Let me ask....

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Let me ask....

Post by lloyd »

OK, been reading the FAQ and viewing videos from this site. And I have
seen at least some of you are definitely Christians. But I have to ask: Do
any "non-Christians" see the 1111 prompt? And if so - if you believe this
is a Christian-related event, what should non-Christians make out of
being prompted? Or, do you believe the beings are accepting of any religion
based in love, and not caught up with labeling over what religious story
one believes in, etc?

I was raised Catholic, and I can't support a church that is richer than
most countries and use such a small % of their wealth on truly making
the poor, the weak and the downtrodden better off. Not to mention,
not only did they cover up childen sexual molestations, but they knowingly
transferred priests to new locations where they had to know the same
crime would be committed at their new church, and did so countless times.
In my opinion, the spirit of Christ is not present in much of what the
Catholic Church engages in. I would love to know the total wealth of
that church vs. how much of that wealth is used to help the needy and
hungry vs. how much of that wealth is stacked away in stocks, gold and diamonds.
No holy beings could be on board with that.
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lloyd,

The eleven eleven is NO RESPECTER of religions. We certainly have Islamic followers, and Buddhist, and even atheistic. But as you can imagine, its a huge gap for an atheistic person to accept that midwayers exist, and so those folks don't tend to actually post, or stay long. They tend to find other 11:11 boards where they poke fun at us, and amuse themselves.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lloyd,
Human beings like many animals seem to feel better in groups. So we form family groups, clans, and countries with others with whom we have a common bond. The same goes with religion and even spirituality to a lesser extent, perhaps. We gravitate towards people who believe what we believe. We hang out with them and can make solid walls that, as years pass, become harder and harder to breach as our beliefs become crystalized. If one looks at the very base of many world religions, the foundation of ideas long buried in history, there is a desire to do God's will in what ever way this group see's this Infinite being. But sometimes these bases that are built on love, often become secondary to the rules and regulations regarding our words and actions, and even our thoughts. But truly is knowing God something we can do in mass? It is very much an individualistic work of art, taking many eons to perfect.

The Midwayers and all our celestial kin from the Angels to the Higher Sons and Daughters of Paradise... are beyond religion's shackles as they Love and revere a God whose very essence is Love and is palpably felt in the far flung universe. And so, when they speak of uplifting this planet, it isn't about placing one religion/group over another but rather building bridges over all the walls we have built around us...not knocking them down, perse, as they will crumble on their own in time as Love manifests in all hearts and minds.
It is my hope that someday we, the people of this world, will become just as excited for a tiny African village whose children now have full bellies and schools as well as plenty of fresh water and a safe atmosphere to play and grow as we are when our favourite sports team winning a coveted "bangle."

So it may be more beneficial for each of us as individuals to lower our pointed finger and take charge of the clean up work on our own insides rather then giving it away to a "company" who is completely unqualified for the work. It is time to stop blaming others for our ills and step to the plate and do something about it ourselves. This 11:11 phenomenon isn't about building just another wall. It is about seeking the answers... our own answers as they emanate from our God within...and then following that brilliant Guidance where it leads here on this earth and in the realms beyond. Our human, Angelic and Midwayers friends, they too are following a similar path and eventually when we look back we will see how pointless all the debates and divisions separating us from our human and celestial family truly are. We are all children of God...that's all...and all we ever need to be.

With love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by George »

This, likely, contains some answers...

Churches, Progress and Tibet.

Illawarra District, Australia, December 9, 2003.
Primary Midwayer Andrea.

Received by George Barnard.

George: “It’s what I wrote down, Andrea, and whatever reached your ears from the ongoing discussions and postings of late.”
[The question centered around individuals like Sai Baba, the Dalai Lama, their possible connection with the Reserve Corps, and essential Adjuster-to-Adjuster Information Transfer.]

Andrea: “We know how some of you like to valiantly push the boundaries, theorize and speculate, but what I have prepared for you may not altogether answer your question. And for your benefit, and that of others, I would like to introduce a new term, and rather than us speaking on this day of the Angels of the Churches per se, let us widen the term and refer to them as ‘the Angels of all the Teachings.’

“It is so often with your human vocabulary that when a term like ‘Churches’ is spoken of, and to those of you who are ardent students of the Text (5ER) that your interpretation of the concept is narrowed rather significantly, and, at best, you see in your mind a congregation of a specific denomination, a church building even, or a number of church buildings, perhaps.

“Now I want you to visualize your angelic friends of the Churches as those who ensure that the Teachings are not lost. Teachings, my friend, and they can be of the most exalted on your world, of Sikh, Christian, or Sufi teachings, and they may be no more than the nature worship of rocks, trees or animals. Indeed, the Angels of the Churches and their capable midwayer associates do promote these teachings of all kinds.

“‘Churches’ are there to ensure that the books are read, the stories are told, the sermons are given, and the belief systems are not corrupted as they are passed on from mother to daughter, from father to son, from teacher to student, yet the angels will not judge the level of sophistication that they are at, only the purity of teachings, and from generation to generation, for that is their primary task.

“Just recently you enquired about your dear friend and his work with the Falun Gong, and I can assure you now that both Churches and Progress, as well as Science, Medicine and the Arts are represented (and hard at work) by the angels, artisans, specialist teachers and midwayers in the movement – the oh so promising movement that is the Falun Gong.

“Even among those of the old faith of ancestor worship, the aspects of truth, conviction, and belief traditions were promoted from one generation to the next, and from the blue sky ‘prayer houses’ of the Mongolian steppes, to those of the visionary cults who dwell in the dense-forest ‘cathedrals’ of the Amazon, we were and are there as ‘Churches’ to promote the continued acceptance of those belief systems. As well, we were and are there as ‘Progress’ to promote the higher truths whenever they may be learned or intuited.

“And so it is with the beliefs of the Tibetan nation. No matter the prayer wheels, the prayer flags and banners, you will find those there who are most sincere and deeply devout. And it is not (up) to us to frown upon the idiosyncrasies of any such credos that even include some strange notions from your own Christian history. And, yes, you will find us there, too, to promote all that is good and beautiful, and to ignore the erroneous, but to awaken to higher truths when appropriate.
“So to your question: The mention of Spirit Selves transferring great amounts of specific and often also mundane information as in the case of the Dalai Lama hierarchy is indeed along the lines of Thought Adjuster exchange as it is customary with older and younger members of the Reserve Corps. It is up to the Thought Adjusters to indicate, and with the foreknowledge with which they arrive from Divinington, which new personality is to take over from the old and dying.

“It is up to the likes of Dr. Mendoza and the many assistants to speed up the physical, mindal and spiritual development of this preordained individual, and to re-enforce the specific aspect of knowledge and recognition of facts that are important for the human associates on their long and guided journey to receive confirmation that, indeed, this new, immature personality is in fact the destined one to take over the task.
“It behooves you to realize that in the Paradise existence the past and future merge into the ever-present, and that these things can be foreknown, even to the need for a specific new personality to turn up in time to take over the lead from the old, and to keep alive the teachings of one generation for the benefit of the next.

“It takes no great imagination to visualize the utter chaos that would ensue if the older generation neglected to pass on their spiritual heritage to the next. No, indeed, neither you nor I could imagine the absolute bedlam that would therefrom result, but these things are foreseen and ‘Paradise-generated data’ and advice is received by our angelic associates and through them passed onto us midway creatures more often than you take a breath.

“Suffice to say that the old teachings are well guarded by ‘Churches,’ and that all further truths, as they are realized, are capitalized upon by ‘Progress.’
“Suffice to say that only the most advanced-in-experience Thought Adjusters will volunteer to indwell the minds of such exalted leaders of the minds of men.

“I thank you, my dear brother, for staying the distance with me. We fared moderately well with this ‘new stuff,’ as you will put it. This is Andrea, and I send my love to all who will hear our words.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by lilly »

Hi lloyd

I have thought along similar lines before and came to the conclusion that there are some very loving and genuine souls in every religious group....and know for a fact that many Catholic clergy....once in spirit, have expressed through mediums.....their regret of things done by the church!! I tend to avoid church groups myself.......just doesn't suit me....everyone to their own!!

lilly :hithere
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by luvinlife »

I think this is a great thread, with very terrific posts! Thanks!

Love, Clare
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by fmspirit39 »

I feel as if this question was meant for me because I come from atheists many generations back on both sides of my family. I barely knew who Jesus was except a name and a religion. I grew up emmersed in scientific materialism in family, school, and college. After I graduated in 2006, my curiosity about inconsistentcies with what I was taught and what I was learning in the world as an independant thinker reached a kind of peak. I did not believe in God, but I was more of an agnostic than an atheist. One night when I was looking up at the stars thinking about ghosts and aliens and world wars, I just asked out to the sky that if there really was truth in the world, I would sure like to know. Ever since that night I have had a beautiful voice in my mind that tells me all about the history of the world and anything that I want to know. It guides me where I need to be and puts books in front of me to learn from. Many years went by, and about 2009, I began seeing 11:11 throughout the day and also had a marked increase of electricity in by body. This past year, I finally decided to see if others were having these numerical repetitions in thier lives, and so it was true. I am not a Christian, nor have I ever belonged to any religious organization, nor have I followed or read the bible. However, within the teachings from my spiritual guide, a great love and respect, even familial love, for Jesus Michael has been instilled in me. I have lived my spiritual life in near total isolation. I can say with absolute honesty that God and Spirit are no respecters of religion. The individual human heart and mind is what they are concerned with. On one final note, trying to get my family to accept me is a little like coming out of the closet to a family that is anti. But with love and patience I will wait them out!
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by sammy »

Hi fmspirit!

What a WONDERFUL story! Seek and ye SHALL find!

I hope your family will accept your truths, and perhaps even open themselves up to the possibilities in our universe.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by lloyd »

Fmr, I do not come from generations of atheists, or even agnostics. But I consider myself
to be some what agnostic now, but with a twist. I _do_ believe in some kind of entities that
are beyond human life forms. I feel for a fact that the universe does indeed respond to
most things we do. If you roll dirty and act with impure intentions, then the universe will
give that back to you - maybe in this life, maybe in the next, but I do believe your agenda
and intentions matter. Perhaps that is beyond what an agnostic would believe. Not sure. I
just know that I am undecided about any certain one brand of religion. I do not have the
unwavering support of, let's say, Christianity. I do not believe the Bible is the end-all, be-all
last word on how to live. I have a problem with any religion that states that if you do not
blindly follow their brand, then you unequivocally can't go to heaven, or, worse yet, are
doomed to burn in hell for all eternity. I can't buy that. And so many of the various religions
roll that way, including much of the Christian groups. "You either believe in our brand of God
or you are doomed, no matter how you live your life. You must believe in only our brand, or
you will burn in hell for eternity."

That doesn't sound like an "all-powerful or all loving" god to me. Christ didn't sound anything
like a entity that would be in favor of mass, eternal torture just for not totally buying into
his god. Christ was all about forgiving, helping the poor, the hungry, the imprisoned. Not
some "my way or the hell way" kind of deal.

But even though I don't fully buy into one brand, I feel I am more spiritual and "nicer" than most
people I know who attend Catholic Church. Far too often, I see people who believe showing up
each Sunday and tossing some $ in the basket has their soul covered, even though, outside
the church they belittle and ostracize anyone who is not of their stature, in terms of fancy
house, car, cash, etc. They seem to feel that since they show up for mass and toss some $ in
the basket that they have their spiritual area covered. I find it beyond obvious that that is not
the case, and is far from it.

I used to ride my motorcycle to and from work for 4 years. And I can't tell you how often that
the wives, dropping or picking their kids up at Catholic school in their massive Lexus or
Mercedes SUVs, can't bother to take the time to pay attention to the road, with a cell
phone stuck to their head, most likely gabbing about totally inconsequential subjects, while
not bothering to notice me and my bike, driving right into my path, and, if not for anticipating
their lack of paying attention, I would have been killed dozens of times over. The message to
me: "Others' safety is not worth me paying attention; I am in a huge SUV and will be safe, even
if I cause an accident."

Not to belittle myself, but the wives on "New Jersey House Wives" - or probably any of the wives
of that series - (My wife watches it and so I catch some of the series, don't judge me ;-) - are
of the same mindset: They show up for mass, get their kids Baptized, but in no way act or live
in any of the manners that we've been told Christ taught. But, they go to church, give $ to church
and express their allegience to Christ, as the son of the only god their is, and yet, they are so
selfish and greedy and vain and full of gluttony in many ways. (I just ate a large sub, so I am
treading on thin ice on this one.)

I know some may need the security of feeling their religion is iron clad and the only true path
to the only god. I don't feel the need for that. I am happy to live in ambiguity as long as, at the
same time, I am not hurting others, and, hopefully, make others lives more happy because of
their association to me. If I get taken by those who roll dirty, so be it. I just shake my head
and feel the universe might have a lesson for them, if they can possibly understand it; many
times I feel that is a lost cause.

Bottom line, I feel I am better than everyone who does partake in any organized religion.

No, totally kidding; don't get upset! I don't feel I am better, but there are plenty of people
who think following brand A makes them bullet proof from wrong doing and that's just not
true. Oh, yea, and my other pet peeve is when they throw out the "all humans sin. All humans
are frial" as a way to excuse their repeated immoral behavior. But hey, they went to church,
so so what if they keep cheating on their wife and doing blow? They are just human!

One other thing, I saw no one commented on JFK's exec. order 11110 that would have taken
the Fed Res. out. Is that because no one thinks there is any significance to it? Also, if a major
event does occur 11:11:11 will you still say, "We don't get involved in numerology" and things
along those lines or will you begin to think there is more to this stuff than just beings trying
to say "hello?"

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Geoff »

lloyd wrote: Is that because no one thinks there is any significance to it? Also, if a major
event does occur 11:11:11 will you still say, "We don't get involved in numerology" a
Dear Lloyd,

Yes. What about presidential order 11111? Have you looked up that one? Surely its even more "significant". Why are you not promoting that one? There were after all ten presidential orders with the "1111" number, and as that was so many years ago, its not impossible they have had "111111" by now?

If as we do believe, this has nothing to do with numerology, that means if something "significant" happens on that day, say a landslide in Outer Mongolia, we still won't be impressed. Because events happen every day, and their "significance" depends on whether your home is built in the path of the landslide or not. I could as well ask you- if nothing significant happens to you on that day, will you change your mind?

The issue of Christianity and in particular the Catholic version is probably not something we should really debate in depth on this board, seeing as there are almost certainly active Catholics here. But I think its very silly to decide what God is or is not, based on that or any other religion. Of course as they all claim to know who and what God is, I suppose it a natural thing to do. But from some ten years research into life after death, plus the experience of probably having read over 10,000 channeled communications, I don't believe they have any idea. If you are open to channeled works, there is one book written by a "dead" Catholic Monsignor, called "Facts". He did not find a single aspect of Catholic worship to have any spiritual value, from his perspective after death. A sobering thought. Not sure I have reviewed that book, so I will try and link it. Facts
lloyd wrote: or will you begin to think there is more to this stuff than just beings trying
to say "hello?"

Peace. Out.
There is a heck of a lot in the mere "fact" that there are several billion discarnate beings on this planet at this time all trying to help. That is a very big deal, and becomes a life long "path" the moment you commit to listening to them, and trying to do as they suggest, which has always been a lot more practical than your average church, and a lot cheaper since they don't ask for any tithes.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by sammy »

HI Lloyd,

I was raised Catholic. And although I understand your perspective, and I witness plenty of rude people rushing out of the parking lot every Sunday, I am sure I am not the only Catholic who still attends church yet has their own belief system. The funniest part of my journey was that I started studying with my Aunt who is a Jehovah's witness. Through her, I saw the mindless behavior of many who attend church and started questioning many aspects. I do still attend church regularly and the best part is that it seems like the sermon is always written just for me :mrgreen:

For me, the fact that Jesus lived among us and lived like us means he has a true understanding of the in's and out's of being human. And there is no way that the loving being he is would allow us to suffer for all of eternity because of a mistake or err in judgement.

As far as your question about the JFK executive order, although it is interesting information, it is a possible reality that I personally don't want to spend too much time thinking about. I tend to get caught up in the "excitement" of conspiracy theories, and the fact of the matter is I have no control over any of it if is does exist. That can bring on a lot of negative feelings, and in this world it's hard enough to stay positive without digging for the negative. So for me it is a better use of my time and effort to try to spread love, one person at a time, in order to make a tiny difference in this world. I guess some would say that I am living life with my head in the sand - that may be true, but this sand is on a VERY pleasant beach. :mrgreen:

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by George »

Welcome fmspirit39

God bless...
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by luvinlife »

Sammy, I think they call it "Cafeteria Catholic"....you take what you want and leave the rest! I was also raised Catholic, and I don't think I know ANYONE who totally believes all of what the church teaches (my opinion).

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by sammy »

Sammy, I think they call it "Cafeteria Catholic"....you take what you want and leave the rest!
OK then! I'll take all the chocolate!

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by lloyd »

I would love to respond in more detail but I am on deadline plus heading out
the door to a trade show in a bit! but I would _love_ to respond in more detail.

Geoff, when I say "significant" re: 11:11 date, I mean like a major world even
like 911. Like, a world-changing event. Not just a mud slide in some little country
some where. Could the 1111 signal be meant to say, "When all this crazy stuff
happens on that date, know what the truth is, know what is evil, do the right
thing, don't get fooled?" I am not saying for sure either way. I am just awake
enough to pay attention to see. Last night I was jostled awake and looked
at the clock: 1:11. Probably 3rd time this week alone. Doesn't even phase
me as it's been going on since early teens.

And, your question about EO 11111 is a good one. Don't even know what it is.
The reason I know of JFK's is not because anyone else associated the 1111
phenomenon with it. No one has, to my knowledge. I discovered it b/c of what
is was, and what it would have accomplished, namely ending the Fed, which is
a private collection of bankers - and our Founding Fathers knew the evils of
central banks. At this point, we have lost our country due to the acts of the FR.
They are plain evil. So when I discovered what his EO was, it set off some flags
with me, not with anyone else. Of course, after he signed that order he was
killed a few month after. I feel that is more likely the biggest reason he was
killed over the other stuff, such as trying to end the Vietnam war. The FR is
made up of the most powerful families on earth. I don't think they will just
walk away from the sick profits they make in the central bank racket, where
they make trillions for literally doing nothing. They invent $ out of thin air
and then charge us for it.

Any how, end of rant. Got to run. And, I don't want to weight down your
board with my concerns that lie outside what you guys want to focus on.
But I just can't help mentioning some of this because to me, it seems
related. I know you may not agree, but that is OK with me. :D
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Geoff »

lloyd wrote:The reason I know of JFK's is not because anyone else associated the 1111
phenomenon with it. No one has, to my knowledge.
I noticed it some years back, and yes I am aware of the Fed, how its private, and how it creates money out of nothing, and lends it at a fee. Yes, its a travesty. Not the only one. (By the way, a good friend of mine actually channeled Lee Harvey Oswald, but I was smart enough to not be willing to publish what he said.) And not what we discuss in detail here, but if you stopped by for a coffee, you would find George and I are pretty aware of most of this stuff. If you want to get your juices going, get the book just published by a Russian fellow called: "Reinventing Collapse" by Dmitri Orlov. Its fascinating. I don't hold to all that he says, but he's remarkably well informed on a remarkable number of apparently unrelated subjects.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by sammy »

Hi Lloyd,
Any how, end of rant. Got to run. And, I don't want to weight down your
board with my concerns that lie outside what you guys want to focus on.
But I just can't help mentioning some of this because to me, it seems
related. I know you may not agree, but that is OK with me.
It is obvious your intentions are good and for the betterment of society. We are all (after all) on our own individual paths of spirituality. I'm glad to see you understand that CT's are in fact outside what this board is focused on. I do hope you will continue to post in regards to the area of your spiritual growth that does fit our focus.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Daddy - O »

Welcome to the board Lloyd :D

Daddy - O
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Daddy - O »

Geoff wrote:
...but if you stopped by for a coffee, you would find George and I are pretty aware of most of this stuff.
I would love to be there for that coffee :D .

Daddy - O
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by lloyd »

sammy wrote:Hi Lloyd,
Any how, end of rant. Got to run. And, I don't want to weight down your
board with my concerns that lie outside what you guys want to focus on.
But I just can't help mentioning some of this because to me, it seems
related. I know you may not agree, but that is OK with me.
It is obvious your intentions are good and for the betterment of society. We are all (after all) on our own individual paths of spirituality. I'm glad to see you understand that CT's are in fact outside what this board is focused on. I do hope you will continue to post in regards to the area of your spiritual growth that does fit our focus.

Well, I am behind on the spiritual growth side, but I am slowly becoming more aware.
I don't have a well-formed opinion on what this all means as many of you do; I am more
on a "something is going on outside of the physical world, don't know what it means yet"
type of path. I have been asking "What am I supposed to do?" prior to coming here, but
have increased the number of attempts at that since coming here - still no obvious
answer to that question. I want to be on board with who ever is sending me these
signals - assuming they are for "good" of the universe and opposite of evil. I could give
so many examples of signals I've been sent, that maybe even some of you more veteran
believers on here might even question if all my examples are true. I will give you just
one example. When I first got married (and prior to) I told my wife, "I am going to get
someone to hire and pay me to move somewhere 'cool.'" We lived in western PA and
since having left my old job, there was not much going on in terms of favorable employment
for what I do. I knew WPA was lame in enticing jobs in my field, plus the weather and
overall environment, people's attitude, etc. was dreary. So, that was my plan: be paid
to move some where "cool." (My version of "cool" was some where with sunny weather
and maybe close to the ocean.) But I was getting NO WHERE in finding any work. (In case
you don't know, endlessly sending out resumes on line is likely a colossal waste of time -
depending on your area of work.)

After months and months of failing to find ANYONE who showed interest in hiring me, I found
this obscure ad that spoke to me. It said, "Looking to partner with someone, etc.) I emailed
him and he called me. Fast forward, he paid me to move to a delightful ocean community in
FL, where it is like living on an island year round, and you can - if you choose - do 95% of all
your errands, shopping etc. with a bicycle and backpack, wearing shorts and sandals all year.
(That is how I roll and it never ever gets old. I ride my bike to the grocery store about every
other day, and enjoy the experience every time.)

But, in the process of getting the job, I was, for some reason, indecisive about making the
trip for the interview. For one I had no idea how cool the town was - had no idea it was
right on the ocean. None. So, while I was procrastinating on pulling the trigger of
commitment on flights - I looked down at the flight info; it was flight 1111. I decided right
then and there that 1111 was a good thing and to follow that lead. It was one of the best
decisions of my life. We are so, so very delighted with where we live and I have since
quit the company that moved me down here and have my own biz with no boss, no
having to wear long slacks or shoes or socks or sleeves any more.

Someone knew this was a great move for me, and let me know it. I can't even grasp
what our lives would be had we not made the move. I can't even fathom it.

Any how, lengthy rant over.
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lloyd,

That sounds a great place to live, and I think it will prove important to not be dependent upon cars (fuel) in the very near future. Just organise a plot of land where you can grow some stuff, and clean water, and all is well.

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by sammy »

Hey Lloyd!

That was a REALLY cool story! I would love to live in a place like that. My husband and I spent a week on the beach in FL a few years ago and EVERYTHING was within walking distance! I LOVED IT! I would love to live in a place like that once my last son is done with school. :finger: Maybe our 1111'er friends can help my husband find a job in a wonderful place like that! :mrgreen:

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Re: Let me ask....

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lloyd,
I throughly enjoyed what you term as "your long rant." In fact, in the posting of this experience, you may give others who read it hope that all is never lost and they need not feel stuck in one dreary place or situation forever. The universe is an amazing place filled with a lot of benevolent beings and happenings we do not fully understand yet. So I thank you for sharing this as it brightened my day! :D
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Lloyd! :hithere Nice to see you here.

Love, Clare
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Re: Let me ask....

Post by lloyd »

Sandy, Sammy, Luvinlife and Geoff,

You are all so kind. I remember growing up, we'd go to the Jersey Shore
every year for one week - mom and station wagon full of 5 kids, dad
only went once and he had enough of that - not that I blame him, as we
shared the house with our cousins, with them also having 5 kids, plus
my other aunt and uncle and their two kids. Madness. But madness in a fun
way. :D

But I remember thinking that only super, super lucky people lived near
or at the shore. I thought it was something that I could never even consider.
Mean while, where we ended up makes - what I thought was idyllic - a less-
than-spectacular beach and area (being nice). I think that old, seemingly-worn-
out saying, "You can do whatever you set your mind to" true. And with the help
of our friends, no doubt. I just got back from the store, having bought stuff
to make chicken tetrazzini and - for tomorrow - lasagna. (I am making the
lasagna for friends/neighbors of ours who's dad lost his sister. I don't know
how to help people who are in grief other than provide food. That is my way
of trying to help. IF they don't have to fix/buy a meal for a few days, maybe
it helps, just a tiny bit.)

Even though it's in the 90s, it was still a pleasant bike ride and shopping experience. Having slaved in
North West PA for so long, where you get about 5 months (May, June, July, August, Sept.)
of decent weather, where it's not snowing, blowing ice or cold raining, it just never gets old here. And, to
think it was an 1111 prompt that made me stop procrastinating and book that
dang flight, or I might still be living in depression (That part of the country literally
makes people depressed, clinically - I am not joking. There have been studies on it.
Endless gray skies, cold, frigid temps can have that effect.) But, some people like it,
and to each their own. Whatever makes you happy is up for you to decide. But just
not having to even put on socks and shoes that need laced is a joy in itself. Thank
you prompt givers, if you gave me a sweet assist on this!

So, I guess my making lasagna for our friends in grief is my way of helping out the next
few days. I know, I am pretty lame. :roll
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