Being Paralyzed

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Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Hello members of the 1111 team.
I am hoping you can help with with my spiritual dilemma.
Throughout my life...I was having several types of contact with the spirit world and now it has stopped. I use to have regular visitors in the middle of the night and early morning of angels or ascended masters and or ET’s. I would see them many times with both my spiritual eyes and my humans eyes and I would hear their voices inside my head or just outside my left ear. I also use to be able to astral project out of my body and fly over the landscape or up and outside the solar system. I would also visit various places around my house, neighborhood and friends or go to what i believed was an ET space craft and observe what they were doing. I was abducted by aliens several times. Many of these times i woke up on their craft and would watch what they were doing and have minor communication with them. A few years ago a small spirit or ET gave me a painful touch with a probe between my eyes. Since then i have not been able to astral project out of my body and was not able to see the spirit world anymore. I was very frustrated, angry and depressed! it made my work and family life very challenging. I was angry with God. After a couple years and alot of meditation, praying and visual healing my clairaudio and sentient feelings came back to me. and once in awhile my spiritual vision. in the past couple years now i have still not been able to astral project or see my spirit guides or angels…but some other form of beings not human, have been showing up. I sense their presence in the middle of the night or very early morning, Some times can see them. they are grey shadowy Human figures that stand at the side of my bed or at the foot of my bed. (not like Grey ETs). They touch me with thier fingers on the side of the neck and paralyze me! Then they disappear. This stops my spiritual visual and audio capabilities and numbs my neck the most and the rest of my body follows so that i can barely move! I fight it and become very angry! I have to will my self to move and wiggle and squirm and imagine the divine light coming down from heaven to heal and and release the paralysis. after about 20 to 30 mins I can move again…But it takes several days to do meditation, yoga and praying to my spirit guides and the holy spirit to get my spiritual senses back in order, and all my energy flowing properly thru my chakras. This continues to make me very angry and depressed. Still I have no direct communication with my angelic friends for the last few years. I dont understand whats going on ? What is happening to me? Why am I being paralyzed and tested? And or mistreated by some evil forces? I lead a good well meaningful life as an aerospace engineer and father of a family. I love god and I’m involved with church and community events. I also am an avid reader of the book of Urantia and your books as well.
Please advise me if you can?
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Amigoo »


Very interesting reading (and a bit lengthy), but probably physical manifestations of spirtuality that are important to you, yet not typical of most people who share on 1111angels. Also, having studied the Urantia Book 40 years, I'm certain that these experiences, especially as related to angels, are not mentioned in the UB.

Best guess: Less expectation of such physical manifestations may promote the desired well-being. :finger:

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

hi starborn,

welcome to the message board. i do believe your anger with god and this paralysis are misdirected. your experiences are beautiful. recently my friend messaged me and shared his sleep paralysis with me. i found myself excited for him, fascinated by his visuals and happy i could relate something back. i also found myself missing the many times i too would have these opportunities for astral projection. i have never gotten as far as you, consciously. it would seem that i could never make it past the stars without falling into a dream.

for my self, i have no one to blame but my self. as i began to understand hypnagogia a little better, i understood i would have to practice a little discipline in order to carry my experiments further. did you know it isn't uncommon to have multiple dreams in a night? most people are lucky to remember just one. well, i woke up from a dream just today and i believe it has led me here to your post. in it, i vaguely remember deciding to send my self up to the stars. this time, it wasn't as slow and concrete of an experience but it happened irregardless.

i probably should have mentioned i used to get sleep paralysis quite regularly in my early years. like you, i would hear the tonal effects and i too had trace clairaudience that would allow me to communicate with somethings on the other side. i would learn how sleep paralysis was the opportunity for astral projection, and now i have to tell you when i first experienced the paralysis how fearful i was for feeling so vulnerable and not understanding what was going on. the things i would attract almost always left me angry, yelling and having to fight to break free from the paralysis.

take what you can from this, i am sure there are differences in our experiences. still, i think there is something here for you. i believe you have a personal power that no one thing outside yourself- in the physical or spiritual realm can rob you of. god is always with you. have faith in this. whether these moments of yours came without effort or not, i can't say. but i believe you can reclaim your power and direct your consciousness wherever you wish it. i also think anger is not the way to do it. at least, not an anger that is misdirected. i am kind of seeing it like a child who is born with innate abilities who loses the muscle memory over time for not practicing the instrument in his later years. at least, maybe this is my problem. then there is the question of, how used to these experiences have we become, how often are they happening versus what we're able to recall? just some idea's.

i picked up a little trick online when researching how to break free from the paralysis. it is very simple and has had a 100% success rate. if you ever want to break free you can calm your self in the moment and direct your awareness to your big toe. you can tell your self you are going to wiggle the toe and with a gentle will power, you wiggle your toe. once you do this, your body begins to wake up and your awareness aligns itself with your body.

reclaim your power, you don't need to blame anything or anyone. you still have strong abilities. it may be time to take a more analytical approach to understanding your experiences.

best of luck to you! i hope something in here rings true. :sunny:
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Thanks for all your Feedback. I am new to this 1111 Message Board and was not sure how to introduce myself.I first mailed this long message to George a few months ago...and then Posted as private messages to the Admins of the this Group / Board..seeking advice on how to handle this issue but got no responses. So I then tried to post the same message on the forum for Sleep Paralysis but it got rejected. So I'm glad I got thru to a few of you in this forum. I do realize this is an extremely unusual experience...being physically touched and paralyzed by an alien / celestial being? So I am very confused about whats happening to me. Its nothing like I experienced in the past when I had contact with either aliens or celestials. My past experiences are similar to what is posted in most of these forums. I will try all your recommendations and keep you posted of any new developments.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Seeker13 »

I'm so sorry you've had such difficulties finding information and answers on the board. As you've probably figured out George has been critically ill for some time and has recently passed away. Your post has been passed on to a fellow member who may have some advice for you.

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Geoff »

Hi starborn,

I am sorry you had no responses. I can go see who is set up as the admin contact on this board, but I can assure you its not me at the moment. George has been very ill culminating in his death recently. He is a very big loss and he may have been able to get directly to the bottom of this. I can only offer my perceptions.

My perceptions are:

There are aliens here.

They seem to make decisions that we would probably not. I don't know why that is. But I am pretty sure they have rules and we do not have any here who break those rules. I have a strong feeling they do not want you astral travelling around them. Specifically why not? I don't know. But it looks like they are determined to detune your gifts without actually injuring you. I would warn against pushing your luck with them. I read where a fellow that did so was nearly killed. You may be aware that the US military do astral travel and remote view so it could be the aliens are a bit skittish.

Only you can decide how you can use your gifts but leave them well alone. I would seek I think to establish a "treaty". If they leave you alone, you will leave them alone? You can ask your guides to protect you as well as warn you if you are in danger of breaking this "treaty."

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Geoff »

So I then tried to post the same message on the forum for Sleep Paralysis but it got rejected.
Just to clarify for others here, we do not have a "Sleep Paralysis" forum (so this was not posted here) and we don't moderate each post once you have had your first post accepted.

I changed George's board email to my email and then found I was getting five spam messages a day through the "Contact us" feature. So I have now disabled this. Users can contact any other user once logged in, but I cant be bothered to allow people (spammers) who are not members to send me spam emails.

I don't think its a big deal for non-members ie guests to not be able to contact anyone.

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Another episode of sleep paralysis...
010521…5am woke up feeling the holy spirit moving inside me and dreamed about a bright light moving from my heart upward thru my throat into my 3rd eye chakra…there it rested for awhile i saw 4 symbols around the light that i did not recognize. this was a bright white light…not like the golden light of the holy spirit that come from above. i focused in my dream to see the images of the 4 symbols around the light but could not get closer to examine them…it was like i was becoming sleep paralyzed again. the numbness flowed thru my head and neck into my body. then a piercing beam of light came from the image in my mind thru my skull into my brain and towards to back of my head!. I was extreemly painful! i heard and felt what sounded like crackles or crunches inside my head. as i cried out in pain “What is happening to me?” “Why are you doing this to me?”…then the light stopped and disappeared out of my head. I had to lay still for awhile and meditate and the Golden healing light from heaven to come down over my body all the way down thru my toes inorder to get moving again. but even after 3 hours later the pain in my head was still great and hard to i have to take some medicine to help it stop so i could get back to functioning semi-normally for the days business. Then at 8:15am when typing this message in my journal on my computer a very long soft music tone came into my right ear and lasted for a few minutes. the tone was pleasant and was a high pitched but not to loud as to stop my typing. I made me feel better…and calmer like god or the angels heard my prayers for healing and were answering me? this is the third time something like this has happend to me. I feel like i will have this headach all day…but now the pain is more tolerable. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

hey again, so happy to see you recording your experiences. and i'm glad you're alright.

i hope the admins don't mind but i'd recommend perusing It's a way to get involved with people that experience similar, and may help you understand your own experiences better.

i think they're beautiful moments you'll come to appreciate. the reason i recommend the site is because of others who report similar noises, and physical sensations.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Hello and Peace to everyone following this discussion thread,
I have some updates to my condition and contact experiences. In February I did as Geoff recommended and meditated and tried to make peace with any extraterrestrial beings that i may have offended and projected to them that i would no longer interfere with their activities if they did not bother me any more. For now it seems to be working and i have not had any beings appearing to touch me on the neck and paralyze me at all. But of the past couple months my throat became really sore and swollen and my blood pressure was rising. So I visited doctors for this issue and after a few different tests they found my thyroid was very swollen with nodes growing on it that were pushing against the arteries in my neck. I am now scheduled for a biopsy next week. Somehow I feel this issue is related to the beings touching my neck and paralyzing me? Still not sure if what they did to me was for good or bad? After discovering this thyroid issue i began to pray and meditate to God and my Angelic friends for healing.
here is what happened a few days ago....
After hearing soft tones on my RH ear earlier in the evening I was awakened during the night about 2:30am feeling the presence of a holy spirit that filled me with warm fuzzy beautiful healing energy that felt so wonderful and put me in a state if bliss. As I began to become fully awake and full of energy and small voice inside me told me "Stay quiet and relax and listen to your breathing and heartbeat... and just let the feelings flow with out reacting to them…just feel and enjoy". I did as requested and asked the voice what its name was?…and I got the feeling and response that is was my divine mentor?…Thought Adjustor? higher Self?…bit the voice came from inside me where the spirit was resonating inside my body and not above my head or outside my RH or LH ear…like I usually hear it?. so I stayed relaxed and peaceful and let the feelings flow and experienced the Peace the surpasses understanding talked about in the bible book of Philippians chapter4. I felt the presence was divine and my connection with God and it stayed with me thru-out the next day and the next night. I believe it healed my chakras of the heart, throat and minds eye and the top of my head ?. especially radiating energy and heat out of my heart and throat!.This helped give me confidence, in my self and knowing the God is with me and that my body is a temple of God. I hope this experience will heal my thyroid? Time will tell...
thanks in advance for any prayers you may give me...
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

hey starborn! so happy to be following you and all your updates! :) really cool what you've shared so far!

i think what you're feeling to be the truth, is your truth!

all i ask is to consider your physical apparatus just as sacred, a gift rather, and am curious if you've looked into this- IRON AND THYROID RELATIONSHIP. ???

It's what seems to be yelling at me as I try to read what you're posting. I don't know your gender- male or female, or whether you're eating too much of something or what supplements you might or might not be taking...

I just found this and thought it might be worth sharing- if you think I am wrong, so be it!! ... lationship

Thanks for the update! I am truly impressed- the bliss that transcends the *NEED FOR REASON* is something beautiful.

My kind regards dear friend!!

Your curious observer, and my deepest blessings.

~Happy Rain =)
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Sandy »

Hello starborn, ( I do love your name)

I was tingling all over reading about your enlightening experience. This is one of the most special things that can occur for us humans and many things can happen not the least of which is healing. So I hope and pray your thyroid issue is being corrected.
An ever growing closeness with our TA's is what we all desire most even if we don't realize it yet... ;) :happy

Thank you for sharing this experience with us. I have found it has really made me feel real joy tonight.(something much needed in these quarters.) :D

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Wenebojo »

When we sense an attack by some rebellious celestials. We're suppose to say out loud," by the power of God in me begone !" Our Father fragment is just that and not some little tinker bell they can ignore. They will scatter like the little gremlins they are.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Thanks to all of you guys for these helpful hints on how to handle spiritual encounters.....for along time I stopped trying to communicate with the spirit world... due to many negative encounters....until recently i started listening to George Bernard and his 11:11 construct meditations again. Soon after that I started hearing tones in my RH ear again...and twice during recent afternoon that evening.. I sensed the presence of a strong spirit who seemed to stand near my RH side and identified himself as “The Christ”. This spirit then attach himself to my RH side and spoke thru my inner self. His energy was strong and confident and somewhat exhilarating. this spirit did not seem too pushy so I let it stay and communicate for awhile. He gave me dreams of flying thru space from place to place instantly like the angels perform some form of spiritual warfare on beings or spirits that are harming innocent women and children?. I told this being that I serve the Triune GOD of Paradise in heaven and i would only attempt to do this if it was with his plan for the following missions in my life. My sleep was bit rough that night because i began to feel this spirit was not the Christ Michael that gave me salvation. So the next day after breakfast i began too get the feeling again that this spirit wanted to communicate with me more about how to do spiritual warfare and he also began to give me energy sensations around my body to heal my various ailments. I was busy for the day so i just went with the feeling for awhile…later in the afternoon i began to get worried about these new feelings of power and strength and desires to be more of a spiritual worrier because it was not with the feeling of love and hope and humility that I know so well from the real Christ and savior. These feelings were of POWER and EGO and Pride. A forceful conquering will to use spiritual gifts for your or my own purpose. So later that evening i took time to rest and meditate on the spirit pretense… and really see what is at the heart of his presence and why its desire to be here? i grounded myself, meditated and visualized him and my self in the Astral world or 4th dimension face to face having a discussion of beliefs and desire and goals. He was like a christ figure with typical hair beard robes and stature of a Christ image. but did not seem to show the loving energy of a real Christ and had an Ego with over confident attitude. So I called on the Holy Spirit, my guardian angels and the real Chris Michael son of god to come and be with me. I then sensed and inwardly felt the presence of love and light and life and inner peace come to me…that reassured me the this spirit was not a christ being at all. so I told this being the real Christ is about LOVE and giving and sharing Hope to others to give them inner peace and salvation. …and that He who calls himself "The Christ" was not like that and should leave me now! ….so the spirit left me and i feel its energy depleted thru out my body and it came out of my right hip and i was alone at peace again the with holy spirit filling my hart and chest with love.
Amen to that business! Any thoughts as to what type of spirit or being this fake Christ was?
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

Hi starborn, it's nice to see your post. What a ride you went through. And amazing ability to discern. There are some good things to have come from this experience-
You are learning about the tones in your ears, the energy moving through you, and your desire for selfless love and experiencing inner peace.

That's real gold. Considering this presence left you when you asked, and considering you were graced by a far superior energetic experience... I think that spirit-encounter was a lesson.

There is no feeling quite like it... I never want to leave when I experience that inner-peace, completely whole in the moment, so close to our Beloved God- everything perfect as is. Interacting with another feels divine in nature, like genuine service to the creator. That transcendental love is the place I hope we may all reside.

Thank you for sharing the lesson with us.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

Starborn, I want to share an experience I think you helped spur.

Last night I felt I had some "snooping visitors" in my dreams.

They were all children, and I dreamt it was dark out and around 3AM. They were huddled up around my front door. They didn't realize I was standing on the other side. The door was wobbly like they were clamoring each other curious who would be brave enough to go in first. I opened the door and grabbed on by the arm. I pulled him in and shut the others out. :lol: I said, "There, now you're in. Now what? I think it's time to go home." I opened the door and all the kids ran away- some frightened, some laughing. All but one Indian boy was left asking me, "Why should I?" but I had him go regardless.

I kind of chuckle thinking on it.

Folks at this time are saying we should only have a welcome mat to the Beings aligned with the Love you are describing. Anything else can go about its merry way.

But... I question if what we're facing is actually an aspect of ourselves?

I've faced aggressive entities on rare occasion and every time I later realize the experience as an aspect of my self. One night I was ill-prepared. I prayed to Christ Michael for help and immediately archangel Raphael came in and neutralized the entire environment. Not even my fear was left after he came. All that was left was the energetic residue of his being, which were the colors - gold, green and purple often associated with Him. I can say, he didn't have a human appearance but a giant alien head looking at me rather curiously.

It's actually quite scary to face some of the hidden aspects of ourselves(the ones we tuck away or are less aware of), there are parts to us we would not willingly admit belong to us. But those parts are something we can Heal and work through. And when it comes to dreams and the astral landscape, these are fertile grounds to work through and process these aspects.

Looking back at your experience, it seems you recognized aspects of Ego that you do not wish to fall prey to. And in your realization you were able to transcend the end-result.

I think I'm going to apply this mindset moving forward with any astral experience(that I am facing parts of myself) Because most certainly- it would seem we are protected by Father God in all instances, when things get too scary for us to handle on our own. But I suppose that realization, as well, takes a little training with regards to our "Faith muscle."

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

Thanks for the feed back HappyRain...i really enjoyed reading it. I agree that this spirit was sent to me to help overcome some aspect of myself or my own ego?. Mybe this spirit was a thought form created by myself awhile ago?? I use to have a huge ego and wanted to become a great spiritual leader like christ at one time with abilities to do many magical work and wonders. and was ready to walk away from my career and family....But God had other plans for me and broke me down in the most humiliating way. until i realized i was helpless with out Christ and our heavenly fathers love and salvation. since this happened i can now sense and sometimes see the spirit entities around me. And can recognize the nefarious ones immediately. but it is still hard for me to discern if they are thought forms, disembodied humans? ..or aliens and fallen angels? Because they try to manipulate your emotions and the images that go into your mind. I do know the Benevolent spirits or celestial beings do not do this. So pray I learn my lessons well and can continue with my 11:11 construct lessons and make contact with a true celestial friend. I'm also glad to say more sleep paralysis since we last talked about it.
Peace to you all my friends.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

HI starborn,

First- there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a great spiritual leader. That is very admirable, and so maybe you have these experiences to speak with some type of authority- authority does not mean controlling others. It means that you have relatable experience in order to help others come to their own conclusions. Still more, that your physical and emotional body is going through changes/healing to be capable of sharing Love as you have envisioned.

I was reading through this entire thread this morning and another thought crossed my mind. A kundalini rising/awakening experience is different for many people- but there are some similarities too.

It took me a while to realize that's what I was having- which was not fun and came with some mysterious health complications. I found others who experienced similar. I should note I had the intense dreams and sleep paralysis in 2008- but the physical pains and mysterious hospitalization around 2020-2021. So I don't think this is a one-time moment but a gradual rising/healing/cleansing of energy.

Anyways. Did you know there are groups of people who have kundalini awakenings reporting thyroid issues? During my shocking experience I was diagnosed with just about everything by every specialist. I had to see an endocrinologist when the cardiologist could no longer help me. They both saw something and my endocrinologist said low thyroid. Well- a woman on another forum shared with me her kundalini experience and she, at the time, was diagnosed hyperthyroid. And this theme is one shared by those who have had some type of kundalini experience.

---- If you look through this thread you will see you were mentioning your thyroid.

And I have to say, it seems that others have had some type of- awakening around 2008-2010- and others have had kundalini experiences early 2000's. I think it does indicate that we are going through something as a collective, that, together we're moving past the ordinary hustle n bustle of mundane existence as we've come to define it. Evolving and rising in Love.

I don't know if I emphasized enough that I too would have sleep paralysis- and for a long, long time- I was thrown into the fight or flight instinct. I think this kind of instinct is a part of our biological akash developed through many years of evolution. For a long time I was thrown into a fearful state and trying to slam my head forward to move, pleading for help. And my mental state would attract fearful and angry experiences as a result.

But I have learned sleep paralysis is not negative. Even when I was given free-reign I found I was unknowingly fighting my self- like I had my own doubts- and these doubts manifest as "challengers" in separate form. I did not believe that I could change the experience to a more beautiful one. But eventually, I started welcoming sleep paralysis. Because I see it as a type of meditative experience. All that's happening is your body is going to sleep/rest mode, and your awareness is still alert(not synched with the body). We learn our awareness does not solely reside behind our physical eyes, and we learn we are more than our bodies or our brains. We also learn about the power of the mind.

I have to admit to you I have had quite a rebellious childlike ego growing up. And it still lashes out at times, with thoughts I don't want to think or entertain. But I also know I have a say in what thoughts I will entertain or not. As do you. And sometimes we're met with resistance, and we don't realize all that goes into that mental resistance. Like bad habits and chemical reactions from our brain creating a restless state. The thryoid regulates our hormones, and that our hormones are thrown out of whack during a kundalini experience speaks on the intimate nature of a healthy body/mind/chakras etc. It takes a lot of self-awareness and some form of discipline to curb the activities of our mind. Even the foods we eat can effect our thoughts.

Every time you wanted help, you received it. If you are ever tested again, remember you have a great will. You are taking the reins of your life as a young master. Yes you are serving God. I believe God wants us to evolve from our childlike status if we are to learn about Him and be spiritual leaders in our communities. And I think collectively, we are all uniquely learning about God and our gifts and being given a special opportunity. We seek the Love as made example by Christ, to live it and share it... And to me, that means we are ultimately seeking the Truth/God.
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Starwalker »

Hi starborn,

I just read through this thread and you certainly have had some interesting experiences. I can see how losing those abilities would be difficult to deal with but it seems like you have adjusted well. I’ve read that the angels can sometimes make our lives more challenging since adversity spurs growth. Can you see any ways that you may have grown from this experience?

The false Christ experience must have been alarming. The lesson I would take from that is that nothing is as it seems and that we must be cautious. I had a dream last night which left me with that impression as well. I was next to a rocky river and could see lots of fish swimming around. It was an ideal scene in nature and I was quite at ease. I turned around for a second and when I looked back there were no more fish, only a huge snake moving towards me. Then I noticed that the brook was inside of a room and the snake was between me and the door. I immediately looked around for something to defend myself with and saw a hammer on the ground. I grabbed it just as the snake rose it’s head level with mine readying itself for an attack. I was ready to go to battle with the serpent but then I woke up. Needless to say, it left an impression.

Anyway, I hope you find much success with the Akashic Construct. Perhaps you could become a great receiver of celestial messages. There is a forum on this message board where we can share our experiences in the AC. I am just getting back into it myself. I look forward to hearing more of your experiences.

Kind regards,
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Geoff »

starborn wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:47 am So I called on the Holy Spirit, my guardian angels and the real Chris Michael son of god to come and be with me. I then sensed and inwardly felt the presence of love and light and life and inner peace come to me…that reassured me the this spirit was not a christ being at all. so I told this being the real Christ is about LOVE and giving and sharing Hope to others to give them inner peace and salvation. …and that He who calls himself "The Christ" was not like that and should leave me now! ….so the spirit left me and i feel its energy depleted thru out my body and it came out of my right hip and i was alone at peace again the with holy spirit filling my hart and chest with love.
Amen to that business! Any thoughts as to what type of spirit or being this fake Christ was?
You did extremely well here. There are indeed many low level spirits and even other off planet entities willing to impersonate another, and the critical issue is when they seek to TELL you what to do, as was the case here. As also you quite correctly sensed the energy lacked love. So well done. It may have been a deliberate test by your guardians which you passed with flying colours. If it happens again you can react immediately. Warfare is not something ever untaken by the light in offence mode, only in defence. Because the universe does have dark energies that are malevolent. Typically expanding your light will send them away. If not, just call for help.

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Starwalker »

I agree with you there, Geoff. I would like to also note that humans are capable of great evil without any influence from evil spirits. That’s not to say that there aren’t malevolent entities, but surely there is more to be worried about from other living persons that fragments thereof that may be lingering here in the borderlands. As my grandmother used to say: fear the living, not the dead.

Let’s not forget that throughout history many perpetrators claimed to be holy men. It is normal for us to cover up the less appealing aspects of our nature. However, there is real danger when discretion turns to deceit. How many lives have been taken because of religious prejudices and so called holy wars, which are promoted by the leaders of some organized religions. I believe this experience was a lesson that we can all learn from. We have been warned many times of false prophets but humanity as a whole has yet to learn this lesson.

Today, the level of deception on this planet is at an all time high. Just today I saw an article about a company losing a lot of money because of scammers using AI to impersonate their CFO in a video call. ( ... ticle_link)

New technologies are meant to improve our lives, yet they can also be weapons used against us. It seems we can never be too careful while stumbling in the dark of planet 606 of Satania.

Yours truly,
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by Geoff »

Starwalker wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:53 pm I agree with you there, Geoff. I would like to also note that humans are capable of great evil without any influence from evil spirits. That’s not to say that there aren’t malevolent entities, but surely there is more to be worried about from other living persons that fragments thereof that may be lingering here in the borderlands. As my grandmother used to say: fear the living, not the dead.
When someone is evil, they attract other evil, discarnate entities. It is not unusual for an alcoholic to have 30, 40 or more embedded entities. This is one reason addictive substances are so hard to get off. You need to remove these entities. Even quite innocent people can get attachments. I have had two, and managed to throw off a really nasty one when helping someone else. George removed a long standing "Sangoma" from me that obviously happened in Africa. Thats another funny George story.

I would doubt that any person intent on evil will not avoid getting equally evil attachments "helping" their nefarious purposes. This famous book is FULL of attachments in quite ordinary people: 30 Years among the dead and this next book is rather more interesting as its about removing a range of entities including quite nasty ones: Removing Dark Spirit Attachments

Objectively a living evil person dominated by dark entities will probably be under their full control and may indeed lead to murder. I asked a group of folks who do removals about this, and they had scanned inmates awaiting the death sentence, and all were dominated by exceptionally evil beings. They removed these, and apparently there was a huge change in those folks behaviour. Too late for the way our justice system works however.

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by CAM7215 »

Last night my 40 year old daughter took me to an NA meeting - Mary could tell my anxiety was ramping up. It was like I put the wrong size shoes on --- doesn't fit anymore.

Starborn --- sucks (more than that - I have no words for what you have experienced) -- no user's manual or a Shaman to come out of the shadows to point the way. I get it --- as I was reading I realized you are doing your part by getting gut honest and saying THIS is what's happening. Our tribe is right here to support us - probably why I keep coming back -HA!

I can certainly relate to clairaudient experiences - Raphael rocks but I had a Guide with skin on several years ago that chastised me. I had a heavy foot back then - asked Michael to protect me but got pulled over anyway. I appreciated her for pointing that out to me. Old behavior -- automatic pilot.

Geoff --- so what you're saying is that George did depossessions (sp?) My incarnate Guide had gifts --- it was so weird how she came into my life. I had posted on a site years before I wanted a Spiritual Teacher but I forgot all about it. One day I get an email from Sienna asking if I still wanted (needed) a Spiritual Teacher. The weird thing was --- we never met in person but when we were in contact with each other --- it seemed as though the spiritual energy was amplified for both of us.

Sienna was a therapist that very much wanted a depossession partner --- suggested I read Remote Depossession - Irene Hickman and a couple others. I hadn't gotten my Master's yet and although I was intrigued - I realized what disciplined healing work it is. We lost touch with each other - I believe she practices in Delaware now. When I was younger -- I had to learn the lesson of acceptance of people I got attached to - not staying in my life forever.

Anyway, I looked around that room last night --- ok there were a few old beep-beep like me but 12 step meetings now - well, not like in the 80s when everyone was white, male and older than dirt - that was AA anyway. NA in the 80s --- let's just say it was in its infancy learning how to crawl. Alcoholics live a whole lot longer but it ain't pleasant. Back then in Narcotics Anonymous the longest clean time might be 9 months. Let me cut myself off here --- I just had a vision of me in the rocking chair on the front porch!!!

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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by starborn »

051624 3:30AM
Hi Guys had another unusual encounter that paralyzed me.
Was sleeping peacefully on my left side….when i was awakened by some kind of being touching me on the right side of my neck again and projected some energy that paralyzed me. This time it went deeper than before. Probably because this time i was not awake. i tried to quickly turn to the right to see what was there and was not able to move enough to see anything….so as my RH side was completely paralyzed and my LH side was partially... i began the process of praying out loud to Christ Michael and my guardian angles to interfere on my behalf and stop this from happening to me and heal me from this paralysis. as i did this the energy going into my neck from what or whom ever was doing this to me stopped. but the paralysis remained for along time. finally after about 30 mins i was able to move enough to roll over and look for any entities or energy signatures but saw nothing . then when I was able too...I sat up and began meditating on the holy spirit descending from heaven and settling into my heart like a golden sparkling light….I soon felt its presence with christ michael near bye and my guardian angles and the paralysis began to fade away and inner peace came to me. I then started to feel very angry as to why this happened again after a long time of peace? i am still trying to search my thoughts and memories to see if anything comes to mind about who or what caused this to happen?? but it seems like only random thoughts of aliens come to mind ..but nothing clear and definitive. Please advise if any of you folks had similiar experiences? Or any thoughts of why this continues to happen to me?
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Re: Being Paralyzed

Post by happyrain »

Hi Starborn,

First- it is good to note the experience stopped when you wanted it to. And second, how beautiful that God and the angels came to your aid. Really, that's amazing.

Having *some, only *some and very slight familiarity with sleep paralysis a few questions come to mind-
What did you do the day before? Anything different, go to sleep later? Exercise? Feeling overtly tired- needing more rest than usual?
Did you go to the restroom at some point in the night and fall back asleep and then this happened?

Is your diet the same?

I'm sorry I'm just seeing your post.
You can take comfort in the fact that the angels have come to your side.

Have you tried the big toe method yet?

Next time you're paralyzed, of course bring in Christ Michael and the angels- And since you are calm enough to have that type of concentration-
Try telling yourself you're going to gently wake up. Tell yourself you're going to wiggle your big toe and that is going to free your form your paralysis.

If you haven't tried it yet, I want you to know others who experience sleep paralysis report back with success. My self included.

Kind regards from Houston, TX
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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