The blue symbol

We will post here messages received about the coming of Monjoronson.
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The blue symbol

Post by SheraX »

Does Monjoronson display the same blue symbol that I read that Archangel Micheal wears?

The reason I offense is meant by this. Everything new I start to learn or get interested in. I pray to God and ask him to show me what I am doing is his will and it is from him. I don't want to offend any one and I don't think any one is a liar or is doing anything wrong,its just in the end of my decision.I want it to all be me...also for people can't say,You are just being controled by man and you are listening to what they say... Hope I am not comming arcoss rude?

Threw my silent prayer I did ask God to let me know if Monjoronson is from him. Well,I was shown that blue symbol and I felt God told me all is ok,I am still on the right path. Sigh I do forget some...I didn't journal it. :roll:

I felt a very strong presence in my room. The awesome-ness of all of this,is never ending!

Thankyou God once again!
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Post by nasra1996 »

There's nothing wrong with asking questions Sherax.... :)

That's a good question, i cannot remember either why the Concentric circles are associated with Christ Michael.. i thought they symbolized the Paradise Trinity...?
The banner of Michael is the material emblem of the Trinity government of all creation, three azure blue concentric circles on a white background.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Sherry,

This is Michael's universe, and it is his banner. Monjoronson works alongside, perhaps even nominally under Michael, so his banner would be appropriate, I believe. I don't think Monjoronson would be about creating his own banner.

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Post by SheraX »

Sherry? Who's Sherry? :lol: :wink: :wink:

Thanks Geoff *hugs*

I was just wondering if it would be better to take this question to the other site,I assume its ok to start topics here?
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Post by SheraX »

I just re-read a topic,I see its ok to start more topics here... O don't mind moi..

:oops: 8) WHIST
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Post by Geoff »

SheraX wrote:Sherry? Who's Sherry? :lol: :wink: :wink:

Thanks Geoff *hugs*

I was just wondering if it would be better to take this question to the other site,I assume its ok to start topics here?
Dear Heather,


I am a bit old to remember all the names right all the time. :cry:

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Post by SheraX »

Hehehe its ok :)

Heather xo
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Post by doctorchispas »

I just spent the last 20 minutes composing one of those "Don't ask" questions. But I erased it. It came out of a google search for the name "Monjoronson" who I have never heard of, even though I have an longtime interest in metaphysics (circa 1950s).
This particualr website was supposedly a communication from the above mentioned that says two thirds of the population is going to be wiped out, the word used is decimated.
OK. I'm curious. Obviously I have missed something. Help me.

If you want to do it in a PM, feel free.
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Dear fellow lightworkers and other readers,

I have decided to remove the transmission:
Monjoronson + Michael : Re: Planetary Changes, July 29, 2006, since I do not think the text brings anything good to this world.

I posted it because I wrongly thougth it could contribute to someting positive and because it would help me understand the 11ers task.

BUT, I have realized that reading about an apocalype will bring us to an apocalypse. This is a personal belief. I am truely sorry for bringing up the subject in the way I did. It was an impulsive act of fear, not reason.

If we focus on a great future for this planet and ALL of humanity,
and if we all let this thought plant itself in our hearts, I do think we have a great future.

LOVE Maria
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Post by doctorchispas »

This transcript is like the one I read on another website..
My reaction to it was similiar to the one I had many years ago when I was living in San Francisco. A group of people rang my door bell and I answered it.
Upon opening the door I was asked the question "Are you a Christian?"
I said "No, I am a Buddhist." Which I was at that time.
They proceeded to tell me about their church and how everyone was going to hell if they did not believe what they did.
After awhile they gave me some literature and left. I was quite curious about this group. I had heard of them before and they frequented the streets of downtown SF, passing out tracts.
I have a book put out by the American Council of Churches which lists all the denominations in the US and Canada. In the book is a short blurb about their belief system. contact information and statistical numbers as to how many members they have worldwide.
This particular church had a total of a little over three million.
For the sake of arguement, let say it was three million exactly. The world population at that time was approaching 6 billion. So lets say the exact total population was 6 billion, three million - the three million representing this church.
Here logic escapes me. My question was this. What kind of a God whould destroy 6 billion of his/her creations and save only this three million?
It is questions like this that will surely send me to hell in the end times, if all of this is true.
I adhere to the teaching of the Independentt Catholic church, This is kinda like the Eastern Orthodox churches who does not follow the pope in Rome. I am not a pope kinda person - although I am a Mother Thresea freak, I occasionly pray to Padre Pio, and I have many pictures of Mary and the Virgin of Guadalupe hanging all over my workplace - study.
So does this mean I am one of the six billion headed for the firey furnace?
Well, I doubt because I don't believe in that kind of hell. So, who knows?
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Post by doctorchispas »

I have just finished downloading a public domain copy of the original Urantia book.
Will someone who is familiar with this book please direct me to the relevant sections regarding the above inquiries.
Thank you
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hi DC.... Monjoronson is not mentioned in the Urantia book, only through the Teaching Missions.. He is known in the Urantia book as the Magisterial Son, Jesus is also known as a Creator Son.

As far as i am aware the Urantia book does not mention the "correcting time"... i believe that is a product of the Teaching missions too... but the book does talk of something a little similar; the era of Light and Life...

line 27: The age of light and life is the final evolutionary attainment of a world of time and space. From the early times of primitive man, such an inhabited world has passed through the successive planetary ages--the pre- and the post-Planetary Prince ages, the post-Adamic age, the post-Magisterial Son age, and the postbestowal Son age. And then is such a world made ready for the culminating evolutionary attainment, the settled status of light and life, by the ministry of the successive planetary missions of the Trinity Teacher Sons with their ever-advancing revelations of divine truth and cosmic wisdom. In these endeavors the Teacher Sons enjoy the assistance of the Brilliant Evening Stars always, and the Melchizedeks sometimes, in establishing the final planetary age.

line 28: This era of light and life, inaugurated by the Teacher Sons at the conclusion of their final planetary mission, continues indefinitely on the inhabited worlds. Each advancing stage of settled status may be segregated by the judicial actions of the Magisterial Sons into a succession of dispensations; but all such judicial actions are purely technical, in no way modifying the course of planetary events.

line 29: Only those planets which attain existence in the main circuits of the superuniverse are assured of continuous survival, but as far as we know, these worlds settled in light and life are destined to go on throughout the eternal ages of all future time.

line 30: There are seven stages in the unfoldment of the era of light and life on an evolutionary world, and in this connection it should be noted that the worlds of the Spirit-fused mortals evolve along lines identical with those of the Adjuster-fusion series. These seven stages of light and life are:

line 47: The presence of a morontia temple at the capital of an inhabited world is the certificate of the admission of such a sphere to the settled ages of light and life. Before the Teacher Sons leave a world at the conclusion of their terminal mission, they inaugurate this final epoch of evolutionary attainment; they preside on that day when the "holy temple comes down upon earth." This event, signalizing the dawn of the era of light and life, is always honored by the personal presence of the Paradise bestowal Son of that planet, who comes to witness this great day. There in this temple of unparalleled beauty, this bestowal Son of Paradise proclaims the long-time Planetary Prince as the new Planetary Sovereign and invests such a faithful Lanonandek Son with new powers and extended authority over planetary affairs. The System Sovereign is also present and speaks in confirmation of these pronouncements.

line 61: Natural, physical death is not a mortal inevitability. The majority of advanced evolutionary beings, citizens on worlds existing in the final era of light and life, do not die; they are translated directly from the life in the flesh to the morontia existence.

line 63: Farther along in the era of light and life the midway creatures or their associates sense the approaching status of probable soul-Adjuster union and signify this to the destiny guardians, who in turn communicate these matters to the finaliter group under whose jurisdiction this mortal may be functioning; then there is issued the summons of the Planetary Sovereign for such a mortal to resign all planetary duties, bid farewell to the world of his origin, and repair to the inner temple of the Planetary Sovereign, there to await morontia transit, the translation flash, from the material domain of evolution to the morontia level of prespirit progression.

line 65: Many fusion candidates may be assembled in the spacious temple at the same time. And what a beautiful occasion when mortals thus forgather to witness the ascension of their loved ones in spiritual flames, and what a contrast to those earlier ages when mortals must commit their dead to the embrace of the terrestrial elements! The scenes of weeping and wailing characteristic of earlier epochs of human evolution are now replaced by ecstatic joy and the sublimest enthusiasm as these God-knowing mortals bid their loved ones a transient farewell as they are removed from their material associations by the spiritual fires of consuming grandeur and ascending glory. On worlds settled in light and life, "funerals" are occasions of supreme joy, profound satisfaction, and inexpressible hope.

line 71: Mortal observers can see nothing of their translated associates subsequent to the fusion flash. Such translated souls proceed by Adjuster transit direct to the resurrection hall of the appropriate morontia-training world. These transactions concerned with the translation of living human beings to the morontia world are supervised by an archangel who was assigned to such a world on the day when it was first settled in light and life.

line 72: By the time a world attains the fourth stage of light and life, more than half the mortals leave the planet by translation from among the living. Such diminishment of death continues on and on, but I know of no system whose inhabited worlds, even though long settled in life, are entirely free from natural death as the technique of escape from the bonds of flesh. And until such a high state of planetary evolution is uniformly attained, the morontia-training worlds of the local universe must continue in service as educational and cultural spheres for the evolving morontia progressors. The elimination of death is theoretically possible, but it has not yet occurred according to my observation. Perhaps such a status may be attained during the faraway stretches of the succeeding epochs of the seventh stage of settled planetary life.

line 80: During this age of light and life the world increasingly prospers under the fatherly rule of the Planetary Sovereign. By this time the worlds are progressing under the momentum of one language, one religion, and, on normal spheres,

line 85: Human government in the conduct of material affairs continues to function throughout this age of relative progress and perfection. The public activities of a world in the first stage of light and life which I recently visited were financed by the tithing technique. Every adult worker--and all able-bodied citizens worked at something--paid ten per cent of his income or increase to the public treasury, and it was disbursed as follows:

line 94: Nevertheless, there is a certain, inevitable penalty attaching to mortal existence on such advanced evolutionary planets. When a settled world progresses beyond the third stage of light and life, all ascenders are destined, before attaining the minor sector, to receive some sort of transient assignment on a planet passing through the earlier stages of evolution.

line 108: The great handicap confronting Urantia in the matter of attaining the high planetary destiny of light and life is embraced in the problems of disease, degeneracy, war, multicolored races, and multilingualism.

line 120: 1. The first stage of light and life. A world in this initial settled stage is being administered by three rulers:

line 126: In the third and subsequent stages, some of the midwayers are still functioning, chiefly as contact personalities for the finaliters, but as each stage of light and life is entered, new orders of liaison ministers largely replace the midwayers; very few of them ever remain beyond the fourth stage of light. The seventh stage will witness the coming of the first absonite ministers from Paradise to serve in the places of certain universe creatures.

line 127: 2. The second stage of light and life. This epoch is signalized on the worlds by the arrival of a Life Carrier who becomes the volunteer adviser of the planetary rulers regarding the further efforts to purify and stabilize the mortal race. Thus do the Life Carriers actively participate in the further evolution of the human race--physically, socially, and economically. And then they extend their supervision to the further purification of the mortal stock by the drastic elimination of the retarded and persisting remnants of inferior potential of an intellectual, philosophic, cosmic, and spiritual nature. Those who design and plant life on an inhabited world are fully competent to advise the Material Sons and Daughters, who have full and unquestioned authority to purge the evolving race of all detrimental influences.

line 133: 3. The third stage of light and life. During this epoch the inhabited worlds arrive at a new appreciation of the Ancients of Days, the second phase of God the Sevenfold, and the representatives of these superuniverse rulers enter into new relationships with the planetary administration.
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the Correction Time

Post by Maria L »

Dear Sarah,
Thank you so much. You are so nice and helpful.
I have edited this post as well.

I am so sorry, I truely am. It was never my intention create more fear, but as I can see now, that was the results of my posts. An absolute contra-produtive act.

Love and light and happy thoughts - is all that counts!!!!
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Post by nasra1996 »

Hiya Maria,

I'm no expert but i remember George discussing this last year, i think i remember him saying that these disasters will be natural ones... floodings etc.. probably brought on by ourselves, not from God.. suppose the earth needs to heal herself from all the damage, she is like a living organism. Perhaps things will get worse before they get better huh :? :)

Sorry, wait for George to answer... :roll: :D

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Post by AJ »

Hi all. If there is to be an apocolypse here on earth it will not be because of what our creator will or will not allow, it will be up to man's free will. It is my understanding that if man wants to destroy himself and his world around him (notice all the masculine pronouns here because I do not believe women would allow this to happen) then the creator would not interfere because this goes completely against the concept of free will. How can we be free if some God or Angel would come along and just wipe away the mistake that we made. So if an apocolypse is in our cards and seen by the community of angels and what not I highly doubt they would stop it from occurring. They may warn us so we can be prepared so as to try to survive such an event and help others to survive but I doubt they would interfere in what we have decided to do to us and others around us.
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Dear Sarah,

I thank you for your answer.

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Post by nasra1996 »

Thanks Maria.

AJ, i remember George saying that the cellestials would step in if we were going to totally self destruct, they would assist, even if that means having to inhabit a new planet in our local universe.

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I could see them stepping in to collecting those of us who were lucky enough to move on with them. I am saying that they would not step in to stop some biological or nuclear war brought on by loveless greedy people in the world hell bent on money and power. We should be the ones to rise up against these types of people and take their power away by not giving them power. The onus is on us. Is all I am saying. Now sure if some universal event was coming like a comet or gamma burst or solar change then absolutely but then again I am sure that there have been numerous global catastrophes in the past that have wiped out a ton of life on this planet so now in a sense I have confused myself.

GEORGE? What do you know about past global killers like comets or supervolcanoes and how it relates to past man and urantia???
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Post by doctorchispas »

All of this end time talk was vaguely familiar so I did a little research last night starting with the word "rapture" (circa 1835).
From there I went to the Wikipedia articles about Doctor William S. Sadler and Doctor Kellogg (the cornflakes guy). Both were Seventh Day Adventist at one time. And the home office of the 7th day people was Battle Creek, Mich - home of Kellogg and Sadler. The article on Ellen White, the prophet of the 7th day is also interesting.
You can read the Wikipedia articles about them and decide if it sounds like something you have heard before.
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""At the 2008 Eden Event, we will be given an unparalleled opportunity to co-create "the first vibrations of Peace" upon our Earth by bringing in the Divine Masculine into Oneness with the Divine Feminine (The Grandmother Spirit and the Grandfather Spirit, or Shekinah and Metatron). But that must come through humanity....""
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Post by George »

AJ writes:
GEORGE? What do you know about past global killers like comets or supervolcanoes and how it relates to past man and urantia???
Not much. I do know the Midwayers consider the doom and gloom of the Teaching Mission to be a kind of virus, and for us to stay away from that stuff.

we will not be posting ANY transmits from anywhere other than our own, deleting all outside work.

I think the term Bzutu used was contamination.

I'll post it.

God bless........
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Post by Sandy »

Hi, I am almost never in this forum for some reason, I guess I just about never have time to get here, but you all are talking about something that has been on my mind a bit lately. First...I believe that Dr. Sadler and Kellog and their "onetime" choice of religion have little bearing on Monjoronson at this late date. Those two men have been long dead and they would never have dreamed that the adjudication of the Lucifer rebellion was a few short decades away. They were not privy to that information. In fact, it seems even though many Celestials speculated, that it was immaninent few knew the exact time... What they, these men, did deliver, along with the Celestials involved, and the revolving 200 members of the forum... was a text. A beginning of sorts.. what they, the Celestials, did not desire was the Urantia book to become another 'sacred book." It was never supposed to be held aloft for all time because as mankind grows and takes his place as members of a cosmic community "Truths" will emerge. To stay rooted in one place with one book is stagnation in the views, anyway.
Anyway, what I am trying to get around to in my long drawn out way is these new Monjoronson messages spelling doom and gloom... I cannot believe they are accurate. If you read the early lessons from the Teaching mission, they seem to encourage changing the world through love and service. Changing ourselves first by drawing closer to our God within, our TA. By working with a Particle of the Creator, we are better able to work, to help, to inspire, to love.
Imaptience is rampant on our world....Everyone wants change on this world and Now! Who wants to wait and do it the long way? :( wouldn't it be easier to have some great disaster do the work for us! I detest this line of thinking. Because it totally ignores the fact that there will be misery for millions of people. That is unexceptable! Is that the plan of a loving God?
It is puzzeling because wonderful long time receivers,... some of them are channeling this.... Our world is a young world and has a history of geographic upheavels... but I will never believe that God would initiate it. Bad things happen. God helps us strength, love, and knowledge to get through it.

As for Monjoronson, I do not know him well. I tend to gravitate toward Michael. But in one message that George was in the process of receiving from him over two years ago, I am ashamed to say that I lost it, and went into a tirade. I yelled at Monjoronson and told him life on this planet is rough! ( In no uncertain terms) Not a place anyone would want to get "their Paradise jollies!" (it was a very bad day :oops: )
Of course, the message was cut short and I felt deep remorse. A couple days later I was laying on my bed, thinking about what I had done and I began to pray to God. In tears I expressed my grief and remorse. Then I began speaking out loud to Monjoronson. I told him how very sorry I was...and then I felt him! A strong loving presence I had never felt before. I knew he was with me and I knew I was loved and forgiven for my callous words. I have enormous respect for Monjoronson. But for me it will always be business as usual changing this world the only way I know how, "one person at a time." I can't do that and worry about some future calamity. I will stay in the present where life is truly happening.
It isn't about end talk here dear doctor. I am sorry if that is what you garnered ...and we can't base all our information about something as vast as the Ubook on wikepedia articles. Nor can you base the history of this vast book on these condensed and sometimes religion biased articles. The Urantia book in my opinion should be read and thoughtfully considered before a person earns the right to imply inudindos. Then they will have at least come from deep searching and thoughtful contemplations.

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Post by George »

Hi AJ,

This is the transmit and I bolded the relevant parts.

Illawarra District, Australia, June 15, 2008.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22).
Subject: “Stay with the Project.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “There is a tendency for you to consider your body and your brain and see them as material. There is a tendency for you to think of your mind, your soul, and indeed, even your thoughts as totally abstract concepts. That is not how we see it. We see you clearly, your body, your brain, your mind and your soul, which we Midwayers call the mid mind. Indeed on occasions we get to see your Thought Adjuster as well, because always, before we begin to speak with you, we are present for a moment to take our bow to the Mighty Indweller that is your Guide, your Gift from the Creator of All, your Thought Adjuster.

“In this short talk we want you to become aware of the fact that your mind and your soul, and indeed, also your thoughts, are material of a kind. Your thoughts are pure energy. They are created by your mind and brain, and they ricochet throughout the universe, unbeknownst to us, unless we are ‘let in’ by your Destiny Guardians in an emergency, or by your approval for us to monitor your thinking.

“There is much in the way of unrest. We have already gone through the business of a so-called explosion of Jupiter that would destroy our earth prior to the ending of last year. We are presently learning about hurricanes and twisters. We are learning about lava streams and poisonous gases fouling the air. We are learning about melting ice caps, floods all around, and land subsiding and disappearing into oceans. If these are predictions, fully-known facts, there need to be certain, specific dates. We haven’t heard about any precise dates. It is all news to us, your Midwayers.

“And so my dear friends, I am advising you, and every immediate member of this progress group that you, and the Midwayers together, shall conduct business as usual. Indeed there will be floods. There will be earthquakes. There will be poisonous gases and erupting volcanoes, and we ask you, ‘What is new on this planet?’ She is a young world. She still needs to settle down.

“We liken the situation as it is at present; your mindal apparitions, your thoughts, your discussions, portents of trauma and misery, as coming from many quarters representing a massive big orchestra. Almost all the members of which play their instruments in tune, whilst merely a few here and there play their violins, their trombones, their trumpets -- and some beating their drums -- to a different tune. This is causing a cacophony of ugly sounds and a resulting unrest.

“Do not be misled from your task of teaching your friends how to get in touch with us, how to conduct two-way conversations with us, how to entice their Spirit Indwellers to also communicate with them. This is your task, our task. Stay with it. The world is not going to come to an end in a great big hurry.

“You were educated and kept safe under our wings for a prolonged period of time in order to achieve that which you are now working on. Stay with the project. We will give you no traumatic predictions of a dire future to come. All is well. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu providing you with this message from Prince Machiventa.”

George: “Thank you Chief.”
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Thanks George and

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Post by Maria L »

Dear George and Sandy,

Thank you for the clarification about TM, and thank you for posting Midwayer Chief Bzutu.

Love Maria

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