What 1111 means to me so far

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Master11 »

Sandy wrote:Dear Master11,
You wrote:
My question is what are we doing to help the world right now? Are we just sitting here gloating about being who we are (11ers)? Or are we down in the trenches doing the work that we were chosen to do?
That question is best asked by each individual every day as they commune with their God within. That is what our function on this board is...helping people to connect with their Celestial kin and in the process things change within in such a way that things change around them as well. Finding a rock within, One of Infinite Love and Knowledge and a Peace that is unshakeable is the greatest gift we will give ourselves. It is a gift that continues to give daily as directions and pathways often open up to allow us to use our God-given abilities most effectively.

We are more...more than what you may think we are here on the message board. We are not limited to just this friendly board. The growing list of Celestial messages George sends out daily goes to almost 10,000 people now. And Geoff spends his days not working on just one uplifting board of outreach but two along with numerous websites of information. Our aim, the Progress Group's aim isn't to sit on our hands and watch misery as we gloat about our good fortune. Our members, the people who receive the 11:11 call and others involved with the Group from college professors to doctors, therapists, farmers and retail workers, just to name a few, are all working in their own arena, working for peace working for healing in whatever way it is presented to us. We have a group of over 200 Reiki healers and distance healers applying their knowledge and skills daily on the needs that arrive...And we have seen absolute miracles!

So it is my belief that it will take all of us, doing what we are led to do to make the needed changes on this planet. We may have massive wars, famines, floods, earthquakes, and pollution shaking up our world and a fire is lite inside... and we go where we are led. But there are also broken hearts and relationships, disease of the mind and soul that eat at a person's well being as well. These needs can be found all around us...in our neighborhoods and offices..the parks and supermarkets. When we have eyes to see we have hearts that can heal with an outpouring of love. So you see being a lightworker can mean many things and we all as individuals wear many hats. As for me, I can only do what I can at this moment on this day. The needs may change and tomorrow I will adjust. What I am trying to say, is that we are all must do what we are led to do from within...Our vision may be different from anothers but that's okay...there are plenty of "jobs" to go around.

On this web board we are helping people to open the door to their own spirituality so they will better be able to help themselves as well as others to a better life in the physical and the spiritual. But this is just the tip of the iceburg as to what is going on... The world is our canvas and we are determined to paint it in harmonious colors. Hopefully all the lightworkers will make a difference. That is my deepest prayer.
God Bless you and the work that you yourself do.
Sandy, Thank you so much for the valuable response this is what I was looking for when asking that question. You have definitely answered that question with an informative summarization. Thank you for responding. I do feel like there is something great that I will do in service to 11:11 A while ago a very intelligent friend of mines said to me "I don't know what it is but you are destined for greatness" I could care less about achieving greatness. It is doing great things that I care about. The world needs us and we will be there for them. The time is near.
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Irit »

Hello Everyone,
Sandy wrote:That question is best asked by each individual every day as they commune with their God within. That is what our function on this board is...helping people to connect with their Celestial kin and in the process things change within in such a way that things change around them as well. Finding a rock within, One of Infinite Love and Knowledge and a Peace that is unshakeable is the greatest gift we will give ourselves. It is a gift that continues to give daily as directions and pathways often open up to allow us to use our God-given abilities most effectively.
I started seeing 11:11 in 2003 and it took me some time to understand what it meant until I found the Message Board! The MB was so full of information that I could not stop reading. My daily life had it's issues, as we all have, but nothing could prepare me for what was going to happen to me in the future. I went to hell and back and without the knowledge I received here, I would not of had the tools to come out of what I had to deal with. I now have a guide/teacher that I speak with and I know I am never alone.

When I am not working, I give of my time to help others on their path. For once in my life I can now say "I get it"! Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and financial devotion to this MB!

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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Master! I used to think that if I wasn't "sacrificing" or "suffering", I wasn't "helping" people. I now realize that just being kind to a stranger, a smile to someone who might need it, is making a difference in our world. When the earthquake struck Haiti, we had a member on this board who had family members there. We all came together to support, prayers and healing were "sent", and hopefully, it made a difference. Also, I believe we even had a few people on this board who actually went to Haiti to help. We each do our own part, and it's absolutely wonderful. This board is where I gather my strength, ask for help and understanding when I'm confused or just feeling down; it's also where I come to when I want to share my joy and delight when I receive a prompt or am proud of an accomplishment either by me or my children. I am so absolutely grateful to my "online family" here. I hope that you also can share in your accomplishments (or frustrations) and gather support from us!

Love, Clare
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Anthony_1111 »

Everytime I see 11:11 on my cellphone or computer or any digital clock...
I assume good things are coming my way =D. everytime i had a problem like 2 days later or maybe just one I se 11:11 almost 2 times a day, Im happy everytime I see bcuz I dont know whats coming my way, but for sure I know it's something good. :finger: I also see 11:10, 3:33 12:11 Its really weird but i feel more happy when I see 11:11.
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Geoff »

Dear Anthony,

Welcome to our site.

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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning Anthony!

Welcome from me too! I love your positive attitude along with the prompts!

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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by Seeker13 »

Dear Master11,
We are all seeking answers and many of us, myself included, get carried away from time to time. Sometimes we feel like shouting, "Why does it take so long to create change?! Why do so many have to suffer?!!! Why doesn't God just jump in and fix it? If we're given spiritual insight why don't others simply listen and accept? "

Because of free will. Every person is blessed with this undeniable right. We are all at different levels of understanding of the ways of heaven and earth. It is an individual journey of discovery. Sometimes we are presented with a clear understanding, other times we have to take several steps backward to find the path.

One thing I've realized is that there are many truths....my truth at this point in time may not be yours. What felt like the absolute truth to me in the past does not ring true today. No matter what anyone else believes, we are all trying to get to the same destination and will find different ways to get there.

Welcome to the boards,
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by luvinlife »

Kim, great post. Thank you so much. You put into words exactly what I feel and think.

Love, Clare
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Re: What 1111 means to me so far

Post by wirelessguru1 »

Seeker13 wrote:my truth at this point in time may not be yours.
Yeap. That's because we are all unique individuals or universes within a multiverse of possibilities... :D

The Invisible Universe!
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