Meditation 10/31/19- Perfect peace, balance, and love

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Re: Meditation 10/31/19- Perfect peace, balance, and love

Post by Seeker13 »

Content sounds like a pretty good place to be!

And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Meditation 10/31/19- Perfect peace, balance, and love

Post by Sandy »

Edward I was just thinking about you painting and remembering the peace and satisfaction my dabbling used to bring me...sometimes too much peace though, and I could loose myself. That may sound like a good thing unless you are a young mother of a very busy 2 year old. :shock:

One day, more years ago now then I care to remember, I was a young mom with a toddler, my eldest son, Adam.
He was busy playing on the living room floor and so I set up my paints...(it was water colour back then) and began working on an idea I had for a wildlife painting. Well, one thing came to another and I looked up thinking mere minutes had passed only to discover that Adam had every toy in his extensive collection all over the floor. He was, thankfully, resting peacefully, all worn out with play and I had been totally oblivious. :oops: :shock: When I checked the clock, several hours had passed and it scared me because even though Adam was could have been a very different story. So long story short, I quit painting, at least during the day when he was awake.

But I still remember the feeling of contentment when a painting was progressing the way I hoped. :sunflower:
"Content is a very good place to be."
Here here! :sunflower:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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