Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

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Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by happyrain »

:hithere Just a random post looking to gain perspective from members here. We can read from inspirations and self helps anytime but I thought I'd ask anyone reading this for some input. I'm curious how many on this forum believe in God and What God means to you? I know that question sounds silly especially on this forum for those studying the UB but I don't think it's an easy thing to answer. I assume not all members here have the same beliefs behind their 11:11 or other, hard to explain experience's.

I also have been thinking lately, from my own experiences, how easy it is to take advantage of a good thing. My current understanding is God will provide if you let him. It seems, when things are good or provided we take advantage of Gods Love. Same can be said in our relationships with others. We may not feel the need to put in work or even act harshly when receiving a nudge from our higher self or the Universe looking simply to guide us to our deeper, truer desires. The moment things go awry we pray and ask for Help. Or, if we get lonely and don't feel in tune with God we look for him or not and sulk. It's a very selfish relationship and I wonder how God puts up with any of it. It seems most relationships have a give and take to them... You're either using or being used? I ask how God handles it to see how we ourselves can handle those trying relationships. I know there's the matter of looking inward... And I seem to be a hopeless romantic, I don't want to be woo'd by a fellow romantics reply lol.

So we stray from God then we come running back and once we're content we decide to stray again. Has anyone else experienced this in their life? I am just as Selfish as my counterparts. It seems, human nature.
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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by Seeker13 »

Good morning Eric!
You've asked some very thought provoking questions and provided very honest answers. It gave me much to contemplate as I read this post last night.
Yes, I believe in God. Have had too many experiences to come to any other conclusions. God to me is more than the creator of all, God is pure love.
happyrain wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:15 pm I assume not all members here have the same beliefs behind their 11:11 or other, hard to explain experience's.
That's one of many wonderfully inviting things about this board, we aren't all expected to believe and follow the exact same doctrine. And over the years my understanding of spirit has changed, as I have changed, allowing new truths into my belief system. It is truly an individual journey, so it cannot be expected that all of us have the same beliefs and experiences.
happyrain wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:15 pmMy current understanding is God will provide if you let him.
For me everything is perspective. How we view a thing depends on where we are standing and looking at it in that moment. My current perspective is, "Everything in my life is my responsibility." It hasn't been at all easy getting to this place mentally or physically, but it alleviates all others of blame or claim to my circumstances, especially God. So, in that vein of thinking, I am a co-creator with God of my life. God has provided the platform and experiences for me, but I have to take responsibility for what I choose to draw to me because of The Law of Attraction. I will provide it, if I allow it.

As for the rest
happyrain wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:15 pmI wonder how God puts up with any of it

God for me is a parent of pure love. As a parent we watch our children struggle, have failures and reap the consequences of their choices and actions. But! If in fact every perceived failure is instead a learning experience! We understand our children are simply growing and learning their way to adulthood, and probably encountering many of the very same pitfalls we've had ourselves. We cannot love our children any less just because, in our eyes they made a bad choice. We stand beside them, and the next time when they do not fail, we feel their triumph in learning, yet another life lesson. As humans, not yet perfect, we may have judgement towards failures, but as God, there is no judgement in pure love.

That's my perspective.

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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by Welles »

happyrain wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:15 pmSo we stray from God then we come running back and once we're content we decide to stray again. Has anyone else experienced this in their life? I am just as Selfish as my counterparts. It seems, human nature.

Hi Eric. Your points to ponder seem perfectly normal to me. About fifteen years ago I wrote an essay entitled, My Autobiography. I'm adding it here because it may make sense in the context of your ruminations.

My Autobiography

In spite of it all or perhaps because of it all, I'm content ... happy even. I suppose that's the result of trying to do the best one can with middling success. Some episodes have yielded great satisfaction; some, excitement; some, embarrassment; a few, joy. I've seldom achieved unalloyed success. Usually, upon reflection, I could assign percentages of failure and success to any particular event and create benchmarks for my future attempts. Reflection is the compost pile of personal growth.

Like everyone, I had no control over my emergence into this existence. I imagine being shot into reality along a vector of so many variables that there seems to be no rhyme or reason for my particular size, direction, spin or velocity. Once here, life seemed infinitely complex and full of frustrations. You'll remember the feeling the next time you see a youngster on the playground trying to pick up the ball but booting it instead. Running after it again they reach and boot; run, reach and boot, until triumph takes the day or embarrassment urges abandonment.

With growth, experience and education that youthful klutziness was replaced by a feeling of spiritual ineptitude. My analogy changed. It seemed as though I was in a tiny sailboat. My voyage did have a murky ill-defined destination but the waters were uncharted. To add to the complexity I had no control over the winds, waves, tides or weather. The only ability to alter my course was with a bit of sail hoisted into the wind, unless you count dragging my feet as a sort of sea anchor. Hoping for the best and rather taking it on faith that there would be some advancement, tacking back and forth eventually began to provide results.

Those results came in periodic moments of enligntenment. I felt as though there was a straight line from my origin to the goal but my limited mode of travel required a zigzag series of tacks. It was only when crossing that crow-fly line a little burst of illumination would let me see that, indeed, I had made headway since the last time I had passed over it. The moment would slide by and I'd continue on my tack until it was obvious that I had lost my bearings and changing course was once again required. In this way progress was made.

For me, life has been measured in episodes. I should have made a list of them. Whether good or bad there has always been a sense of relief upon the completion of each. You know how often people wish to do things over? Not I. I'll take the satisfactions of comparative success and the lessons of seeming failures and go onward. I'm always looking forward through the lens of the present though appreciative of the past.

Had I actually kept such an episodic list of the events of my life it would constitute my autobiography without further editing. The title would be, "I'll Never Do That Again." That might also be my epitaph, although "A Man, A Plan, Kablam!" or "It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time" would be equally apropos.

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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric,
I too see God as pure and perfect Love. (sort of like in the saki you posted last week. ) I know at this time my knowledge of God is very tiny because I cannot see the entire pictuure...but it is enough for now... I think as my soul progresses here and in the next realms this picture will change and grow and God will become more clear, more personable if that makes any sense. ?????

As for the feeling that we use God at will, being more attentive when we are in trouble or need comfort, encouragement... Yes we do...we all do this.
But as I thought about this, I see this relationship reflected on a smaller scale with my own parents. There are times I take them for not always think about how wonderful they are, get busy and forget to call them, yet does that mean that underneath all the layers of my "humanous" that I have forgotten them or do not feel the undercurrent of love, belonging and acceptance in my human family? I accept them and they me with all our combined ways of being, individual personalities, views and temperaments. We love each other as we are, imperfect and sometimes apologetic beings. I believe this parental relationship is unimaginably, unbelievably perfected by the "Parent of all things", .... this Being who can create universes with a thought and understands all universe children from beginning to end.

I guess I think that any time we call to God in any way we view, sense, feel this Being and that it is a plus... sort of like making a deposit in the "ole getting to know the Creator Bank". If you were a parent wouldn't you want your kids to come to you in happy times and in bad and if it was mostly when they were in trouble... isn't that time still well spent?

If God is pure powerful Love, then how can these words we assign to negative emotion exist in His/Her Being? I am thinking of your post in the saki thread recently....With Love being like a fountain and all the qualities of love flowing in individual streams from this love, (Well, something like that) It seems to me that God loves us as we are, no exceptions, because Unconditional Love exists well beyond any actions on our part. If God is Love then Love is an entity in itself. We do not have to be perfect beings to exist in God's love.. we just are, that is that. So we grow and we allow the lessons of life to slowly sink in and we gradually work towards a time when when eternity is our "oyster."

You wrote:
So we stray from God then we come running back and once we're content we decide to stray again. Has anyone else experienced this in their life? I am just as Selfish as my counterparts. It seems, human nature.
I dare say that every human that ever walked this planet is a party to that behavior. It is called "finding our immortal feet" or something akin to "growing our souls. You are not alone. Please do not beat yourself up for something I suspect we all do as it is in our nature. Just remember the joy you bring the Divine when you suddenly "phone home". It is the connection, the pure Love that passes between you and the "Maker" that is important. Everything else falls aside in those moments...

So yes,...
I am just as Selfish as my counterparts. It seems, human nature.
Welcome to the family, dear brother... it will not always be this way.
Live in the moment, love when and as you can and do not beat yourself up when you don't live up to the tough measure you yourself seemed to have created for yourself. The past is past... today is a new day... with brand new moments to excel or fail...or perhaps more realistically... a little of both.
love you....
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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by RunningScroll »

I see God as a Creator-essence, that is essentially limitless, that sees all, knows all, and loves all.

As someone who has betrayed God in parts of my life, I can understand God may be frustrated by some of our fickle decisions. But then God's patience and forgiveness are supreme. If there is a way out from beneath the consequences of our selfishness then God will be the first to hold our hand, and patiently work with us to ultimately bring to us the fullness of maturity we can achieve whilst in a human form.

The UB says: the keys to the kingdom are sincerity, more sincerity and more sincerity. If we are lacking in sincerity then the first thing to work on is sincerity. Then it is to summon the gumption to apply the suggestions that God has for our life. Christ Michael has repeatedly said that the way of eternal life is not easy, but it is full of joy and peace. Over time as we grow into our maturity, God will give us more latitude to make our own choices, because he sees in us one who will be responsible in a situation requiring moral discrimination.

These are my thoughts,

Kind regards,
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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by Lightened717 »

I think this quote from the UB is particularly relevant to this discussion:
Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.” - 34:7.8
I spent a good portion of the last year coming to terms with the many ways I feared I had failed God or betrayed my own spirit. I had come to the realization that my faith had not been a LIVING faith, that my prayers were short-sighted, and that I had spent a good amount of my time talking with God about trivial, material things. I was miserable, and I fell into a deep funk that took me a long time to get out of...and I was oblivious to the efforts of Spirit to try and pull me out of it.

I came to realize (very slowly) that the depression I felt was of my own making. I woke up every day with negative thoughts, and I let them linger; I subconsiously seemed to crave the emotional self-mutilation, like I believed I deserved it. I have long struggled with deep-rooted issues of unworthiness. Then, one day driving home from work and listening to one of my uplifting playlists in an effort to feel something other than darkness, I had a clear vision.

I saw myself next to a large male figure who was standing on a raised platform, that I understood to be God, or perhaps Michael. I was kneeling at His feet, crying in shame, begging for forgiveness. He held His hand out to me and I took His hand, and he bade me to stand up next to him. I understood that to mean that He wanted me to be at his side, and not prostrating at his feet. God, and Michael, helped restore my self-respect.

We are human, we're imperfect; it's all a part of being an ascending son of God. It's easy to become downtrodden as we ascend, especially when we're struggling to earn more cosmic insight. We become more consciously aware of how we can do better, how our actions, and even our thoughts affect others. As we grow in spiritual and emotional maturity, our "adolescence" can be awkward and painful, just like high school! God knows this and does not hold it against you, and neither should you. The risk here is that we become so despondent about the fact that we are imperfect that our will dissolves.

As far as giving and taking in relationships - that has been on my "lesson plan" this year too. My husband and I just filed for divorce this past Monday actually - we were high school sweethearts. The balance of give and take in our relationship was off kilter, and it took me a long time to see that that wasn't what God wanted for me. God wants us to SERVE from our hearts - he doesn't want us to sacrifice for others. Service is a Spiritual fruit that wells up from the heart, and if we're compelled to "give" to another, then it probably isn't from God. Conscious relationships are starting to become more and more prevalent as people wake up and straighten out what they value and go through their own subconscious BS. Have faith that the dynamic is changing :)

With Love,

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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by RunningScroll »

Hi Peggy. Your post was beautiful. The shame game is indeed a tough one to walk through. All the best in achieving everything you are here to do. God bless! Dylan
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Re: Your Thoughts on God and Turning Your Back on Him

Post by Sandy »

Dear Peggy,
Thank you! Your open-hearted post has helped me see something that has been obscured for me for some time. :happy
I am thinking of you today and sending you love. :kiss:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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