Paradise Trinity Day

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:cheers: Sufficient resolution ...

"They're here." (but probably came from England: )

Re: ... eriff-says

:hockey: "Jeffrey Wilson of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association claimed within hours of the Chualar phenomenon becoming public it was 'dead giveaway' it was a hoax ... the circle was too human. It was aligned with the man-made road, used human-invented Braille, and the original YouTube clip was similar to guerilla-marketing techniques he had seen before."

"He also predicted it was created by England-based Circlemakers, a company that has made crop circles for private companies."
"Yet it appears the owner was in on it, considering the company has admitted to hiring security guards outside the field."

About Jeffrey Wilson: 8)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:stars: Such good lessons, this hoaxed circle!
How fascinating that many plausible theories had been posted online before its creation exposure! :bana:
At the same time, it's disheartening because hoaxed circles keep creating more disbelievers. :(
What uncanny association of these Circle Makers and the English idiom "to cry wolf"! :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Topical "icing on the cake"...

Re: ... ter-358002

:shock: "It turns out that our alien visitors come from near (one of the Saturn moons) and far (the Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli star systems). Oh yeah, and they get here via a portal in the Andes mountains in Peru. So there you have it, folks. Aliens are real, according to a nonagenarian man who at one point had access to highly classified information during the height of the Cold War."

"Seeing is believing" is my general perspective, but anecdotal evidence accumulates: a friend's daughter lives in a rural area of Brazil (about 1,000 feet elevation, not too distant from Peru). Her daughter reports that sighting UFO craft is common experience of residents in her area. :roll

:geek: Note: "portal" might be incorrect since this term suggests dematerialization. If our space probes can travel beyond our solar system, a UFO craft can travel from a moon of Saturn without dematerializing. So, "portal" would probably refer to lines of energy (a space highway) used for really long-distance travel. And the UB has revealed various lines of energy throughout the local universe!

How does this relate to Midwayers? How can UFO activity occur on their home planet without their knowledge? ;)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Final comment today about this topic ... :cheers:

Going forward, as these phenomena unfold, it's beneficial to maintain "plausible belief" (agondonters do this: believe without seeing). :bball:

:hithere Plausible belief means that you accept the possibility of a phenomenon but still await convincing, material evidence. However, without plausible belief (at least), no evidence will be convincing. If living intelligence is the communicator/presenter of the phenomena, they will not waste their time and effort trying to convince us about something that we wouldn't believe even it were in our presence.

Over the ages, many humans have experienced these lessons of wasted time and effort. But our planetary life is unfolding as it should - some humans prefer an occasional ride in the fast lane. :hockey:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by overmind »

Amigoo wrote: :geek: Note: "portal" might be incorrect since this term suggests dematerialization. If our space probes can travel beyond our solar system, a UFO craft can travel from a moon of Saturn without dematerializing. So, "portal" would probably refer to lines of energy (a space highway) used for really long-distance travel. And the UB has revealed various lines of energy throughout the local universe!
I embrace a simple idea that usually solves this problem: teleportation is impossible. Simply put, one cannot "skip" space in the universe. All we have been able to do is destroy tiny particles and rebuild them elsewhere, and that has still required one to send information through space. I do not think we can ever skip space altogether. And when you look at the fact that one would have to be dematerialized and built elsewhere, some very important points need to be brought up.

1. First of all, this would pretty much kill the individual. The morontia soul would be left behind, and I very much doubt humans could rebuild a human body with the personality and mindal circuits -- the Father's personality circuit and Nebadonia's adjutant mind spirits -- still connected to the brain.
2. Scientists still do not understand the human energy system, nor do they understand everything about DNA, brain function or the human mind. Kind of important when reassembling a body.
3. Not even with quantum computers would we the capacity to store the amount of information needed to assemble a human body. We have a hard enough time sending a single photon. But to somehow count the huge number of atoms within a body, and then know how each are arranged, would just require too much data. This data then needs to be transported, and to transport so much of it, it seems easier to just move the person physically.

Much of this is covered very well in this article, including wormholes. It is a good read. ... sible.html

The aliens are most likely cruising on energy similar to how the transport seraphim do. While the energy would propel the ship, I don't think they can go as fast as the energy itself. I think that would tear the ship apart. Also, regarding seraphic transport:

(433.2) 39:3.8 5. The Transporters. The fifth group of supervisor seraphim operate as personality transporters, carrying beings to and from the headquarters of the constellations. Such transport seraphim, while in flight from one sphere to another, are fully conscious of their velocity, direction, and astronomic whereabouts. They are not traversing space as would an inanimate projectile. They may pass near one another during space flight without the least danger of collision. They are fully able to vary speed of progression and to alter direction of flight, even to change destinations if their directors should so instruct them at any space
junction of the universe intelligence circuits.

(433.3) 39:3.9 These transit personalities are so organized that they can simultaneously utilize all three of the universally distributed lines of energy, each having a clear space velocity of 186,280 miles per second. These transporters are thus able to superimpose velocity of energy upon velocity of power until they attain an average speed on their long journeys varying anywhere from 555,000 to almost 559,000 of your miles per second of your time. The velocity is affected by the mass and proximity of neighboring matter and by the strength and direction of the near-by main circuits of universe power. There are numerous types of beings, similar to the seraphim, who are able to traverse space, and who also are able to transport other beings who have been properly prepared.

The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, equaling about 186,282.397 miles per second. The clear space velocity of these lines of energy is just under our measurement for the speed of light. Since they can use all three of these lines of energy at once, they can superimpose them, and usually triple their speed (since there are three energy sources). 186,280 miles per second, multiplied by three, is 558,840 miles per second, which is within the listed range of speed these angels average.
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the extended comments, Overmind! I'll save these for reading later.

:roll: Further developments regarding the Chualar (Salinas valley) crop circle ...

Re: ... ments.html

"The circumstances of this 'advertising campaign' were strange in the extreme. First a large team of Echelon Security guards (who normally work in terrorism) were brought in, to prevent any members of the public from examining it closely in the field. Then the farmer complained about criminal damage to his crop. Next a series of TV stations flew over it in helicopters, taking photographs, and became excited by its possible implications. By December 31, those security guards were ordered to mow the entire crop picture out and remove it."

:scratch: These many comments by Dr. Drew are intriguing - I too sensed some things puzzling about this crop circle as I reviewed/compared videos and other information on the internet. I've been wondering ...

- Why was the Morse Code ("ETBT" above the braille, "S-SW" below) not explained by anyone connected to the circle?
- What about the "1,4,3" symbols inside the circle's perimeter - how is this apparently meaningful detail explained?
- Was this the only crop circle created? Some videos (background objects, colors, etc.) seem to show a different field.
- Did the Crop Circle Makers really create this circle? Or was an after-the-fact video presentation created?
- Did the processor company just "adopt" this circle for their own purposes? Or is this a disinformation attempt?
- Was the circle modified after the Circle Makers created it?

I'm rarely perplexed by crop circles, man-made or real, but this one seems both impressive and suspicious. :!: :?:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Research satiety ... :cheers:

Re: (about 1 min. 45 sec. into video)

Several local inhabitants claim to have seen people moving in this field daily before the circle was discovered.
This is sufficient evidence for me that the circle is as claimed by the company: creative marketing.
The unexplained letters and symbols could easily be arbitrary patterns. :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:cheers: A research rollercoaster ...

Re: ... ments.html (comments by Steve Glanz):

"Some questions remain. :?: :?:

- According to Linda Howe's website, an expert attests that the circle is too big and elaborate to have been made overnight by artists. Nvidia will not disclose who its crop circle contractor was. I would have suspected, but they are not saying anything.

- Jeff Krause got positive magnetometer readings.
- Shawn Randall found heat-bends in the stalks.
- Witnesses heard loud explosions.
- Witnesses saw triangular UFO's a month before.

I don't question the authenticity of Nvidia's announcement. However, those questions remain. Although Nvidia's intention was pure, it may have tapped into other meanings unintentionally, and perhaps even some non-human crop-circle makers on top of their efforts, to confound us. At the very least, it is a clarion call for crop circle researchers to refine their methods to separate the wheat from the chaff." :!:

:geek: I spent more hours last night comparing the various videos and couldn't convince myself that all video was of the same circle, especially regarding the backgrounds. One video of a security guard referred to the circle's appearance on Dec. 28th, suggesting that it was not created over several days. I suspect that either two circles were created or video editing created some of this information (or disinformation). Fortunately, the unique mystery of this circle is attracting the attention of those who have good expertise in the study of crop circles.

So, keep your notes - this circle may be plowed under but remains both impressive and suspicious. :scratch:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

More facts, suggesting coordinated disinformation, cover-up, or confusion (or "all of the above") about this crop circle ...

Re: ... nvironment

:arrow: "Echelon Security in San Jose, California, on Tuesday, December 31, 2013, confirmed for Monterey County Herald reporter Phillip Molnar that Echelon security guards were hired on Saturday, December 28, 2013, to protect the barley pattern in the field after it first appeared that morning. Chualar residents told field researchers Jeff Krause and David Mendez that dogs barked all night before the pattern appeared and later that people with ropes were measuring in the pattern on Sunday, December 29, 2013."

:arrow: "Monterey County Herald reporter Molnar interviewed some two dozen people in Chualar around the barley field who never saw any pattern in that field before Saturday morning, December 28, 2013."

:arrow: "The Chualar Crop Formation appears to be an accurate representation of a real Camera CCD Sensor Module of maybe very recent development, hence the hurry to obliterate it? Someone does not want the design revealed?"

:arrow: "If E.T. non-terrestrial, we might be meant to see this formation as a powerful demonstration of the entity’s ability to investigate our human technology"

If the last quote is accurate, we'll probably be treated to more demonstrations of their "ability to investigate human technology" ... before the truth about this circle is revealed. :finger:
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

If you want to try this great online tool, Google Earth appears to show the field used for this crop circle: :roll

:arrow: It's on the north side of the straight portion of Chualar Canyon Road, about the middle of this straight, east-west portion when viewed from the south. Chualar Canon Road meets Old Stage Road to the west of the property. The property is just to the west of two small bodies of water (one round, the one above it is rectangular; both appear as dark green). The power poles can be seen on the Chualar Canyon Road side of the property.

:arrow: These are easy landmarks: On the computer screen using Google Earth, expand the Salinas Valley area until the word "Chualar" is seen along highway 101. Center Chualar on the screen and keep expanding until "Old Stage Rd" appears to the east, almost parallel with highway 101. From Old Stage Road go farther east and keep expanding until "Chualar Canyon Road" appears below the property (the property is light green).

Re: ... oject-192/

:scratch: Using Google Earth (GE), I didn't find a steel building anywhere close to this property (shown in the background, about 1 min. 36 sec.into this video). It doesn't seem to appear in other videos which show this circle from a distance. Also, the mountain in the background at 1 min. 18 sec. looks much closer than in other videos which show these power poles.

:scratch: Another anomaly? At 2 min. 26 sec. into this video, the brown field pattern at the upper left looks similar to brown field patterns from GE itself - not like naturally plowed earth. Once you notice the field patterns in GE they become more obvious when similar patterns are seen in some of the online videos about this crop circle. Possible explanation: scenes from GE were copied and edited into video about this circle.

:scratch: Finally, the shadows cast by the fatter fence posts at 3 sec. into this video are about the same size as the shadow cast by the thinner pipe at 5 sec. The shadow sizes of the shorter two pipes are what we would expect for the fence posts in the previous scene.

I'm fascinated :!: The video editing for the K1 promotion and that for some videos shown by the media all seem a bit "monumental". :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Still a mysterious crop circle (one more attempt to understand its mystery) ...

The crop circle design appears consistent throughout - all electronic symbolism (not combined symbolism such as circuit board, calendar dates, and astronomy). 8)

After reviewing the color codes of resistors, the '1', '1,3', '1,3,4' and '1,3,4' symbols (clockwise from the top) seem to represent electronic specifications of components (or between components); the thin lines connect or point to the specific component of the circle. The differences in size of similar symbols might suggest electrical strengths.

:?: Perhaps, the three circles on the perimeter also represent similar electronic components having different capacities. In fact, the different sizes of the similar, rectangular and circular symbols suggest differences in capacities or strengths. The three parallel, vertical lines at the top could represent a cable to the device.

:idea: If the circle presents electronic detail for a new device, possibly in development or recently in use, it's easy to theorize why this crop circle was quickly destroyed ... and suggests why there might be hurried and coordinated effort to discredit it.

"The rest of the story" for this circle may not be known for a long time. The field patterns in some of the videos that look similar to expanded views of Google Earth may be the best clue for revealing why these videos were presented - even by some of the media - as real photography. :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html

The ground-level video with darker green barley seems to be real (even the mountain in the background). The higher-level video with lighter-green barley seems to be editing creativity, perhaps "borrowing" fields from previous years' photography. :roll:

... making this a good time to return to more reliable evidence:

"Squared circles, twice eloquence evidentiary" - geometric balance for the new year :cheers:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: The "1,3,4" symbolism at the perimeter of the crop circle seemed mysteriously balanced, so I explored the geometry. While "1,3,4" (as this concept) may not be related to the crop circle, it is revealing nonetheless. The geometry derives from the number of lines in the objects (circle:1, triangle:3, square:4).

:farao: "1,3,4" represents the totality of the Master Universe (defined in the Urantia Papers) as represented geometrically by a square (earth; material life) inscribed within an equilateral triangle (Paradise Trinity; Father, Son, Spirit) which is inscribed within a circle (God; the I AM).

I'll add this geometric design to the Alright Triangles PDF file this week and title it "One, Three, Four". :flower:

8) Coincidental but complementary and intriguing:
"The spirit nature of the Universal Father is shared fully with his coexistent self, the Eternal Son of Paradise. Both the Father and the Son in like manner share the universal and eternal spirit fully and unreservedly with their conjoint personality co-ordinate, the Infinite Spirit. God's spirit is, in and of himself, absolute; in the Son it is unqualified, in the Spirit, universal, and in and by all of them, infinite." (Paper 1:3.4)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: Re: "One, Three, Four" (new inspiration added to design)

Geometric symbolism for "firmly and safely in His palm", with both hands representing the First Source and Center; the lower hand (right hand) as God, the I AM, and the upper hand (left hand) as the Universal Father, first member of the Paradise Trinity. This new symbolism heralds increasing awareness of the Paradise Trinity during our new millennium.

:loves "... view the Trinity in accordance with your individual enlightenment and in harmony with the reactions of your mind and soul. You can know very little of the absoluteness of the Trinity, but as you ascend Paradiseward, you will many times experience astonishment at successive revelations and unexpected discoveries ..." (UB 10:4.7)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:lol: Those rascals! ...

After writing an email yesterday regarding my recent acquisition of a 10-year visa to Brazil, I hesitated to agree with the intended recipient that this visa was part of a conjectured "10-year project". I reasoned that I had not yet seen 1:34 as a Midwayer prompt.

:hithere As usual, I review email and online postings the next day to confirm accuracy, intended comments, etc. As I finished reviewing this email about the 10-year project, I glanced at my computer clock: 11:34 AM

Well ... the project seems to have started (whatever it is). :cheers:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: Re: ("One, Three, Four" design)

As design this is not impressive, but as symbolism the potential for artistic creations is excellent! :sunflower:

:farao: This simple geometry helps coordinate increasing comprehension of the mysterious relationship of God, the I AM, with God as Father in the Paradise Trinity. The UB 10:4.7 quote ("view the Trinity in accordance with your individual enlightenment ...") is guidance to us to expect this mystery to unfold slowly as we advance to Paradise.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: Re: ("One, Three, Four" design)

Closure for this geometry symbolism (the "Eye of the Trinity" was added). :cheers:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: Re: "Contact Imminent?" (new design)


:oops: Just after I vowed to stay offline to prepare for my trip to Brasil, I returned to the Eye of the Trinity geometry to see if its "secret" had more to share. Within a few hours of exploration a whimsical (perhaps) object appeared. Inspired line coloring suggests why this design title seemed appropriate.

:geek: On the technical side, the three longest dark yellow lines all have the same length: 7769124.195 units. The geometry of these lines is from a geometric pattern observed in the Eye of the Trinity ... so I'll consider this another secret! 8)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

More intrigue (and humor) ... :roll:

As usual, I start the day with a quick review of previous online posting to see if anything needs to be corrected, further explained, or "retracted" (inspiration can sometimes be entertaining more than informative).

:farao: The intrigue: the OneThreeFour_II.gif file shows these specifications: "606 x 606 = .037 MP" [606 is a familiar planetary number; 37 is a still mysterious Midwayer prompt that might be related to line measurement in the geometry]. These image files are screen captures of the CAD designs.

:lol: The humor: It's still a mystery why some analysts who view this image are soon inspired to start shopping for a portable barbecue grill.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: Re: "Contact Imminent?" (new design)
Title changed to "Peruvian Portal" to reflect new inspiration: :hithere

This week's afternoon naps and evening slumber have been less restful because of slowly diminishing knee pain from severe sprains caused by a fall on a sidewalk a week ago. Being a frugal, independent soul, self-diagnosis and self-medication had to suffice. Over-the-counter medication and frequent use of an old cane have been reasonably tolerable therapy - at least, the diminishing bruises and swelling in both knees suggest a cure in progress.

But these comments are shared only to introduce the "Peruvian Portal". Whether a dream or immediate inspiration upon awakening from questionable rest, this short story is recorded as "The Enchanting Myth of the Peruvian Portal": ;)

:study: When first discovered in a large field of a highland valley, the Portal design did not show the light blue lines within the large circle. And the dark yellow lines were simply one vertical and one horizontal - a cross. Only from a higher elevation could the design be viewed in its entirety, but its meaning remained mysterious for decades.

:scratch: Equally mysterious were the bright flashes of colored light that were sometimes observed by local inhabitants. A certain disconnect long prevailed - the flashing lights were not readily associated with the Portal design ... until a sleepy shepherd was aroused early one morning from his nest in a rock shelter. He observed that the undulating, high-pitched sound and flashing lights were very close to the Portal design.

This dazzling phenomenon lasted but seconds - not long enough for the shepherd to fully awaken. Yet, he was determined to accurately report his observations and unsettling experience to the local villagers as soon as possible.

:bounce: A day later, when the flock was secure in a pasture, the shepherd was running to the village when he met a farmer. Anxious to unburden his soul, the excited shepherd described the mysterious events. Well, the farmer had already heard similar tales about these mysterious, flashing lights and was not accommodating. He bade the shepherd farewell and advised him to return to his flock lest they fall into a portal (he mocked the shepherd).

After several more discouraging encounters with villagers, the shepherd abruptly abandoned his mission and returned to his flock. But the village would some day learn about his experience - he labored for several days, carefully aligning rocks in the Portal design to represent what he had witnessed that dark morning days ago. However, the shepherd had retired to a distant valley long before the carefully aligned rocks were discovered. And he had finally decided to remain forever silent about his experience. :(

Only in recent years, after air travel had been invented, was the Portal design re-discovered, along with that odd assortment of less-aligned rocks caused by roaming wild animals and extremes of weather. How the story of the shepherd was learned is best reserved for a later installment of this "Enchanting Myth". But once the shepherd's experience was known, analysts were delighted to discover the purpose of the rocks ... and were able to evaluate the rocks' meaning.

:study: Long story short, the dutiful shepherd had communicated that the Portal design's cross reflected dynamic geometry: movement of the lines indicated an opening (a "portal") which occurs when the geometry (the repositioned dark yellow lines) identifies a perfectly squared circle; the lines then enclose the center circle having a precise diameter.

Obviously, the design itself was not the portal, but it symbolized those phenomena which are necessary for that portal to open. As reconstructed today, and with inspiration derived from analysis of "The Eye of the Trinity" design, the Peruvian Portal design includes the outline of a familiar extraterrestrial spacecraft (sometimes mistaken for a portable barbecue grill :roll: ).

:stars: Of course, since "squaring the circle" is a continuing challenge for mathematicians and hobbyists, causing such a portal to open with symbolic geometry is quite difficult if not impossible. Fortunately, the discouraged shepherd left a few clues to inspire continuing research and hopeful personal adventures by those who sense what's really behind the veil of "proven" science and mathematics.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: It's quite inventive to insinuate that the following "n2bfgtn" idea is related to a Peruvian Portal, but the universe is getting smaller each day (remember when the referenced neighborhood was "world" - not "universe"?). But the idea is timely and actually promotes friendly interaction of our planet's temporary residents (Midwayers are the permanent residents). 8)

:duh In the news recently, stolen electronic data from certain customers of a major department store in the U.S. has been conjectured to have been copied from credit and debit card swiping-machines, cash registers, or other point-of-sale equipment. Whether factual or not, this conjecture inspires creative solutions, for example:

Since those card swiping with pin-entry devices are everywhere, Debit Cards (in particular, since they create near-immediate withdrawals from bank accounts) might need to be associated with lower-balance accounts funded only for expected near-term purchases. Changing pin codes frequently (monthly?) may help prevent such theft since fraudulent devices would have recorded only the previous code ... and even theft shops have "repackaging" time (data has to be sifted to isolate valuable and not identity-protected information). ;)

:arrow: How to create unique passwords so frequently? Online tools for generating passwords now exist and many are free to use. Keeping the written code in a safe place for later referral may seem a nuisance, but the data theft (like most fraud today) was electronic - no device (yet) can read an "encrypted" password on a piece of paper in your pocket. Unfortunately, if your computer or cell phone is already hacked, using an online tool may be an easy way to send a copy of the codes to the hacker.

:geek: Or use the informal NCS (neighborhood code system) to create a password: Independently and in person, ask friends, relatives, and willing strangers to each tell you two or three letters and/or numbers, then combine the collection as you prefer. Even create a mnemonic for that collection, for example, "n2bfgtn" = "not to be forgotten".

"But wait, there's more!" When you assigned that very unique and private password to your electronic card, was anyone (or any device) listening? Sorry, expletives don't make good passwords. :shock:

:?: Did you decide to use "n2bfgtn" for a password? Wrong! Others have probably made that decision already and it was certainly just added to a hacker's database of popular passwords. Oy vey! (no, not a good password).

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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[A bump on the head from a ceramic turtle in the small garden where I landed after falling may explain this inspirational repercussion]

Here's a private message system (KMA), fresh from the portal. :roll
It's flexible yet impossible(?) to decode without the reference text:

KMA - KISS Message Architecture :bana:

:arrow: Sample reference text (an internet page or portion known by sender and receiver):

When my new neighbor, Tommy, called me Tuesday,
I told him that my name is Wednesday.
He called later that day, inquiring "Is this Wednesday?"
"No, you know it's Tuesday!" I teased, looking at the calendar.
"But I'm busy planning - please call me Wednesday".
He never called again, left a message or sent an email.

:arrow: KMA message: 6> 11 2)7 7(4ly 1> 1 4> 2 3 10 6> 7.

What's the KMA message? :scratch: Easy enough for professionals,
but can this be decoded without the reference text?

A creativity kiss from the portal. :love

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Re: KISS Message Architecture (the solution)

:geek: For the sample message which refers to words in the reference text
(from left to right): 6> 11 2)7 7(4ly 1> 1 4> 2 3 10 6> 7

6> 11 = line 6, 11th word ("email").
2)7 = first two letters of 7th word ("me").
7(4ly = last four letters of 7th word + "ly" ("sagely").
1> 1 = first word of line 1 ("when").
4> 2 3 10 = line 4 words ("you know the").
6> 7 = line 6, 7th word ("message").

KMA decoded: "email me sagely when you know the message" 8)

For electronic text (not printed paper), this method might be automated (an app?) for both coding and decoding to make it less time-consuming. More complex messages require further development of the KMA system (or at least agreement between the participants).

The method is simple - privately choosing reliable and sufficient reference text (a "codepage") and revealing its location is the challenge. :!:

Caveat: Assume that your online activity is being observed (the "ICU" reality of electronic communication) and use this KMA system just for fun. Otherwise, powerful computers may soon be chomping on your bits. :roll:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Re: KMA proposal 8)

:geek: I was curious what a next step might be in expanding coding rules. Now, computer processing for coding and decoding becomes necessary because of the potential complexity (What, it's not complex already?). For example, "s3)11(2" is a new rule to extract letters from the middle of a word then prefix with "s".

The same reference text:

When my new neighbor, Tommy, called me Tuesday,
I told him that my name is Wednesday.
He called later that day, inquiring "Is this Wednesday?"
"No, you know it's Tuesday!" I teased, looking at the calendar.
"But I'm busy planning - please call me Wednesday".
He never called again, left a message or sent an email.

:?: KMA message: 05> 11 "7(4ly" 00> 1 03> 2 3 10 05> 7 10d 03> s3)11(2 00> 7 02> 8(3 04> 4)4

:arrow: KMA decoded: email "sagely" when you know the message and send me his plan

:scratch: Doesn't translate? Try adding 1 to each line number (a sample of layered coding).

"That's all folks!" (this is getting tedious - I'll wait for the instructional DVD with sample software). ;)

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

:flower: New design: ISIS - Impactual Selection of Inscribed Square

"If Pi (pink lines) was shopping for the circle that it squared, it would select this green shape in Euclidean geometry that is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from the center".

Where is the inscribed square? (Geometry 101 has the answer) 8)

Rod ... :bike: ...
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