So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by pointman19 »

Hello all my freinds and whom i consider family here :)

Ive missed you all and i have a lot to discuss today, so i hope you have a few minutes. The reason for my post today after such a long absence from these boards is due to my extremely altered life path thats been placed before me. Now that i have this new found sense of a heightened awareness, i feel that i can see and feel signs....suggestions from my Spirit Guardians....that i have been following and my life has changed dramatically in the past FOUR months.

Im going to try and make a long story short because i know how long winded my posts can be.

For Four, very miserable, years, i worked for a company called Goodwill. I should have never been there as long as i was, but an injury at work led to a very very long fight with them over Workers Compensation. Many many times, i would stare out the front window from the register and pray that i could do anything other than this...just give me a door to walk through. But i was never in the right frame of mind.
When 11:11, the midwayers and every other celestial being that is in service with these wonderful (and i feel like that word is an UTTER understatement) and benevolent beings...i was at the darkest time in my life....then something Amazing happened. One day before i went into work, i prayed like i had never prayed before. I poured out my soul to and i afterwards, i cried out "Please, give me a sign your hearing me...give me a sign that im not being ignored or that all of this is just made up in my head. Please...give me something to believe in again!"

Afterwards, i wiped the tears from my face...composed myself and went to do my shift for the day. Now this wasnt twenty minutes from that prayer, and my first customer walks in with an acoustic guitar. She asks if she can play a song and i say sure...thinking that maybe she would find a couch in the back and sing to some kids. What she actually did was sit on the floor, right in the middle of the store, and belted out a song with a voice that sounded like pure harmony....and what was that song about you ask?

How much god loves each and every one of us! (and i had the presence of mind to run and record it) ... FufUCpHR3d ... FufUCpHR3d

A few months later, the "Goodwill Girl" and her family returned to the store. I had actually gathered the courage to tell her what had happened with me previously in the day with my prayer. I didnt tell her the contents of that prayer, but i did tell her how i begged for a sign of any kind to know that im loved....and being watched over by angels. I then jokingly said, "Man, God sure does work in the most mysterious ways, doesnt he?" To which she replied " i dont think he works mysteriously....i think he works Synchronously."

Thats coming from , at that time, a 17 year old young lady.

Now Fast Forward a bit...and its the beginning of Spring of this year. Again, im gazing out the window...wishing i could have my opportunity yet again...for anything. Shortly after, i had an incident where the boss went off on me for something that would normally be given a second thought. An hour goes by...and im having this crazy internal argument. I feel like something the resides deep within me saying...Its time to go Jason, quit this job...but my ego refused. I kept telling myself, i didnt endure a 4 year struggle here just to throw it all which an answer came through that i couldn't have even cooked up myself, it was "Your not throwing anything away dear one. Youve endured these four years to become a stronger prepare yourself for the next challenge in your life. Stay here if you please...but keep in mind, many synchronous evens have come and gone that have created this opportunity. The choice is yours"

That was the first time in my life that i made a decision like this based on intuition.

Two months go by and im unemployed with no job in sight. I keep wondering if i had imagined it all....if i didnt concoct what i believed i felt i heard just to give myself a reason to quit. i was really beginning to doubt things at this point. But then...something very very unexpected happens, an angle i never would have seen coming...well..just EVER.

A job offer DID come to me...and i did NOT apply for this job. One night, i was visiting my Uncle and his Boyfriend for dinner (may as well say husband, theyve been together for over ten years lol). And i was showing Ed my Ancient History Blogs. I was kind of feeding off his excitement because i can always appreciate anyone who has an interest in the technological marvels of an ancient race of humans that our technology cant not reproduce today...not even close!! I literally had the guy wrapped around my finger as i explained the details of some sights, what made them so mysterious and how did they have such a vast knowledge of Astronomy when were just now discovering what the ancients had already known for thousands of years.

Afterwards, Ed should be in Sales. When there is something your passionate about, there is a way you explain it to where it can make even the most skeptical person at least raise an eyebrow. Why dont you come work for me instead?

I am now a very proud Manufacturers Representative for a company in North Carolina called Fueltec...which specializes in in Diesel Gasoline filtration systems. The perks that have also come with this job (and PLEASE keep in mind, im NOT a very very humble person, im just trying to show how vastly different things are with this job as compared with had i stayed at Goodwill) is a company car, credit card for hotels and eating expenses, a brand new smart phone for work (and im allowed personal usage as well). I get to travel to travel so much now and i get a chance to talk to all these different people...their stories, what brought them into the business that they are in now...its such a unique opportunity. Never once, ever in my life ever, would have i ever thought i would have a job that i LOVE to do. I mean, i really do love this job!! Not the perks, its the opportunity im grateful for...and ever since ive kept that positive attitude and a feirce dedication to doing well (This is a commission only kind of job)

The manufacturer invited me down to North Carolina where he extensively demonstrated the unit for me and showed me how it works...he also told me the story as to why he decided to enter into this line of work.
Many poeple know that, after goodwill, i want nothing to do with corrupt corporations. and believe me folks, what you pay for at may think a portion of that goes to some kind of doesnt. its pure profit in the pockets of the Goodwill's CEO. Its also false that they give special treatment to those with disabilities....Four years i worked there and i watched many physicaly fit and disabled applicants turn in their resumes. Guess who got hired and who didnt....EVERY time?

anyways, im getting off topic and i apologize. What im trying to get at with that above statement is that i ONLY wanted to work for someone that would ACTUALLY appreciate my efforts and see my worth to the company as an individual...with thoughts and ideas that could be beneficial. What i love about my new job is that Ed never turns down an idea...and when i say that theres a busieness that may really have a benefit for the services we provide...the man will actually pull over and off we go.

At Goodwill...when i tried to do the same thing...i was actually told, by a higher up in corporate, that "I am in my position and i make the kind of money i do for a reason. You are in your position and you make the kind of money you do for a REASON, dont you ever try and tell me what to do again"

So its not just the travel and personal interaction with others that make this such a wonderfull opportunity. I still follow the signs of the spirits when im out and about...its actually lead to extremly benefical leads! Today, when me and Ed were wrapping the day up...i said...lets go hit up one more place! Just one more! So Ed says "Well...its kind of late in the day (about 4pm) and a lot of places will be looking to close up shop not so sure there is anything thats even on the way home we could look up really quick and have the time for it."

Five minues later, a truck with a huge tank on it pulled out in front of us. I slowly looked over to Ed and said "Ed, i dont know if your a spiritual person or we are...two people in the business of Fuel Filtration...and the truck in front of us is a Fuel Based Distributor!" the words "Ummmmmmmmmm" was all the came out of him haha. So i told him to follow it! But what if its just going to some job site, i dont want to be on a random goose chase, he says to me. "Ed, in the past year, ive had some pretty amazing things happen when i just follow my me on this one, lets follow the truck.

it actually pulled into the fuel depot it belonged to! We had a chance to talk to the owner and some of his employees. We left some information with them about what we do and we left on very good terms! These are the kinds of leads i get when im out by myself...but man...i cant describe how awesome it feels when it happens and Ed is in the truck and i keep hearing the words "I cant belive this crazy crazy dumb luck we keep running into!:"

Last time, i forgot my electronic Ciggarrette at a family dollar cash register. When we went to retrieve it, i saw what i thought were UPS trucks behind the family dollar. Turned out to be the staging area of the UPS Fleet of Erie, Pennslyvania!! With above ground Storage tanks filled with glorious Diesel!! I see Ed shaking his head and repeating the words...dumb luck man, this is just dumb luck....

11:11 and the guidance of spirit guides have changed my life....if it wasnt for Mr. Barnard and the courage to write the books in the fire of heavy criticism....the guiding, supporting and loving words of his Wife Sandy, the many poeple who maintain this site, the beautiful souls that have searched and were guided here to learn, and most important of all, the Midwayers and the ones who volunteer to work right alongside with them.....i would never have listened to my heart and i would have listened to my Ego.

Thank you all so very very much. I want to say so much more to all of you, every person out there that has contributed and helped me along my way when it came to learning and learning to love again...starting with loving myself..faults and all.

I would have never made these strides if it werent for ALL....OF....YOU. Physical.....and Spiritual.

Peace and love to each and every one of you


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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Geoff »

Dear Jason,

That is SUCH a wonderful story, and its really exactly what i have come to expect, when you reach that point of total desperation that your soul begs Father to REALLY help, and help He does. Using all his angels. It sounds like you are made for this new career.

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

I am thrilled!... over the moon for you after reading your post! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: I have tingles all over at your reminder of what we can do when we allow the Divine to do the steering as well as stepping out in faith when those wonderful synchronicities come through. Thank you for the inspiration! :cheers:
Love you!
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by happyrain »

hi Jason. I wanted to share as well ! thank you for the inspiration. I truly admire your story :loves
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by George »

Hi there, Jason.

You blew me away !!! :)

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by nasra1996 »

Good one Jason, the part where the girl sang was beautiful, i love those special moments. I had some similar syncs with my girls choosing the correct colleges and unis this year, we decided in the end after lots of stress and struggle to get things perfect to give in and let fate take its course, allow ourselves to be directed, it led us onto the correct path eventually, my eldest daughters university campus even has a huge plaque with her date of birth displayed on it at the entrance : )

much love

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

my eldest daughters university campus even has a huge plaque with her date of birth displayed on it at the entrance : )
:lol: How cool is that!!! :D Does that qualify as the old term, "The writing on the wall?" Love it!
I'm a tough cookie and struggle with letting go and letting God but in the end when I have done this, life flows. I needed this reminder. Thanks Sarah. xx

Jason, I have been meaning to ask you, Where in North Carolina is Fueltech found in? (I have a lot of "kinfolk" in North Carolina...the Hickory/Conover area. A gorgeous state eh? Almost as pretty as Ohio. :mrgreen: )

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by nasra1996 »

Hey yeah, all it needed was her name lol, the main entrance was renovated and re-opened by David Attenborough on her birthdate which she saw as a sign lol plus they got lots of number prompts with the places they ended up being accepted in rather than the places they initially wanted but were rejected : ) makes you feel like some greater force up there knows whats best for you even if you don't :)

:loves :sunflower:
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

makes you feel like some greater force up there knows whats best for you even if you don't :)
It sure sounds like it...makes a mother feel good eh? :D
Speaking of David Attenborough.. I was sad to hear that his brother Richard Attenborough died recently. A great actor and director who will be missed. :(
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by pointman19 »

I really appreciate all the positive feedback, it really warms the heart you know? I really took the teachings here to heart because, deep down, its something that just "feels" right. And when you apply it in your day to day life, the results speak for themselves when it comes to having a true sense of faith in this. You take a step back and look at how things looked back "then" and then look at how things have utterly turned around for the better, all because you listen the suggestions given to you and step out of your comfort zone.

Fueltech is located over near Granite Falls, are you familiar with that area Sandy? When i was on my way down there, i took some incredible photos from the freeway. Theres one area where the gaurdrail is the only thing between you and a 90 ft drop off a mountain! They had these Runaway Truck ramps all the way down the mountain side for when trucks couldnt stop there momentum on the steep grade downwards.
The whole way to NC, i was like a tourist in the passenger seat. West Virgina will really take your breath away. Just going down the freeway there is an incredible sight. You can see how the mountain was literally carved for I-90 to pass through it. But the really cool thing, was the tunnel that went under a mountain! The lanes are so tight in there and if it wasnt for the lights, it would be pitch that i think of it..i wonder what they use for when the power goes out? Ill bet you any money it would be back up diesel generators...really big ones. Thats the another company i represent, North Coast Tank. Thats the company that would come out and clean the fuel in the back up generators. Sometimes those things can sit for years and condensation could build up in the tank, watering down the fuel....not to mention the bacteria that could grow on the top from that. If they had a power outage for that tunnel, and ran those generators without testing the quality of the fuel, that water and bacteria could clog their filters, causing them to fail. Myself and Ed are North Coast Tank. Ed bought one of the manufacturers systems and mounted it in our van, so we could use his system to do the cleaning portion. So we really represent and sell two critical services for fuel maintenance.

If you really think about it in a grand scope, the potential for this is huge. There is such a vast amount of companies that utilize back up diesel generators that we can plug the cleaning service easily to get us going. Then once we get some money built up to maintain both companies, we can then focus on not only selling the cleaning service but selling the actual systems as well. We have some trade shows coming up were we get to plug the systems to some high profile clientel. In two weeks, were going to a three day convention in Las Vegas. Then we have one sechduled for New York in October, that one we'll be plugging North Coast Tank because its still close enough to ohio to where it wont kill us in gas to drive out to the locations along the lake. And then we have a booth purchased for a three day convention in Florida in December.

Ed has really poured every resource into this venture, and its just me and him rocking it out. I have so much confidence in this because i can see its usefullness and i can see how big of a success it can be in the grander scheme of things. However, if this were easy...everyone would be doing it. This is going to take a lot of persistance and perserverance. Theres only two people that have to make this work...and im one of those two people. So i cant let the stress of pressure get to me either.

When i go into these places, i go into chareceter...and i just have fun with it. If i go in there and look like i desperatley need this persons business, i would never succeed. I just go in there, have fun and strike up a conversation.

I may get a thousand No's...but all i need is that ONE yes...and then its on :D

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Geoff »

pointman19 wrote: Ed has really poured every resource into this venture, and its just me and him rocking it out. I have so much confidence in this because i can see its usefullness and i can see how big of a success it can be in the grander scheme of things. However, if this were easy...everyone would be doing it. This is going to take a lot of persistance and perserverance. Theres only two people that have to make this work...and im one of those two people. So i cant let the stress of pressure get to me either.
Man you are on fire. Its wonderful to see. I started a business myself over 25 year ago, and I still have very fond memories of the very first employee I hired. Glen Morris. Lovely guy. Just also remember to FOLLOW UP. Be organised as well as ON FIRE.

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jason,
They do have some steep grades going into North Carolina. From the Tennessee side one passes over and down Black Mountain with its long step grade that is so hard on truck brakes. I used to cringe looking at hose massive sand pits designed to absorb the runaway truck's momentum and funny thing, often as not there were truck tire treks marring the sand. :shock: We drove I guess it was I-90 once through West Virginia and into North Carolina. I remember at one point you went up and up and up and then all of a sudden you were at the top and viewing such a wonderful scene. Does North Carolina still have wildflowers planted in the interstate medians? That was always so gorgeous!
Yeah I love Tennessee, North Carolina and West Virginia mountain ranges. Geoff, you would like them too as somewhere in there is the setting for the lovely book, 'The Education of Little Tree.' here's a link for those unfamiliar with this area ... 52&bih=558
Jason you remind me of George. He was quite the salesman back when he owned his screen printing companies. Once he met a snobby executive in his grimy work clothes. The man insisted he come right then and there to explain what George's company could do for them. (This came after a marathon couple of days working on a huge project.) Funny thing was, despite his less then spectacular attitude and all, G was still given the account. George has some tales for sure. LOL But he was a great salesman and like you, he believed in the product and what they could do for their customers.
I am so happy for you! :bana:
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by pointman19 »

Hey Geoff, thanks again for the advice :D What really hammers your point home when it comes to the importance of paying attention to that statement, is not only the message itself, but your post count after you posted (4444!) In a way, what that shows to me is not only your support, but the support of the Unseen too :)

Oh and i wanted to say yesterday, Sandy, but tablets make it such a pain to respond sometimes, but i very much DO remember that story you were talking about. As soon as i read that, it reminded me of one of Georges stories (lessons) that he had in one of his books. I always admired that story because of all the circumstances that surrounded it and how George still managed to get his way. Sweat, Work Clothes and all!

It just goes to show that sometimes, appearances can be so very misleading....and that persons underestimations of George's ability was really what made that story unique to me :)

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Lightened717 »

I just love this whole post and the thread that followed...makes me feel good inside and so happy for you!!
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy! I was just thinking about you yesterday! :hithere
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Lightened717 »

Well hello back! Hope all is well on your side of the world, I think of you often, too! :hithere
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

We're great over here...had a monsoon rain last night and high winds but the ill placed laundry was still on my clothes line this morning so life is good! :bana: How about you? I heard it has been a little warm over there in Illinois. Hope all is well ?
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Lightened717 »

This summer has been pretty temperate for Chicagoland actually...a week or so ago it finally got HOT and humid like normal but it's cooled off some, we're only in the high 80's now haha. Makes me worried for what the coming winter will be like... :roll:

Everything is well, going through A LOT of transition. My parents are talking about moving to Alabama and are close to finalizing a deal on a house down there, my brother just started massage school (a blessing from Father that's for sure, sounds like he's finally found his path!) and my sister is going into a major surgery in the coming weeks, but it will be for her betterment. Plus my husband and I are talking about selling our house in about 6 months.

Still looking for the right job and trying to get by at my current one in the meantime, but today I submitted my resume for a position that would be perfect for me! It just feels right, so hopefully I hear something soon. :finger:

Oh and I got Reiki Level III a few weeks ago and have been getting into essential oils! Had some interesting experiences in the Reiki room, too :D Jason's post really struck a chord with me, especially at this time in my life when I feel very much on the precipice of whatever is next for me and what came behind it, and trying to navigate through it all without acting out of fear. Lots of lessons for me lately, and this brought me hope :mrgreen: So thanks, Jason!!
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

Hi Peggy,
I think after last winter you guys over in Chicago deserve a mild one. I know the likely hood of that happening is slim to none eh? But one can dream. :)
It sounds like there are some big changes afoot in your family. Winter in Alabama should be a bit easier to bear for your parents. I hope your sister's surgery goes well. Let me know if you would like to place her on the Progress prayer circle.

CONGRATULATONS on getting your Reiki III :bana: That is a fabulous accomplishment and will benefit many people around you.
Well I for one will be rooting for you to get this job, God willing of course. I will put your very best well being into His/Her all knowing hands.
When will you hear back about it? :finger:
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Lightened717 »

Thank you kindly for the offer to add my sister to the Prayer Circle...I will certainly reach out closer to the actual date!

Probably won't hear back about the job for a few days, maybe not until next week. I do sincerely appreciate your support!
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by lilly »

Hi Jason

You're definitely on the right track now.... :bike: What a fantastic story....all the best for your future experiences!! :hithere

Love Lilly :sunflower:
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by pointman19 »

Thank you, Kindly. This is one of the most difficult ventures ive gone out on and tried to accomplish....but the challenge of it is kind of whats fun to me. I dont know what the future holds...but ive found that by following your gut, listening to that intuition, everything that get placed before you from here on out is like a pleasant surprise...something you weren't expecting...but knew you needed.

And then the situation or scenario plays out right in front of your you seize the opportunity and move forwrad? Or take the path that goes in the opposite thats filled with fear and doubt when it comes to thinking of the future. I chose the other fear, but high expectations of myself and for once, ever since my Workers comp struggles, i have goals to shoot for. They may be short term at the moment, because when you start from scratch, from nothing, everything seems short term to get back on to your feet at least.

The main things you have to remember when you take the path suggested.....proceed with no fear, have faith in those that are guiding, and keep your thoughts positive. The higher your vibrations, the closer you are to being in sync with yourself, the easier the guidance becomes.

I know many are wishing me luck...and i so very humbly appreciate all the support. But for those that read this story and felt some kind of inspiration, its YOU...that i wish the BEST of luck!

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by pointman19 »

......and GO BROWNS!!!!!!!!!

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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by Sandy »

......and GO BROWNS!!!!!!!!!
:lol: There's a chance I might get to see some American football games here this year, but I think it will be 3:00am. :shock: Not sure I'll be that into it. ( unless it is the Browns playing. ;) )

loved this:
I dont know what the future holds...but ive found that by following your gut, listening to that intuition, everything that get placed before you from here on out is like a pleasant surprise...something you weren't expecting...but knew you needed.
and this too:
The main things you have to remember when you take the path suggested.....proceed with no fear, have faith in those that are guiding, and keep your thoughts positive. The higher your vibrations, the closer you are to being in sync with yourself, the easier the guidance becomes.
You are in my thoughts and prayers Jason as you reacxh out with gusto to all that mortal life offers. With your joyful attitude why do I think you will always come out smelling the roses and appreciating all of the experience that life provides. :happy
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: So...What happens when you listen to your intuition?

Post by happyrain »

Hi pointman
Hello all that have posted here.

Sorry to pull away from your original post Jason but I had been thinking and some of those greater questions we ask through out life are surfacing again. Your thread seemed like an appropriate place as I'm trying to understand things like intuition...

My question is, how does nature know ? How is it life can orchestrate in a way that acknowledges ones inner sanctum and turmoil. Sandy you have said to pick an interest and that Spirit will find a way to communicate with me through this interest.
You're right. I am being prompted by penny findings or animal totems that say I'm on the right track. It's not something I can prove to anyone. Just something I've come to know.

I'm being called to look deeper and train myself not only in learning how to recognize intuition but how to act on it.

All to often I get these questions that leave me wondering, trying to understand the mechanics behind Spirit and what Spirit means. It's more than intuition...

Now more then ever- the 4's are here. I'm having a hard time though in accepting the idea of Midwayers. I'm not here to challenge anyone's belief system other then my own... I'm wanting to know the who, what, why and How.
Who- what is responsible for this communication. Why the interest in us ? How is this force doing this ? It's not just apophenia... I know this place provides insights to these questions and am often referred to the U Book. I've tried reading but it just doesn't resonate with me. And so, I'm still grinding gears and stressing nerve endings in trying to see how life and universe can operate in this way... I don't expect an answer, I think I've been asking these questions through different stages in my lives.

People have told me not to stress or that I'm focusing to much on the wrong aspect of this whole phenomena but... I know I'm being asked to look deeper so here I am just trying to organize these thoughts and understand the basics of Spirit, our connection with life and what intuition really is.
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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