What is going on in the world? And what can I do? 06/10/21 Meditation

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What is going on in the world? And what can I do? 06/10/21 Meditation

Post by Vu Nguyen »

Hello AC Students, beautiful souls, lovers of light, and everyone,

I experienced quite an insightful meditation today with some powerful messages so felt compelled to share it with you all.

In today's meditation an oriental, confucian-looking Celestial appeared in my workshop. A lot of words were exchanged between us so I will do my best to recall our exchange below:

Me: "What's currently going on with the world at the moment?"

Celestial: "We live in a world where people thrive on conflict, fear, and drama, and the best thing we can do in this situation is by focusing on our higher purpose and becoming our best selves, and if you, everybody does this, the world would be a much more peaceful and harmonious place."

Me: "That sounds so simple."

Celestial: "The beauty is in the simplicity; we far too often complicate things beyond what is necessary."

Me: "Why are 'they' doing this?"

Celestial: "Financial gain, power, and control. However, soon enough their powers will diminish as there is no substantial reasoning behind their actions, and they will eventually lose their power and control."

Me: Half jokingly..."Are we doomed?"

Celestial: *Smirks* "Far from it, this is nothing but a small speck event in the history of humanity's development."

Me: "Will things go back to normal?"

Celestial: "Yes but with a caveat; it will be a 'new normal' as there has been a major shift in the world and we can't expect things to go back to the way they were--the 'old normal'. However, that shouldn't stop people from doing all they ought to do--that be, starting a family, pursuing their career goals, or working towards their higher purpose; nothing people want to and strive for will be held back in this 'new normal'.

He also mentioned that he was appreciative of how receptive I am to these messages and far I've come in my progress for being able to do so, and for me to keep at it, which was really encouraging to hear. :)

I acknowledged his communications and said that I will take this into my waking life to realise and and bring to fruition, and I thanked him for his time and appearing before me with these important messages. He soon said that he "had to run" and so we bid each other farewell until we would meet again.

I hope that with everything going in the world at the moment, this provides you, the reader, with some of comfort and hope for the future.

With gratitude,
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Re: What is going on in the world? And what can I do? 06/10/21 Meditation

Post by happyrain »


Congratulations on such crystal clear contact- both visually and verbally.

Thank you for this humble reminder. I met a man named Gurunath with a group of friends, one of the people in our group saw the same confucian-look from him as you've described above.

His war cry? Self Peace for Earth Peace.

Keep up the great work, a pat on the back from a celestial on high is very special indeed. God is wonderful.

I'm coming back to add more because I wanted to share something I received in an email today- it is a daily inspiration from a teacher. Well. See for yourself how aligned it is with the lessons coming to you from the heavens. This is reflective of a unified consciousness(1111).

"Truth is simple. But for the very reason that it is simple, people will not take it; because our life on earth is such that for everything we value, we have to pay a great price and one wonders, if truth is the most precious of all things, then how can truth be attained simply? It is this illusion that makes everyone deny simple truth and seek for complexity. Tell people about something that makes their heads whirl round and round and round. Even if they do not understand it, they are most pleased to think, 'It is something substantial. It is something solid. For, it is an idea we cannot understand, it must be something lofty.' But something which every soul knows, proving what is divine in every soul, and which it cannot help but know, that appears to be too cheap, for the soul already knows it. There are two things: knowing and being. It is easy to know truth, but most difficult to be truth. It is not in knowing truth that life's purpose is accomplished; life's purpose is accomplished in being truth."
from https://wahiduddin.net/mv2/I/I_IV_13.htm
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: What is going on in the world? And what can I do? 06/10/21 Meditation

Post by Vu Nguyen »

Wow Eric, the alignment of the message from above is both incredibly eerie and fascinating! Reading that passage sent tingles down my spine - thanks so much for sharing that; the message is always clearer if it is repeated, and from different sources, too.
one of the people in our group saw the same confucian-look from him as you've described above.

His war cry? Self Peace for Earth Peace.
Thanks for sharing this also; as accepting as I am to everything I am seeing and experiencing, as a novitiate, it's a nice confirmation that we're all in alignment, and that these teachers indeed appear before us to teach us valuable lessons and that I'm not just seeing and hearing things.

Appreciate your contribution my friend, and hoping you're keeping up with your own meditations and communications with those of the higher realms, whom are so eager to teach.

With gratitude,
"Manners Maketh Man"
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Re: What is going on in the world? And what can I do? 06/10/21 Meditation

Post by Sandy »

Hello Vu and Eric,

I appreciate both of you more than words an say and thank you for sharing these thoughts and messages that touch the soul. :sunflower:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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