Who wrote the Urantia Book?

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Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

The various super-human authors of the Urantia Book (English text is in the public domain) are named in "The Titles of the 196 Papers" in the front of the Book which may be freely perused, searched and downloaded online.

Some of the details on when and how this "fifth epochal revelation" to our planet, Urantia, was indited into the English language are contained in the text of the Urantia Book.

These Urantia Papers, a "composite presentation by many beings" (92:4.9)*, were received and compiled into the Urantia Book in the early 20th century by a small contact group of humans, led by Dr. William Sadler and his wife, Dr. Lena Sadler. No one in this group ever revealed any significant details about this process and they were never able to observe how the early handwritten material was made to appear on paper.

Several books (authored by humans) were published in later decades, attempting to elaborate on the missing details but verification of any "evidence" is difficult for this reason: the celestial overseers of the project did not permit the contact group to share any significant information. And the group was required to eliminate physical evidence of this revelatory birth (extending for several decades) before the Book was first published.

However, this fifth epochal "Urantia Blessing" itself identifies at least 18 universe titles and 5 personal names of non-human beings (celestial personalities) who either authored or sponsored the 196 Papers and the introductory Foreword:

Archangel, Brilliant Evening Star, Chief of Archangels, Chief of Evening Stars, Chief of Midwayers, Chief of Seraphim, Divine Counselor, Life Carrier, Machiventa Melchizedek, Malavatia Melchizedek, Manovandet Melchizedek, Mantutia Melchizedek, Melchizedek, Midwayer Commission, Mighty Messenger, One High in Authority, One Without Name and Number, Perfector of Wisdom, Secondary Lanonandek, Solitary Messenger, Solonia, Universal Censor, Vorondadek Son.

Who compiled the Urantia Papers into book format and which organization first published it in 1955 is known - who actually authored the Papers is unknown (according to human standards of such evidence).

These revelatory Papers acknowledge that the celestial contributors were required by higher universe authorities to "give preference to the highest existing human concepts"(0:12:11)*. Recently, one dedicated researcher has assembled convincing evidence of the sources of many of these edited and/or paraphrased human concepts that were included in the Papers.

For many truth seekers, after reading certain Sections of this revelation, the answer to the question becomes obvious: no human could have authored that text! Also, the Papers were analyzed years later and discovered to contain noticeably different writing styles. Whether human or celestial, the "composite presentation by many beings" is confirmed. The revelatory quality of this presentation can be determined only by the reader.

* http://www.theub.org/part-iii.html#P092_4_9
* http://www.theub.org/foreword.html#P000_12_11

See also: http://www.theub.org/foreword.html
"Acknowledgments by Authors/Sponsors"
"Authors/Sponsors of Papers"
(near top of page)

[first posted on answers.com] ~ Ogima
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Re: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Sandy »

That is enormously helpful, Rod. ...and another post I have bookmarked for future reference, Thank you!
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Re: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Geoff »

Hi Rod,

There are other opinions on this. I recall reading that there was absolutely a single human medium, who received text in his sleep. Sometimes he spoke out loud, and there was a person in attendance to take dictation. On other occasions apparently the text was hand written. However this only applies to books 1 to 3. Book 4 was not part of the initial brief, and according to at least one source, the inclusion of it almost caused the Celestial overseers to shut down the project and wipe clean all participant's memories. That section without a doubt was via a different medium, and was "found" around 1950. But more serious is the allegation, though more than one of "our" mediums, that a large amount was of pure human input, and was based on the Bible, to "fill in the gaps" So not sourced from any non-human source. There are a series of volumes put out by Saskiia which cover this, I think called "The Sherman Diaries"

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Re: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks, Geoff

Yes, Saskia and her husband Matthew Block (he more than she) are convinced about human authors. But I tried to focus only on what the UB says about this sourcing ... unless there was real evidence to the contrary (a document, personal notes, personal letters, eyewitness testimony, published material, anything that was more than conjecture or logical deduction, and not medium-revealed).

I had a month-long cold at Christmas and dedicated my "down time" to scanning every page of all five volumes of the Sherman Diaries. I didn't find any "evidence" but did find Harold's (and some of Martha's) conjecture on human authorship.

For all true evidence (if any) to have been removed from the face of the earth is a task only the midwayers could have accomplished. And if this was their preference (or mandate), then we're not destined to know for certain about any human authorship other than what the UB claims and Matthew Block has found: "give preference to the highest existing human concepts pertaining to the subjects to be presented" (0:12.11)

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Re: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Amigoo »

Re: http://www.urantiabooksources.com/pdf/112.pdf

:idea: Paper 112 of Matthew Block's Parallel Charts is a good example of sophisticated source material editing by UB authors. These extracts suggest that much can be learned about the purpose/method of this editing, performed by those who knew "whereof they speak":

Source (Angyal):
A plant responds to the force of gravitation by sending its roots down-ward, but in response to the same force of gravitation it sends its stem upward and the branches sideways (positive, negative,and diagonal geotropism). Thus we deal here with a true stimulus-response relationship which is different from a merely mechanical process

UB (112:1.13):
Life is really a process which takes place between the organism (selfhood) and its environment. The personality imparts value of identity and meanings of continuity to this organismal-environmental association. Thus it will be recognized that the phenomenon of stimulus-response is not a mere mechanical process since the personality functions as a factor in the total situation. It is ever true that mechanisms are innately passive; organisms, inherently active.

:scratch: My commentary:
Interestingly, the UB author chose to discard the reference to plants probably because ...

1) plant roots grow in all directions in space*, a fact unknown until space vehicles were invented
and used for space experiments (after UB authorship completed).
2) the UB's preferred focus/elaboration here is on personality, a spiritual component of humans and not of physical plant life;
to include discussion about plants might infer that plants have human personality.

* http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_do_roots_grow_downward
"Plant roots are capable of performing this trick by sensing gravity (geotropism or gravitropism).
In space they grow in random directions."

:cheers: And speaking of Source integration through the centuries ...
(re: "It is literally true: 'No man lives by himself'" 56:10.14)

From the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America
(re: http://hermetic.com/moorish/7koran.html , integration of the Holy Koran and the Bible,
prepared by the Noble Prophet Drew Ali, including verses about Jesus, "a Son of Allah"):

Chapter 3 – The Unity of Life
1. Again Elihu met his pupils in the sacred grove and said:
2. No man lives unto himself, for every living thing is bound by cords to every other living thing.

Rod :D
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Re: Who wrote the Urantia Book?

Post by Amigoo »

:roll: Regarding the debate about Dr. Sadler's alleged contributions to the UB ...

2016 needs to be the year that UB readers quit playing "Pin the Tale on the Horse", for only circumstantial evidence will ever be found ... apparently. Besides, we would have to claim a 533 conspiracy since so many people were involved with the developing manuscript: the entire Contact Committee was intimately involved with those communications "from above" and the 70-member Forum reviewed those Papers for several decades.

This revelatory tale was published in 1955, over 60 years ago :!: . Is it not long past time to evaluate more of the content and less of the sources? Or would we claim that this content does not have independent value? If this is true, of what use are the planet's Spirit of Truth, our indwelling Adjuster, and angelic guidance?

If the horse is one of the greatest contributors to the enhancement of civilization, Dr. Sadler (as symbolism of his role) was indeed the revelatory steed. The true tale of this horse is one of firm and consistent leadership during the birthing of our planet's "fifth epochal revelation" - any other tale is derived from human conjecture and imagination ... apparently.

Rod ... :bike: ...
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