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Re: The Secret

Post by 555 »

Hello Sammy, Hello friends!

Rejoice with me because the Lord has been good to me, as always!

Hey Sammy you were right. Everything was going, somehow, be fine! The problem I had had to do with one of my clients and the fax I sent also was about that. But God is really good.

I received a message from my boss, saying that she was giving me another client, and at this time, a live-in, as I have asked to God and her for some months now...

I will start this new assignment on Monday ( I still don't have much details, but I have the the communication of the assignment already). This client is a 92 old man, that is in hospice condition (terminal) and I am to be with him for caring for his needs. I am so glad my friends! This, in the midst of several tribulations I have gone trought in the process of buying the car, is reall a very good news.

So, rejoice with me, and thanks for your prayers and energies. Thanks also to our friends midwayers, 555, and all the others that helped me with this.

I am sol happy! Thanks be to God!


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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

(((((JOSE))))) Sending praise to God for all his wondrous works!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Dearest Jose, tears fill my eyes as I read your post and I too rejoice with you! :happy

:cheers: Thanks be to God! :cheers:
Much Love,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Boy I feel GREAT this morning! I had a wonderful mood lift...I have to admit that I've been spending WAY too much time wrapped in worry...silly worry..."what if's" type worry...sending all the wrong kind of energy out to the universe. My mom read a bit of a book to me yesterday (I mentioned it here yesterday... ). Anyway, that got me thinking on a pretty deep level yesterday about how we ARE all one, and how the energies I was sending out due to my mis-guided focus needed to be changed. When I went to bed last night I prayed to better understand what my mom had read to me (among MANY other things :lol: )...

Well, I woke up with single verse from a song from church going through my head "Make me a channel of your love....Make me a channel of your peace", I glanced at the clock and noticed it was 5:55 (Hi Jose :mrgreen: ). Closed my eyes with the intention of meditating, and after just a couple minutes felt compelled to turn the TV on...when I did, the news was on with the words "Most Peaceful Place" showing on the screen (they were listing the most peaceful places in the US to live).

Now I have "perma-grin", and this wonderful feeling of peace accompanied by excitement for the day! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:


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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

:lol: :lol: :lol: We talked about this on another thread...about the words from a song being changed to enhance a message...apparently the verse does not include "let me be a channel of your love"...

Ah...such a beautiful song...

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

That must be the most beautiful version of that song that I have ever heard. I have always loved it ever since singing it in Bible School many years ago as a child. (when dinosaurs walked the earth... :alien: )

You know I can remember some posts of people who have reached that similar state of oneness and vastness in meditation. I long to carry that state knowing, of oneness with me in every moment but sadly, I forget more times than I'd like to admit. Wouldn't that be great, though? :sunflower:
So how do we go about it?... I am thinking more meditation, downloading the God/Source currents that are ours for the asking and all around us and in us...Being more aware..bringing that Divine awareness, bringing Love in all its variances into all our daily tasks...???
Too often lately, I fall victim to "silly worry" of the "what if" variety too. I try to justify it and then have to laugh cause another song always pops into my head when I am feeling somewhat self absorbed and self pitying... Can't remember all of it but this is the part line I hear and it always makes me smile, recognize what I'm doing and feel better...
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...cry if I want to...cry if I want to! You would cry too if it happened to you! :lol:
Maybe that should be my theme song these days... ;) nah! I like your song much better Sammy Jo! :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

So how do we go about it?... I am thinking more meditation, downloading the God/Source currents that are ours for the asking and all around us and in us...Being more aware..bringing that Divine awareness, bringing Love in all its variances into all our daily tasks...???
I know that when I first started with the 11:11 prompts I delved into reading a lot of spiritual books. It kept me in a nice peaceful frame of mind. Especially reading of other's spiritual really filled my mind with...not sure of the right word for this...I was going to say hope...but the word hope doesn't exhibit the level of assuredness that I felt...hope sounds a little "ify" :lol: ...maybe assuredness is the right assuredness even a word???

Anyway, I think there is a little brain work involved to keep the mind assured and not worried (for us worry warts anyway). Like today, I awoke filled with peace...then I started one of my MANY projects that need to get done before Jake's graduation party. As I got deeper into the task I found myself stressing about all the other projects that need to get done. My point is that we need to try to notice when worry starts and put an immediate change of thought into action. Yesterday, for me, the song I awoke with was how I changed my thinking.

I think if we start our day with some positive spiritual thought...whether it be a song or perhaps a little reading or meditation and then try to focus our energy on that thought throughout the day it just might work!

By the I woke up with "He I am Lord...Is it I Lord?"

Sammyjobillybobblehead :roll :roll :roll
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I've never heard that song before Sammy, It's lovely... :sunflower:
You have provided some important food for thought.
I think if we start our day with some positive spiritual thought...whether it be a song or perhaps a little reading or meditation and then try to focus our energy on that thought throughout the day it just might work!

Yep, I agree. Starting the day with a song in our heart... how hard can that be! ;)
I'm gonna try giving it a good solid effort , sis. :kiss:
Sandylou :geek:
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Bummin' just a little this song playing in my head for inspiration...Guess I'll have to make up my own today!

LOL! Suddenly I'm hearing "Mr. Clean Mr. Clean" in my head...must be a hint!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

LOL! Suddenly I'm hearing "Mr. Clean Mr. Clean" in my head...must be a hint!
I hope that isn't one I hear although this flat could certainly use a good going over since we have an inspection coming up in a couple short weeks. sigh... :roll:

When Is the graduation party? soon?
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Graduation is on May 31st, but the party will be on June 2nd. I am REALLY trying to get excited, but so far that's not working out so many changes this year and I've never been a big fan of change :lol:

Ok...grabbing the boot straps and not thinking about the changes...plastering a :mrgreen: on my face and attacking the day!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

I know sweetie, you have been through more than your fair share of changes this year. Take it one day at a time, plastering on what already is a gorgeous face and take that big beautiful heart out into the world and live it to the fullest. The changes... well...eventually they too are sewn with loving stiches into that tapestry we call our'll be beautiful! You'll see. :kiss:

(((((((((BIG OLE SISTERLY HUG)))))))
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Thank you Sis!

:loves :loves :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »


Good evening everyone,

It's been a while! Let me take a broom and sweep out the dust I brought in through the doorway walking in. ::sweep sweep sweep::

Lots been going on and it hasn't really stopped for me. But, I haven't forgotten this board. 8) You are all on my mind every day, mostly because I get these prompts no matter where I go...whew! Seems like the line of work I chose to get into has definitely brought on a lot of prompting. Nowadays, I'm getting 8:08 and since I'm on the road a lot almost every day to get to clients, I get all sorts plates with "111" and "333" and the like.

Lately, I've had a couple of clients come and go into my schedule, I've started writing again; and my husband and I adopted a second dog to be a buddy to our first, but she passed away after only ten days of being home from the shelter from viral and other infections. So, we're starting over again with another second dog in a little while, after we get the house and yard cleaned up of possible viral presence.

I'm not entirely sure what to say right now, but I do miss everyone. I'll be back again soon! I hope everyone's doing well.

With Love and Many Hugs!
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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

hi theunim
welcome back :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Ahhhh T, I’m so sorry you had the heart break of loosing a pet. It is hard watching a pet or any animal pass on for that matter. I just recently went through that with a badly injured Quail baby. It just couldn't be saved but I had to try. :(

I have to say despite the dust. :mrgreen: ( just kidding) that it is soooooooo good to see you! :D You have no idea how much you have been missed here. But I do certainly understand how life pulls us in so many different directions. ... busy, busy, busy. Today I am getting ready for our six month inspection that is tomorrow. Cleaning has never been one of my favourite occupations but when you clean it is easy to allow your mind to drift and sometimes it is surprising the messages that come through or the problems that get solved in this I am putting on an optimistic smile despite the grime and looking forward to some impute.

It is good to know that you are writing and that your life is flowing in happy and fulfilling ways. We'll always be here for you when you get a few minutes to put your feet up. There's a comfy chair by the fireplace with your name on it. ;) :kiss:
Love you, sweetie,
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

HI T!!!! got dust in my coffee!!!! Just kidding (I probably got the dust in my own coffee :lol: )....We missed you!

I am sorry to hear about your 2nd sad!

Are you enjoying your new home??? What is your book about???

Thought you'd like to know that Scott has finished basic and will graduate from AIT this week...My baby is officially an Army Medic. It's been suggested to him that he become a Physician's Assistant (my little smarty pants!).

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Re: The Secret

Post by theunim »

Thank you all for the welcome back! ::HUGS TO ALL!::

Sammy, Scott seems like he's on his way to good things with the army! I knew an Army Medic before in college. She was glad to have the position. I hope he feels like he should keep going and consider the path for being a Physician's Assistant. It's challenging, but I think it'll be great. I am not sure how the Army runs, but if he does go on to be a PA, I think the Army will cover that education and he could eventually be an Officer, but it will depend entirely on his plans with the Army. :) I'm glad
to hear he's doing well, nevertheless! :)

I am definitely enjoying the new home! It's still messy, and we have to figure out some of the storage situations in the laundry, garage, and kitchen spaces, but so far, so good. We have good routines for cleaning so that when we have company over, it's not a big nightmare unless there's clutter everywhere.

Sandy, I'm sorry to hear you went through the loss of a Quail baby. I'm glad to hear you tried. :kiss: Speaking of cleaning, I wrote down a bathroom cleaning tip earlier. It's a set of instructions for cleaning a bathroom in five minutes each day. I'm going to try it tonight before showering. (That means I have to change something up in the instructions, because it does say to spray down your shower area with a cleaner.) When I was a child, my parents would always chide me into cleaning and I pretty much didn't like being given the order to clean my room. (To the point where they took it away. :() But now that I'm on my own as an adult, I order myself to clean and I find it almost meditative when I get into certain chores, like vacuuming or washing the dishes by hand. (We have a dishwasher, but there are things to wash by hand or sometimes, I want stuff cleaned right away.) I hope you got some good input while you were cleaning your own abode! Cheers to George, by the way. Please pass to him my good wishes.

Well, it's been exactly a month and a day since our second dog, Baguette, passed away. My husband and I have been looking for another second dog for our household. He is now open to thinking about pit bulls- a recent trip to the shelter was the cause. There were a number of pit bull puppies in a few cages, and I'm pretty sure their attitudes pulled him into thinking about them even more. We have friends who have a lovable pit bull mix, and because of her, we were already open to the possibility of adding such a breed to our household. However, there are a couple of things that concern me: we will have to train a puppy all over again with our current schedules, which sometimes can leave our current dog, Bagel, alone for almost ten-twelve hours at a time, unless I drop him off at our friends' home; we don't know what kind of background the puppy has so we might be training harder because of genetic dispositions for the breed; and the parvovirus infection the previous second dog had really concerns me because we have been only cleaning the property little by little, as per recommendations of vets and online information about post-parvovirus cleaning. However, we could still go for an older dog. Recently, we have been seeing older beagles listed on the shelter website. There's one, a male, whose age is estimated at two years old. I think my husband is not really into him, though, but when I ask him why, he pretty much brings up Baguette as a standard. Well, I admit, it would be easier if she didn't pass away...but now we have an opportunity to give another dog a home.

As for my writing, I'm still working on this story idea that is about twelve years old by now. It's a fiction story that grew up with me. If no one minds, I would like to keep some of my story a secret. ;) Until I'm ready to release it to the world, that is. However, I will say this: the story contains angels, it has a love story, and to some extent, when I started the story, all the characters were only skeletons of what they can be now. As I grew up, I think the story grew up, too. Then, I discovered that some of my thoughts about Heaven have similarities with what I have been reading from the Urantia Book and information about Angels and different Celestial Beings. It's all kind of fun, neat, and scary, because to some degree, I don't want to mess anything up, but I also don't want to have a story universe completely falsified when I know what is written out there could be completely contrary to what I thought up.

Take care, everyone!

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— Rumi

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi T,
I was thinking about you once again this week as I pondered your yummy blueberry white chocolate cookie recipe. I am in the mood to make something different as I have been on an oatmeal cookie streak for awhile. I am still making cookies and then freezing them to serve to our landlord when he comes around for a cup of coffee. He was here last night and exhausted my cookie storage so I look forward to making some new ones..hopefully tonight. (As You know, like you, I love to bake.)

It's sad to think about poor Baguette (loved the name by the way) but hopefully this won't happen to you guys again should you choose to adopt another needy dog. I must admit I do not know a great deal about Pit Bull terriers. I guess like most of us, I have heard and been shocked by the extreme horror cases in the news. On the other hand, though, I have also heard some pit bull owners speak of the very good characters of the breed. Upbringing and heredity seems very important particularly in this breed. Maybe you could contact the kennel club to get advice and information just to be on the safe side before making the decision to adopt.

Some day, I hope to stand in line to get a copy of your novel. :sunflower: With your dedication to detail and your creativity I suspect your story will be awesome. I have been reading another member's creative efforts of late and have been awed by his ability to sort of weave known "truths" into the fabric of the fictitious work... It's exciting to see it come together. So I think there is much room for all of your imaginings as well as what you perceive as truth to combine into a fabulous universe setting... besides...this universe is soooo big. How can we not be sure that your creativity is not in essence describing some truth in some far distant segment.. ;) 8) So I will be very patient and wait my turn until I can get a signed copy. :D

Keep up all the good work. I am so pleased you are happy and doing well, T.
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Re: The Secret

Post by 555 »

Dear friends,

I am sorry I was absent for such a long time.
As a result of my prayers, your energy and certainly the work of my friends in the M. realm, I got a full time new client; I am with him now for 7 weeks already and has been a real blessing to me. In fact I was confirmed in this position, because the family, more specifically one of his 4 daughters, wanted to replace me for a family member, but one son-in-law, who has been a friend to me, intervene with my client and convinced him to let me stay. The man doesn't like much the idea of having somebody taking care of him, although he is 92 years old, but slowly he is coming to understand that he needs somebody and he is day by day dependind more on me and let me help him more and we increasing our bonding...
I am very happy with this position... the money is good and helped me to buy (financed) a house to my wife in Philippines which we are now renovating to which I hope one day to live with my wife in Philippines. I have good plans and I am asking your prayers for it, so I can make an investiment in Philippines that will help me to retire there and finish my days there, according to God's will.

The sad note in all I have to say to you is that yesterday, Fathers Day, only 1 daughter from my 4 children called. I know that in some way the are trying to send me a message of therir disatisfaction with me for some reason, probably in the past. I felt bad, yesterday, but I was today thinking about and it's even worse for them because that must fall in their hearts as a bad thing, after all. I couldn't help but have some thoughts of revenge, not talk to them, to distance myself from them, but the Spirit Withing tonight tautght me differently. Again, He reminded me that if I really want to be happy, I cannot make my life about myself about about others, because you are really happy when you make other happy. So, I am really asking God to give a real opportunity still in life to show to all my children how much I love them and how much my ways have changed since I found the Book of Urantia.
So I abandoned those little thoughts of revenge and I will call them when I miss them, no matter if they don't call me. My love for them must be unconditional, as it is and I am a new life now, on the path of life eternal and with great things ahead of me... including those glorious days, when I will fuse with my Spirit Within, my encounter with my Lord Christ Michael and my final standing before the Father of All in Paradise.

I have had some experiences with our friends of the other realms, recently I had a vision of Andrea, the Primary Midwayer, George's long time friend, and a vision of what I believe it was a life carrier, a really beautiful being! But mostly I have being in contact with my Spirit Within and he has assured me of his unstoppable care of me. I love him and I wish I coudl fuse with him the soonest possible. I want to be him as much he wants to be me.

Sometimes, I confess, I have some attacks of anxiety. It seems that I need some budhist trainning to overcome the wants of this world. But, eventually I can put my thoughts in the right direction, the direction of love and trust in the direction and care of our FAther in heaven, who loves us with so immense love that we don't need really to worrry for the tomorrow. All we need is to choose his will in this present and the future will take care of itself.

So my friends, I am still in the path, learning, trying to overcome my animal impulses and replace them by spiritual ones. Your lovely energies certainly can help me as it has in the past. As also I pray and send to you all my good thoughts, as I am doing right now.

It is too much already,

Love, my loved ones,


P. S. : I am not to revising what I wrote above, I am just going to send. So if anything came wrong, just disregard it.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh Jose, I cannot tell you how good it is to have you with us once again. :D Now just as soon as those words came out, I was reminded that you are always with us in heart and in soul, but sometimes I guess we, as mortal beings, like physical confirmation of these things.
Dear friend, my heart ached as I read your words... I too can understand those longings for your children to verify something we already know exists, this parent-child bond. But even with the knowing, in apathy, sometimes, the love is left hanging in space, untouched, unclaimed. I am hoping that soon you feel evidence of their love in your life and I will remember you and your TA's wise words as I too have suffered similar heartaches with my own children. I smile because in the past I have run the "revenge scenario" in my own mind:" and end it with .."They'll be sorry when I'm gone!" (I can't help but picture a little girl stamping her feet with this thought and that was exactly the way I felt. ;) )
But thank goodness, each moment is fresh and new and a chance to understand ourselves and others, to grow, learn and for situations and hearts to change.
I am so thankful to have you, dear brother, in my life and happy to hear that your situation your dreams, your meditations are coming into fruition as Chief Bzutu often says. :sunflower:
You are very much loved!
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Re: The Secret

Post by CityLight »

Dear 555, i am very new here but your post brought tears to my eyes, it is very endearing and tells so much of the struggle between discerning body from soul sometimes. That indeed is one of the most challenging aspects of physical existence. I know I am just a child when compared to how long many of you have walked the path, but i have noticed one very hidden and helpful assistance. I know we know of caring for the mind body and soul, and in so find a balance to better walk this path. But i have noticed that when all are catered to daily, it becomes easier to tell which is which, when or body is reacting or when our soul is reacting. After a while the Spirit within is Loud and ever clear, while the body is slurred and dulled. It is empowering. I only say this because i exercise, meditate, and write daily. I see exercise as being mostly all body, then meditation as having no body. Then when confronted with animal temptations i am able to seperate the spirit from the animal easier. But my woes are not nearly as intense as yours brother. If i may i would like to pray for you as well. I feel much Love in your heart, and sense my own connection to you... i've never met. I thank you for this lesson. I have faith your guide will always be whispering wonderful suggestions to overcome these trials. Much Love to you dear brother 555 and you family. It is hard for us to forgive in a sometimes unforgivable world. Love Daron.
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Re: The Secret

Post by 555 »

Dear Sandy and City Lights,

Sandy, I thank you for your encouraging reply. I am always reinvigorated by your words. I thank you for these kind words of understanding and sympathy. I know that here I have people that really understand what I am going through.

• City Lights, thank you for your reply also. I am glad that my post encouraged you to post, because your sharing was very enlightening. Thank you very much for offering your prayers... yes, please pray and send to me your good energies while in meditation. About the life dimensions, body, mind and soul... My definitions of these dimensions follow what I have ultimately learned about them on the Urantia Book and the messages from our friends in the other realms... Yes, exercise and good diet are good because the Spirit within longs for being housed in a healthy body; and I understand what you say about the soul reacting... the soul is our new being... a morontia self conceived and given birth by the Spirit within in liaison with our mental consenting... I think that the soul development reveals itself in the character, in the line of choices that become routine for us, that is, when they are according to the will of God, expressing goodness, truth and beauty... Our mind is a gift from Mother Spirit Nebadonia, and it is where our self resides, and through which our personality expresses itself. The self residing in the mind is "material", mostly regurlaly fed by animal impulses, until we are able to let the soul, the "morontia self" take over... I think that we should not separate the three, but strive for a balance… without consider the body evil, the soul "pure" and the mind just a processor…. God gave us the three of them because we need them… to find the balance is the question… but mostly, the question is to find this balance as fruit of personal enablement, not by suppression, repression or depression. In another words, it has to be a conquered territory, not a imposed state. It's better to struggle than deceive yourself.
As the Apostle Paul said, " I don't presume to have reached it yet, but one thing I do: I press foward, towards the goal". because if there is something important to have as a guiding principle, is that, as much as the goal is ever important, it can't be reached without your continous striving for it. So, in continuously striving is the certainty of eventually to reach the goal...
The Adjuster, doesn't want to take control... He or she wants we attune with his pre-will and make it our will, our choice. As much the Spirit Within's guidance is sublimely divine, it has no value for me if I don't make it my choice, not only because I ought, should or must, but because I want! There are certain choices that even the Spirit Within knows that we won't be able to make in this lifetime, that is why is said that he or she projects them for our next life or next phase. The Spirit Within has a detailed and perfect plan for us and he or she follows it accordingly, ever using an infinitely ammount of resources to ensure its full success.
Life is always hard... there is no other way to live it but striving... and many times, struggling...
Ok, that is already too much...
Love, my loved ones...
When you run away from God, just realize that God runs right there with you.
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Re: The Secret

Post by CityLight »

Thank you very much brother Jose! I find it an honor to be among and learn from such wise and experienced individuals. I have only recently begun to read through the Urantia papers and have found much beauty and amazement in the unseen workings of Life around us all. Your words ring true in my heart, i will remember them when i walk the roads of this life. Thank you deeply, and my Love is sent your way. :hithere
Love Daron
I was a seed once planted long ago, nurtured and showered with the Love of others. I now sprout to feed those who gave that Love...and return the favor, tenfold.
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Re: The Secret - I Was Flying!

Post by 555 »

Dear Friends,
I want to apologize for being absent several weeks. But I have good news. You know already that I am working, now for almost 4 months in a roll with the best client ever, a Christian man, 92 years old, with little dementia, but very considerate and with 4 very nice daughters. It’s a very good family, considering what I have seen. Two of the daughters come almost daily to see him and this is very meaningful. I am doing what I wanted. Having a good income and serving people at same time. The income I have here has allowed me to buy a house in Philippines (from foreclosing). I am now sending money to improve it and we are in the last phase of it. It is a very small house, but I do not need much. It’s my plan (if God allows me to stay with this client at least one year), to go to Philippines for retirement next year. After finishing this improvement, I plan to buy another land, built a new home (larger), sell it and then go there to keep this business of building and selling houses so I can have an income.
Returning to my client, remember when I lost the client I had before, and I wrote a letter to my boss and before I send it, I ask my friends in the spiritual realm to advise me if I should or not send the letter? When I asked for my friend 555 answer me with one honk from the street, for “NO” and two honks for “YES”? On that opportunity, he answered within 30 seconds with a “YES” and I sent the letter. Well, as a result of that letter, and probably the work that my friends were already at on my behalf, I got this client. And another day I will tell you how I was about to lose him, few weeks after I was here, but God kept me here, when he chose me rather than his great-grand-daughter. So my friends, rejoice with me because I am very happy with my work. I hope I can stay with him until the Lord will call him.
As you should know also, I bought a car, a mini-van and it is serving me well.
But I wanted to write to you today my friends because something just marvelous happened to me while I was sleeping (or so…) In fact I believe that it was an experience out of the body, because I was aware of what was happening and I can recall very well (very rarely I can). It happened twice during this night. On the first time, I was flying, with my grandson in my arms (the oldest, 10yrs old) and we were going places with me flying like a superman! On the second time, I was alone and I purposely wanted to repeat the experience to see if I could perfect it, and I was flying but not so well, couldn’t take off easily, then somebody said to me not move my arms so fast, but rhythmically, like when you are swimming. So I did, and guess what, I could feel the air, like when you feel the water on swimming, only that was even dense, like giving me leverage to fly properly. It was so great. I really enjoyed this experience and I will never forget… To me, it was a experience out of body because I was aware that I was in the bed all the time… I think that my TA or my friends from the midwayer realm had something to do with it.
So, just wanted to share this wonderful experience with you all and tell you all that I love you and even if I am not so frequently here, I am always thinking of you with great appreciation in my heart.
When you run away from God, just realize that God runs right there with you.
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