A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Post by ChildofGod »

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Re: A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by kjding »

Hello, just dropped by and wanted to say that I also hear angels singing....24/7. I have most of my life. I wake up every morning to the choir and go to bed every night listening to them. Hear them all day long. Most times they are much louder than my TV and/or radio. It is just a normal day of life for me. Never did I fear them, it has always been a welcoming and wondrous thing. They just sing glory and praise to God non-stop. My number used to be 11:11 forever but has changed to 12:12..... years ago. I became a Reiki Master 4 years back, but that has nothing to do with hearing them, lol. But hearing them prompted me to work on my spirituality all my life. I also see what I call "day-stars", and have always referred to those as "angels". I did see "Ezekial's Wheel" in the sky a few times as well. It was GREAT to see that others hear choirs of angels as well!!! YAY!!!!! :)
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Re: A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by Sandy »

Good morning and a warm welcome, Kjding!
You are sooooooo blessed! Imagine waking and experiencing the voice of the singing angels from morning to night.... who needs a radio or any entertainment for that matter when the sweet songs serenade you! :sunflower: I can imagine how this would foster spiritual growth. Yep...what a blessing.
I must admit I didn't know what you meant with Ezekiel Wheel but found the subject fascinating when I looked it up. This is something I must explore a little more...So I thank you. :)

Please continue to share with us... when you have the time. It is good to have you here.
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Re: A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome to the boards kjding!

What an inspiring share! Thank you for posting it here.

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Re: A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by AreteSource »

This happened to me last night also!
I was woken up at 4:44 AM the last few nights and around 5:55 AM.

The night prior it began with another emergence of a bright white light which I have had a few times over the last 7 years.

The night before last night was especially special! This time it began first with waves of warm radiant white light, then followed by a bright blue indigo light. I remembering being in awe over the moment and receptive to the vibration.

Last night I was woken up around the same time in that same in between place, between the dimensions.

I too use to sing in church and choirs and do solos, though I also have not been in a choir in some years. I state this to also say I too understand music. In addition I have been seeing angel numbers several times a day.

The choir of angels was perfectly In synchronicity and Harmony unlike any earthy experience. The resonance in vibration and pitch was pure and as clear and as radiant as the pure light that I felt in and around my head the past few nights.

The best way I can describe this is... it was like being cradled in the hands of God.

It is one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences of this human experience. Beyond a doubt I know we are all apart of the “ONE” thing happening and God is within us all.

We are all created equal. We all share the same capacity to touch, experience, and express that divinity within ourselves. We all have the power to be in control over our own consciousness and our conscious experience. We are all love.
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Re: A Choir of Angels Woke Me Up! Has It Happened to You?

Post by Sandy »

Hello and welcome AreteSource,
Your first post thrilled my soul as I allowed myself to sense what you experienced and shared...

and your words here this morning hit their mark... and I smile and take them with me into the day...
The best way I can describe this is... it was like being cradled in the hands of God.

It is one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences of this human experience. Beyond a doubt I know we are all apart of the “ONE” thing happening and God is within us all.

We are all created equal. We all share the same capacity to touch, experience, and express that divinity within ourselves. We all have the power to be in control over our own consciousness and our conscious experience. We are all love.

Thank you!
with love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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