Divine Love/ Thought Adjuster

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Divine Love/ Thought Adjuster

Post by gjambor »

“Thought Adjuster or Divine Love?” - Midwayer Mathew 33-3-33. In this message , Midwayer Matthew relates that Divine Love is what we refer to here as our Thought Adjuster. I agree with this. In my mind I believe we all have that spark of God within us. When I pray for God`s Divine Love to enter my soul, I am calling upon the Holy Spirit to take over and rule my thoughts and my life. Thought Adjuster. This is what Jesus came to give us if we want it. God's Holy Spirit. You must be born again it is written ! That is when you merge with your Thought Adjuster/Holy Spirit. I believe this process takes some time to accomplish, but as long as we continue to work toward that goal , we will get there, even if it has to be after our body dies. I think this is the thing that can save and correct many of our current religions. It's such a simple concept. To me. It's present in the religion I belong to, (CATHOLIC) but is minor to "Jesus died for our sins" When I receive communion, I am receiving God's Divine Love into my heart..
When Jesus went of to pray alone, that is what he was doing, perfecting his soul to become one with his Thought Adjuster,.
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Re: Divine Love/ Thought Adjuster

Post by happyrain »

thanks for the contemplation.

Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Divine Love/ Thought Adjuster

Post by happyrain »

gjambor wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:56 pm When I pray for God`s Divine Love to enter my soul, I am calling upon the Holy Spirit to take over and rule my thoughts and my life. Thought Adjuster. This is what Jesus came to give us if we want it. God's Holy Spirit. You must be born again it is written ! That is when you merge with your Thought Adjuster/Holy Spirit. I believe this process takes some time to accomplish, but as long as we continue to work toward that goal , we will get there, even if it has to be after our body dies. I think this is the thing that can save and correct many of our current religions.
I have been considering this expression, to be born again... I wanted to share some insight by my Murshid and hope others find it helpful.

Being born again means that the soul is awakened after having come on earth, and entering the kingdom of heaven means that this world, the same kingdom in which we are standing just now, turns into heaven as soon as the point of view has changed. Is it not interesting and most wonderful to think that the same earth we walk on is earth to one person and heaven to another? And it is still more interesting to notice that it is we who change it; we change it from earth into heaven, or we change it otherwise. This change comes not by study, nor by anything else, but only by the changing of our point of view.
In the Bible it is said that no one will enter the kingdom of God whose soul is not born again. Being born means being alive. It is not only a gay disposition or an external inclination to merriment and pleasure that is the sign of a living soul. External joy and amusement may come simply through the external being of man. However, even in this outer joy and happiness, there is a glimpse of the inner joy and happiness, and that is a sign of the soul having been born again.

What makes the soul alive? It makes itself alive when it strikes its depths instead of reaching outward. The soul, after coming up against the iron wall of this life of falsehood, turns back within itself; it encounters itself, and this is how it becomes living.
Wine is symbolic of the soul's evolution. Wine comes from the annihilation of grapes; immortality comes from the annihilation of self. The bowl of poison, which is known in many mystic cults also, suggests the idea of wine; not a sweet wine, but a bitter wine. When the self turns into something different from what it was before, it is like the soul being born again. This is seen in the grape turning into wine. The grape, by turning into wine, lives; as a grape it would have vanished in time. But, by turning into wine it only loses its individuality, and not its life. The self-same grape lives as wine; and the longer it lives, the better the wine becomes. For a Sufi, therefore, the true sacrament is the turning of one's grape-like personality, which has a limited time to live, into wine, in order that nothing of one's self may be lost, but that on the contrary, it may be amplified and even perfected. This is the essence of all philosophy and the secret of mysticism.
There is childhood, when a child knows nothing. He destroys things of value and beauty, owing to his curiosity, his fancy. However, when he grows up, the child begins to feel his responsibility. The sign of maturity is the feeling of responsibility. So, when a soul matures, it begins to feel its responsibility, and it is from that moment on that a person begins his life. It is from that moment that the soul is born again. So long as the soul is not born again, it will not enter the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is here. As long as man is not conscious of his responsibility, he does not know the kingdom of God. It is his becoming conscious of his responsibility that awakens him to the kingdom of God, in which is the birth of the soul.

Furthermore, in support of this idea, there is a word that in the Sanskrit language is used for the God-conscious people. That word is Brahman, meaning Creator. No sooner has a soul realized this idea than he begins to know that every moment of his life is creative, either automatically, or intentionally. And if he is responsible for his creation, he is responsible for every moment of his life. Then there is nothing in life that is wasted. Whatever be the condition of man, however helpless or miserable, his life is still not wasted. The creative power is working through every move that he makes, every thought that he thinks, every feeling that he has. He is always doing something.

There is another word in Sanskrit for Brahman which is Dvija, meaning, 'the soul who is born again.' For, the moment one has realized all of this, the soul is born again. One's realization of life is different then, one's plan of life becomes different, one's action becomes different.
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Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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