Signs from Ruth

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Signs from Ruth

Post by Andy »

Hi Sandy,

I say Hi Sandy only because you are usually the first person to answer my posts. Everyone else is more then welcome to join in.

To recap previous posts, I am separated from my girlfriend of 12 years. During our separation, I ask for signs to help me continue to hold on. I wasn't sure if I was reading these signs properly and brought them to you. You pretty much confirmed that I have a compelling case of the signs being read properly by me.

Lately, I have been experiencing odd events and signs. The events are things I can take to an relationship counselor but the signs, I bring them here to you.

As I said, I am taking my signs to mean I am to hold on for her eventual return. But holding on can take a toll. Its not a fun place to be at times and during those times, I ask for help from my angel Ruth. Ruth has been with me for many years and a very trusted companion. She sends me signs both big and small to remind me to keep holding on.

Out of frustration, I asked Ruth if my girlfriend Rene was also getting signs or was I in this alone. Hey, I had to ask, like I said, holding on isn't a fun place to be at times and if your doing it alone, it can be very painful. So I asked if Rene was also getting signs. I wanted to see if the angels were also working with her to remind her of us and our goal of again being together.

Rene is aware of my angel Ruth as Ruth has been with me longer than Rene has. Rene is also aware of the signs I have been shown in the past and knows what they mean to me. For that reason, should she be shown a sign, she would know it.

Now, a trip in time to this day 11 years ago. It was my daughters 21st birthday. Rene had planned a night where my daughter would get birthday wishes in fortune cookies. She went to each of my family members and had them write messages to my daughter. She then found a recipe to make fortune cookies. We worked all day making them and had a blast doing so. Even though I burned my fingers a bit bending the cookies into shape before they hardened.

That night, my daughter spent the evening giggling at all of the messages as she broke open each cookie. It was a great night.

Back to the present day. Today is again my daughters birthday and on her Facebook page she listed that evening as the best birthday memory of her entire life.

I felt the need to let Rene know. Our conversations have only been via text messages for the past 6-7 weeks. No vocal communications at all. Even the text messages are few and far between and usually specific to a need at the time. Nothing day to day at all about them. If she responds, she responds formally and with as few words as possible. She hates to type.

That being said, I typed out a text message telling her of my daughters feeling that the fortune cookie birthday was the best birthday memory of her life and then ended the text by thanking her for that memory. That was it. Short and sweet. But I didn't send it right away. I had a feeling the timing wasn't right.

Around noon, I was at the gas station and while walking to the door, there was a shiny dime in my path. In bending to pick it up, I recalled that someone said coins were messages from angels. They also said feather were also messages and this morning I found a white feather on my robe. Since I sleep with a down comforter, I knew the origins of the feather. But the dime gave me an odd feeling. I knew it was OK to send the text at that time. So, I hit the send button and off it went.

Rene's response can relatively fast and very long in length. It might have arrived even sooner if her typing skills improved.

In her return text, she said that only this morning she was looking for a recipe in her large collection of recipes and came across the fortune cookie recipe. Seeing it made her stop and recall the day. Her text recalled what my daughter drank and even what one of my brothers said in his message. She recalled every detail of the day as she had just been reminded of it in finding the recipe. Then my text to her came through.

I am sure, given the speed of her response, that she was impacted by an obvious sign. She knew she had just found the fortune cookie recipe and then received my text discussing the very same subject a very short time later.

I had asked Ruth for a sign telling me that Rene was also getting signs. I am now taking that answer as a yes. Here we were given a sign that included us both and gave us the chance to compare notes. Neither one of us said the word "sign" to the other. That can be discussed in the future.

Rene's sign had to hit her in the face as well as the heart and that's why she responded the way she did. When she saw that I and my daughter were thinking of the exact topic at roughly the same time, it had to have had an impact on her.

I got my answer. The angels are also working with Rene.

If you have any input at all, you know I would love to hear it.

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Re: Signs from Ruth

Post by Sandy »

Hi Andy,
I am smiling from ear to ear after reading your latest post. There are so many beautiful things enclosed within one message. First, what a dear and precious thing Renee did for your daughter's birthday eleven years ago. And it is touching that your daughter recognized all that went into it...not just the work but the love...first the organization of the cookie baking and then the messages written by those who love her so... a truly priceless gift. ( I might have those reversed ;) ) For some reason I am tingling in my arms as I type this... not sure why but I am very moved by the love demonstrated by all of you. I know all the times you shared with Renee were not good and I am sorry for that... But the love comes through big time. and that is such a great thing.

Your intuition is spot on...many of us would have without a moment's hesitation sent the message complete with hope against hope it would move her to communicate. :) I am so pleased for you and your well timed answer to your question on whether Renee was seeing signs too.

With that knowledge safely tucked away, I pray you can relax a little in this regard, safe in the knowledge that all is well and as it should be for the time being.
Please get out there and live too and smile and laugh and experience joy at what the day brings. ( I know, I am sounding like a broken record :oops: LOL but this is so important.) That way you too will be at your very best for whatever the future holds. The part of you that Renee holds in her heart is just one aspect of the complete you. You are so much more than that, awesomely more to be precise. So "be all you can be" for yourself and those you I suspect they are a little worried about you and it is hard for them when sadness is etched on your face. But I have absolutely no doubt you will find your way through all this and in fact, whatever comes. :D

Okay you have a fabulous day over there...I am thinking of you and your situation and praying for a happy and peaceful reunion that will melt all of our hearts when we read and celebrate it... :sunflower: (((((((((This is a hang in there happily hug))))))))
with love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Signs from Ruth

Post by Andy »

Hi Sandy,

Thank you for reading my post. I am very happy that you enjoyed it and saw what that day 11 years ago meant to us all involved.

I am also glad you saw in my message the same thing I did. That messages are also being send to Rene. It does calm me as all the messages do.

I do put a good deal of effort into a life without Rene. I am involved in improving myself on personal levels as well have restoring a building I bought years ago. I am also branching out in business areas beyond what I normally do. Soon, the building I am restoring will be ready to bring into the business not only as a base for my existing business but to include other areas of business I plan to begin. Its a very exciting time for me right now. A time that would not have existed if Rene and I stayed together and tried to fix what was wrong. As Rene put it during the break up, our issues would always be the elephant in the room that would keep us from getting healthy. It appears she was right.

But, through it all. All my efforts to improve and create a life without Rene. Life remains just that. A life without Rene. It's a good life, just not yet complete. I am surrounded by the love of friend and family. Their support and kindness wells me up and reminds me everyday that I have loved and that I am loved in return. All very good things. In their honor, I move forward.

Our President Abraham Lincoln once said "I am a success because one day a friend told me that I would be, and I didn't want to disappoint him". That motivation lives in my life at the moment as well. It's impossible to turn my back on the efforts of so many for the sake of wallowing in what could be. My days are filled with what is. The what could be times are motivation as well as working on myself will also make for a more joyful reunion when the time comes.

I breath easier tonight armed with the message I received from Ruth today as well as the message received from you. Tomorrow looms closely as it is nearly 5:00 am here. Once again, something woke me to come in and read your response. One of these days, I am going to have to ask Ruth for a full nights sleep as her night time talks tend to keep me from that. While I am glad she wakes me and tells me your responses are ready to read. They will still be ready in the four extra hours it takes for me to sleep through the night. Maybe I'll bring it up in prayer.

I look forward to a Rene's reunion with the better man I am becoming. But being a man without bags under his eyes would be nice too.

Thank you again for you kind words and fast response. I am warmed to hear how much you enjoyed reading it. As messages continue to come in, I will keep you posted.

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Re: Signs from Ruth

Post by Sandy »

Well, I just finished responding to the other post, Andy :D :D :D and heart is melting as you described yesterday's reunion!!!!! Bless you...bless you... bless you both! :happy
And too, I am at ease now as you explained how constructively you have been moving on making improvements in business and what not... putting effort into your life. That was worrying me a little bit ( LOL Well, that was pretty obvious eh?) You sound balanced... not allowing one part of you to overrule another...keeping your perspective throughout the past many weeks ordeal.

I am so sorry that Ruth thought it best to wake you... :shock: I'm not sure why "they" do that sometimes... as I have heard of many incidents of being awakened often at 3:00 am to receive a message or discover and answer to a problem. Maybe, depending on where we are in our sleep cycle, this time in conducive to communication, concentration and absorbing and keeping information freely given us from above. I don't know...but certainly reading my very human post can wait until morning. LOL

Okay, dear man, get some sleep and if this keeps up, I will certainly have to get on the board the minute I get up... :lol:
Love to you, Renee, your family, and last but not least, your amazing Angel, Ruth!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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