World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"simple word test reveals how creative you are" :o

"involves thinking of 10 nouns that are unrelated to one another, far apart in meaning ... scoring is more complex and involves computing the average 'semantic distance' (or relatedness) of the listed words ... researchers used a database that infers the semantic distances of thousands of words based on their usage across billions of webpages."

:idea: Truly creative people immediately comprehend that scoring, based on "billions of webpages",
is inherently flawed (billions of pages includes the "lowest common denominator" of usage). :roll:

:scratch: Best guess: Your daily horoscope might be just as accurate ...
or believe what your mother told you when you were a child.
Learning something new every day enhances creativity. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... e-backyard
"Heidi Klum sunbathes nude in her backyard during 'hot' summer day"

:idea: Cold days with breeze protection and good sun also work ... so they say. ;)
Caveat: If the sun can see you, so can the ubiquitous photo drones ...
not to mention the super peeker military satellites! :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... oklyn.html
"in Brooklyn as NYC gun violence rises 43% from 2020"

:idea: With police defunding, neighborhood squabbles can be settled much easier
... with modern equipment, stylish clothes, and even video for evidence. :roll:
And police are not blamed for the seeming race-on-race justice. :?

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"Press Sec calls for users banned on one social platform to be banned from ALL social platforms." :o

:idea: Intriguing recommendation since it begs creation of private platforms
for discussion of opinions/topics not authorized for discussion in public places.
The science fiction movies that depict such disconnected layers of society
seem the inspiration for this proposed solution to civil disagreement. :shock:

:duh Even more intriguing is that "disinformation" is being promoted
in mainstream media as "incorrect information", but the reality is that
this is disagreeable information (to the public controllers of information). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... any-moment
"China Tells U.S. and Taiwan: 'Prepare for a Blow at any moment' "

:shock: Quite a windy region of the globe this will be ...
when blow is counter-blown! :roll:

:idea: Surprisingly, "unification" seems narrowly defined
and constrained to such short range planning ...
considering that changing generations
help integrate and nurture goals. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... o-tribeca/

"serving a 'micro-dosed series of four bites, three-course plated meal, and dessert.' "
"a space to celebrate the intersection of fine dining and cannabis"

:!: :!: Entrepreneur Alert ;)
A macro-dosed restaurant nearby should be successful ...
considering the cannabis reputation for serious munching. :roll:

:roll Restaurant hopping returns! ...
just in time for lockdown recovery! :bounce:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"boy in China wearing skirt to school starts national conversation about male and female roles"

"In the afternoon, a teacher publicly criticised him during class, saying 'A boy needs to be like a boy,
they do not wear skirts.' A few girls in his class stood up to say boys have the freedom to wear skirts
and vice versa, but the teacher only retorted 'That’s in the US. In China there’s no such 'freedom'."

:scratch: Might explain the plans for "unification" with Hong Kong
... and soon thereafter Taiwan. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ctims.html
"Hackers steal identities of at least two Surfside condo victims and empty their bank accounts
after applying for credit cards in their name" :o

:idea: Land sharks seem new reality of modern society! :(
Like ocean sharks that investigate boating mishaps,
land sharks investigate similar misfortune on land,
but usually limit their theft to financial gain. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"Children’s books on sheep leads to 5 arrests in Hong Kong under new security law"

"The Agence France-Press reported that the books in question are essentially about sheep surrounded by fierce wolves
... reportedly intended to teach the city’s history of democracy to children." :roll:

:idea: Brings to mind "The Three Little Pigs" (but a less-political wolf) ...

Re: ... epression/

"... the pigs were able to succeed against the hardships and adversities brought about by the hungry wolf. In such a way
that the Great Depression proved to be one of the most trying times of our times, working together helped make things better."

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... trash-cans

"San Francisco is hoping to replace the long despised green trash cans littered throughout the city,
as its board of supervisors voted Wednesday to approve using new designer prototype bins.
Each new can will cost between $12,000 and $20,000" :shock:

:scratch: Los Angeles seems the more appropriate city for public designer stuff -
San Francisco might justify this if it had electronics for greeting pedestrians
and/or mechanism for self-emptying. A trash can + toilet seems the better
functionality for San Francisco city streets ... according to the news. ;)

:cheers: Butt a Gucci Toilet would be a tourism booster! Which reminds me ...

I like to claim that I have a $1,000 toilet (what it cost me to replace a toilet,
including total medical expenses when my hand got infected from bacteria
on broken porcelain that cut into a finger). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -olympics/
"Tradition dictates the Opening Ceremony Parade of Nations is in alphabetical order"

:idea: Another clue that athletes represent their nation ... by Olympics tradition! ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ernet.html
"Kraft Macaroni and Cheese flavored ICE CREAM debuts and immediately sells out"

:idea: Emphasizes that ice cream is not health food!
But ice cream is not consumed as "health food"
... and this looks quite tasty :!:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... g-him.html

"Brooklyn mugger batters 68-year-old victim and STOMPS on his head -
breaking his nose - then robs him while he's unconscious" :(

:idea: The elderly and vulnerable need to activate a LOUD alarm
to cause others to notice such attacks. However, that passersby
will get involved is an unknown (might take a cellphone photo
for the police when they can be found ... post defunding). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... case-study

"Prior case studies have reported that sex - including the autoerotic variety -
'was the immediate preceding activity before a ruptured aneurysm in up to 14 percent of patients' "

"risk of death by sex-induced stroke can be compounded by taking cocaine or Viagra before the act."

:scratch: Intriguing bias of this medical reporting ...
considering that with-partner sex is often more stimulating
... so I've read online and in product advertising. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -into-law/

"France’s parliament approved a law early Monday requiring special virus passes for all restaurants
and domestic travel and mandating vaccinations for all health workers."

Re: ... index.html
"If you are not vaccinated against Covid-19, you shouldn't go into a bar or restaurant ...
You are at great risk of becoming infected"

:idea: Apparently, the vaccinated can indeed spread the virus! :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ng-drivers
"San Francisco considering congestion tax on high-earning drivers ...
commuters making less than $46,000 would not pay a fee at all."

:idea: Considering reports about the cost of living in the SF area,
"commuters making less than $46,000" must be the homeless! :roll:

An all stick and no carrot proposal (financial pressure
to reduce driving, but how will the money be used?) :?

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 53325.html
"Mila and Ashton Say They Only Bathe Their Kids When 'You Can See the Dirt on Them' "

:idea: Good point about over-bathing (immune systems need some exposure to bacteria to remain robust), but seeing dirt
is not necessarily the best clue about bathing (e.g., poison ivy resin on the skin does not first appear as dirt). ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 089980002/

- Open the Alexa app and go to the menu.
- Select Settings, then choose Device Settings
- Pick the device you want to update with the new wake word.
- Pick the wake word you want.

:idea: The next iteration of this technology might allow you
to use a preferred wakeup word, like (beep-beep). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... emale.html
"Woke medical students are accused of bullying professors into apologizing for using terms 'male' and 'female' "

:idea: Probably internet-enlightened, social-media-inspired medical students ...
who challenge their professors' knowledge of evolutionary anatomy. :o

:cheers: Makes a good acronym: WOKE - We Oppose Korrect Education. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... n-24641772
"Two-headed snake named Ben and Jerry filmed eating two mice at the same time."

:idea: But they prefer different ice cream flavors for dessert
... when it's sold in their neighborhood. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... r-swingers
"Louisiana man creates trailer park for swingers: 'Bring your house and share your spouse' " :o

"while his vision does offer room for people to live at the trailer park, his design is for
'party-themed weekends' where swingers can congregate in a campground atmosphere."

:scratch: Somehow it becomes obvious that "swinging" refers to married couples ...
since an unmarried partner might not swing back to the old playground. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... kg-vpx.kgo
"Teenager attacked by 12-foot-long crocodile while on vacation"

:idea: Despite any issue with signs and lifeguards,
swimming in the ocean after sunset has been a NoNo for decades! :o

If you swim in the ocean after sunset, you might get bit.
If you step in front of a moving train, you will get hit.
Whether bit or hit, depends on some fateful shift. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... g-american
"Some college students say they won't root for Team USA at Olympics: 'I don't like being an American' "

:scratch: It may be time to redefine "Olympics", which is by founding design nation representation.
However, the long-existing "Exchange Student" program seems a reasonable alternative
for students wanting to be educated in a more preferred country. ;)

:idea: In fact, the Exchange Student program should probably be expanded to include
Nationality Exchange, providing opportunity for those who want to live in the U.S. 8)

The mainland Chinese are making good progress with social media monitoring
and could provide the technology model whereby dissatisifed residents
are contacted and informed of nationality exchange possibilities. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -decision/

"founders 'unequivocally support the ice cream maker’s move'
to boycott Israeli settlements in the West Bank" :rambo:

:o Such a two-edged sword, this regional boycott!
It risks B&J boycott by Israeli citizens elsewhere
who support settlements and gives competition
opportunity to gather more brand loyalty. :roll:

:scratch: Somehow it always seems counterproductive
for product/service marketing to be openly political.

Also, price-sensitive consumers in other countries
now have another reason to skip the B&J section
in local stores. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... y-marraige

"What we said is if you actually do discriminate in your business by not allowing same-sex couples
to marry on your farm, then we don't want you in East Lansing."

:idea: It's puzzling that such laws are required since, with normal business competition,
consumers of the product/service can shop elsewhere. And with increasing LGBT support
there might be such effective competition.

:scratch: Maybe laws are required only where "effective competition" is absent. :?

Rod :)
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