Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

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Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Anthony Borgia channeled Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson and together they produced some six books in the 1940s and 1950s. The copyright on these prevented most of them being re-published in the USA, yet the current owner of the copyright, (inherited) who I could only contact indirectly, would not take up my offer of a free ebook to upload at Amazon. So I asked a very good friend to see if Anthony Borgia and the Monsignor minded if I broke the copyright. They thought I was overly cautious, but were very pleased with the effort I made to create lovely ebooks. So, now I offer these free, in Amazon and epub format, off my web site. On this link page you will also find a book called More Alive Than Ever......Always Karen by Jeanne Walker and she also consented.

Free ebooks

The Borgia series are amazing, but bear in mind that there is a lot of repetition. Four of the books have almost no "religious" stuff, as that was kept for the earlier books "Facts" and "More Light". I will add the other titles here so Google can find them. "Heaven and Earth", which I believe is actually precisely the same as the very first book they published called "ABC of Life". Then there are "Here and Hereafter", "Life in the World Unseen" and "More about Life in the World Unseen".

I now believe there is another book whose title I do not know. I would love it if someone could tell me, but it apparently has a schematic diagram of the relationship of the Spirit Spheres to Earth.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Yesterday I received in the mail a first edition copy of FACTS, which was the only copy available for sale in the world, and it was in - drum roll - MALENY, QLD. Anyway, this reveals yet another two books written by Anthony Borgia that I had not previously known about, and again I managed to buy one of them, but the other no luck so far. But that takes the number of books (unique books) to eight that I know of. I have created a page for Anthony Borgia, because although he was such a gifted medium, and achieved amazing literary success, there is no web page that does him justice. Even mine is a bit short, but sadly in none of his books does he tell us anything about himself.

See Anthony Borgia.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Geoff,
I enjoyed seeing photos of both Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson on your web page. I was actually introduced to these books while house sitting for you and pursuing the wonderful books in your library. :mrgreen: Well done securing that rare book. :D
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Yeah I have gone a bit mad the last two weeks. I think I have 8 or 10 rare books in the mail now. LOL. But my library has been very useful, as in the last 18 months I gave a friend who is a bishop a crash course in "our stuff". He is pretty up to speed now.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

Yeah I have gone a bit mad the last two weeks. I think I have 8 or 10 rare books in the mail now. LOL.
That's wonderful! I'd be standing at the door everyday waiting for the post man/lady! :bana:
Well done!
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Spacewaltz »

I wish to convey a big Thank you for your really amazing effort in keeping these books freely available and presented so well for all to find. So often in our journey through this life we miss the little flowers in search for what we often think is greater and more of worth. There is a great fragrant peace that courses through these works . A peace that the"beloved master " spoke about as the single most important spiritual need in these days . I am very greatful for these simple yet beautiful truths delivered . Beautiful bedtime reading . Thanks for your wonderful work Geoff .
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Gee thanks.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome to the boards! Love the visual your moniker brings to mind, makes me feel light and whimsical! Thank you for reminding us to let others know we are grateful for their efforts.

Yes, thank you for all your hard work allowing the rest of us to find our own truth!

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by happyrain »

Hello Spacewaltz, thank you for this humble reminder. I agree with Kim, you have a beautiful alias.

Dear Geoff,
Your work and your presence is much appreciated. Thank you for putting up with me in my younger days here at this forum. I too have been enjoying your website and your energy.

Kind regards.
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

While we are talking about channeled works, while Anthony Borgia was my most favourite for a long time, its not any longer. I came across the work of Rev George Vale Owen, and consider his work superior. There are five volumes and I am pretty sure I have a thread here on this, but for those who would like to look at one of these, here is the link:

Lowlands of Heaven Volume 1 of Life Beyond the Veil
by Rev George Vale Owen

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

Oh my goodness! I started reading The Lowlands of Heaven and am smitten!
Geoff, you are a treasure! :love Thank you for the work you've done on this nearly 100 year old book which allows its words to flow more easily for the modern reader and for turning it into a PDF we all can read and enjoy.

I know I will enjoy this series just as much as I have Anthony Borgia's. Can't wait to get back at it. :)
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Dear Sandy,

My pleasure. Its a totally wonderful series and covers some stuff that is hard to find. Later on a fellow in England sourced and sent me a seventh volume, and I have all seven in five books. That last volume was on the hells, one of the very best I ever read. Or more precisely, a whole story of arriving there on death and eventually getting out.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by atsguy »

Gonna have to check that out, the book lowlands of heaven provide an amazing account of how spirits talk to us from the other side.

It’s amazing to imagine that spirits in higher level spheres use spirits that have just passed over and closer to earth ( and still fresh with speaking and understanding English). To communicate with us. Basically by projecting their thoughts to the spirits on lower level spheres, and then them doing the same to us and trying to communicate.

Sort of like using a spirit of a different spiritual level as a step up/step down transformer
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

George revealed that many years ago, and he also adds the midwayers are often a part of that chain of communication. I believe Michael can side-step this process but if you want to hear from really advanced beings you either meet them at their level, or use a chain.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by atsguy »

I am still confused over the description of the spirit spheres, and your description, and what the urantia book describes.

Lowlands od heaven

Page 246:

“When we said “the powers which watch over the
world,” we did not, of course, mean to localize these
powers on one side of this planet, but to imply the all-
enveloping watch which the heavenly powers keep about
the sphere which is called Earth. These powers are
resident in zones of which the Earth itself is the centre,
and they lie in concentric circles around it. The inferior
zones are those near the planet’s surface, and progress in
power and glory as the distance is increased. But yet,
space must be enlarged in meaning when applied to these
spheres; for distance has not the same obstructive sense to
us as it has to you.
For instance, when I am in the Tenth of these zones,
4 my
cognizance is limited, more or less, by that Tenth zone as
to its outer or superior boundary. I may, on occasion and
by permission, visit the Eleventh zone, or even go higher;
but residence in those higher zones is not permitted me. On
the other hand, the zones inferior to the Tenth are not
impossible to me; for the zone in which I dwell, being a
sphere, includes within itself, even geometrically
considered, all the nine inferior spheres. So that we may,
for the sake of clarity of understanding, put it thus: The
Earth is the centre about which many spheres are; and isenclosed in all those spheres. And the residents in the
Earth life are potentially in touch with all those spheres,
and actually so in ratio to their altitude spirituall

enclosed in all those spheres. And the residents in the
Earth life are potentially in touch with all those spheres,
and actually so in ratio to their altitude spiritually
considered—spiritually, because these spheres are
spiritual and not material.
Even the material Sphere of Earth is only so
phenomenally, for it is a manifestation in matter of all
these zones of spiritual power which envelop it; and of
others, too, of other degree which interpenetrate it. Leave
these latter aside, for the present at least, and consider the
matter as we have described it.
You will now have some idea of what aspiration and
prayer and worship mean. They are the means of
communion with the Creator and His High and Holy Ones
Who (to put it in a way which you will understand) dwell
in the highest, or outermost, of these spheres, and include
within Himself and these all the zones within that highest
Zone or Sphere.
And so the Earth is enveloped by, and included in and
affected by the spiritual powers, of varying degree and
kind, entrusted by the Creator—God—to all these
ministers of all these spheres which are around it.
But as you progress outward you come into a more
complicated state of affairs. For not the Earth only but

every planet in this Solar system has its like complement
of spiritual zones or spheres. So, as you go farther and
farther from the Earth, you come to a realm where the
spheres of Earth and the nearest planet interweave with
each other. As every planet is served with like attendance,
so the complication is multiplied, and you will begin to
see that the study of these spheres is not so simple as some
good people among you evidently think it to be, who
demand from us information as to the meaning of this thing.
Draw a diagram of the Solar system, with the Sun at its
centre, and the planets roughly in their respective places
around him. Then begin with Earth and encircle him with,
say, a hundred circles. Do the same with Jupiter, Mars,
Venus and the others, and treat the Sun in like manner; and
you will have a faint idea of our work and its absorbing
interest, but profound depths of meaning, who include in
our studies that of the Spheres of God.
Nor have we yet reached the limit of our problem. For
what applies to the Solar system must be applied also to
that of every other star and its planets. Then each system
having been separately considered, each and all must be
studied in their correlation to the others. Think of it a
while and you will acknowledge, I think, that there will be
no lack of employment for your mental energies when you
come over here.
So basically what I gathered from that part from what you said in your books and what other spiritual books say is this:

You have the earth, and surrounding or encasing the earth like a sphere is the astral planes that go into the earths surface and the upper atmosphere (but obviously on a different plane of existence or dimension since I’m sure there the people wouldn’t mind a rocket ship blasting from earth and leaving the atmosphere bothering them.

This in itself eventually reaches a border that goes into the spirit spheres with the lower hells, and the higherer levels called Summerland. I am unsure if this is where the first morantial world beings or if this is the first mansion world.

But the urantia book says that the morantial and mansion worlds are all located near Jerusem or the system capital of Satania. So somewhere In our galaxy or local system. Way beyond earth, and not in our solar system. The urantia book also says that if we had a rocket ship with enough fuel we could go visit these spheres, and with the right invitation be there with our bodies.

But allot of spiritual mediums from the 1900s make it seem like everything is right here close to earth.

I only ask because I eventually want to do a visual project with 3D studio max to visualize how all this might look. Give people some idea of how things are layed out in the universe.

And if these spirit spheres encompass all planets...what happens to a planet that is destroyed, or a sun that goes supernova...
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

Hi Atsguy,

I am afraid I do not take the UB as "gospel". If I can validate via another source, then I am very happy, but sometimes that simply does not happen. You find a whole lot of sources agreeing, but the UB is the odd one. However the UB is also the only one that attempts to describe things beyond the Mansion Worlds or "Spirit Spheres."

I believe the Astral Plane surrounds the Earth. I believe it is not part of the Mansion Worlds.

I believe the First Mansion World lies within the orbit of our Earth around the sun. The First mansion world has I believe 3 sub spheres. Hell, Borderlands and Summerland. The word "borderlands" is also used by George but I think he uses it to describe the dark cloud mass that surrounds our Earth and is a very negative energy state. Basically thought forms created out of evil. In this usage here, it means a transition place from the hells to the lowest of the heavens.

As for the rest of the M Worlds I believe they are progressively further away. How far I could not begin to say.

Then of course there are the spheres within what I call "The Kingdom of God" which can only be reached after you have fused with your TA.

I have a whole page of books that describe very similar places: ... ter-death/

In the book that you quoted when he refers to the tenth level, that is the Fifth Mansion World or Sphere in other reckonings. Divine by two in their counting.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Spacewaltz »

It's Anzac day here where I reside. It reminded me of not the celebration of war , as is done nowadays, but the great need for peace. The works of Anthony Borgia and the life of Robert Benson reminded me of the massive service that these ones were obviously involved in for the period of the two wars . The horrors they would have encountered in helping so many souls out of often terrible shocking conditions and the ceaseless work of healing . Although they conveyed basic views , I cannot help feeling that the real work and attainment of a spiritual nature is in there selfless unspoken service , Just a thought on this day of rememberance down under. :sunflower:
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

A very good and inspired thought too, Spacewaltz. :happy
thank you.... :sunflower:

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by atsguy »

I was reading through the highlands of heaven vol 2, and I thought that there would be references to the sea of glass as mentioned in the urantia book, and I found this:
This is a section of the journey a spirit takes to the 5th sphere, or a section bordering its highland

Page 232
a sense of meditation and greater power than away below.
And I was aware of spirits in the colonnades who were
beautiful with a grander and holier beauty than those I had
left behind about the first rises of the hills. This also, as I
went, gave place to scenes more amazing and inspiring.
Gradually the tree country was left behind, and about the
white, gold and red of the summits played lights which
told of presences from the higher realm descended on
some business, to linger among these heights awhile.
So I came to my destination. I will describe it as I am
able. There was a flat space, perhaps a mile in square
each way, paved with alabaster stone, which appeared of
flame colour, as if it were a floor of glass stretched over a
realm of fire whose rays played about it, and glowed
through, tinting the air for some hundred yards above.
There was no fire of such sort. But this is how it appeared.

among the mountains of heaven, a very beautiful thing to
see. It covered some eighth part of the square, and it had
porches (verandah) on each side. So there were ten ways
to enter, and one facing each of ten ways. A sentinel in
truth it was; for this is the Watch-tower of the highest
regions of that sphere. But it was more than this.
Each side was in touch with one of the first ten spheres;
and those who watched there were in constant
communication with the Chief Lords of those spheres.
There is much business passing between these Heads of
the different spheres continually. Here it was gathered up
and co-ordinated. If I might descend to earth for a name, I
would call it the Central Exchange of that vast region
comprised in all those spheres stretching from that which
borders on the earth zone, over the continents and oceans
and mountains and plains of the second, and then of the
third, and so onward to the Tenth.”
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for sharing that, Atsguy,
I couldn't remember how the Ubook described it so looked it up. Thought I would share... for those unfamiliar with the Sea of Glass and its function.
Here are some references from the Urantia Book....

This sea of glass description is on Edentia... Paper 43 ... tellations

43:1.7 (486.6) The sea of glass, the receiving area of Edentia, is near the administrative center and is encircled by the headquarters amphitheater. Surrounding this area are the governing centers for the seventy divisions of constellation affairs. One half of Edentia is divided into seventy triangular sections, whose boundaries converge at the headquarters buildings of their respective sectors. The remainder of this sphere is one vast natural park, the gardens of God.

Sea of glass mentioned here on Jerusem....Paper 46 ... adquarters

46:2.8 (521.5) Mount Seraph is the highest elevation on Jerusem, almost fifteen thousand feet, and is the point of departure for all transport seraphim. Numerous mechanical developments are used in providing initial energy for escaping the planetary gravity and overcoming the air resistance. A seraphic transport departs every three seconds of Urantia time throughout the light period and, sometimes, far into the recession. The transporters take off at about twenty-five standard miles per second of Urantia time and do not attain standard velocity until they are over two thousand miles away from Jerusem.

46:2.9 (521.6) Transports arrive on the crystal field, the so-called sea of glass. Around this area are the receiving stations for the various orders of beings who traverse space by seraphic transport. Near the polar crystal receiving station for student visitors you may ascend the pearly observatory and view the immense relief map of the entire headquarters planet.

another mention... Paper 47 ... ion-worlds

47:10.1 (539.3) The reception of a new class of mansion world graduates is the signal for all Jerusem to assemble as a committee of welcome. Even the spornagia enjoy the arrival of these triumphant ascenders of evolutionary origin, those who have run the planetary race and finished the mansion world progression. Only the physical controllers and Morontia Power Supervisors are absent from these occasions of rejoicing.

47:10.2 (539.4) John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven, the glories of Jerusem. He recorded: “And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire; and those who had gained the victory over the beast that was originally in them and over the image that persisted through the mansion worlds and finally over the last mark and trace, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God, and singing the song of deliverance from mortal fear and death.” (Perfected space communication is to be had on all these worlds; and your anywhere reception of such communications is made possible by carrying the “harp of God,” a morontia contrivance compensating for the inability to directly adjust the immature morontia sensory mechanism to the reception of space communications.)

Well, that's all I've found so far... not much to go on. I'll keep digging. :)

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by atsguy »

Yes sandy, i thought it was pretty similar when described in the highlands of heaven book.

The only problems with the book are the sense of location. You don’t know if these spheres that the spirit is traversing on are close to the proximity of earth, or far away in Jerusalem. But maybe for all we know every sphere has its own sea of glass.
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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Geoff »

The Rev George Vale Owen numbers his spheres differently than the Ubook. So his sphere 5 is Mansion world 2.5, or the lower half of 3. He never goes beyond Mansion World 5, which I would guess is fairly far from Earth. But not as far as Seven. One of the issues is Earth "stinks" spiritually and they have to get a long way away as they progress.

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by Sandy »

Oh that helps, thanks Geoff.

It would make sense if every sphere had a sea of Glass I think, Atsguy. Would love to see them...LOL I guess I will someday. :roll: :) (Everything in its'own time, eh?)

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Re: Anthony Borgia and Monsignor Robert Benson

Post by atsguy »

Geoff wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 3:32 am The Rev George Vale Owen numbers his spheres differently than the Ubook. So his sphere 5 is Mansion world 2.5, or the lower half of 3. He never goes beyond Mansion World 5, which I would guess is fairly far from Earth. But not as far as Seven. One of the issues is Earth "stinks" spiritually and they have to get a long way away as they progress.


Great research Geoff, I found this while look at the mansion world section in the urantia book:

“47:4.3 (534.7) As you ascend the mansion worlds one by one, they become more crowded with the morontia activities of advancing survivors. As you go forward, you will recognize more and more of the Jerusem features added to the mansion worlds. The sea of glass makes its appearance on the second mansonia.

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