Can someone explain this to me?

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Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Rowenlecuyer »

This happened to me last night while I was sleeping and I wanted to share my experience. If people could give me feedback or have experienced anything similar, I'd like to hear what you have to say. Thanks for taking the time to read this:

Last night it happened again; I woke up to those hands gripping my side, three of them, two big ones and a small baby one. The hands were projecting something into my body, a weird sensation that traveled into my side and though out my entire being like electrical waves but without the painful shocks. I moved slightly, trying to shrug them off and go back to sleep, but only to awake to the same thing. I can’t remember the last time I experienced this, but I do know that this exact thing has happened before a while back. When I awoke the second time last night to these hands, I wasn’t afraid like I was when I first experiences this “paranormal” activity. I reached to where I could feel the grip and to my surprise I could feel a hand and I released it’s grip while it didn’t fight me but went slightly limp to the feel of my hand, as if it weakened to my touch. I moved my arm over my body to the other side still holding onto this baby hand. It was creepy; I could feel it as if it were someone’s hand. But they were only hands and part of their forearms, for I trailed my other hand up to see as far as I could go with feeling this entity and the rest of “it” (if there were bodies belonging to these hands) just weren’t there. I let go of that hand and it fell to my side beneath my blanket and that was when I realized it scurried back to my other side to continue its grip and weird sensation it was giving me. This is when I decided to pray, for I remember the last time I didn’t this weird beep-beep didn’t stop through out the night. But once I prayed and went back to sleep, it stopped.
I have read up on lucid dreaming and the like, and some people would say that this is what I experienced. And considering I could somewhat control my movements for when I reached for one of the hands. But I think it is more than just that, also considering I’ve had this exact same thing occur before. I could feel the grips and pressure on my left so well and the hands felt so real, not to mention I could’ve sworn I was literally awake during this. Any regular person who does not normally experience this would freak out like I initially did the very first time I started having these. I guess I’m used to these “attacks” now.
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by happyrain »

hello and welcome to the forum
i've gone through similar and i understood it to be an in between state. you said you felt awake and you described the electrical feelings that often come with it. the hands, how i read it, to me is your minds interpretation(in real time trying to rationalize your experience) because in this state we can see and create things that become very real. so when its time to sleep our body enters into a standby mode much like a computer, usually the mind goes with it but in this instance it seems like your body went to rest while your mind remained alert. make no mistake, i'm not telling you what is real or isn't or belittling your experience. scientific words for this experience have been called hypnagogia or sleep paralysis.
praying has always helped me. here's a trick that might help you. if you ever feel you're back in this in-between state you can tell yourself that you are fine, that these hands don't have power over you. remind yourself that your body is asleep and your mind is awake. then direct your awareness to your big toe. tell yourself, "i'm going to wiggle my toe now." and then wiggle your toe. once you bring your body back online it tends to free you from any paralysis or in-between experience.
eventually this phenomenon became interesting enough to explore further. if you can keep calm in this state try to see where it might take you. i've heard conversations and have had an out of body experience or two as a result. some people are professionals, me on the other hand, i stumble around this realm but as a result have had many beautiful experiences and birthed a lifelong interest in the realm of spiritual inquiry. one might call your experience an initiation.

god bless and god speed.
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Sandy »

Hello Rowanlecuyer,

It was very late last night when I approved your first post but I was hoping that Eric (Happyrain) would comment because he has had much experience with sleep paralysis and its' sometimes terrifying occurrences. I have never had such experiences and I marvel at the calm with which you exhibited in your shared experience. I am in awe and am fairly certain that I would not have fared as well.

It is good to meet you. Welcome to the message board.
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome to the boards Rowanlecuyer,
Sleep paralysis could be your answer,.... or there could be another explanation... Hope this doesn't step on any toes, but here goes.

I know several people on this board worked really hard at working on eliminating packets from our plain, but some still exist here. I understand packets to be residual energy left behind when a person passes on. They have many different names, ghosts, spirits, what ever you want to call them. I'm not a person who goes around spreading stories or looking for ghosts, but I do believe other's should be armed in case they have an encounter. Because of spiritual gifts in our family and among friends,... we've had many experiences with these entities, and a few in facing down some of the more negative ones.

My latest personal experience was a few months ago while on vacation. We stayed in a really awesome Air B&B. There were two houses. I was the only one to stay in my side. I felt the presence right away. My first thought was, "Hhh, of course." The first night it started right when I went to bed, There was a little old Hispanic woman and a young girl. I politely introduced myself, was grateful to be here, loved their space and said we were going to stay a few days then be on our way. The young girl seemed very timid, the old woman was going to have none of it. There were all kinds of noises, and scary images filled my mind right after that. I'd spent the whole day traveling and was a little cranky myself. Told her to knock it off, turned up my white noise machine, asked my guides for protection, and went to sleep. The next night it began again, I explained they had passed and really didn't belong here. There was a much better place waiting for them and asked for spirit to show them the light. I believed the young girl left then and all was quiet. I went to sleep and about an hour later the old woman appeared in my dream. I was in the bathroom. She attacked me and was choking me with a pressure of air. I could feel her hatred and anger. At first I was surprised and a little scared, seemed she had done this many times before, and that made me mad! I imagined her feeding off the fear she caused in innocent people. I've often had lucid dreams. I took control of the dream, standing up, looking her closely in the eye, I shouted forcefully out loud, "NO!!!" She couldn't believe it, let go, shrunk down and avoided eye contact. My shouting woke me up, immediately I called in several celestials asking them to please cleanse this house, explain things to the woman and take her to where she needed to go. I asked my guides for protection, and went back to sleep. There were no more occurrences for the rest of the time we were there.

You may indeed have experienced sleep paralysis, especially if this has happened before. Your account makes me wonder about a few things though. Does this always happen in the same location? If there was a violent or unexpected passing near where you were? Do spiritual gifts run in your family? I know a person who was very negative and self-destructive, who attracted negative entities to himself.

If what you had was a 'paranormal encounter', I am not an expert, but in my experience the only power these beings have is from the fear they cause. Once they are confronted and your fear abates, they have no more power over you. Prayer is your best defense in asking for protection, but also ask for them to be taken away... permanently. Our guides and guardians cannot do anything without your permission. If you determine you are not experiencing sleep paralysis, and it continues, it might be time to call in help to cleanse the area.

Hope this was not too much information.

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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Dragonfly »

Maybe you did come across entities or a discarnate from the lower astral realms. They can somehow still manifest activity into the realms of our Earth. Normally we are protected from anything from the lower astral realms, but during sleep paralysis one can somehow get stuck into certain energies & beings can somehow make themselves known to you. Because we all have an imagination and also a darker side to our imagination, then maybe they at times are drawn to this or try to make themselves known to us, as they see that we do have "a shadow-side" which might react negatively to them and thus they can feed off any outburst of negativity. I really hope this helps and makes some sense to you. I do think that spirits exist; however i am not educated in this field that much of the Paranormal or Parapsychology, so it is limited what i can add to your story. Some years ago in the Summer of 2OI4; i was out of town and missed the last train; so i had to spend the night at a hotel. I recall i was given the key to the room by the desk-clerk and after having paid; and he said the usual "breakfast is in the morning at 7 a.m. to 11 a.m." and i might have nodded to him as a response of "got it!". Well, anyways i had just sat myself in the chair of that room, and i felt like a presence. Something that was not that pleasant; and it came across as if i was intruding on someone´s personal space; yet no one was there. I kept looking around - no noises, no sounds. Just that presence of something. I did consider going down with the key to the desk clerk and asking for a new room, but i was fatigued and wanted my nights sleep before the breakfast and the early morning train; so i said in my head to this presence: "it is okay that you are here. i can respect that - but i am here too, and we have to make the best of it!" and it took little time, before it calmed the atmosphere and i felt that whatever was there had gone. Maybe i just pepped up my own mind and reached a higer frequency or something similar. Cause have you noticed that when fatigued; it is almost as if we are more susceptible to these things; and rather in a "lower state of mind" than when on a higher awareness strand of conscience. (I think these entities know this; and therefore are on the outlook for those that are overly tired, emotionally distressed or children even - i do not know if these entities are purely evil or good. I think they are stuck & somehow in a state of despair & therefore encountering them can be a rather unpleasant experience & due to their desperate situation; hence they might be "less evil" than what at first appears to be the case). Just saying!
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Say what :?: :!:

Maybe one has to believe that this beep-beep exists to experience it ...
or one's angelic watchcare, et al., does not permit you to experience it
... if you don't believe it. :?

:idea: If someone were standing beside the person having this experience,
would they observe anything happening to that person's physical body :?:
Or is this all phenomena of mind reality? "Other worldly"? :roll:

:duh I haven't read anything on this board in years that even hints
that midwayers and angels participate in such phenomena ...
but it's still fascinating. :roll

:idea: "Entities" is a good term to describe beings in these other realms
since the universe provides personal seraphim (safeguards human soul)
and personal thought adjuster (safeguards human personality)
for our transition to "Heaven" after death. :roll

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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Seeker13 »

Plenty of nonbelievers have become believers after having a paranormal experience. And many people have never had, or will have an encounter in their lives. This makes it hard to believe paranormal activity is a real thing. You may or may not be able to visually notice anything standing next someone having a paranormal experience. Lol! Unless they suddenly go screaming down the street!

Midwayers and other angelic beings are on a completely different level than former humans and lower entities.

In our family I think it's genetic, as over the years so many have come forward with their own story or stories. In my case and especially my daughter's, it seems like we're drawn into an encounter because of someone needing help, either the spirit, or a person unequipped to deal with the experience. I've also been told by my guides that people with spiritual gifts give off a light, entities floundering in the darkness can see this light and are attracted to it.

Dragonfly I've not noticed being more vulnerable when fatigued or overwhelmed, but that sound plausible. And there are people out there who attract lower entities because of the level of vibration they're living. Often you'll here of people who have opened up some kind of... portal(?) because of messing around with a Ouija board, or other dark practices and have problems afterward.

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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Dragonfly »

Yes, seeker13 - i think that it is more when the rational mind is dormant or rather is not that active; i.e. when fatigued or sleepy, that the other & vast parts of our conscience are more "easily" felt by the person. Like the rational mind cannot just step in and override it all (as bogus). But throughout history then sightings of ghosts, entities and shadow beings have been during all the hours of the day. And i am almost certain that most ghost sightings have been during the early hours of the day & then by dusk. (The in between hours seem to be prime for such energies or entity´s). Just saying! :hithere

The Ouija board and dabbling in the realms of sourcery are definitely the very things that can open doors to unpleasantries and bring "bad entities" to someone. Again normally then individuals are protected from this; however when dabbling in "shadow areas" then beings masquerading as lost loved ones; can do harm to the individual. I have read about these things & that sometimes a priest is called and to do a cleansing ritual with holy water and stuff. Love never fails!! :loves
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Seeker13 »

I've attended a couple of house clearings. A spiritual friend of mine does these. The places we helped clear were not plagued by completely malevolent beings, that would require a priest. They were both such interesting experiences! Above all else though we invoked several layers of protection before attempting.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Dragonfly »


How amazing is that. Yes - there are surely rooms, houses, lodgings and apartments were something is lurking. That "something" or somebody might need a helping hand to realize that their time has come & to move on. Certain entities do have an affiliation to certain areas or houses. I had a especially thrilling encounter with a Lady some 15 years ago whom did practice several rituals and used cleansing rituals too as a house protection and she told me of a certain area in town which is known (or maybe was?) for having "house Spirits". She once went there with a friend and they did protect themselves before going in & then cleansing the rooms there: it was a successful adventure & the owner was much happier afterwards. It seemed that someone had died there and rather tragically; so it was assumed that that "person" needed help to move into the next realm or Dimension. Rather a fascinating subject and altogether! :)

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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Seeker13 »

Dragonfly wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:04 pmso it was assumed that that "person" needed help to move into the next realm or Dimension.
I think this is very often the case, many simply need help and information.

What was so fascinating to me at the last one was how connected I felt! It was a stream of images and conversation. It surprised me that I wasn't scared at all. Before we began, I was asked to visit the back attic in a very old farmhouse to see if I had any impressions. There was an elderly gentleman in charge who was very intimidating, had been holding several other weaker spirits hostage. I felt very protective of our group and the other spirits and could feel their thanks as they placed a grateful hand on my shoulder as they left. It was very emotional. The older man was the last to leave. He was extremely angry and resistant, but at the end he appeared as a very frightened child who went willingly with a few angelic beings to help him.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Can someone explain this to me?

Post by Dragonfly »

Emotional for sure. What a graceful act of love & to help those discarnate and to get passed any energy blockage and attachments - so that they can heal by moving on and on their own personal journey. Maybe even reunite with loved ones! Thank you Kim & for this lovely share and from the chapters of your own life and experiences with "the invisible realms" or higher dimensions. May the angels guide and protect them (each and everyone) still & with love. :sunny:
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