Inayat Khan on Reuniciation

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Inayat Khan on Reuniciation

Post by happyrain »

The final victory in the battle of life for every soul is when he has abandoned, which means when he has risen above, what once he valued most. For the value of everything exists for man only so long as he does not understand it. When he has fully understood, the value is lost, be it the lowest thing or the highest thing. It is like looking at the scenery on the stage and taking it for a palace. Such is the case with all things of the world; they seem important or precious when we need them or when we do not understand them; as soon as the veil which keeps man from understanding is lifted, then they are nothing.

Do not, therefore, be surprised at the renunciation of sages. Perhaps every person in the spiritual path must go through renunciation. It is not really throwing things away or disconnecting ourselves from friends; it is not taking things to heart as seriously as one naturally does by lack of understanding. No praise, no blame is valuable; no pain or pleasure is of any importance. Rise and fall are natural consequences, so are love and hatred; what does it matter if it be this or that? It matters so long as we do not understand. Renunciation is a bowl of poison no doubt, and only the brave will drink it; but in the end it alone proves to be nectar, and this bravery brings one the final victory.
When one looks deeply into life one sees that there is no gain which is not a loss, and that there is no loss which is not a gain. Whatever man has gained, he has also lost something with it, which he often does not realize; and sometimes when he knows it he calls it the cost if he considers it a lesser loss. But when he does not know, the loss is great; for every gain is after all a mortal gain, and the time that is spent in its acquisition is a loss, and a greater loss in comparison with the gain.

The loss of every mortal thing is a gain in the immortal spheres; for it wakens the heart which is asleep both in the pursuit and the pleasures of the gain. When man closely watches his own life and his affairs he finds that there has been no loss that is to be regretted; that under the mantle of every loss a greater gain was concealed; and he also notices that with every gain there has been a loss, and when this gain is compared with the loss it has proved to be a greater loss.

In the eyes of the world people who renounce their pleasures, comforts, and happiness seem to be foolish; but there is nothing that man has renounced without receiving a greater gain. And yet renunciation for gain can be called nothing but greed; renunciation for the pleasure of renunciation is the only renunciation that is worthwhile.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: Inayat Khan on Reuniciation

Post by happyrain »

Hazarat Inayat Khan says the pleasure of renunciation alone is what is worthwhile and while I find the very act difficult, perhaps from my own lack of understanding, I agree. I am beginning to understand to renounce both pain and pleasure may very well transcend the limitations of duality. There are indeed natural laws but with an infinite realm of possibility and mans access to planes both earthly and heavenly perhaps it is possible to rise above some of these laws... Maybe this is a foolish thought... Although renunciation in itself seems to bring a sense of liberation... A liberated soul may walk closely with God. I wonder, if Man is residing in a higher vibration akin to a Pure Love that many accredit to God, are there any desires to rise above- are there any desires or thoughts left? If one can achieve such a state of pure Love in this life, what becomes of that persons life?? Do they then possess the same miracle capabilities as Jesus himself?
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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