to take some smoke pictures this afternoon.
This is a pic cropped from a larger pic.

To me it looks like a person (possibly a woman) looking down at what may be a baby she is holding.
Directly left I can see a gentleman looking at her smiling.
Alot of different faces here and different images.

Image here - ... ng_a_baby/

Thanks for reading.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

G'Day Shane, :hithere

I see it too. This one feels like there are layers of images often one over another. I see the face of a little dog... Maybe a King Charles Spaniel.
Thank you for helping me to stretch my mind and spirit senses this morning. :thumright:

I'm back in the US now, nearly a week. I hope you have settled back into your home and neighbourhood in Australia. You will get two winters this year and I will have two summers. I guess most people would think that is a plus.

Take care everybody and have a great week!
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Heavensabove »

Hi all,

As you've probably realised I haven't posted any pics for a while.
Various reasons but the main one being my health.

Anyway I sat down the other day and meditated and lit a candle.
As usual this image is from candle smoke.
My goodness. While typing this I've just realised what this image represents.

With the recent health "hiccups" which I've been experiencing I've contemplating as to whether I should (as I do every year) go back to Japan and play Santa. I know that it would break the thousands of childrens hearts if I pulled out.

This image is only small, I apologise but I had to crop it from a much larger photo.

My feeling is that this is an image of a sad person wearing a (this is the part I've just realised) Santa hat and to the left is a child who also sad.
This photo is representing to me that if I didn't go this year this would be the result.

I'm not usually this certain about the interpretation of my pics but this has just hit me like nothing else.

Anyway I hope you are all well.

Here is the pic - ... wx6sm/sad/

Take Care,

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Shane, :santa:

I've been thinking of you and hoping that you health problems are being managed in in a way that will provide you the freedom this Christmas to do what you love so much...being the embodiment of Saint Nicholas for so many beautiful little children in Japan. :happy

Yes I see what you see in the image and it would be hard to see or deduce anything else as this one is very in your face."

You are now on the other side of the planet from me but I still keep you and Melody close in heart and prayer.
Please take good care of yourself and know that you bless us with your presence in our lives.

((((hugs)))) for both of you! :kiss:
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Heavensabove »

Hi all,

So started up the Weber bbq this afternoon and took a few shots, this one stood out.
From smoke.

The first is a longer shot with the image of interest circled. The second is a close up of that image.
I'm seeing a woman (Fairy?) with what seems to me the numbers 1, 2 and 5 or 125 below her.

Images here - ... _in_smoke/

Thanks for reading,
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hi Shane, :sunny:

Okay, call me crazy but I am seeing a young eagle chick in the image. Oh, I just realized that is what George often called me the first few years I was there...It was one of his nick names..."his Eagle Chick" :)
Anyway, back to the image. ( LOL I went down a mind "side street" there...) also, now this is a long shot but is it possible that there is a scrawny capital A in front of the 1 as I am seeing what could be an "X" at the end after 5? It (the supposed X) also looks very well like it could be one of the talons for my baby eagle too. :scratch:

Thinking about you BBQing is making me hungry. I haven't had breakfast yet. :roll
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by JohnR »

Hi Sandy. It's been almost 11 years since I had my 1111 experiences. You might remember me- my 1111 experience was extreme. I thought I'd check in cuz' just now I was telling a guy on YouTube about my experiences with 1111 and happened to glance at my desk clock. It said 1111. Freaky! I don't really get 11's any longer,. It took YEARS for the phenomena to subside, so getting one today at that particular instant was amazing. Here's another one I had a number of years ago: Before I quit watching TV I was sitting there and turned around to look at the clock behind me. It said 11:!!. I'm like OK, yeah, whatever, I'm used to this. The NEXT time I turned around to look at the clock it said 1:11. OK, now ya got my attention!! Wishing you well. I'm doin' great. No chronic conditions, no aches or pains. No jabs. 68 years old now and feel great.
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by pointman19 »

JohnR wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 7:30 pm Hi Sandy. It's been almost 11 years since I had my 1111 experiences. You might remember me- my 1111 experience was extreme. I thought I'd check in cuz' just now I was telling a guy on YouTube about my experiences with 1111 and happened to glance at my desk clock. It said 1111. Freaky! I don't really get 11's any longer,. It took YEARS for the phenomena to subside, so getting one today at that particular instant was amazing. Here's another one I had a number of years ago: Before I quit watching TV I was sitting there and turned around to look at the clock behind me. It said 11:!!. I'm like OK, yeah, whatever, I'm used to this. The NEXT time I turned around to look at the clock it said 1:11. OK, now ya got my attention!! Wishing you well. I'm doin' great. No chronic conditions, no aches or pains. No jabs. 68 years old now and feel great.
Hello and Welcome back!! :mrgreen: :loves

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hello John,

Yes, I remember you. I also remember how kind you always were... a sort of peaceful energy about you.
I'm glad you were prompted to come in for a visit. :)

It's awesome...68 and no aches and pains...well done! I'm mostly like that my self so fa. fingers crossed. (I'm a young 63 now) And with the exception of a sprained couple of fingers this week I have little in the aches and pains department. ( Let's just say it isn't a good idea to try to lift your body as you are sliding down a sliding board to avoid squashing an ant. The ant survived the ordeal at least.)

I'm living with my son and his family in the US now. There's lots of adjustments as I was pretty settled in Australia...but I know it will all work out in the end. Life is sure full of directions and lessons and ups and downs... I guess all of this kind of stuff isfull of lessons in the end, making us better rounded. Now I am thinking about the pumpkin doughnuts I have recently consumed making me "more rounded" . :shock: :) This time of year anything pumpkin in the sweets department calls me like a siren.

Anyway, It is good to see you again, John.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

I hope you're doing well!

Kim, Sandy-
Jason, Zach-

And all 1111 family! = )

Shane I have a new image to enjoy in an unusual way!

Look at what flew in yesterday afternoon- and the way the light falls upon the bird.

You can zoom in and there's a physical outline of the bird like a residual vibrating image. In that collage of light I saw an eye!

And not too long ago I caught to wasp mating... Certainly an unusual image! :lol:
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Those are beautiful images, Eric! You have a good eye.
For me nature "sings out" the name of God and sometimes it is the tiniest of the natural world's expressions that can sing the loudest. Like today I was collecting leaves from trees that I grew up with at my parent's home in TN...suddenly my attention was drawn to the tiniest but most strikingly beautiful little flower that many of us might pass off with the word, "weed". Yet it was intricate and delicate and in its own world, a giant among beautiful flowers...I wonder sometimes if people can be like that too...perhaps the most amazing attributes, stories, experience, history is hiding nonchalant in someone we walk past without a thought or care...

Hope everybody is having a lovely week!
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

Absolutely. I am grateful for your insight.

There's a season for everything.

Today I was asked to pick up a roach for these girls who thought it dead. Little fella' was still alive. I feel a similar wonder for a creature many are afraid of or even hold contempt.

God is all around us. In you too. Thank you for being who you are and sharing this timely reminder.
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

And I am very grateful for you, Eric, and your thoughts freely shared here that have helped me more then I can say...

This one today...while I have heard this before...I have never allowed the thoughts to truly deepen around it...

There's a season for everything...

That is my meditation for today. thank you...

I will consider what is the season today...for me and all the big and little beings I come into contact with.
Things to ponder...
Can I affect these beings large and small in a positive way? Contribute towards peace and wholeness that may resonate outward much like a young man's example, who could look with compassion at a roach who may be ending the final season of his or her life. :happy

Kindness is priceless in eternal value.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

Gosh, thank you Sandy.

Yes I was exercising and reflecting on your words in the post about the weed. The, "there's a season for everything" felt like a channeled wisdom adage specifically for you. The way my mind understood it, you're in a reflective or internalized state. It's one I am grateful for.

I sure hope I'm practicing kindness. I'm at the age where I am gaining a little confidence and going through multiple attractions and rejections. I recognize my ego and carnal desires and hope I don't lose sight of just being a kind human being through out it all. It's important to me I know how to read the energy correctly and honor boundaries. Equally important I am kind despite ego shaking moments. I've kind of had some stumbles recently and only hope with those I've shared with feel at peace.

I am learning a lot but gosh still have so much more to learn. <3 You help me in more ways than I can say too. <3

Sweet regards ~
Your tall, awkward Texan friend :alien:
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hey my tall coordinated Texan friend, :batman:

You are trying to be kind, trying to understand the human behaviour clues in what can be a confusing area. That is saying something... nobody is ever perfect in any situation let alone in the dating experience. It can be much so that I hear many people my age say they wouldn't want to go back to that again...but then the human experience longs for companionship... :)

I love that you value so much the other person's feelings. I hope you find someone some day soon who values your own feelings every bit as much. It will happen.

I can use much work in the kindness department myself...It is easy for me to be patient and understanding of most any furry, scaled or feathered creature...but the human animal... not so much... So I'm off to think about how to become gentler to the, often obstinate, "two legged variety" of Earth creatures. :D

xxSandy :dwarf:
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by JohnR »

:hithere Hi Sandy,
It was a pleasant surprise to come back and discover you still here!! I read about George's passing. Sad for us, but I'm sure he's having a great time over there!
I only just now came back again to the board and saw the wonderful comment you made to my recent reply. I never knew I was so kind. Thanks! I was touched by your experience with the ant! All life is precious imo. There once was the blackest spider I've ever seen about the size of a dime who took up residence beside my toilet. Scarey looking. I just let him be and in a week or so he was gone and I never saw him again.
Imo the best way to be healthy and stay that way is eat what God gives us in nature. It's the only way to super-charge the immune system, so that if you DO fall ill the body easily overcomes it. Man's garbage, so-called "food" kills you slowly. Weston A. Price accidentally discovered that indigenous peoples around the world had ZERO chronic conditions until they were introduced to refined flour and sugar. I don't get sick. Ever. Not even a cold.
Agreed, work in the kindness dept! Retired 4 years ago, I read news most of the day and constantly have to remind myself to be kind with every comment. Usually, if I pause for half a minute I can figure out how to get my message across in a peaceful way.
Best wishes to you and yours! I'll be back!
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

Hi John,

Thank you for bumping this thread. Welcome back!


I missed your reply completely. Thank you as always for your kind and comforting words.

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by Sandy »

Hi John,

Thank you for the reminder about natures whole foods. It is something so easy to forget or put aside as we are bombarded from morning to night with processed food....which can taste so good. :( like those "terrible for me doughnuts" mentioned in my post... :lol: I would love to enjoy your level of health. That reminds me, I don't know if you have seen this, but Rod has a thread in the Urantia Book Study Forum called "UB Cookin" that is all about healthy whole food." (you must click on the sub forum entitled Urantia Book forum.) Most all the recipes he posts are whole and healthy and come from his own experience.

Yes, much has changed for me/us in the past two years since George passed. But I keep reminding myself that he isn't gone...not really. If I know George, he is very busy and joining as many groups as is "Morontialy" possible. LOL ( I just read a transmit this morning about such things...) it makes me smile to think of him healthy, happy and active.

The news is something that can knock me on my backside where kindness is concerned. I like the idea of taking a moment or two...(maybe 5 in my case) and think through a loving response or action. It is so easy to rush headlong through life and move much too quickly from what could amount to a lesson that could benefit us throughout all eternity...and we missed it early on because we had too much on our plate to take a few extra moments...But such is life in these modern times...we are pulled in many directions at the same time...maybe little by little we can work on these things if it seems overwhelming or unobtainable at this moment.

As always it is lovely to "hear" your voice on the boards, John. :D I am counting on your return when you can. ;) :D

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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

Hi Shane...
Boy you have really taught me a lot and changed my views on the subject, "new images in an unusual way."

I wanted to share this photo with you, because you just captured one of your Dad. I really believe it was your Father. I am learning there are mediums that serve as a means to transmitting an image- much like a monitor transmits an image of a person. For this reason, the space in which we capture these beings can be tiny or large. So capturing an image in your ear, and the fact that your Heart is aligned, allows us to witness what is coming through space. Yes. Your Father is coming through space, your Heart... And he is Alive.

Earlier today, I was discussing this phenomenon with Casey Claar. You might have noticed I've referenced her work before- like you she captures new images in unusual ways. Her medium is a crystal and the means is through her. Her work is amazing. It would seem you two share a similar gift.

Well this one about had my jaw drop to the floor... And I hope you see the Being coming through... I see a Master, do you? Hint, he's coming through the vertical white and golden light, like a rip in time/space.

It was reflecting off the surface of a glass water jug.
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Re: New images in an unusual way

Post by happyrain »

I ran out of time to edit the post, but wanted to include the source- link found here: ... t1518.html
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