knocking on my door

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knocking on my door

Post by Zachary »

I heard a knocking on my door at 4:44. There was three people in the room with me. Me and the other sober one heard this knocking. I immediately knew it was spiritual related before I saw 4:44. Also it was easy to eliminate anyone or thing other than spiritual doing the knocking, based on where it came from. I was in communication with spirit thinking about how being under the influence your not as spiritually in tune. Your conscious is more clouded and makes spiritual receptivity a more difficult challenge.

Who would prompt me this I asked? 456 I received.... I think its a member of the DEF fam. I'm trying to find about the DEF family but I can't seem to find much about them. If you read this and happen to know a link to previous t/r's with DEF's please direct me!!

Much LOVE,
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by George »

Hi there Zachary,

Good thing for you to figure that 456 stands for DEF. :)

The only one I know (of) is D-r-E-y-F-u-S and I have no certainty about his number -- DEF-5, I guess -- the S being a 5.

Stick with it I'd say ... alone may be better.

Some important folks I know worked with Midwayer Dreyfus ... of the angels of the future.

You had a knock on your door! :)

See: for another story about a door.

God bless...
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by Sandy »

Hello I was just thinking about you...and here you are and with such a lovely experience to share. Thank you for that! :sunflower:
Love you,
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by happyrain »

hi Zach
that's a cool experience ! and i agree with you on substance use. well, substance abuse anyway
made me think of this lyric
"Don't even feel like drinking, or even gettin high
Cause all that's gonna do really, is accelerate
The anxieties that I wish I could alleviate"
that's from a rap song called moment of truth by gang starr. it's true for me

i think you're spot on with understanding and translating your experience
very cool !
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by Zachary »

:mrgreen: Thanks for the response guys!

Mr. George, I do not see how that link you posted is related to knocking on a door. However, I do see how I could benefit from experiencing a similar day in the posts made in that link. Even though it doesn't mention anything about a door... it still holds value to me. To be honest I overlooked the idea of knocking on a door and what it possibly might underline. But I did see it as a more 'physical' prompt than usual... it stuck out and was well worth mentioning on this MB. I did search the "search" bar on this message board for knocking on doors and I don't think I found what you were going to show me-- but I did find this that resonates with me to some extent

Urantia, January 27, 2005.
A Teacher named “The Beloved One.”
Subject: “A Lesson on Fear and Protection.”
It is in the seeking that you shall surely find, and it is the knocking with a dedicated persistence that this door shall be opened unto you.
I've really been trying to grow spiritually lately because I'm tired of dwelling in the grey area of knowing some truths all while at the same time being confused. (not fun)

Sandy, I almost wrote you a message yesterday! Ha! Instead I ended up kind of rushed and only posted this. I've been trying to increase my spiritual receptivity by a lot. The most I ever strived for. So of course you can imagine more things have been happening lately, and it's been fun :D
I hope your doing well Sandy, it's such a delight to read your words, I'm so thankful for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric, it's nice to see you post! it's such a positive to see my peers like yourself here. most of the peers I see and experience time with are serious bar dwellers. They can't bar-hop enough!!! But I received that message because it's easy to follow your peers into what they're doing, and I can't follow them into that area if I wish to be more spiritually receptive, which I do desire. Hope your doing well bro! I havnt been flexing spiritual muscle as I should be... but ahhhhhhhh it feels great to stretch!!!!!!
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by George »

Hi Zachary,

I gave you the wrong URL. Try [link lost] and scroll down to the last 3 or 4.

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Re: knocking on my door

Post by Zachary »

Thanks a lot George!

I had a serious case of Deja Vu after reading Maria's topic from top to bottom. And better yet, the last 3 or 4 did mean something to me, something special. Something I should remember.

I was doubting our FRIENDS :baby

so they showed me :kiss:
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Re: knocking on my door

Post by George »

I like it when they knock on the ceiling to say "We're here!"


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