Paradise Trinity Day

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Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

If not already declared On High, 10-10-10 presents favorable symbolism for a Paradise Trinity Day.

Consider ...
The Urantia Book describes The Paradise Trinity in Paper 10 and Paper 58 informs us that Urantia is a decimal planet. Also, the messages of the following web pages complement a new international day of advanced spiritual awareness: ... f-10-10-10

"... the upcoming date 10-10-10 (October 10, 2010, which is written the same way in both the American calendar and the European calendar) has significant meaning."

"The message of 10-10-10 is this: You have come to a time in your life, both as an individual and collectively as the mass of humanity, whereupon change is no longer avoidable." ... s-endings/

"On Sunday we celebrate the date 10-10-10, a symbol of new beginnings that we are so ready for. We want to find a new life purpose, new relationships, new ways of being and more joy. So we welcome this opportunity with open arms and an open heart. New beginnings are available as long as we are willing to create space for them, which we do by allowing their corresponding endings to occur. Every new beginning we ask for is the door that opens when another closes. We cannot begin without also ending."

And finally, on this day of Perfect Harmony (Chinese symbolism: ... 10-10.html ),
recall that the Chinese character for the number ten 十 resembles a cross.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Shield »

Thanks for posting this Amigoo. I was having a hard time understanding what 10.10.10 was about.

Is this the start of the correcting time that the Hopi refer to? If so :sunflower: .
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »


I was just intrigued by the synchronicity of the symbolism - celebrating Paradise Trinity Day on 10-10-10 every year might have the blessings of our celestial companions. At least, the 10-10-10 symbolism has international appeal.

Regarding the "correcting time", many intuitives and seemingly unrelated groups have become aware of new energy and direction for this planet, the "sentimental shrine" of our universe. Despite the troubling dark corners of the earth, the light of Paradise is being reflected by God-knowing mortals everywhere on the planet.
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Shield »

Thanks. The part in your post "whereupon change is no longer avoidable" reminded me of the Hopi belief that those we now refer to as hippies were sent with the chance to correct world issues. They got caught up in the sex,drugs and rock n roll craze and failed in their mission.

Due to the failure humanity was given one more chance for a "period of years" to return to living as we should. With all that is happening now the "no longer avoidable" just struck me as being one more piece to the puzzle of events in the near future.

The references by me to the Hopi are from memory and I very well could be wrong but it was one of thoughts where various unrelated bits of information come together and seem to be enlightening.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

The following recent message on another site is a timely addition for this topic: ... r&Itemid=8

Monjoronson; Michael - Encouragement & Mindfulness - Oct 10, 2010


"The transformation energies on Urantia are now all in place to enact the greatest awakening of the human heart that your world and the universe has ever seen. What you are embarked upon is a thrilling adventure--changing the tide upon Urantia."


"This will help you tremendously in the times to come when the world around you seems to crumble, literally fall apart before your very eyes. This is not a time to fear, but a time to be responsive to the needs of your brothers and sisters. You are being prepared in many ways unbeknownst to you. There are spiritual and morontial energies that are coming in to you of which you are still barely conscious. "

"Sometimes during your contact with your brothers and sisters you might speak words to them that do not seem to be coming from your own mind. This is as it should be. We are training you to be more open to not only your Adjusters speaking through you, but to others who are attached to you who wish to share information. You are becoming, you might say, clear signals—conduits--of information for your brothers and sisters. Your desires to serve them open this door and then you are being encouraged to let go of what you think needs to be said in favor of what they truly need to hear or receive."
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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Wow! Thanks again for the reply and links. Lately I have found myself speaking words to people that don't seem to come from my mind. Mostly because based on the reactions I get my comments were considered politically incorrect or "insensitive".
It was to the point I have almost stopped going out to socialize and often try to avoid having any conversation on a serious current event subject since the specter of always having to be politically correct or sensitive is just draining to my energy level.

Quick example: I am not sure 100 % sure I know the correct definition of specter but that was my thought and what I typed.

Any way I hope I am doing and saying things that will :sunflower: in the end or beginning. The days we live in now seem to be both.
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

This site is a two-year collection of "spiritual light", intriguing symbolism and inspiration. The "squared circle" geometry was completed in time to allow the Free Will design to be added by 10-10-10:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Speaking of "trinity", a cube is a geometric trinity ... and here's a riddle
to introduce new perspective on our 3-dimensional world:

Early this morning, the late evening ended with mathematical humor:

According to the Scarecrow, it would take a brain to recite the following from memory:

The squared cube root of the doubled cubic volume of a cube within a circle, which cube is derived from an inscribed square within the circle, is equal to the area of the circle's square ... and no Pi is served!
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

A design change:

Some geometry prefers to speak for itself ...
and might have nothing to say.
The viewer decides.
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Another design change ( ):

On the way to a friend's house last week, I noticed a 7:07 time prompt on a clock in the van. Since 7:07 was a new prompt for me (and has not recurred since), I recognized this immediately because I had been searching for a line length of 7.07107 units in the maze of lines in the current geometry. I was then certain that 7.07107 was important to the solution, but had not found anything significant until yesterday (the actual length is 7.0710678118654752440084436210485 units for this 10" circle)

The white line of the inscribed triangle in the magenta circle has a length of 7.07107 units ... and this line length is equal to one side of an inscribed square within the circle. Proof of this geometry may be as simple as determining that the area of the blue triangle (lower right) and the magenta arc are equal - they share the same white line.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

The foundational geometry of these two images also became the designs for the "Midwayers Mug":

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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and an update on the "7:07" prompt ...

This recent geometric image, a continuation of my conjecture about two inscribed squares within a circle, is reflective of additional confirmation about that specific geometry (some lines were removed from the image for better artistic presentation).

However, the purpose of this comment is to acknowledge midwayer involvement in this personal and mostly private research. The actual geometric purpose of the 7:07 prompt was not understood until today when that same measurement led to more confirmation of the conjecture. Earlier this month, 7:07 (not a normal prompt for me) seemed to suggest the direct path to the confirmation that I was seeking.

Now, I understand that 7:07 was meant only to indicate that 7:07 (a line measurement having more decimal digits) would be involved in the final confirmation. After discovering that the confirmational geometry was not yet precise enough and then receiving several more 7:07 prompts (apparently, directing inspiration to keep looking for this measurement), the true goal of this unusual number came into view today. Validation of this geometry is still required.

I might know some day what celestial plan is unfolding, but I'm convinced that the midwayers already have full knowledge of the progress of this research and seem to appreciate the implications of its successful completion. But I'm still searching for the convincing evidence.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Sandy »

Hello Rod,
Even if I do not completely understand it, (I'm not the smartest brick in the wall) I am sure that you are being led and encouraged in these endeavors. Yep, the Midwayers know what they are doing and most certainly are excitedly standing behind you all the way as you work through the project. I am thrilled by the 7:07 revelation that aided your research!
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the comment, Sandy.

The evidence is still weak that 7:07 is a prompt for specific guidance in this research. It may simply be a familiar digit pattern because of the many times that I've seen it. And because of that familiarity the pattern (as a time display) can be used by the midwayers in their routine prompting.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

An update on the significance of the 7:07 time prompt ...

But first, here's a fascinating video on the transformation of Carbon-12 to Carbon-7. I'll need to view this several times more to comprehend the significance, but I wonder if all of the projected post-2012 changes are accurate:

My search for the meaning of 7:07, as it relates to the geometry that I'm studying, continues. I have seen a lot of confirming geometric patterns which indicate that the concept is correct (two squares inscribed within a circle can specify the "square" of the circle). Discovering the geometry which specifies the exact placement of those two squares is still the goal. I still see the x:07 time prompts occasionally, but not as often as the more frequent x:08 personal prompts.

George's recent comment about odd-numbered prompts reminded me that I also see x:01 occasionally. This prompt seems to indicate "continuing progress" ... perhaps like 1234 or 1248. As for 7:07, I could easily believe that it relates more to an unfolding process (learning better concentration for meditation?) since studying the geometry tends to keep one's mind focused for longer periods of time.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Sandy »

I throughly enjoyed that video Rod. Absolutely Fascinating! I can't wait to see what new discoveries lie in wait for us over the next dacades! Thanks for posting the URL. :)
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

"an unfolding process" may also relate to this recent prompt: x:06

I've noticed x:06 for about a month, but not daily. I'm becoming aware that it's "one of the family" of personal prompts, yet it doesn't seem to have unique significance. However, something very curious occurred today as I sat at my computer (which I do daily for hours at a time).

I had reported in the past about a particular sound pattern coming out of my computer speakers (and even heard that same pattern on my van's radio last year). Today, a short tinkling sound (a different sound pattern) caught my attention. It seemed to have a sound similar to the arrival of email (best guess).

The sound caught my attention because it had not occurred before. But I didn't concentrate on it until I became aware of a pattern in its occurrence: every 2:06 minutes (2 minutes, 6 seconds - I checked my computer's "Date and Time" Properties clock each time to note the seconds). After hearing it for an hour (the noise was soft so it wasn't much interference), I spent another hour trying to record it with a microphone attached to my computer. Since that didn't work, I wondered if the sound was not coming from the speakers. Or, if it was a Midwayer-sponsored sound, the recording of that sound might have been rendered impossible.

I soon left the room for several hours and when I returned the sound was gone. So, what would an incremental 2:06 minute prompt be trying to communicate? I'll consider this entertainment for now ... and a possible process still unfolding.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

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I should have said that the sound was occurring every two minutes on the 6-second tick of the clock.

And while I was just typing, these prompts rolled by: 12:06, 12:12, 12:21, 1234, 1248, 12:55.
Someone unseen is busy tonight.

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by happyrain »

Amigoo wrote:"an unfolding process" may also relate to this recent prompt: x:06

I've noticed x:06 for about a month, but not daily. I'm becoming aware that it's "one of the family" of personal prompts, yet it doesn't seem to have unique significance. However, something very curious occurred today as I sat at my computer (which I do daily for hours at a time).

I had reported in the past about a particular sound pattern coming out of my computer speakers (and even heard that same pattern on my van's radio last year). Today, a short tinkling sound (a different sound pattern) caught my attention. It seemed to have a sound similar to the arrival of email (best guess).

The sound caught my attention because it had not occurred before. But I didn't concentrate on it until I became aware of a pattern in its occurrence: every 2:06 minutes (2 minutes, 6 seconds - I checked my computer's "Date and Time" Properties clock each time to note the seconds). After hearing it for an hour (the noise was soft so it wasn't much interference), I spent another hour trying to record it with a microphone attached to my computer. Since that didn't work, I wondered if the sound was not coming from the speakers. Or, if it was a Midwayer-sponsored sound, the recording of that sound might have been rendered impossible.

I soon left the room for several hours and when I returned the sound was gone. So, what would an incremental 2:06 minute prompt be trying to communicate? I'll consider this entertainment for now ... and a possible process still unfolding.


:hithere thank you for sharing
i've been seeing 6:06 and last night felt a very special presence after seeing my phone with the date 12/16 and the time 12:06

thanks :)
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

This design might be the intent of the :07 prompts (the 07 is easy to identify):

This is not related, but is coincidentally amusing: the design was discovered after I had consumed seven bowls of this borscht (one per day): ... rscht.html

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »

A few numbers in the geometry (expressed as units):

Diameter of larger circle = 10
"Square"of larger circle = 8.86227
One side of square inscribed in larger circle = 7.07107

Diameter of smaller circle = 7.07107
Radius of smaller circle = 3.53554
One side of square inscribed in smaller circle = 5

Conclusion: Interesting geometry inspired by the 7:07 prompt
(7.07 was the first, numerous x:07 prompts occurred during the exploration).

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Sandy »

Hi Amigoo,
You've been a busy man. :D Well done! Did you also prepare the Borscht recipe as well? I looked over it and it does sound delicious! I can certainly see why the recipe's creators suggest help from friends and relatives when making it, though, as it is rather involved...simple... but involved. George and I just recently discovered straining plain yougurt. It makes lovely soft cheese and spreads. Of course, for now, we cannot have any of these yummy things being on the early phase of a low carb diet. :?
Thanks for sharing your work with us. :thumright:
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »


This must be a good plateau for the design exploration - 7:07 showed up tonight (I've been seeing x:07, but not 7:07 for weeks). And now 1:11 appeared as I was typing ... and 12:34 earlier in the day ... and now 1:23 when I rechecked this sentence.

Yes, work on the recipe was another outlet for creative energies. The flavors are great, especially with strained yogurt and green onions for contrast. Caution: Don't wear white when preparing this, unless you like purple polka dots. :!:

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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Sandy »

:lol: Thanks for the choice of clothing advice, Amigoo. I'm afraid I have messed up my clothing by simply opening a can of beets. They can be deadly! (but so delicious!) :lol: It sounds like a good recipe to try when it cools down in a couple months. (Today had to be close to 100 degrees F.)

I would say with no doubt from all those wonderful prompts that "someone/s" is definitely pleased with your accomplishements. ... Good feeling huh? :D
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Re: Paradise Trinity Day

Post by Amigoo »


With 20 degrees (F) outside now (10 expected tonight), 100 degrees is a pleasing thought!

I'm still being encouraged to consider that 7:07 should appear geometrically in the design (currently, 07 seems correct). This morning's prompt relating to the length of an exploratory line segment is intriguing: 1.11106 (06 is a new prompt that has been appearing occasionally for several months).

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