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Post by suzette2020 »

To All,

I am requesting a prayer.
I am currently in a one year Accelerated nursing program $ 40, 000, and the rules of the school are extremely tough.
The program itself is extremely demanding and there is no room for failure.
If a student fails, they get booted from the program and all the money stays with the school.
Currently I am spot where I am under the passing grade for 2 courses and I would sincerely appreciate if you could say a prayer on my behalf.
I have to be a nurse, I have been working tirelessly to get to this stage and yes it goes alonng with my spirituality and working for God.
I firmly believe it's apart of my purpose. I have finals coming up and thus a chance to excel in the exams.
Please pray for me...

In addition I have been having problems with my clinal insturctors which is on of the courses Im failing. I sent the message above about one week ago. since then new problems have developed with my clinical instructor. Ive been crying endless, praying endless, My finals begin tomorrow and I also have a meeting with the HEAD of my clincals to decide my faith on passing the course TOMORROW MORNING. SO I HOPE YOU GET THIS MESSAGE IN TIME. There is more to the story, but I pray you get this message in time before tomorrow morning. I hope he allows me to pass. Please also pray for the clinical instructor who is deliberatly trying to fail me. I know she is going through a tough time in her life... This is an emergency. I am not able to study, this situation has gotton soo out of control and have reach higher department heads. I know it will be a miracle if I make I pass all the classes for this semester. I doubt i will ever loose faith in God and prayer. PLease please help me please. I hope with all my heart I will graduate July 11 2013 of this year. It is soo important. I hope you get this message in time. I need a miracle.


I hope you get this message in time… my time zone is incorrect. it is now 12:34pm and im based in Florida.

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Post by 11light11 »

12:34 is an awfully good sign. ;) Sending healing to you and your situation, and all the best to you Suzette. It's going to work out fine. With love, Michele :kiss:
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Michelle, Thanks soo much.
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Post by Sandy »

Dear Suzette,
It is Monday morning here, the fourteenth but where you sit in Florida the sun has not yet set on the thirteenth, As I read your post and felt you desperation I wished I could ease your mind but at the same time I felt a calm and peace steal over me...a sense that the prayers you so desperately send into the heavens are already heard and the One who knows our path far into eternity is very aware of your plight, your needs and your desires. I hope and pray that what you so desire comes about...yet, sometimes the Divine Parent has something far better for us then our human minds can envisage and so it is with faith and trust we hold on tight as our lives unfurl....making the best decisions and the most of the opportunities given. When they do not work out and in my life I can honestly say, I have had a few doors closed to me...I pray the options... often times the better options in the long run soon presents itself.

But at this moment I am praying with all my heart for your welfare and as you suggested praying as well for the instructor that you mentioned in your post. You are such a kind and loving soul, Suzette. I too feel as Michele, that it will all work out fine... :kiss:

With love,
P.S. when I feel a little lost desperate sometimes a little tiny book of poetry given to me by my mother comforts me. The simple sweet poems have gently touched my life when I am sad, lonely, worried or fearful for my life path. Here is one that has given me comfort when the road ahead seems filled with pitfalls.

This Life of Mine

This life of mine
Can nothing be
If I don't give
It Lord to Thee;
For only Thou
Canst see ahead
How rough the way
That I must tread.

And only Thou
New life can give
When I have lost
The will to live;
When hope has died
And dreams have fled,
When o'er the wreck
My tears are shed.

Oh, take it, Lord,
This life of mine,
And fill it with
Thy Love divine;
For only Thou
Dost know the way
That leads me to
Eternal Day!

Vera J. Davis
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Post by sammy »

I pray for the highest good in your situation.

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Post by suzette2020 »

Thanks for your response. I must say that when I read the response that my prayers were heard. I kinda also felt in my heart that they were heard, I figured there was a lesson for me to learn in this. However my fear was great because I kept having more problems even after I had sent my prayers out. One of the things i thought about was that , i have lacked faith in God in taking me to this point. Not to get into it much but, even though I have no real life connection with hearing from a divine spirit, I know Divinity has brought me here. There was no way possible I could have gotten into this program, but I did, somewhere somehow, I know it was Divine intervention, and that is what brings the fear, because I can not understand the term oil that has happened. In any case like I said I feel strongly, too strongly that this is my purpose. I will know some of my faith tomorrow morning. I thank you all soo very much. I there has come a sudden calm since just reading the response, I still believe the doors will remain open for me to succeed in this program. Thanks much for the replys, I will keep you posted on the outcome. Love Suzette.
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Post by angel91124 »

Praying all works out for you, God bless.
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I was advised this morning that there needs to be others involved in a formal meeting. Fingers are still crossed and hoping I pass my finals for tomorrow. I will keep I posted. Love suzette
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Post by suzette2020 »

Hi guys I passed my class however they are trying to fail me for clinical. I have a meeting with the Dean tomorrow at 10:30 am please pray for me
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Suzette,
I'm saying some prayers as we speak and hoping it all works out for you... Take a few deep breaths if you can and know that your angels are with you as you await the meeting. :kiss:
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Post by suzette2020 »

Thanks.. I feel calmer than normal, however I hope they reverse the decision tomorrow. Thanks much for the prayers and keeping up. Love Suzette.
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Post by Sandy »

I hope by now you are resting peacefully, Suzette. What ever tomorrow brings you will work through it. This problem may loom powerfully over your head right now, but that is the way things often happen in life. No matter goes on and we celebrate, and we readjust countless times in our lifetimes.
Your "Divine friends" will be with you and support you no matter what happens. :kiss: (human friends here as well. :) )
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Post by suzette2020 »

Sandy I have faith!!!

I had the meeting this morning for about 2 hours. They came out shooting, however I was able to remain calm and answer their questions. Someone from my clinicals sent a personal letter on my behalf.
They responded at the end saying they will think about it and get back to me. I am keeping my finger cross.


Yes angels were with me this morning.
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Post by Sandy »

I am so pleased you found your peace as you faced the "firing squad." Here's a big Hug for you... ((((((((((((Suzette)))))))))) and we will wait along with you for the answer. :kiss:

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I was not able to speak about the entire unfair situation, however below another person from my clinical group wrote this letter to the Dean on my behalf. I appreciated it so much because during this time all my friends from school has literally abandoned me. My clinical instructor made my life hell and I sat there and took everything because of fear. Now they still have me waiting and stating a response will be sent in the mail. I know Sandy said she felt peace that my constant prayers were heared, but it sure does not help with these feelings of nausea and worry I am chained by. I am still hoping they will reverse their decision. In any case like I said, the school is small and no way to truly appeal my case to a student advocate. Sandy below is the letter that was written on my behalf. Please advise if you can. Thanks love Suzette

To whom it may concern:

This e-mail is in regards to Professor Kellman and her behavior in clinicals. I have already spoken on my behalf with my problems, but this is in regard to her professionalism as a clinical instructor towards myself and others, especially Suzette. She asked me to join her in the meeting, but unfortunately I could not attend hence my e-mail.

As a professor she did teach and I was able to learn many different things. However, she was very inappropriate with many of us during clinical. She would speak to each one of us about our personal lives to ourselves and repeat it to others. She would imply things about some of the students such as having multiple partners and also accused students of "throwing her under the bus" when she wanted us to lie to professor George about her tardiness. She also made many inappropriate comments, especially to Suzette, such as telling her during lunch in front of everyone that she "needs to get some" to relieve her stress which we all correctly presumed as sex.

At the beginning of the semester she also treated Suzette much more differently than after Professor George came to visit our group. At first she always requested Suzette to buy her breakfast and snacks and even mentioned (up to the point that Professor George visited) that we were all passing clinicals. Once he came to visit, she told Suzette the very same day that she was going to fail. The worst part, in my opinion, is that she offered her no constructive criticism or ways to improve and possibly prevent from failing, but only that she was in fact going to fail. I had assisted Suzette with ways to improve as well as other students, but professor Kellman only made her feel worse about herself during clinicals. The last day clinical she also accused Suzette of coming to an administrator and "talking" and "accusing" the professor of something. She spent the whole half before lunch on her phone and not worried about us students. When she did pay attention to us, it was only to complain about one another and show her with her attitude that she was upset.

I bring this to your attention now because with all that is going on with Suzette, I feel that it could have been prevented with the assistance from professor Kellman or if she had at least warned her earlier.

As you know, I had a previous instructor my past two semesters and I have never encountered anything like this. Professor Kellman as an instructor was not only inappropriate with her comments, but was almost always at least 10-20 minutes tardy which is why I believe, or it appeared, that when professor George came the first day she immediately found another target and "threw Suzette under the bus".

I would have written this in my evaluation, but I felt she would read it and take it out on my group, as she did the last day of clinical when she heard someone spoke about her to an administrator.

Thank you for your time and I hope that this email can remain anonymous if any of it must be brought up.

(Erase name)

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Post by Sandy »

Dear Suzette,
How I wish that your co student had spoken honestly of what what going on in her evaluation of the professor's effectiveness giving perhaps more weight to this letter she provided on your behalf. This leter suggests some shocking conduct, and it seems as if you have been subjected to a woman who has no business teaching. But sadly this happens in the college curriculum as people with much knowledge but with little training in how to present it effectively to their students are sometimes employed. I am sorry that you have been put through so much in your quest for an education and I hope you are given another chance. Perhaps those in charge will look a little more closely into this professor's behaviour. Do you know if there are other complaints that have been lodged against her? Perhaps they will interview more of the students anonymously who have been witness to her unprofessional behaviour.

At any rate, there is little any of us can do but to pray and I will continue to do that. Unfortunately, I cannot take away these worried feelings. No one can do that for another. When my husband was close to death nearly a year ago, there were so many precious words of comfort and support and how I so longed to give my worries to God. But I must admit that I was paralysed with fear and still am when I think of loosing him. It is a puzzle that only I can assemble to find the "peace". I know that and the knowing doesn't make it any easier but I feel in the bones the peace... the trust... the faith in this area is there some where just waiting on me to make the soul discovery. I guess it is there for each of us regardless of the circumstances... and it is pure gold when we find it.
Please hang in there Suzette. I can't imagine how hard this waiting must be for you. Is there something you can do to divert your attention from this worrisome problem for awhile... sort of a vacation of the mind? Meditation helps calm me but maybe there is something you love to do that could keep your hands and thoughts busy for a time while all this is being sorted out.

I just want you to know I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. :kiss:
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Post by Swedishblue »

Hello Suzette, I have some understanding on the tough ordeal you are going through. I was in your shoes in my third year of nursing exams, where a clinical tutor kept failing me, and it was for "personal" reasons as well. What is it about the nursing profession who are supposed to teach us not only theory, but lead by example on kindness and compassion. There's no doubt in my mind you care so much about your vocation and that you exemplify these traits of caring, compassion and kindness. I will say my prayers for the Holy Spirit to visit upon you, to uphold you and restore hope, and that you keep a cool clear focus on the road ahead, prayers also for the Dean and Professor to be more conciliatory and understanding. Nursing theory these days - especially on an accelerated course - is very demanding. You are made of sterner stuff and I really believe that good sense will prevail on the part of the Clinical Tutor. :loves
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Post by suzette2020 »

Thanks much for the understanding and for sharing the real life situations. I almost always try to see situations from all angles. Even from the clinical instructor, yes there have been multiple complaints against her which the school is trying to cover up. In any case I refuse to give up. I know that I allowed her behavior to continue but I do understand that prof George came to evaluate her because of the complaints. I understand why she did what she did. And as I said I do have her in my prayers. But the dean is another story. Her personality is like an Alpha Female, but my heart is filled with hope. As soon as I get that letter, I will keep you posted. Much love and thanks.
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The dean has turn down my appeal. She advise that my last chance is to appeal my case to the head of the dean Dr. Polifko. school starts on Monday.

I am lost... numb... I am not sure what to do... please advise if you can, thanks

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Post by Sandy »

Dear Suzette,
I am sorry to hear this. Perhaps you can do as the dean suggested and appeal to Dr. Polifko. Does the school have a counselor who you could speak with..someone who might be able to help redirect you as you strive to make your nursing dreams come true?
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Hi Sandy, this is unbelievable. The dean dr Lawson and the head dr polifco are very close mates. They have a long history. But I will appeal. I have judged myself and I know in my heart I was a victim. All for what? My mind has been soooooooo stressed these passed few days. I've meditated more than I have in a very long time. Yet I have hope. Crazy as it may be, I believe that the good will win. What a delima? Sandy please don't worry too much about my issue. I have burden u and others enough. I myself is somewhere mentally, that has no beginning or end, my mind has held me captive for quite sometime now. I still believe in the upliftment of my fellow deans , professors adminstrators, we are all one. Somewhere there has to be some good in their hearts. Somewhere... I'm in shock however. Can't explain what is going on in my heart and head. In any case whatever drip of love I have left inside myself, I give it to the person that needs it the most. For now. I have no more words. Thanks peace and love always. Suzette
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Post by sammy »

Hi Suzette,

It's really hard to come up with encouraging words in situations where we feel we are the victims. Perhaps attempt to re-focus your thoughts. Attempt to decipher what you can learn from this situation...what you can learn about yourself as well as others. Perhaps attempt to wrap your heart around the idea that there truly is a silver lining in every cloud...although that idea may be miles from your view at the moment. Sometimes stumbling blocks and barricades are there to get us onto another path that will better enhance our spiritual growth, sometimes those blocks and barricades provide us with lessons to help another who comes across our path. I wish you good luck with your appeal.

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Post by suzette2020 »

Sammy, I appreciate your loving words, Mind has resorted to a place I have no knowledge of. None of this makes sense. I send my love and thanks. Suzette
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Post by 11light11 »

I remain on the case Suzette praying for you and your situation . . and all those involved (the dean etc.) get their dose of the white light as well! You never know; it can sometimes soothe things.

My heart goes out to you . . hope there is soon a (positive) resolution. :sunflower:
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Post by suzette2020 »

I have a meeting with Dr. Polifko on Friday at 9am for 30 mins. My mind is gone. Thanks for all your prayers. Love Suzette.
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