Car Battery loses voltage...

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Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

Anybody else lose voltage in their car battery for no apparent reason...

I was eating dinner with my mother at a restaurant and no matter what she said,it just made me angry. (I'm sure it worked the other way too...) The car was fine when we pulled out of the parking lot and maybe about 5minutes up the road the battery light came on and the voltage gauge was low... I check the battery when we got home, and let the car sit for a few minutes... Then, I drove the car up the street and the gauge went back to normal and the battery light went out.

Just thought I would post this.

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Derek,
I can't say it has ever happened to me... well not in unusual circumstances as it just did for you. Although I have heard of people prone to a build up of spiritual energy sometimes zapping not only light bulbs but computers and even transformers in an extreme cases. But this was sort of the opposite huh? Energy was draining away... perhaps with your temper. ;) :love :) Geez..if that were the case my car would have never had any battery power in my younger days! :shock:
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by overmind »

Maybe you are being told to have more patience? :?
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

overmind wrote:Maybe you are being told to have more patience? :?
That might be it... :)
Sandy wrote:Hi Derek,
I can't say it has ever happened to me... well not in unusual circumstances as it just did for you. Although I have heard of people prone to a build up of spiritual energy sometimes zapping not only light bulbs but computers and even transformers in an extreme cases. But this was sort of the opposite huh? Energy was draining away... perhaps with your temper. ;) :love :) Geez..if that were the case my car would have never had any battery power in my younger days! :shock:
It was just one of those out of the ordinary things that I thought since both of us were quietly "boiling" that might have had something to do with it. It was something new, if it was something.

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

I think about you and your mom frequently over here. :kiss: I will always hope and pray for the best for you two.
Oh I've been wanting to tell you that we harvested our first Jerusalem artichokes about a month ago! :bana: They are delicious and we have decided that more space will be earmarked for a larger crop next year. :bana: Besides we don't seem to be very good at growing much of anything else. :roll: :)
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

Sandy wrote:I think about you and your mom frequently over here. :kiss: I will always hope and pray for the best for you two.
Oh I've been wanting to tell you that we harvested our first Jerusalem artichokes about a month ago! :bana: They are delicious and we have decided that more space will be earmarked for a larger crop next year. :bana: Besides we don't seem to be very good at growing much of anything else. :roll: :)
The Jerusalem Artichokes could probably solve world hunger being invasive and practically maintenance free! I have mine in more sun this year & in looser soil. My tomato plants are in containers this year. I'm giving my raised beds a rest. My peppers and tomatoes are doing much better. I think the trick to good vegetables is real loose soil.

I'm trying some planting tomorrow with some flyers I made up to sub-lease my building... I'm hoping to see a high yield in a few weeks,or at least something to look forward to! :D

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

We're going to give planting broccoli, kale, silver beet a rest this year in the hopes the pests and diseases that seem to now inundate them will fade away. We eat a lot of wild lettuce like mixes so will probably concentrate heavily in those areas and maybe other greens kind of food that our rabbit, Stuart will enjoy and we can share as well. I was thinking about maybe some turnips mostly for the tops, but they are a white butterfly magnet. :?

We harvested our sweet potatoes about a month ago...we only had about six but one of them was the size of a football! :shock: Don't have a clue if it is fit to eat...
I hope your veggie endeavours do well. :finger: I love this time of year...well, spring anyway in the US with all the high hopes for a garden full of fruit and produce. :bana: an old "Trekkie fan" I find myself telling my plants to "Live long and prosper." :lol:
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

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With broccoli you get lots of caterpillars... You have to keep the broccoli submerged in like a ice slush slurry in your sink for an hour to get the critters to let go!!! Kale is tough to grow too... I end up with with what looks like turquoise colored leaf doilies and then when the bugs finish destroying the kale,they move on to other veggies.

I have no bees this year. The honey bees are gone, & my bumblebees are gone. I noticed this last year. I have some feral bees and lots of preying mantises the size of tiny pencil erasers.

This year I have bell peppers, tomatoes, had snap peas, garlic, horseradish, spinach, kale, arugula, carrots, blue potatoes (I am trying to grow again for the second or third time), some kind of Japanese cucumber, nasturtiums, sorrel (comes up by itself), Lots of herbs & onions. The lis looks like a lot but I let my main raised beds fallow this year. I had a real early start on my tomato plants this year... we had some record breaking heat wave hit us in March... My tomato plants all have tomatoes and they should be red by the end of the week (I hope.)

Your football sized sweet potato should be good. They're mostly water. Unless, the inside is funky,it is probably okay. You can make a lot of fries from that one! :D

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

We've had pretty good luck growing broccoli in the past before the caterpillars discovered them...but still even then, you think you washed off all the worms only to find more of them when they are cooked. :shock: Sort of makes you loose you appetite, but then I think there would be plenty of hungry people in the world who would appreciate my broccoli, worms and all, and eat it anyway. gulp. :pale: I will definitely try you suggestion about submerging in ice water. :)

I hadn't thought about it, but the worms have gotten much worse, and not only that but we have new varieties of worms since we have been 'trying" to grow kale. Maybe if we leave the beds free of anything that the voracious caterpillars enjoy, we'll be able to start over in a couple years. I think I'll rethink ever growing Kale again after your last post, especially in an area so small along side the other crops. We are fast running out of stuff to grow, though. LOL George and I would starve if we had to live off of what we have been able to grow so far.

I am dead set against using pesticides and herbicides in our gardens as despite the manufacturers self survival claims to the contrary, evidence shows they are contributing mightily to the destruction of the bees who are already being hit with other woes. A long time and experienced grower on our street has complained about the lack of bees as well and has noticed their decline. Yet it seems everybody and their brother thinks nothing these days to using these products, being less inclined to even lift a work saving electric or gasoline powered weed eater anymore. Our new neighbour shocked and saddened me last week when he sprayed a powerful herbicide liberally on the wild grasses on the hillside just above the lake, with little regard to the label's warnings not to use this product along ditches and estuaries where they could be detrimental to amphibians and fish life. This is public land and as one of the public, I must admit I resent it and take a bit of offense and am struggling with the best way to handle this situation without creating bad feelings... and then there is the fact that these wild grasses and the seeds they produce are important for the wildlife and the health of the banks, preventing erosion in heavy rains. Not everything should be manicured and mowed to suit the whims of the human environment! When one steps off their finely cut lawns and patio chairs and gets up close and personal with these much needed wild areas it is much easier to see their beauty and worth.

And it seems that the chemical companies and evil Monsanto are becoming ever more aggressive with the death that they peddle even suing some states for common sense labelling laws! :shock: These are strong words... I know...but I have a right to say them at least for now. :(

Oh well, God bless the "greenie hearts" out there and all those who seek to strike some kind of balance. Sorry if I stepped on a few nerves out there... :kiss:

Well enough out of me... I hope you will be able to enjoy some peaceful days as the week end approaches. :finger:
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

I worked for a produce company in Kansas City and I picked up corn for them in Iowa from the farm... (Since then I have also picked up sweet corn from Glenwood Springs/Grand junction area of Colorado. My mountain driving trips in the truck :D ). Both places have a moving ice and water slush mix to bring the worms out of the totes/stacks of corn. It's pretty clever because the worms cannot hide from cold and they crawl out of every crevice you don't manage to see.

I have a mulberry tree in my backyard that the squirrels & blue jays go crazy over when it sets fruit. I used to eat the mulberries right off the tree because they looked like fresh clean fruit... This was until my grandmother showed me how to get the worms to wiggle out of the berries with a bowl of water and ice cubes. Somehow every berry on the tree always has tiny needle sized fine worms. The worms are probably harmless,but I prefer not to eat them!!!

Pests do become worse with the more of one thing that you grow. This is another reason to let the planting plot fallow, and/or rotate your crops. I have to keep a vigilant eye out for the tomato horn worm & cucumber beetle. I've squashed quite a few bugs and my veggies are all pesticide free. The pesticide that I use is watered down soap flakes. There are not too many bugs that enjoy the flavor of soap. I just mix it up and put it in a spray bottle and then spray the plants & leaves... Compost tea is supposed to work too,but I have not tried it. Good weed killer can be made from apple cider vinegar & orange oil. The high acid content of vinegar will kill most plants in large doses.

People have existed/co-existed with bugs etc for thousands of years before chemical companies. I'm pretty sure we can survive without chemicals to make life magically convenient for the moment. :)
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Derek,
Thanks again for the ice water tip... I will remember them, when and if planting comes about in full swing in a few months.
Is the soap flakes a bit like the product known as Safer soap? I remember the magazine Organic Gardening recommending that.
Now I am laughing as I remember years ago visiting a family run farm shop near my onetime home in Ohio. I walked in asking for Safer Soap and a few other organic dainties and they looked at me as if I had grown horns on my head. :shock: :lol: I wound up doing other homemade remedies that year...with hand picking being the most predominant. (I was having trouble with bean beetle larva.)
I think the location of my garden was ideal there in Ohio. We were near a creek and it dammed just a bit near the garden creating a lovely place enticing to all kinds of beneficials. I kept a thick coating of straw around the plants and encouraged spiders, snakes,(non poisonous varieties) birds, toads and whatever would help my battle with the hungry pests. bless em. :roll: I am out of my element here, though, and unfamiliar with the insect food chain. But was thinking this morning that a visit to the local Salvos book section might lend me the much needed local wisdom as I remember a few years ago before we began gardening, many reasonable used books there on the subject.
On a horrifying note... We just saw on a documentary stating that one aphid in a single season (short lifetime) can produce over 30,000 live young! It's no wonder then that some of my plants didn't stand a chance! :shock:

Awhh well, it's great to learn new ways of "gardening being" and I so appreciate any tips you can provide. I hope this year is a great one for gardeners over there! Seems like you are long over due a perfect growing season! :D
Hey, did you ever get your greenhouse put together?
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

I never did put the greenhouse together.
Too many pans in the fire, or not enough $$$. (Both,)

I have all the windows I could ever want for the project... One of these days I will find the motivation again.

One bumble bee today flying around collecting pollen!!! It's been raining a lot and I am happy about this too.

Yesterday, The alternator went out in the car that lost power the other day.... I got 1:11 on the dash clock when the battery lamp came back on.
I'm down to trying to get my art building sub-leased. If I get enough people I will be able to stay home & work... and do more things. I could build the greenhouse. I've been working on getting people in, but I don't have anybody yet... I think it is going to work though. (I can picture it) I'm down to re-defining what is important. What I think I need/want. If I do this, then i see it, and then seeing it eventually comes to fruition.

The building I have been renting out of town to store my stuff is now being sold to me. IDK how I am going to do it because I'm broke, but it is one of those meant to be things. (I sort of saw it unfold before it unfolded.) Been doing a lot of Seeing lately. The roof needs to be fixed so my idea was to build a high-tunnel hoop house on the top and turn that into a 1700sqft greenhouse... I've built it a bazillion times in my mind.

I'm to the point now where I do most of my meditation in the early morning after I wake from sleep. It's quiet and I am still relaxed from sleeping. I sort of visualize scenario of things that I want to happen or start wondering about how to make something work,then it just comes to me... Then my clock sort of confirms the end of my meditation. I have a new series of paintings I am wanting to do... (Which is why I am buying the out of town building), and then the other main in town building is going to be subleased so that it provides me with some sort of income to pay for the other place... and somehow this is going to work. Sort of like my tomato plants.

Sometimes, my life is a three ring circus! :sunflower:

It seems to me that the best results for tomatoes are in raised beds with real loose soil. I'm using a mix of compost & peat mixed with pearlite & vermiculite. (in equal amounts.) I have the healthiest tomato plants I have ever had. They are 6feet tall in their pots and loaded down with tomatoes. I add a few cups of sand to my soil mix and then i dress the soil in each container with pulverized limestone & bone meal and then some Epsom salt... (So, I have calcium & magnesium in my soil.) the once a week after my starts are planted I am using light amounts of Ammonium Sulfate to get the plants to grow fast and green. (It also adds sulfur to my green peppers) My idea is that the larger the plant the higher the yield & sturdier plant for larger fruit. I push the plant until it flowers, then I pinch the flowers off to keep forcing the plant to grow foliage. I crop the tops on my peppers to get extra branches and a sturdy plant that will support its own weight. I start using a lower nitrogen fertilizer when I get my second bloom of tomato flowers. I end up using an NPK of 12-18-18 in a water soluble form one a week to two weeks depending on what the plant looks like... :)

It will be interesting to see what my potatoes look like this year. I planted them last fall when I planted the garlic. I dug a trench about a foot deep and covered the seed over and the plants came up in the late spring... I tried mounding the past few years,but the potatoes were all tiny...(About the size of peanut M&M's) So, out of frustration I tried something different. My garlic is ready to be harvested... I'm waiting on the plants to change colors or flower before I start digging around for potatoes.

So, tell me how you're cooking up the Jerusalem artichokes... I'm going to have a lot this year I think.

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

Hey Derek,
I think I am going to save your previous post for future reference since the growing season for tomatoes starts in just a few months and it would be nice to have everything ready and straight in my head. I like the idea of creating strong plants capable of supporting makes complete sense. And we have a nice long growing season too in which to accomplish this. I saw on a gardening show last year too the benefits of planting young seedlings deeper in the ground then one normally might think as this allows them to build a greater root structure.

I looked up a few recipes and suggestions on line the day we harvested the Jerusalem artichokes as I was so anxious to try them. To be honest they weren't bad raw... peeled of course.) Sort of crispy but not really "raw" tasting. Let's see so far we have made artichoke creamy soup... scalloped artichokes (sort of like you would with potatoes, sliced and baked with sauce) and I've had them in stir fry and my favourite... but it is very bad and we can't do this often at all...deep fried! :oops: :mrgreen: With the deep frying...we parboiled them first, skins on, for about 15 minutes. Then let them dry and drain on a towel before popping them in the hot oil. I hadn't deep fried anything in forever so I forgot to allow for the veggies and filled the small pot too close to the top. Yep, it could have been bad . :shock: But we all know that fried foods aren't good for us so even though this was delicious, so I doubt we will eat them this way again anytime soon. (Not without the fire department standing by. :mrgreen: )

I love the way you work things out in meditation. very, very cool... 8) In a funny kind of way I know what you are saying. Sometimes I get into meditation and I find myself answering posts in my head. LOL nothing complex thankfully as working out design problems but still beneficial all the same.

I hope it all works out for you. I would love to see you able to have more time at home to devote to what fuels your passion. I'm always in your corner rooting for you to succeed in what ever you wish to accomplish whether its building greenhouses, creating unique art... or driving a truck. I think you are one of those people who won't stop until what he sees in his head and heart comes to "fruition." (Bzutu's favourite word. ;) )

Okay I'm off to make some almond milk and some raw vegetable pate. (sounds fancier then it is... sigh... :roll: :) )
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by pointman19 »

dont mean to derail, but i wanted to point out that on the other forums i visit when it comes to discussing 11's and things beyond, your not the only one that asks about vehicles losing the juice in their car batteries.

Flint, was your experience similar to this one?

If so, then this is becoming a common occurrence. Ive run over quite a few sites with threads titled nearly the same with nearly the same results. Batteries dying but the accessories just barley staying on (clocks dim or the radio broadcasts static until it comes back online). I should also add that the only people, or the majority that i have found reporting this happening to them, are spiritual people.

So now, for the people that have been experiencing this, i ask if they noticed the surroundings around anything else off? such as street lights or the lights in the windows of houses? The reason i ask is because when the same thing happened to me, everything around me went out as well....and the only thing i can even REMOTLEY liken this kind of thing to technology would be a short-burst EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse)....But i cant see where Ho-dunk Madison, Ohio would even get their hands on tech like that.

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Geoff »

Hi Pointman,

I have been getting 11:11 prompts a long time now, and have not actually heard of what you describe, as a partial battery/electrical system failure. But recently when one of my cars "chemical" battery failed, the whole car went berserk, windows wound down and up, dash lights flashed, and so forth. I thought the car was in a really bad way, but all it needed was a new battery. However as you can tell, it did not recover from this weirdness, and a new one was called for. But I gather new tech (not lead acid) batteries can fail in this sort of spectacular way.

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I gotta admit that would have freaked me out, Geoff! But then I still am suffering from watching the long ago Stephan King movie, "Christine." :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by pointman19 »

Geoff wrote:Hi Pointman,

I have been getting 11:11 prompts a long time now, and have not actually heard of what you describe, as a partial battery/electrical system failure. But recently when one of my cars "chemical" battery failed, the whole car went berserk, windows wound down and up, dash lights flashed, and so forth. I thought the car was in a really bad way, but all it needed was a new battery. However as you can tell, it did not recover from this weirdness, and a new one was called for. But I gather new tech (not lead acid) batteries can fail in this sort of spectacular way.


Thanks Geoff, im going to look more into this :)



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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

Hey everybody!!!
Sorry I'm late to the thread...

I have had a lot of problems with car and truck batteries. I've had complete electrical failure, and alternators wear out on me. It just seemed odd.

What sucked about my scenerio was that I had to locate a 130amp alternator because the engine in the Suburban was some sort of custom order from the factory from the original owner. It has a Vortec 8.1 Liter V8, so most of the places I went looking for another alternaternator were either $200+ dollars new, or $100+ dollars salvaged. I contacted the AC Delco company that built the alternator & I asked them for the brushes that were worn out ($2.00 part) and they told me that I would have to order a new alternator. The car parts places carried brushes for other alternatiors, but not mine... So, I ordered a new one on Ebay for $100 without paying a recycling fee, shipping, tax... & I got to keep the old alternatorm, so I am still looking for brushes from local repair shops. I figure I can resell it, or put it on the shelf in the garage as a spare since it was such a hassle to replace.

I've had aa couple batteries mysteriously go bad on me in my car, and the last time I drove semi-tractor trailers (Jan/feb) I managed to run through several truck batteries that would not hold a charge & reefer unit batteries where I had to run a 10gauge wire from my bank of batteries that the truck uses to the refer unit's battery. This happens a lot to me. I carry spools of 20+ feet of wire specifically for this.

One of the other batteries I have problems with are laptop & cellphone batteries... and watch batteries when I used to wear watches. Flashlight batteries seem to wear out faster than they used to.

I'm wanting to go solar & buy a bank of batteries to use in my off grid art studio, but I'm wondering if I should even bother. ("Off Grid" sounds fancy, but I just have not turned the utilites on yet.) :D
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

I feel for you...replacing all those batteries would cost a fortune. You are going to think I am crazy and maybe I am for what I am about to say but it was just something that came to mind when I read your post. Years ago we had a member who collected so much psychic energy around her that she fried everything ..especially her computers over and over again... It was attributed then to a spiritual grounding issue. I am wondering if maybe something similar is occurring with you. This may be long shot, but easy enough to try and actually rather good for you whether it solves the problem or not.... :D
Would you be willing to try some daily grounding exercises? See if that helps? LOL I know it does sound strange but it has helped others in the past. and if it doesn't help, you really haven't lost anything. ;)

Art Studio??? :bana: When you have a chance I would love to know more... :mrgreen:
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

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I could try the grounding. I'm not blowing lights out... just putting drain on things I suppose.

I lost my art biz building (I'm in the process of moving out,) but I am sort of being coerced into buying the building I have been using as storage/and an art studio. The price is right...

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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry, Flint. I know how much work you put into that building. But it sounds like things are progressing still with new opportunities. That's good news. :) I was thinking about your mother too not long ago. How is she getting on?
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

Hey Sandy,

My mom is still recovering... She's better but she still seems detatched.
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by Sandy »

Hi Flint,
I'm glad your mom is on the mend... I'll keep her in my prayers though. She's been through a tough year.
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Re: Car Battery loses voltage...

Post by inlikeflint »

Thank you Sandy!

She can use all the positive energy she can get!

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