what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

It was a surprise to see my own post on here from years ago already...

How is everybody?

Derek. :cat:
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Why hello "Cus" ;) :D

I must say that I'm good and my day is off to a wonderful start seeing your hello. :hithere

It is rainy and cool here today... something this area of the world needed after having the hottest month of January since the 1800's. (don't mind me I do not handle heat well and feel right in my element standing outside in the cool rain. :roll: :oops: )

How about you, over there in Kansas? All well? :finger:

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

I'm doing groovy...

Not much going on. it's winter here but yesterday was almost 70 degrees so, it was nice... hope it doesn't confuse the plants.

I've given up soda, sugar, bread, and potatoes. The last time I had a soda-pop it burnt my mouth from the carbonation and it was so sweet it didn't seem as good as it used to be.

I'm not doing much but running an antique booth with my mom. I put some of my art work in it... I haven't sold anything but I get time prompted when I'm making stuff so, who knows?

You doing any gardening?

My garden was small last year and the tomatoes didn't produce, and my pepper plants stayed small, so I brought them inside and put them in the window hoping that they will do better in the spring when I but them back out. (We had record rainfall last year, it made for bad gardening.)

I've been looking at old nuclear missile silos for sale around Kansas and I found out that Wichita has over 18 Titan II missile silos (decommissioned in the 1980's) Not just "A nuke," or a "couple nukes," eighteen of them. it just blew my mind. Kansas has more missile silos than I have seen anywhere else. There's like 30-40 decommissioned missile silos from the 1960s to the 1980's all over the state. (That has been my latest discovery).

I still haven't built a greenhouse yet... I made a potting bench on the back porch, so that is sort of closer to getting one built. I have some sort of crazy notion of buying some land and building a Buckminster Fuller dome and then have year round gardening... Oh; i met a farmer Kansas who may be the only banana and fig farmer in the state. His hoophouses run all year around and in the summer time it is a balm 100+ degrees with humidity inside his greenhouses.

That's about all I know. I discovered that one of my antiques from China may be between 500-600 years old. It is something called a Fang Ding and it is super rare, and they are some sort of funerary vessel that are made for dignitaries, heads of state... You place fruit inside them as offerings and then they are buried with the deceased... Or something like that. Anyway, I've got one. (I'll post pictures of it or something.) I manifested my finding it when I wanted to collect art like the Higlander in the movie... Nevermind,. I managed to find some unique stuff in Kansas (of all places).

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi Derek,
I'll jump in on the gardening conversation! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: We're still in the dead of winter, but I'm chomping at the bit to get started! Won't have time for many veggies except asparagus and potted tomato plants, but there will be flowers and herbs. My husband and I stopped at the Kansas City Botanical Gardens last April on our way to Colorado. While they were having a blizzard back home, I was basking with delight, soaking up as many tulip and fairy house images I could stand! A kid in a candy store I tell you. All I could think of in the Children's Garden was how much I wished my daughter, granddaughter and Sandy could be there with me. There are definitely going to be a few elaborate fairy houses when I restore my flower beds this year.

Thanks for 'planting' the image in my head! Have a good day.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

Hey Kim!

Kansas City has a lot of cool things. I'm down in Wichita, but I'm wanting to move back up there someday.
I belong to a lot of garden clubs in Wichita. It's an addiction for me I guess. There is some sort of thrill I get for seeing something grow after I plant it.

Winter is the perfect time to start planning your garden. You can draw it out what you're going to plant and dream about it for a bit.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Hello fellow greenthumbs. (Well, I don't know if I count ) Although I/we do give it a sporting try.

This has been a very difficult year for gardening as we have been very dry and sooooo hot. Even my dandelions suffered greatly! :shock: Yes, I am cultivating dandelions in one of my raised bed gardens. :oops: Well... in my defense, half of our family is four legged, furry, has long ears and hops exceedingly well. :albino: And to be honest, I spend a rather shocking amount of our grocery money on keeping them fed especially when summers are as miserable as this one has been ...So we have been planting as much for them as for us...not that it has really mattered. We did get some lovely yellow tomatoes on two plants this year. They are not as acidic as the red ones so George has less trouble when he eats them...and they are soooo pretty! We also have some jalapeno pepper plants that have made it and producing a few for the table. That's about it. :( Everything else has shriveled up to next to nothing despite George's dedicated watering.

Oh! I almost forgot did I tell you we planted a banana tree a couple years ago? Well this year it and it's "children" have produced several racks of bananas. :bana: They aren't ready yet but they look good(and green) and are growing a bit chubbier as time goes by. :finger:

It has been such a long time since I've been to a public garden. Kansas City sounds wonderful, Kim. I wish I had been there with you too as well as Sedona. :mrgreen:
There is really no excuse. I believe Wollongong which is only about 15 minutes north of us on the highway has a lovely botanical garden. One just needs to figure out how to get there. :scratch: I'm not sure I am ready to drive to Wollongong, though. I am getting better at this driver thing though and I wish I had listened to Geoff years ago and began the process of driving on the "wrong" side of the road. :roll: I have discovered that there is very little danger of me reverting back to my right -sided ways. (Which was something I was concerned about. )

Derek I would love to see some pictures of your rare Chinese vessel! Good on you! That is wonderful! Are you still collecting baskets? I cannot see a basket without thinking of you. :lol:

I am shocked to my core!!! 18 missile silos!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Well it sounds like you have quite a choice! Are they still "occupied"? Now I am dying to know, "what are you going to do with a missle silo? Mushrooms? :)

Okay better get a move on... I am very late getting to the board today. In fact, it is the middle of the evening here. Just been one of those days with many, many things bombarding me at once. You guys have a great Thursday.
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Seeker13 »

Happy Thursday!
Derek, I'm always dreaming about my gardens this time of the year. This is the first spring we are living back at our own house after three years. My biggest regret was leaving behind my flower gardens. Unfortunately a lot of damage can happen in three years. I took as many as I could with me, creating some beautiful spaces, now it's time to weed, redesign and replant for myself. It will be beautiful again with lots of love and help from my little granddaughter. I've been a plant person ever since I was two-years-old helping my grandma weed. So happy to be keeping the tradition alive. Also started garden beds at my work. It's a preschool, during the spring the kids are right in there with us planting and weeding. They love taking veggies into our cook and having them for lunch!
inlikeflint wrote:There is some sort of thrill I get for seeing something grow after I plant it.
I understand completely! Don't give me cut flowers or a fully grown specimen. Give me a seed or a cutting so I can watch it flourish. I started a branch of a tree from a friend when my husband and I were dating. It's been thirty-two years and its still growing, probably about 16 feet tall or more.

I'm so curious about your plan for the missile silos?! Please divulge more information. I never heard of any in our area, so it would never occur to me to turn it into something.

My boys gave me an inside banana tree as a gift several years ago. I'd love to see pictures of yours producing fruit! And Ma'am if you grow things you are a gardener. Too bad about the weather ruining your efforts. Lots and lots of mulch might help and you could try a cloth screen that can help filter out some of the heat and light. I do not enjoy too much heat either, am miserable and miserable to be around, fortunately here there's always a body of water close by. By the way its 18 degrees..., the temp is supposed to plummet this weekend. What's really weird is we had a thaw last week. The kids were digging in the sand and playing in the mud! Dave and I went to a concert on Sunday and drove back home in a blizzard, there were 12 new inches of snow on the ground by morning. Are you cooled down yet?

Time to make dinner, have a great night everyone.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Well, I was almost finished with my reply and I must have bumped something on my keyboard which brought up a new tab. :shock: This isn't the first time this has happened and I still don't know why.

I was in a lovely optimistic mood too and so the trick after something like that is finding that peace within again. How? Well I suppose I could think about the posts or post that had me thinking and celebrating life to begin with...namely Kim's just now with 18 degree temps (that would be Fahrenheit for you people who live under Celsius scale) I am a bit of a snow bunny though. Love the stuff and all that comes with it...believe it or not, even some shoveling. I must admit we rarely had the 12 inches of snow in Ohio where I sat on the planet, so shoveling was rather manageable for this stout, stiff backed, stubborn youngish woman. Well, I am not not as young and been a decade without a snow shovel in my hand so who knows how I'd fare these days. But Kim, you asked if the heat was gone...well it is. In fact today there is a lovely southern breeze blowing off the ocean from Antarctica but if my memory serves me (and it doesn't sometime ) I think I heard that on Sunday a heat wave would be moving in to stay for a week to ten days. So next week I may have to dig deep for some appreciation of circumstances. I suppose that is all part of life though and I remember Tennessee could get and stay quite muggy and hot when I was a kid running barefoot through the "hundred acre woods" behind our house.

I will try my hand at posting some photos of our banana trees over the week end. I really want first though, to post some photos of Welle's awesome contribution to his community. You all will love it as he has used the best of his creativity, sprinkled with love and service to create the Thayer Little Free Library. It is a brilliant idea carried through to perfection. So wish me luck in the picture posting. (I know I should know how to do this by now... :oops: )
Anyway, I will get on with my day and I wish you guys a Happy Thursday or Friday depending on where you sit in the world. :hithere


Kim, I have no doubt that your gardens will look enchanting in no time flat. You know the magic ingredient (Love) and plants respond to it just as people do. :cheers:
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

Hey all...

The missile bases are for the most part decommissioned... There are Atlas style (that NASA used later to launch Mercury missions and moon missions) and then there are Titan style which are supposed to be more advanced.

I was looking at the older Atlas missile silos. They had one that had a silo 180 feet deep (and full of water) and yes I eventually thought that turning it into a mushroom farm to supply the midwest with exotic mushrooms would be one heck of a thing to do with that unused space. Unfortunately, the one that I looked at had all of the floors and support for the floors removed (scrapped) so, it is an empty concrete and rebar tube 60 feet in diameter and 180 feet deep with big old blast doors on the top that don't open because someone scrapped the garage door opener. Rebuilding 180 floors or more with wood is not the greatest idea in the world, and so I would have to have steel put back into it just to build floors and that would cost more than I would ever dream of spending on something like this.

Another Atlas site which is closer to me is an earlier version of the missile silo. I would say it is more of a bunker than a silo because the missile is stored sideways and then the roof rolls back on rollers and the missile is propped up when they are ready to set it off. I like the 'Atlas E' missile bunker style the best because it looks like less of a hassle to work with to turn it into something and the missile bay (20 feet wide x 120 feet long) would be great to turn into a garage, gallery, museum, mushroomery, or even a storage place for produce. (As you can tell, I have not given much thought what I would do with the place provided I had the funds... :D ).

The only problem with all of the sites that I would like is that they are in the sticks in the middle of nowhere, and since the invention of the internet, it has made a lot of these places magnets for people who want to explore... so if you wanted the place for privacy or you want a secret place to store your 'apocalypse' provisions, you would be invaded every other day by people think the place was abandoned or public property.

I've gone so far as to create a name for my art studio and how I would build out and make the place work... Then there is the issue of money. (It always comes up, seems to stop me cold with any building plan I have... so, I have to scale down, or forget the idea altogether...)

Okay, it's been a while since I have futzed with HTML but here are some links and my attempts at posting images of my FangDing.


(Preview shows the photos so I'm good...)

When I found this Fang Ding at an estate sale, I waited till the last day to buy it. (Everything is marked down half price on the last day). I was surprised it was still there at the estate sale, and for some reason it did not register with me that how old this thing was... I just liked it because it was brass and was one of the coolest sculpted piece of brass I had ever seen. After I had it for a few days it occurred to me that it wasn't brass but bronze (20-30lbs which is a lot of bronze). I took a couple sculpture classes where we cast bronze and I know the difference in the skill level of whomever created this Fang Ding to my skill level was far superior to mine... to put things in a better perspective; We used modern equipment to melt the metal down, make the molds, used kilns to burn the wax out of the molds, stage hot molds into the sand to pout molten metal into the molds while wearing modern asbestos fire suites... If your mold gets cold your pour will only fill part of the mold and you have to start all over... The process can take up to a week or longer... Whoever made the Fang Ding did it without modern equipment and poured two pieces that fit together with almost machine like precision. (So, there is that.)

So, I have had this Fang Ding sitting around for about 5+ years and I finally got around to sleuthing more about it online... and I had gone up to Kansas City for a day trip to see the Nelson Atkins museum and of course they have a couple Dings in their collection, but none of theirs have lids but they all have distinguishing features like mine so that got me excited... and there is a lot more info online these days about the Fang Dings and it looks like if I ever want to sell this, I have to go to NYC to go to Sothesby's because most of them start at auction at $40K. it just blows me away that I have been unemployed & sleeping next to a priceless artifact for the past few years...

I've been putting it out there on the net to see if there is a Fang Ding collector or a museum who absolutely has to have one in their collection for the right price, but I am discovering that is a little complex to unload high dollar items. I've been trying to manifest a buyer with the intent of buying one of the missile bases, but I may have to settle for less when my buyer comes. I can still dream though.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

Here are some videos of the Atlas missile bases... I know a guy who knows a guy who live in one so that is how I found out about them.

Atlas F - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu6qNZyIRHQ

Atlas E - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U5KXS5DwsY this is the one I was considering, it sits on 25 acres and i would have no problem getting water. :D
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Derek,
Wow! Your Fangding is beautiful! Almost too beautiful to part with. When you do sale it, I sincerely hope that you get a a great price... something that will fund your dreams! :finger: :finger: :finger: You know, we have a friend who sculpts and works in bronze. He is a classic Greek style sculpture, quite gifted... Here is his website. I believe he shows the sculpting process you just described. So if anybody is interested you might enjoy taking a peak.

Thanks for providing some URLs for missile silos too. I had no idea they were so big! But I suppose they would have to be wouldn't they? Those missiles weren't small. I don't think I would want to live in one although might be a great place for the right business. ( If the "damp" issues could be easily resolved. ) I was seeing a sort of garden courtyard though where the silo opened up to the sky. :mrgreen: I think you'
You've got the imagination and skill to make it work.

How far away is the Osage silo from your home now?
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

Osage City is about an hour and a half away, maybe less. I want to build a dome or huge hoophouse over it and grow food year-round.

Paul's sculptures look great... That was pretty much the process I was talking about in comparison to people 500 years ago. The forges had to be wood fired and oxygen fed (somebody had to constantly stoke a fire while another operated some sort of manual air pump.) serious leather suits to protect your skin from burning... It's a lot of work now to cast bronze, I can't imagine what it was like 500 years ago.

I've been thinning out a lot of my things... I've been repurposing old frames that came out of a motel and cutting them down and putting my art work in them, then putting them in booths, and other art shows... (I always have something going on). The Fang Ding has been on my mind for the past few weeks/months. I just get that one buyer who has to have it, I am getting a missile base. just like that.

This is some new stuff I'm doing... It's digital collage... I'm reinventing myself again...Image

I had to go through the process of appropriating an image and then editing out the unwanted material in the picture to then print it over text on a dictionary page (which is popular right now with crafters)... anyway, I don't have complete control over the outcome of my final image and that makes it interesting to me I think... I'm also using corrugated cardboard as my backing to annoy some people, and I have had a lot of feedback just because I am using cardboard instead of matboard... I like it because it is a free and abundant material, and it has a nice color to it that works with the color of the paper and the flat black graphic quality of the frame.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Hey Derek,
Thanks for posting photos of your latest art.

:lol: I like it as I think the corrugated cardboard adds to the rough and ready feel of the art. :D 8)

It has been so long since I even thought of art. Probably since the last time we spoke. :D I am way out of touch with what is being created and what is popular. I think your art in this instance anyway sends an environmental message as well as being eye catching. :roll: I was trying to envisage the work on mat board...not sure if it would be as powerful but who knows... mat board is low acidic...how about cardboard. In this type of art is that a factor? No, for me I like the cardboard.

Glad you took a look at Paul's site. He is a great sculpture isn't he? You know he came here years ago under the name Theocles. That's how we all met him...a lovely man. I would love to see the two of you at the top of your game, market wise. I still think in time every thing will fall into place. :sunflower:

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Seeker13 »

The Fang Ding is beautiful! As is your art! Showed them both to my husband, who liked them also. Couldn't help notice the dictionary words at the top of the page and wonder what thoughts were behind their choosing. Can't believe you found the Fang Ding at a yard sale, one man's junk, right? Wishing you all the luck with all your creative endeavors.

The minute I took a look at the silos my mold allergies went into super sonic over drive! Definitely will have to keep tabs on that progression from afar. Really creative concept though. Love the idea of transforming something destructive into another thing beautiful and feeding the masses.

Need to have someone teach me how to post my pics on-line, think I owe Sandy three years of flower photos. When I do Sandy, watch out!

Have a great day guys!
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by inlikeflint »

Thank you Kim & Sandy!!!

The dictionary words in the art are random. The first few pages I ran produced really exciting results for me. The one that really sticks out is the cowboy on a horse shaking his fist at an armadillo... There isn't much sense to it but out of a randomness there is some sense of order specifically, if you recognized the images in the art work. Words are the same way. They are stylized pictures of sounds and they can be just as powerful as pictures of something. I have different collages of the cowboy boots with different names and the Christian X was just as random as the armadillo. I was paying more attention to how close I could crop the knees of the cowboy legs on a page without pictures and because I'm collaging I tend to value the pages that come with pictures more than the pages without.

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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by MOKSHA »

Hello Bea,

Just curious to know if you could reach to any conclusion to these numbers phenomenon as it is more than 6 years now from when you had first posted the issue in 2011 first ( here also I notice the magic number 11)
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by MOKSHA »

Dear Lucky and others

As suggested above -Mirror numbers like -12.21 suggest self reflection. Would like to know -what is self reflection and how to do it as I keep seeing these mirror numbers .


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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning MOKSHA,

You wrote:
As suggested above -Mirror numbers like -12.21 suggest self reflection. Would like to know -what is self reflection and how to do it as I keep seeing these mirror numbers .
It is a good question because we do hear and use that term frequently often without truly thinking about what's involved. So I decided to look it up in the dictionaries online. :)
Self reflection is the activity of thinking about your own feelings and behaviour, and the reasons that may lie behind them:
another dictionary wrote this about self reflection...
Meditation or serious thought about one's character, actions, and motives.
It is good to do this as it certainly helps us to know ourselves a little better. By knowing what lies behind our thoughts,responses and our actions this helps us to progress, to better understand and accept those around us.

Have a wonderful week end MOKSHA!
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by Seeker13 »

Hi, MOKSHA and all!

I believe in not only self-reflection, but what is happening at the time of the prompts. What meaning have I assigned to individual number prompts? What am I feeling and thinking? What is happening in that moment? What is my attention being drawn to? And especially, what have I ask spirit a question about, or answers for? While on vacation a few weeks ago I was inundated with number prompts! 1111, 1234, 444, 555, 222 and 1113 it was hard keeping up! They were everywhere, clocks, license plates, receipts, prices, road signs, etc.. Recognized I was in for some exciting spiritual experiences if I paid attention. All the numbers made sense except 1113, finally realized the 11 was spirit and the 13 was me, my birthday is on the thirteenth. In hindsight not that difficult to comprehend really. Next time I see 1113 I'll know to pay specific attention to what is happening to and around me.

Happy prompting!
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by MOKSHA »

Dear Sandy and Dear Kim,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and providing clarity on self- reflection. I have interpreted mirror prompts as :

Universe is a reflection of my thoughts. I have abundance of health, wealth, good relations and happiness. I am a peaceful,loving and happy soul.

whenever I see mirror numbers I make above affirmation.

Love you all
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by 1221 »

1221=11*111 12+21=33=11*3
1331=11*11*11 13+31=44=11*4
1441=11*131 14+41=55=11*5
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Re: what about 12:21, 13:31, 14:41 instead?

Post by 1221 »

Angel Number in Quran

The words “angel” (malak) and “Demon” (shaytan) each occur 88=8x11 times in Quran

A verse http://quranix.org/74#30 talks about number of angels (19).

74:30 On it is nineteen. (The Arabic gematrical value of this verse is 1221=11x111)
http://www.masjidtucson.org/quran/wordC ... Vwords.php
74:31 And We have made the guardians of the Fire to be angels; and We did not make their number except as a test for those who have rejected, so that those who were given the Book would understand, and those who have faith would be increased in faith, and so that those who have been given the Book and the believers do not have doubt, and so that those who have a sickness in their hearts and the rejecters would say: "What did God mean with an example such as this?" It is such that God misguides whom He wishes, and He guides whom He wishes. And none know the soldiers of your Lord except He; and it is but a reminder for human beings. (The Arabic gematrical vale of this verse is 18612=11x1692)
74:32 No, by the moon.
74:33 By the night when it passes.
74:34 By the morning when it shines.
74:35 It is one of the great ones. (The Arabic gematrical vale of this verse is 363=3x11x11)
74:36 A warning to people. (The Arabic gematrical value of this verse is 1523 which is a prime number. 1+5+2+3=11 Also 7436=11x676 74+36=110=11x10)

Adding verse numbers 30 to 36 30+31+32+33+34+35+36=231=11x21

Verse 74:30 has 3 words as follows

Over it

(are) nine-


Adding the chapter number (74), verse number (30) and word positions (1,2,3)


Adding this (110) to the GV of the verse (1221) we get 110+1221=1331=11x11x11

source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/822656148254097/
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