A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

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A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by RunningScroll »

Here is my response to one who considers the UB to be a doctrine of cruelty rather than of love, particularly in regards to how Deity allows perpetrators to inflict terrible ills on other free will beings, without intercepting these actions. Here is my attempts to explain why, and to support the FER with a logical case going forward. Please review/correct if you feel moved:

Jesus supposedly said: I truly believe the universe is friendly to me, and this all-powerful truth I insist on believing despite all appearances to the contrary.

Combine Divine Love and Divine Wisdom and you come up with universe circumstances that generate many challenges, especially for unseeing mortal creatures. The challenges are character and innovation generating, not for the faint-hearted, often troublesome, incredibly diverse, rich, and can be hugely adventurous. The priorities of hindsight are often very different to immediate sight.The long-term view differs from the short-term view. Don't expect an easy ride! This is the process devised, whereby the universe, and all beings contained in it, evolves itself.

Jesus supposedly suggested that the enemy is too much ease. He knew, it was rugged living that produced strong character and soul growth. This is a lot like the personal trainer who tells their client to push a bit harder, or to do a few more reps, because of the future blessings it will bring. It seems harsh, but ultimately it is an expression of love, when all is said and done. The initial Jesus quote, above, is this idea embraced in its absolute expression. If we are children of a powerful Parent-God, then we can assume a challenging life experience, commensurate with our true capacities, a real reflection of the capacities of our spiritual ancestry (i.e our Father-God).

Hi C. I will not get into another discussion about what God (or Source) will allow or not allow to occur in His/Her creation, except to say that freewill is paramount. But I will affirm that these kinds of suffering and severe human drama do have their ultimate cosmic solution. It may not be immediate, but it is eventual, even if healing, rehabilitation and justice is only achieved on the higher worlds, it is achieved. I can assure you that the Celestials are fully aware of the exceptional degree of suffering on this world, including what you have personally experienced. Regards, Dylan.

Jesus said, “The blows life delivers are strengthening ones, and without adversity men would become weak in spirit. The reward I can offer is small compared with your rewards in glory, for here you are small but in Heaven you will be great. There, the highest on Earth shall be lowest, and the lowliest here shall be the exalted there. This, however, does not follow as a natural sequence, but only providing the challenge of life is met as it should be, and surmounted.”

Re: Freewill Again. I don't think there is any question that human freewill is absolute, it certainly is not! What we do have though is a range of choices before us, some more limited than others, some more significant than others (breadth, width, depth), with their impacts on others and in fact the cosmos.

Re: Annihilation. Annihilation is never a threat or ever intended to be. It is only an inevitable consequence, for certain sad individuals, who were recalcitrant enough, to become fully immersed in their own darkness, shadow and selfishness, who have become addicted to making decisions that harm themselves and probably many others. Annihilation is only a consequence when the flame of hope has been snuffed for good. And again the Celestials are never pleased with such outcomes. God is a God of many chances. Regards, Dylan.

God doesn't just care about evil people, He cares about all authentic choice, primarily. It is love, as it values the primary element: choice. From the I AM timeless perspective, temporary suffering is already relieved. There is no annihilation for those who don't worship God, only for impossible-to-retrieve iniquity. All opportunities are provided for each soul to naturally develop a relationship with their SOURCE, in their own time, just like a seed were given all opportunity to germinate, under the best conditions. Divine patience is unlimited here. Alignment with SOURCE at some point is a necessity, just as each component of the body needs to be sound and healthy and in alignment with the purpose of the body, to continue to exist. The UB is not a work of science fiction, the depth and richness, and internal consistency are too great for that to be the case. There are many aspects of the UB which can be tested either by personal implementation or through science. And finally, there are many students who have already had some degree, or in some cases a great degree of contact with living celestial personalities. Celestial beings exist, whether you trust them or not is your choice. P.S. I won't continue further, because I do not wish to hurt you. Regards, Dylan.
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by happyrain »

:hithere love it bro thank you for such a nice post... as long as I’ve posted here I’ve not read much from the UB.
Your thoughts Help humble me. For the longest I’ve been afraid of annihilation. Still am! But that seems normal. The end of your post has sparked some thought-
Lately, or maybe- periodically I forget about all this divine assistance. Worse is, I pocket it when I’m not needing it. Sometimes I’m not aware I’m even doing that! I feel incredibly selfish for using the assistance as a convenience. While I understand a naysayer, There is enough proof for me to believe in the unseen intelligent form of communication(Real growth with a force that can orchestrate with mind bending precision, something somehow communicating with problems I hardly share to anyone and using the material plane to acknowledge my inner turmoil. That’s got to be love right?!)You mentioned Jesus referencing ease as a common enemy- I wonder if this has something to do with what I’m trying to describe. I guess I realized at one point that I’m not anchoring this recognition of these synchronistic moments, spirit talk, enough to make it a more encompassing reality but i do desire it. I guess I was wondering how many 11’ers here have felt similar, Like we should be placing more importance on this than what we do? I’m sure it is so... I understand growth takes time and There’s a delicate dance to this; a need for balance with my present reality and at the same time a fire and excitement to grow on the inside. Maybe this is a transitory phase ? With Love as the driving force it sure is awesome stuff !

Man Sorry to drift Dylan
much gratitude! For this post and your reply to future tech thread- very thought provoking questions
Peace and Blessings from TX
:) E
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by RunningScroll »

Thanks for your comments and appreciation Eric. I think it's always hard to know what we 'should' be doing. The celestials did advise in some communication a while back to not hurry, but to not procrastinate. This sounds close to Jesus' way as well. Regards, Dylan.
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Dylan,
Without trying to stray further off topic from your OP I guess I am just gauging if others have felt similar and how they make this awareness more of a reality in their everyday living. It seemed fitting at the time. Meditation, prayer and just focusing on the breath in general has helped me- all while keeping love in the background of the mind.

Peace !
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by RunningScroll »

Hi Eric. Life is designed to be thrilling! I think we all have varying degrees of selfishness until we attain fusion. The point is not to have it all rid of immediately, but to have a clear trajectory of growth in unselfishness and priorities to serve, and an honesty to recognize what is yet to be corrected. Learning to follow the Father's Will is not easy, and requires a growth in self-honesty, and an honest attempt to implement what has been discovered on the path. Seek the deep changes that Spirit would have wrought within you, and be brave to test new forms of living. Wishing you all the best in your God-discoveries! Love, Dylan, Australia
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by Lightened717 »

Great post, Dylan! It's so easy for people to become overwhelmed with the UB and I can understand how it can spark fear in certain individuals. But I agree with you. Framing Deity in the concept of a spiritual family has helped me settle these ideas. If a hungry son asked his father for a rock, would a wise father fulfill his request, or give him bread instead?

People are afraid of suffering. We are afraid of pain. It is a part of our natural instincts. But the unfortunate truth is that most humans do not change without pain - the UB does state suffering is not required, however. This is an important thing to note. In many ways, our experience of suffering is a product of our minds. There is also a quote in the UB that states something to the effect of - don't encourage your seraphim to bring chaos into your life in order to get you to learn your lessons. Cooperation goes a long way!
Religious perplexities are inevitable; there can be no growth without psychic conflict and spiritual agitation. The organization of a philosophic standard of living entails considerable commotion in the philosophic realms of the mind. Loyalties are not exercised in behalf of the great, the good, the true, and the noble without a struggle. Effort is attendant upon clarification of spiritual vision and enhancement of cosmic insight. And the human intellect protests against being weaned from subsisting upon the nonspiritual energies of temporal existence. The slothful animal mind rebels at the effort required to wrestle with cosmic problem solving. - 100:4.2
I always come back to this quote, one of my favorites. While we're maturing emotionally/spiritually, there will be a bit of upheaval. It's part of the process. Have faith.
Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.” - 34:7.8
That you're feeling that you should take whatever you're experiencing more seriously - that is your TA guiding you to form a more conscious connection! Ask for help in this regard. The goal is to try and achieve the constant communion with our TA's that Jesus enjoyed.
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Re: A Teaching of Cruelty or Love?

Post by RunningScroll »

Hi Lightened717. Glad you enjoyed it. I think half of the challenge is being able to transform the 'suffering' into invigoration, stamina and even a form of overcomer joy. As affirmed in the Urantia Book difficulties only stimulate the true children of the most high, and unselfishness and surrender are the key to more energy and strength. Good luck for us all to acquire this state!

P.S. I remember a day when I was really putting 110% into my life, and Nebadonia greeted me, by telling me she would love to offer me a refreshment of my energies. This seems to be the pattern. The more you give unselfishly, the more the God's wish to energize you in return.
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