Notes on Thought Forms and such

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Notes on Thought Forms and such

Post by Lightened717 »

Hi All,

Today I felt motivated to gather my thoughts on thought forms ( :lol: ) based on information in the TM Archives and from the 11:11 Progress Group transmissions. I figured it might be helpful to share! I'd also like to take the time to thank all of our members who are working to clear the Borderland, and preparing all of these transmissions for us.

I tried to present the info in as practical way as possible, because not being able to wrap my head around the concept of the "grid" and exactly what these things are and how they operate created some confusion and fear in me. Writing it out helped me cognitively understand better things I had read over a long course of time, and realized that there truly is nothing to fear. Yet - and this is important - we are admonished to take this work at our own pace and not take on too much, and to frequently pause the activity to focus on "spiritual revitalization".

I'll post my notes in a series of comments as they're a little winded and broken into a couple of sections.

Any text in blue is from 11:11 Progress, plain text is from the TM Archives, which is at least several years old now. Any further emphasis is my own.

Hope you find it helpful! Also - if you have anything that would be helpful to add, or if you feel I've made a mistake you'd like to correct, please do!
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The Grid/Matrix/Borderland/Collective Consciousness

Post by Lightened717 »

  • It is an intermediary dimension between the material and morontial realms
  • It is NOT energized by evil behavior, evil decisions, or evil attitudes
  • It is more like an archive/"library" that is the repository of the residue of ALL human consciousness, positive or negative
  • "The focus upon negative energy and negative beings is not an aspect that is important to the maintenance or to the cleaning of the grid of the human consciousness."
  • It will take conscious effort of light by humans and by our morontial/spiritual brothers and sisters to clean the grid, "clean the archive of human consciousness"
  • This is different than the grid that supports morontia and other spiritual energies mentioned in TUB
  • The human consciousness grid does NOT supply the morontia energy for those in the Borderland
  • In the future, this grid will be clear and accessible by every individual for right and perfect intentions.
  • It is accessible by anyone and has a powerful influence on everyone, whether they are aware of it or not.
  • Living people can get trapped in it, "if they accept what is around them and hear, and accept what they hear." Their beliefs hold them there.
  • EVERYONE can encode the grid, simply by their beliefs and the dedication of their sincere energy in those beliefs.
  • This is how Lucifer was able to "encode" the grid with fear, anger, jealousy, suspicion and aggression - but he would not have been successful if no one had believed him
  • The grid is not hiding any rebel personalities - all rebel personalities are known. Per TM, all rebel personalities have been cleared from Urantia.
  • There are collective constructs in the grid where untethered souls during their sleep life find kinship with others near or at their own level of development, which is preparatory for your life on the mansion worlds.
  • No souls, human or otherwise are contained in the Borderland. Neither are there egos, Thought Adjusters, or anything that has the awareness of the passing of time
  • It contains thought forms, "ghosts", what the Midwayers call packets of misinformation, grudges, and unresolved human mindal debris.
  • People that "play" in the borderlands run the risk of acquiring unwanted packets, attachments, or "ghoolies" disrupting the home and it may not result in any positive outcome for the person's mind. It is not a place to obtain spiritual growth or wisdom.
Healing the Grid
  • It is an elevation of the collective human consciousness on the planet
  • Urantia (Gaia) cannot integrate the bad thoughts, plans, and actions that dwell in the Borderland - she can neither accept them nor make them her own and must be reconciled between Mansonia and the borderland.
  • Why are humans needed to help clean the grid?
  • (1) Education! This represents a co-creative learning situation for us and empowers the age of light and life to come.
  • (2) To assist God the Supreme become more actualized, more experientially complete
  • (2a) To allow the First Source and Center the excitement of experiencing becoming Whole, Complete, and Perfect
  • (3) "Your recovery is one of awakening consciousness, a realization of who you are, a realization of where you are and your attendant responsibilities to participate in your own healing. It is important, as a co-creative learning situation, to empower the age of light and life that is to come."
  • (4) Midwayers are no longer helping George clear the grid. Michael, however, can still assist.
  • Be mindful of the spiritual stress that such activity may bring you. Take regular breaks for spiritual revitalization.

Prevention of adding more "muck" to the grid - our individual responsibility
  • "The better way for all humans on this world is to resolve these issues in life — contend with the thoughts, feelings and emotions, and release these energies by having faith in the Creator that all things shall be made right in time and in eternity — easy to declare, yet difficult for many to execute."

State of the Grid
  • We are approaching a "tipping point" that some members of the 11:11 Progress Group believe will be a great change in human mass consciousness which Urantia (Gaia) is preparing for. The lower vibrational "debris" that is currently floating around in the Borderland may not survive the vibrational change, and many of the entities there are looking for an exit.
  • All disruption experienced currently or in the future in the Borderland is "almost an entirely human affair". There are those who practice the Dark Arts that do not want the grid cleansed.
  • Urantia's borderland is exceedingly crowded due to the still ongoing disruptive policies of the Lucifer Rebellion, so that attachment and harassment from the hopeless entities has become particularly overwhelming as to even make increasingly difficult the work of human, midwayer, and celestial workers
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Earthbound Spirits/ Individuals Who Are In the Borderland/ Earth Bound Morontia Humans

Post by Lightened717 »

Alternatively called Thought Forms/ Packets of Misinformation or simply Packets

What Are They?
  • The human self is basically made up of mindal energy originating from the Infinite Spirit. Your "self" and personality is powered by the mindal energy that make you a personal being.
  • When you die, your guardian angel takes possession of your mind and spiritual identifiers for your resurrection in the Mansion worlds.
  • However, the life energy of a departed human remains - this is known as a thought-form and is destined to be absorbed by Urantia, to be synthesized as a part of the Supreme Being's evolution.
  • (1) The thought form carries the experiential registry of that human in the form of values, feelings, and emotions, all of which should be instantaneously absorbed by Urantia as that individual's contribution to Her personal growth.
  • Sometimes, these thought forms are so impregnated with negative and evil thoughts and feelings that it makes it impossible for Urantia to absorb them instantly - they then tarry around on our world in the borderland.
  • Some individuals see them as dark shadows

What Are They Trapped In?
The Borderland, see previous comment.

What Keeps Spirits Trapped There?
  • Important Note: No one keeps them here. It is solely their decision.
  • Their beliefs
  • (1) Your beliefs serve as your "road map" that you take with you after you die - your "maps" will either lead you automatically to the light, or not.
  • (2) Sleeping Survivors - have a flicker of faith but are still unsure
  • Addiction/Attachment
  • (1) Attitudes, prejudices, biased beliefs, hatreds, relationships
  • (2) Completion of some task, career, a social group, material goods, wealth
  • Addictions carry over into the afterlife - THEREFORE we each have a personal responsibility to overcome our own addictions and attachments so as not to leave behind an erroneous energetic imprint and further muddy the Borderlands
  • "They do truly need the assistance of conscious minds outside of the borderland, who are aware of their presence, to guide them to the light and encourage them to embrace the light and move towards it."
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Earthbound Spirits cont.

Post by Lightened717 »

There are two types:
  • HOPEFUL: Ones that reflect the thoughts, emotions, and feelings of their sponsors, who are either awaiting special millennial dispensational resurrections or are already on Mansonia
    • These will eventually have their conflicts and status worked out on Mansonia and will finally be absorbed by Urantia
  • HOPELESS: Those whose sponsors will not be resurrected due to their total spiritual bankruptcy
    • These are forever detached from their former sponsors and there is no hope of resolution for them, neither any possible absorption by Urantia.
      • They continue their existence by attaching to and feeding upon living human beings, and by harassing and disturbing others.
  • NOTE: Those humans involved in the cleansing should be able to distinguish between the two classes of thought forms
    • You can identify the Hopeless type by their moral disinclination to evil and harassment. They may be extinguished by means of your superior spiritual strength
    • Hopeful ones should be helped

  • They are barely conscious of their existence
  • They have no consciousness of time
  • They are attracted to all kinds of psychic and spiritual matters
  • They can attach themselves to people and George was taught how to dispose of them
    • He has a vat of corrosive liquid that appears in his Akashic library for that purpose
  • They live in confusion and ignorance and are overly attached to the material life. They could totally refuse to believe they are dead.
  • They still have the capacity of will - their will, decisions, and actions are still inviolate
  • They each have their own source of energy to support their existence
  • Living individuals are as strong, or stronger than unseen, earthbound spirits
  • They can either have malicious intent or be benign
    • Some malicious spirits have found that they can sustain and support their existence through the psychic energy that individuals express through their emotions, such as fear
What to do if encountered
  • "We encourage you when you are aware of unseen spirits, to encourage them to look over their shoulder and see the light and move towards it, for this is the eternal open door to their and your ascension.  They will be brought into our company and given peace and encouragement and movement to God and the final embrace in eternity."
  • "So then, it is a co-creative effort between you mortals of spirit and us, unseen spiritual beings of light, to engage these beings and educate them as best we can, so they can make conscious decisions to move on."
  • "Dealing with earthbound spirits is your choice; it is simply ineffective and unproductive were you to engage in this too much in this lifetime.  There is nothing to fear; these beings cannot hurt you—just stand up to them as you would some bully—and biff them in the nose!  Tell them to go away, that they have no place in your existence and that you command them to be absent from you.  You must do this with a powerful voice, with emotional energy, to make your command effective."
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Re: Notes on Thought Forms and such

Post by Amigoo »

:cheers: Thanks for the organized notes on thought-forms (aka "packets").

While still trying to wrap my mind around the concept, I'm curious why such human-sponsored cleansing of the Borderland is necessary ... especially so late in the evolution of the universe. Certainly, Luciferian-type rebellion had occurred elsewhere in the universe long before Urantia was a planet (if this rebellion is the primary cause of "packets") :!:

Also, the way packets are described, I would expect (in a balanced and fair universe) for those departed to Mansonia, who are responsible for some of the packets, to particpate in this cleansing ... especially since they're in a much-improved environment relative to terra firma. ;)

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Re: Notes on Thought Forms and such

Post by Welles »

That is an excellent piece of work, Peggy. I'm going to refer to it again... several times. Thank you!

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Re: Notes on Thought Forms and such

Post by Lightened717 »

Thank you, I'm glad you found it helpful! Data collection and promulgation is a very specific skill I've honed over my entire life and I'm now beginning to see how I can use it to assist in the Kingdom - I totally can get in a flow when doing it. Lately I've been really thinking that the Urantia movement needs a functioning Wikipedia like website where people can fall into a "Urantia rabbit hole" - the existing websites are hard to navigate, however I don't know where to start!

My response to your ponderings Amigoo is this - I keep seeing the message over and over again that those Agondonters that are here now at the end of the age of Agondonters, are being trained to become future Paradise Sons, and performing this work is part of that training. I've also seen a lot of commentary that there are finally plenty of humans who are capable of doing this work without becoming overburdened by fear, which is a relatively new development, so why not have the humans do it?

I feel you - our ancestors created this mess in a big way, so why is it our job to clean it up? But I'm also strongly getting the message that if we don't do it, no one else will! So the attitude I've taken on is to accept the responsibility with joy in my heart, because it feels pretty special. Another way of looking at this is we're clearing generational trauma from our DNA instead of passing it onto our progeny. I may have been born into a yucky, dark, and sometimes evil mess, but I'll be darned if I'm going to pass it onto my kids!
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Re: Notes on Thought Forms and such

Post by Sandy »

This is wonderful!!!!! How in the world did you manage this...and it is so orderly and easy to navigate.?? I am saving it as I find it extremely helpful!

Thanks so much.... you are awesome! :sunflower:

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:
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