Wingmakers Materials

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Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

The Wingmakers Materials (

Hi All

This site is truly amazing. It is the only set of materials that I have found to be Urantia Book-esque. I particularly love the philosophy, music and art.

The creator of these materials James Mahu, has created an integrated set of materials that fulfill a particular purpose. The amazing thing is that these same meanings are expressed through a variety of mediums: story, philosophy, art, music, poetry and poignant graphics. The site itself is a work of art.

What is the gist of the materials: connecting up to the unseen forces that shape our lives, aligning with the creator (First Source), living from the Heart, calling forth the Wholeness Navigator.

The author introduces ideas that are similar to the Urantia Book such as:

Wholeness Navigator (Thought Adjuster)

and Cosmological Structure

And also what appear to be new ideas like:

The Sovereign Integral

and other new revealed systems that impinge on our consciousness

Please give it a look if you are a brave spiritual adventurer.

All the best,
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

To kick things off, here is one of the First Source transmissions:

My Central Message
I convey this message to you whom I have stirred with the sound of my voice. These words are my
signature. You may bring your doubt, your fear, your faith, or your courage; it matters not, for you will
be touched by the rhythm of my voice. It moves through you like a beam of light that sweeps—if only
for a moment—the darkness aside.

I dwell in a frequency of light in which finite beings cannot uncover me. If you search for me, you
will fail. I am not found or discovered. I am only realized in oneness, unity, and wholeness. It is the very
same oneness that you feel when you are interconnected with all of life, for I am this and this alone. I
am all of life. If you must search for me, then practice the feeling of wholeness and unity.

In my deepest light I created you from my desire to understand my universe. You are my
emissaries. You are free to journey the universe of universes as particles from my infinite womb with
destinies that you alone will write. I do not prescribe your journey or your journey’s aim. I only
accompany you. I do not pull you this way or that, nor do I punish you when you stray from my heart.
This I do as an outcome of my belief in you.

You are the heirs of my light, which gave you form. It is my voice that awakened you to
individuality, but it will be your will that awakens you to our unity. It is your desire to know me as your
self that brings you to my presence so perfectly hidden from your world. I am behind everything that
you see, hear, touch, taste, smell, feel, and believe.

I live for your discovery of me. It is the highest expression of my love for you, and while you
search for my shadows in the stories of your world, I, the indelible, invisible light, grow increasingly
visible. Imagine the furthest point in space—beneath a black portal, cast in some distant galaxy, and
then multiply this distance by the highest numeric value you know. Congratulations, you have
measured an atom of my body.

Do you realize how I am unfathomable? I am not what you can know, or see, or understand. I am
outside comprehension. My vastness makes me invisible and unavoidable. There is nowhere you can
be without me. My absence does not exist. It is this very nature that makes me unique. I am First Cause
and Last Effect connected in an undivided chain.

There is no supplication that stirs me. No prayer that invites me further into your world unless it
is attended with the feeling of unity and wholeness. There is no temple or sacred object that touches
me. They do not, nor have they ever brought you closer to my outstretched hand. My presence in your
world is unalterable for I am the sanctuary of both the cosmos and the one soul inside you.

I could awaken each of you in this very moment to our unity, but there is a larger design—a more
comprehensive vision—that places you in the boundaries of time and the spatial dimensions of
separateness. This design requires a progression into my wholeness that reacquaints you with our
unity through the experience of separation. Your awakening, while slow and sometimes painful, is
assured, and this you must trust above all else.

I am the ancestral father of all creation. I am a personality that lives inside each of you as a
vibration that emanates from all parts of your existence. I reside in this dimension as your beacon. If
you follow this vibration, if you place it at the core of your journey, you will contact my personality that
lives beneath the particles of your existence.

I am not to be feared or held in indifference. My presence is immediate, tangible, and real. You
are now in my presence. Hear my words. You are in my presence. You are within me more than I am
within you. You are the veneer of my mind and heart, and yet you think yourself the product of an ape.
You are so much more than you realize.

Our union was, is, and will be forevermore. You are my blessed offspring with whom I am
intricately connected in means that you cannot understand and therefore appreciate. You must
suspend your belief and disbelief in what you cannot sense, in exchange for your knowing that I am
real and live within you. This is my central message to all my offspring. Hear it well, for in it you may
find the place in which I dwell.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Geoff »

That's pretty good channeling.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

Here's one more from Wingmakers:

Manifesto of the Sovereign Integral

• There is no space more sacred or powerful than another.
• There is no being more spiritual than another.
• There is no thing more divine than another.
• There is no tool or technique that accelerates the unfoldment of consciousness.
• There is no truth that can be written, spoken, or thought unless it is
conceived and expressed through the Language of Unity.
• First Source transcends Wholeness.
• All the fragments of philosophy, science, and religion, even when unified,
represent but a fractional picture of reality.
• The mysteries of your world will never be understood through inquiries
that are based in the language of the mind.
• Perfection is a concept of wholeness misunderstood.
• The conditions of peace, beauty, love, and security are merely signposts to
wholeness, as are their counterparts.
• To live in the Wholeness Perspective is to value all things as they are and to
bear witness to the unity of their expression.
• No being requires knowledge other than their unique Wholeness Perspective.
• There is no hierarchy. There is only One That Is All.
• There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation.
• True Freedom is access to First Source.
• A being cannot get closer to First Source than in the existence of a moment.
• The sovereign being and First Source are reality.
• Having a physical body does not limit you, anymore than having legs on an
eagle prevents it from flying.
• All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of
unlimited self-creation.
• There is no pathway to First Source.
• Unfoldment, evolution, growth/decay cycles and transformation are all
bound to the same premise of separation in linear time.
• The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
• The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth
must be.
• There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is
understanding of the Self.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

This page has some of the more practical ideas (in diagrammatic form) of the Wingmakers materials, and will really expand you:
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

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Here's one I thought was good:
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Sandy »

Hi Dylan,

I hope to be able to check this out when I have more time. Right now, traveling back and forth to the hospital, supporting George and staking care of some of his work has me wiped out. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. In fact it is "Light" that sustains me.

Have a wonderful week end and thank you sharing this information and material. .. That first transmit was very special.

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

Hi Sandy

Hope you and George are okay!

If you want me to send through some of the music, I'd be happy to. I think you would find it particularly healing and uplifting.

Do be honest, this is the only "channelled" music I have ever come across, truly remarkable.

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Sandy »

Hi Dylan,
That would be wonderful... as music can heal the soul. Thanks for offering. No hurry, though, whenever you have the time.

Take care.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

Hey Sandy.

If you like PM your skype, and I can send the files over.

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

This link is a good start. Cheers, Dylan: ... ELRrNjItU8
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Sandy »

So sorry Dylan I just haven't had time to do what you asked... Had some late hospital times this week and feeling a little run down.
Thanks for the introduction. I so appreciate you taking the time to post it and I am so sorry I haven't been able to fully appreciate the depth of your wonderful posts yet.
This shall pass and I hope you will continue to be patient with us and continue to post.

Love and hugs,
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

Hi Sandy. Take your time! I plan to post dribs and drabs of Wingmakers. Love and peace Dylan
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

This page is a great re-prioritization of what we focus on during the day, and during our lives. It suggests that the most important thing we can do is to grow our emotional self-mastery, and encourage love-based emotions into all of our thoughts and our actions. It is the energetic heart that draws-in or sets into action the love-based emotions that are connected to our souls. I hope you enjoy this page, it won't take to long to read. Love Dylan.:
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

Here is a wonderful new multimedia page with some amazing new artworks. Each chamber combines a painting, a musical track and a poem, this is a new way to share revelatory information:

Take care !

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Seeker13 »

I began viewing this thread a few days ago. For me the diagrams were very complicated, but felt myself wanting to understand them. They will be something I'd have to revisit several times to grasp it all. Viewing the first video, I was hooked! Felt myself being drawn into alpha right away, wanting so badly to close my eyes and feel the music, but also drawn to the message. Really appreciate the slow scroll of the words giving a person the time to ponder and internalize their meaning. The choice of words used for description were so delightful to read! A few minutes in, Nebadonia and Monjoronson ignited their symbols for me, and remained strong several minutes after the it had finished. Had to shake my head to return back to full consciousness. I've been searching for my next spiritual... quest, and will enjoy I thin following up with this one.

Thank you so much for reigniting this thread, as I missed it before.

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

No worries Kim!

The person behind the Wingmakers Materials is very special!
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

I recommend reading all three First Source Transmissions, very deep!

And listen particularly to Hakomi Chambers 1 and 2, 3 and 4-6. These are deeply transformative.

Hakomi Chamber 2, has a wonderful Christ moment later in it, of profound beauty.

The website itself is also wonderfully artistic.

I think a lot of the works have energetic and even morontial significance.

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

For me personally the most challenging and transformative of the lot is Ancient Arrow Book Chamber 10.

I think you will find there is a strong reflection of the God-fragments within Chamber 1 and 2.

I think you will find that there is also a strong reflection of moving the Christ Consciousness into the modern age of science and technology, how the Christ Consciousness copes in such a situation. And how will there appear the geniuses who can merge a deep spirituality with scientific prowess.

Hope you enjoy these materials a lot,

I was surprised more didn't get into them.

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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by RunningScroll »

One last one:

I believe the Ancient Arrow Book, Chamber 12 Painting, shows a portrait of Michael and Nebadonia!

Some of the students of the Wingmakers materials do not appear to be integrating it with the UB perspective. The UB perspective should carry some enhanced meanings for it.
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Re: Wingmakers Materials

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Dylan for sharing! I may not have time to view it right away...theres so much great information on this thread, :sunflower: but I have bookmarked it and hope to relax and absorb when things settle down a bit here. '
You're awesome! :love
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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