Making Waves

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Making Waves

Post by Starwalker »

My grandfather was a warrant officer in the Royal Air Force during WWII. He was an aircraft navigator. One day, his best friend asked him to switch shifts with him because he had a date that night. My grandfather agreed to the change and his friend flew his flight that day. That flight was shot down and his friend was killed. This left a lasting impression on my grandfather. He felt his life was spared for a reason and became a strong believer in fate and destiny. I would not be alive today had he not done that favor for his friend. This story came to mind after reading the celestial message titled “Lesson in Trust.” In this message, Chief Midwayer Bzutu explains that “We, the Midwayers, follow orders. We may well be instructed to save one man who seemingly ‘makes no waves’ as it concerns progress, but his son or grandson yet unborn may be the contributor in time still distant.”

It has occurred to me that I am one of these contributors in time still distant. I am still trying to find my place in it all, but, big or small, I am certain that I do have a role to play in Christ Michael’s Correcting Time. I pray for the advent of Monjoronson’s mission, and for Light and Life to come to Urantia. But I feel that this cannot happen until we are ready for it. This world is hardly fit to host a Paradise Son. We must prepare our planet for the arrival of this Son of God, much as John the Baptist helped set the stage for Jesus’ mission. I don’t know what waves I will make in this regard, but I do feel the spiritual pressure to do so. But for now, I will trust and follow the leadings of my TA and guides. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Sandy »

What a wonderful post, Jonathan! :happy

It is so easy to feel small and inept when so much needs improvement. You are so right, though, each one of us plays our part in this lifetime and what we do to bring about a better world contributes to the whole.
Thank you for that reminder and for the inspiration to follow our own celestial guidance.

For anyone who would like to read the message from Bzutu that Jonathon mentions in the above post, here is the URL. ... 71#p211875

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Starwalker »

Thanks Sandy!

I’ve given more thought to this whole ‘making waves’ thing. Last fall, I did a university course called Contemporary Alternative Spirituality. It was essentially a course about the religion of Spiritualism, and it may have been better classified as a gender studies course than a religion course, but that’s another story. Sadly, The Urantia Book didn’t even make an appearance, except for in my own essays of course. Anyway, a part of the course was dedicated to how this new religion gained popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries. Performance arts played a big role in the propagation of this belief system. Mediums would showcase their abilities at venues in local theatres and many people were converted. There is much more to it than this, but this is something in particular that came to mind recently. This continues to be a good method to promote spiritual agendas. Showmanship is still a big part of many evangelical missions, fraudulent or otherwise. There are even people who channel in front of live audiences, such as Lee Carroll, an American author who channels an entity known as Kryon. I’ve watched a few of his YouTube videos, and many of these channelings resonate with me.

I think this may be the next step in the 11:11 movement. Millions of people worldwide are getting these time prompts. Surely, it shouldn’t be too hard to gather some interest in a show that explains the phenomenon. A simple PowerPoint presentation can go a long way in the engineering world, and I think it would be a useful tool in promoting the 11:11 agenda. There are a lot of progressive people out there who need something to believe in. A travelling show may be a great way to take this movement to the streets. I know these events aren’t the easiest to organize, but they could do a lot of good. I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on the idea. What would be the most important topics to cover? And how can we make this appealing to the general public? How awesome would it be if many people worldwide rose up and did this? Just some food for thought.

Kind regards,
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Re: Making Waves

Post by happyrain »

I think it's lovely that you're being called to do this. I do hope Jason(pointman) see's your thread here or that you two might collaborate together. To your original post... Isn't it something? There are some things that just about go over my head, but I am left with such gratitude. Thank you for sharing! Here's to you and the others creating waves~
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Re: Making Waves

Post by pointman19 »

Since 2013, when i started to really research different phenomenon that correlates with 11:11, I felt that outreach was my calling too. Back then, I didnt really know much of what I was doing..only putting my steps in my research that had led me to where my current beliefs were at, at the time.

In my opinion, I think Synchronicity is a huge part in all of this as I feel that Midwayers will use syncs as a form of communication.

I've been at a roadblock for years on what to do next..I just know my "mission" still hasn't changed...I feel compelled to reach out to other 11ers beyond these forums.

I thought I had a good start with this on social media. Unfortunately, my "spiritual sheild" can only withstand so much verbal punishment from those who don't understand. I have all the patience in the world when it comes to explaining things, but many times, my views were challenged or some people would just be outright mean for no reason other than to tear down an individual who believes differently than them. This would cause severe anxiety, and I'm trying to calm it all down at this point.

I would be honored if I could help in any way I can. The way I was going about it wasnt working, but I'm not one for giving up easily.

I think what's awesome about your idea is that your trying to think outside the box and I love thinking like that. It really gets the creativity flowing.

If you get a chance, please check out my blogs in my signature and you'll see what I've been trying to do. I know most of it will sound like its preaching to the choir, but I had to start somewhere.

I'd like my next article to be about synchronicity. But what I want to write about can be difficult because theirs Syncronicities..but then their is another version to it...and that's how I explain HOW Midwayers use syncronicities which thus explains a term I coined called "synchronicity with intent".

I'm all about those waves! (No pun intended lol)

Can I also ask you, have you ever seen the video called the double slit light experiment? This is another phenomenon that I desperately want to write about but dont know how to put it into my own words.

In my opinion, it showcases how light is consciously aware of itself AND its surroundings! It's a really cool 4 minute video!

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Re: Making Waves

Post by pointman19 »

We could always start small and see where things go...have you ever thought about starting our own group in Facebook where, possibly, we could be admins.

There are no groups for Midwayers but plenty on 11:11.

I was tossing around ideas for the name of tge group. Something like "The 11:11 Correcting Time" or maybe even "The United Midwayers of Urantia" (where we try to promote the messages from the Midwayers or other different types of topics.)

I would definetly leave the group open for public discussion...where "no stone is left unturned". We could talk about the Laws of Attraction/Vibeation, synchronicity...its all open to discussion to help those that are on their own journeys.

I do have some experience in group participation 😁

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Starwalker »

Hey Jason,

The show was just a thought. I don’t think I could do anything like this until I feel I have reached a degree of relative perfection. But perhaps I could get behind someone else who could do it. I try to keep my outreach simple and subtle. I hope that the quotes and posts I share are enough to get people interested in learning more. It’s actually a very small drop in the ocean. Sometimes we think we’re making moves when actually we might be standing still.

I can’t say I’ve been attacked a lot because of Urantia, but I have stepped on a few toes. I think it’s important to realize that this stuff is still a bit strange to most people and that this can be frightening to some. Fear brings out the worst in us. I try not to strive with anyone. I just accept that that is where they are right now. We’ve been commissioned to love people. And sometimes that means setting them free. It’s ok to distance yourself from people who hurt you. If I was incessantly being attacked somewhere, I would remove myself from that environment as much as possible.

I had a quick look through your blog and I think you have done good work putting all that together. Kudos to you! If you are looking for some advice on where to go with it, perhaps I can help. I think it’s time to stop running amok, and present your ideas in a more purposeful manner. What exactly is the message you are trying to convey? I think you could be more direct by explaining how these examples back up the Urantia Book. Have you ever visited the website ? This is what that site aims to do. Have you ever thought about writing a book?

I like your idea of starting a Facebook group. It could be a nice start. I just use my personal page right now. Anyone who finds me on Facebook finds the Urantia Book. I often wonder how many people click on my name in the ‘people you may know’ section and find the book. If you want to discuss this further perhaps we could chat privately?

All the best,
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Re: Making Waves

Post by pointman19 »

I can say in all honesty, i really had not much of a clue on what I was trying to do with in the beginning. Learning new things and writing about it, trying to tie it in somehow with 11:11. All I knew was that I had to write about I kinda went with that. I think, in 2013, I was in my first year of seeing 11s and other numbers.

Then I started researching things that I couldn't write I had no frame of reference. Just endless questions in my mind and what felt like endless searching and researching.

When those blogs hit a stalling point...I knew some things I researched would have to be put into practice and experimented with. Things like the LOA and Syncroicity I struggled with for years. So bad it got, I had to quit the search for a while...that hurt as i went through a period of years where...the numbers and syncs were still happening regardless...I had given up trying to figure it out.

I just couldn't understand what I was being told and I got tired of trying. Those...were some darker times (but...spirit guides are relentless and just refuse to give up on you. I kinda admired that...and i eventually started searching again. Damn good thing too..because i think i would have ended up spiritualy bankrupt.

Anywho, sorry about the rambling...but I really enjoy outreach if I can.

The Facebook group isn't bad but sometimes, you gotta prepare yourself to be possibly lashed out at, and I'm still in the process of rebuilding my spiritual shield.

Nothing has to be done right away and Hashing out ideas could make one thing lead into another! Feel free to message me anytime 😁

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Jason,

Your post made me recall my spiritual beginnings. I was 23 when I first woke to spiritual realities. I quickly fell into fanaticism. I don’t care to share these details as I still cringe at this sometimes. My father tried to convince me that I was crazy, but I knew there was something to it. l continued my search though I still wandered through the spiritual darkness of agnosticism. I researched many religions, aliens, the occult and spiritual beliefs such as the law of attraction. But it wasn’t until I found the Urantia Book through this site that I found what I truly needed and that was faith. It has been a shaky road since then with periods of progress and regress, but I like to think I’ve come a long way with still a much longer way to go.

I have to credit my grandparents for my interest in spiritual matters. My grandmother would bring me to church with her. She made sure I was baptized and confirmed. I think this is why the Urantia Book was appealing to me since I wasn’t a total stranger to Christianity. My grandfather’s beliefs were a little more complex. But he always said there was truth in the Bible. He had a book called The Encyclopedia of the Strange by Daniel Cohen. I used to love reading that as a teenager. So, I was introduced to alternative theories at a relatively young age. And now here I am, trying to find my place in it all. My Facebook outreach is going well I think. More people are starting to like my posts. I figure there are many there who mock them as well but that’s out of my control. At least they know the Urantia Book is there now in case they ever do get interested. And I pray that they do.

God bless,
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Re: Making Waves

Post by pointman19 »

Wow..we have very very similar awakening stories as I went through the same things. Aliens were researched in the beginning for me too, but I ended up believing more so in Interdimensional beings...still "aliens"

May I add you on Facebook as a friend? Perhaps we can see the types of things we post and see how are ways of thinking can coincide 😁 I tend to post from the heart so my posts range from spiritual and other topics I believe in.

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Starwalker »

Hey Jason,

You are more than welcome to add me on Facebook. My research into aliens actually started when I was 21 after I saw a UFO. I found a document online that described a lot of different types of aliens and spacecrafts. It even had a picture of one similar to the one I saw, which was triangular with red and white circular lights. I wasn’t alone at the time either. But now the other person doubts what we saw. I know it was real enough to give me the creeps. But I hope to get to the bottom of everything someday. I would classify the celestials as inter-dimensionals or extra-dimensionals. I know I have received thought inputs from them, but I’m probably a long way from receiving messages. I don’t doubt Spirit anymore, but I still have doubt in myself. Perhaps that’s my next hurdle. Anyway, hope to see you on Facebook.

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Re: Making Waves

Post by pointman19 »

Ah yes, I understand all too well. I believe so much in what cant be seen or only felt. My next obstacle or hurdle is coming to terms with myself.

This one is going to take some time..but with my spirituality being what it is now, compared to what it was ten years ago...I feel like I am very comfortable in my beliefs.

I just need to believe in myself a little more. How can one have so much faith in the unseen, but me, myself, physically and mentally....I am flesh and blood, live in the 3rd dimension and very much why am I having such a hard time with myself than fron what I CANT see?

Time will tell, me hopes 😁

“A better world starts with the thoughts of each individual. Do have ‘better thoughts.’ --Teacher Monjoronson

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Re: Making Waves

Post by Sandy »

Believing in ourselves and doubting ourselves seems to be a common theme with many of us, myself included. I wanted to tell you, Jason, that when you discover the answer to how to get above it to tell me... but in the next breath I knew this is something we each have to discover for ourselves.
This doesn't help but I want you and Jonathon (since you both are discussing it) to know that I see wonderful amazing qualities in both of you...enviable qualities. You both have it all where it counts and you can take that to the bank... :) :thumright:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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