UB Cookin'

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Egg mit Muggin'

Post by Amigoo »

Egg mit Muggin' (German 'mit' meaning 'with')

(a recipe of convenience using a 16oz glass mug, like this:
https://www.heb.com/product-detail/anch ... ug/2148399 )

:arrow: In a double boiler, steam cracked eggs until cooked (about 20 min.),
then cool before refrigeration. Cook with extra egg whites if desired.

To serve, microwave 16oz mug, 3/4 filled with hot water.
When simmering, spoon in 1-2 chilled eggs, cover mug,
and let egg heat 5 min. without microwave.

Carefully pour off water, drizzle on butter or olive oil,
and sprinkle on S&P. Before egg is completely heated,
toast a slice of Ezekiel 4:9 Bread. :roll

:bana: Bon Appétit :!:

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Chocolate Yogurt

Post by Amigoo »

Chocolate Yogurt

Serious nutrition of 100% cacao and probiotic yogurt
without distraction and counterpoint of "candy". :roll:

:arrow: Combine 16oz container 2% Plain Yogurt
with 1/3 cup 100% cacao powder. Mix seriously
(seems not to mix at first, but does eventually).
Add preferred liquid (even cold coffee) to
maintain original yogurt moisture.

Refrigerate for creative cacaophony. 8)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/21/health/t ... index.html
"Time-restricted eating no better than counting calories" :o

"form of intermittent fasting where people only eat during a restricted window during the day – researchers in China
have found the method has no significant benefits compared with simple calorie restriction in battling obesity." :roll:

:idea: The need to reduce daily calories is emphasized, but the study fails to note that Pre- and Type 2 diabetics benefit
by letting the body recover from the day's excess carbs with a longer night time fast. Been there! Done that! ;)

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Tiger Beans

Post by Amigoo »

Tiger Beans (recipe sounds tasty and nutritious) 8)

Re: https://www.brighteon.com/
(search for: "How to Kill Morgellon Fibers and remove")
"It even tastes good!", "This is your lucky day."

:arrow: Ingredients in the secret recipe:
Black beans, brown rice, natural sea weed, olive oil, garlic, sea salt.

This Tiger Machine is a rice cooker, but name one of your cooking pots "Tiger",
then stir in canned black beans, etc., when the rice is almost cooked.

:idea: Perhaps a serving of Tiger Beans a day will keep Morgellon away
(or at least always out the back door). :roll:

Have no sea weed? Hail chopped kale! (and onions
... according to similar recipes). ;)

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Red Tiger Beans

Post by Amigoo »

Red Tiger Beans (when you ain't got rice or kale) :roll:

:arrow: Swish (culinary expression) 3 tbsp virgin (culinary expression) olive oil
in a large sauce pan, then spread on 2 large sweet onions (chopped),
15oz can non-GMO corn (drained), 2 large red bell peppers (chopped);
sprinkle on 1 tsp garlic granules, 2 tbsp dried parsley, 2 tbsp dried cilantro.
Cover pan and sauté until onion is al dente.

Then spread on 15oz can black beans (drained) and continue heating
until onion is cooked (stir only after onion is cooked).

If desired, drizzle on raw apple cider vinegar when served.
Optional: Lead group chant "Oh, hail! No kale! today."

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.eatingwell.com/article/1573 ... ably-dont/

"Look for sardines with skin & bones (which are edible) as they have more than 4 times
the amount of calcium as skinless & boneless sardines." :o

:lol: Getting to like skinless & boneless sardines as a source of Omega-3 fat
is a challenge for many consumers of "sea sides", but consuming skin & bones
seems like a Bucket List item, IMO. :roll:

:idea: But when your food bucket is nearing empty, any flopping morsel
properly sautéed & seasoned can be a delectable delight ...
so they say, down by the seaside :!:

(upcountry, hunting & gathering remains the soup du jour) ;)

Tip: While your financial bucket has coins, drizzle fish oil
over a smaller portion of cooked fish for your O-3 side
(and lemon-flavored fish oil is the cat's meow) :cat:

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Quick-Pickle Red Cabbage

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.liveeatlearn.com/easy-pickled-red-cabbage/
"Quick-Pickle Red Cabbage" (my version, now soaking):

:roll Ingredients:

small red cabbage, sliced thin
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup cool water
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp caraway seeds
1 tsp sea salt
2 tsp sugar

:arrow: Directions:

Before packing cabbage into jar*, add ingredients to jar
and stir occasionally until salt and sugar dissolve.
Pack cabbage into jar; press down with fingers or spoon.
When jar stuffed, cover with Ziploc bag, then lid.

Turn upside down several times to soak cabbage,
then place jar upright in large pan or dish
(in case of overflow), loosen lid slightly,
and leave on counter 8 hours.

Tighten lid and turn upside down then upright
several times, then loosen lid again. After 8 hours,
remove bag, tighten lid, and refrigerate.

Tip: Keep cabbage slices together after cutting
to stuff jar with tight handful of slices, then
add more and press down with fingers or spoon.
Liquid should cover top of cabbage.

* https://www.amazon.com/Imlakesh-Organic ... ref=sr_1_5
(shows tall 16oz jar that I used)

:idea: Plan B, 8 hours later ...
For less crunch, par-steam sliced cabbage before packing into jar. 8)

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OB Sunnies 1,2,3

Post by Amigoo »

OB Sunnies 1,2,3 (makes 11,
try 4,3,4 in three rows) 8)

Serious oat bran biscuits - no flour!
(oat bran added as 1/1, then 1/2,
then 1/3 cup to vary moisture)

:roll Ingredients:

1 1/3 cups hot water
1 cup light oat bran
1 tsp sea salt
3 tsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup egg whites, whipped
1/2 cup light oat bran
1/3 cup light oat bran
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 rounded cup sunflower seeds

:arrow: Directions:

Preheat oven to 400F degrees;
place parchment paper on baking sheet
(or lightly oil and sprinkle on oat bran) .

Stir 1 cup oat bran into hot water,
then salt, sugar, and baking powder.

Whisk egg whites until foamy,
stir into soaking oat bran, then
remaining 1/2 cup oat bran, then
1/3 cup oat bran, then olive oil,
then sunflower seeds.

Spoon batter onto baking sheet,
reduce oven to 375F, bake 55 min.

:idea: Tips: 1) To increase height of biscuits,
top with another spoonful of batter.
2) Bake 10 min. longer for crunchy.

3) Include 3 tbsp 100% cacao powder
(add water if batter too dry) ...

then serve with Midnight CCCacaophony
:arrow: Combine 1 cup 100% cacao powder
with 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil (melted),
then stir in 1 1/3 cups dried cranberries.
Spread between plastic wrap, refrigerate,
then break into bite-size pieces. :D

:study: Re: https://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/36/3/837
"Anticancer Properties of Capsaicin Against Human Cancer"

Re: https://www.pepperscale.com/too-much-cayenne-pepper/
"add sweetness to your dishes to help ease excessive heat from cayenne pepper."

:idea: It's not rocket science but if you sprinkle cayenne into CCCacao
with gay abandon you might discover that you sat on a rocket
... so start with 1/4 tsp in the Midnight CCCacaophony.

Note: Dried cranberries provide the sweetness. :roll

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what ... olesterol/

"Sadly, peanut butter isn’t very good for you — at least in the amounts that we’re used to consuming."

"For many people, they’ll take a spoon and suddenly half the jar is gone. A two-tablespoon serving of peanut butter
has a couple of grams of saturated fats but when you eat half the jar, that becomes an issue." :o

:scratch: Apparently, I should stop saving the old jar to divide a new one in half
(to know when I've had enough for a chore-filled weekend). :roll:

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Spicy Bustard Spread

Post by Amigoo »

Spicy Bustard Spread

Spreadable mustard with granular attitude. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

15oz can no-salt Cannellini Beans, rinsed
12oz container Coarse Ground Dijon Mustard
3 tbsp cold water (also use to rinse container)
1/2 tsp curcumin extract powder (optional)
1/2 tsp garlic granules
2 tbsp dried parsley

:arrow: Directions:

Mash beans, then stir in other ingredients.
Refrigerate overnight; stir before serving.

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Appley Jicama

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ji ... n-benefits
"8 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Jicama"

Try Appley Jicama

:arrow: Scrub then slice fresh jicama into flat fingers;
refrigerate in diluted apple juice concentrate
(1 part juice to 1 part water).

:idea: Try slices sprinkled with cinnamon.
Best consumed within 2-3 days.

Tips: Skip the peeling and slice leaving skin
on one end only (discard after bites of flesh).
Drink the juice! ;)

:hithere Speaking of gut health ...
(therefore 'microbiome', therefore disease protection) ;)

Both fresh unpeeled apple and peeled jicama provide great dietary fiber!
When slices are soaked in apple juice, jicama stays fresher longer.

:idea: See also: https://www.soupersage.com/compare-nutr ... a-vs-apple
(biased toward jicama but apple's peel provides good nutrition) 8)

:study: Re: "Gut", by Giulia Enders, 2015, a New York Times Best Seller :!:
"Of cleanliness and Good Bacteria", p. 249

"When you stop taking (probiotics), the regular flora folk have to continue their work."

:idea: Translation: Probiotics (gettin' quite expensive these days!) represent a minuscule portion of the MANY types of beneficial bacteria in a gut. While such probiotic treatment is helpful to reestablish the flora forest after a round of antibiotics, for example, one's gut eventually takes control and creates its preferred balance of bacteria. When ready, prebiotics* are the better daily menu! ;)

* Re: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/19 ... otic-foods
"The 19 Best Prebiotic Foods You Should Eat"

:idea: "But wait! There's more!" (especially in the Produce section of a large grocery store) :roll

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Austin's Power Salsa

Post by Amigoo »

Austin's Power Salsa
"Good for what ails you!" (they say) :roll:

:arrow: Combine 6oz can tomato paste, 3/4 can water,
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp garlic granules,
1 1/2 tbsp dried cilantro, 1 cup Chunky Mild Salsa*.
Refrigerate ovenight, then stir before serving.

:roll Nutrition: Tomato paste increases antioxidants
and helps reduce sodium of typical Mexican salsas.
This combo is tasty, mild, and versatile! 8)

:scratch: Two riddles: * New York City;
"Who is Austin?" (ask Mike!)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/orig ... index.html

:idea: Tasty nostalgia (and history). Even the best burger is probably not good daily nutrition,
but an occasional treat of real beef properly cooked would have the Pope's blessing.

:scratch: "And what blessing is that?" 'Thank you for this bread! Amen.' ;)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.brighteon.com/
(search for: "How To Make HardTacks - The Lost Survival Superfood")

"Ingredients: Flour, water, salt."

:idea: Actually, unpopped popcorn might be better "survival food",
assuming heat for popping, olive oil for drizzle, and salt
... with water for drinking (even to make coffee or tea).

HardTack might prevent hunger but is not nutritional food!
Also, you just buy popcorn, etc. and store them. ;)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Re: https://www.taketwotapas.com/homemade-w ... n-mustard/

"Mix the vinegar and seeds together and let sit out at room temperature for 24 hours.
Don’t worry they won’t go bad. Just let them sit and get friendly for a while" :D

:lol: "Let them sit and get friendly" hints of advice about children dating in a parent's home
... with "No runnin' and jumpin' in the house!" if they start gettin' spicy (or seedy). :roll:

Tip: Skip the salt in the homemade and add some plain yellow mustard for less granular.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: "The Energy Paradox" (Steven R. Gundry, MD, 2021)
includes advice to minimize dietary lectins, however ...

Re: https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-lectins

"A lectin, also known as 'antinutrient' is a type of protein that binds to certain carbohydrates.
Just about every organism in the world, from plants to animals to microbes, contains lectins." :o

"In most cases, cooking these foods with 'wet' heat, such as stewing, boiling, cooking in sauce,
or mixing into dough and baking, breaks down lectins to negligible levels." 8)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/sprouted-grains
"Are Sprouted Grains and Legumes Healthy?"

"Sprouting is a process that involves soaking, draining and rinsing seeds, grains, nuts and legumes
for prolonged periods to improve their digestibility and nutritional value." :roll

:bana: Finesse runaway inflation as motivation to bond with sprouting :!:
... and start with a Lentilly Base (sprouted green lentils):

:arrow: Soak 1 rounded cup green lentils in water overnight,
then spread in a colander with small holes and cover;
rinse twice a day for 2-3 days for sprouts to form.

:bounce: Tasty tune to accompany this culinary exploration:
"Aw baby that's what I like!" ;)

:idea: Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRvr7nQE7xM
(not related ... or maybe it is) :roll:

Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OHNbGisknk
(also not related ... or maybe it is) :D

:stars: The "WEI Out" (Wander/Explore/Integrate; pronounced 'Way Out')
theory of interrupted-sleep brain reorganization (re: sleep cycles):

This association of music with lentil preparation hints of left/right brain dominance
(not balanced processing) occurring when arising before a full night's sleep ... and
this hints of warp/woof brain reorganization as layered - not integrated. Or maybe
layered per cycle with warp/woof integration at end of each cycle. 8)

:scratch: "Say what?!" Dunno!
If you arise before a full night's sleep, do feel in a warp?
or feel like a good woof! However, if you're ready to howl,
it's best to get back into your cave (they say). :roll:

:scratch: "Who are they?!" Dunno! Your cave mate(s)? ;)

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Post by Amigoo »

FEOTOROS (aka "Iron Bull" ...
Fried Egg On Toast On Red onion On Spinach)

:arrow: While egg is slowly frying in pan,
microwave sliced onion on fresh spinach 1 1/2 min.
While spinach is heating, toast multigrain bread.

Drizzle olive oil on top of spinach, then
place egg on top of toast on top of spinach
and sprinkle on S&P as desired.

:bana: Breakfast theme: Grab the bull by his red onions
whenever you need to greet a challenging day! :roll:

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Simply Savoy

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-is-s ... ge-5191435

"Savoy cabbage is a versatile cabbage, similar to green cabbage but a bit milder and sweeter, with leaves that are looser and more ruffly ... a green, leafy vegetable that grows in loose, spherical heads made up of crinkly, lacy leaves. It is classified as a cruciferous vegetable, which means that it is a member of the botanical family Brassicaceae, along with veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and bok choy."

:idea: A good choice for raw cabbage salad when finely sliced.
Toss with vinegar & olive oil dressing, then refrigerate
until adding other veggies, legumes, herbs, etc. :roll

:bana: Or start with Simply Savoy

:arrow: Rinse, then slice a small head of savoy cabbage,
toss with 3 tbsp Italian seasoning + 1 tsp garlic granules,
drizzle on 3 tbsp virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar;
mix well and refrigerate. Serve as simple salad, or accompany
with preferred veggies, legumes, cheese, whatever. :D

:scratch: Who knew :?: :!:
This mixture is also great for many sandwiches! ;)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thank you Rod,

I am well and truly behind, but the good news... I am now surrounded by family who appreciate healthy and tasty recipes... a win win situation, eh? :sunflower: I think I am caught up with the posting of recipes in the index.

I am so grateful for all you do here. :love

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Post by Amigoo »

(one cup suggested serving for poppa bear,
2/3 cup for a petite mamma bear) ;)

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup water
1/2 cup light oat bran
1 lg sweet onion, chopped
15oz can non-GMO corn, drained
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic granules
2 tbsp dried parsley
1/3 cup egg whites
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 2 quart baking dish.

Heat water to simmer in large sauce pan,
stir in oat bran then ingredients as listed.

Spoon into baking dish in double boiler,
cover, then steam 25 min. Turn off heat
and let pan rest 5 min. on burner.

:idea: Try with Austin's Power Salsa:
Now, chorizo accompaniment comes to mind :!:
:scratch: "What's that?!" A facility of brain. :roll:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

I love oat bran and I am thinking Cornucupia might be a good dish along with Austin's Power salsa as suggested for the week end. :thumright:

Thanks Rod! :hithere
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Re: UB Cookin'

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Re: https://www.braintomorrow.com/cranberri ... olesterol/
"Cranberries may be the ‘superfruit’ you should be eating daily to boost memory, ward off dementia"

"Past studies have shown higher dietary flavonoid intake is associated with slower rates of cognitive decline and dementia. And foods rich in anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which give berries their red, blue, or purple colour, have been found to improve cognition."

:idea: Many dark-colored fruits (and veggies) are rich in flavonoids!
Eggplant Fruit Boat came to mind (then faded after blueberries
with vanilla bean ice cream had better mental taste). :roll:

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Krimson Skooler

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Accumulating evidence that the Skool of Meganta
is pre-"culinary" but post-"hunter/gatherer". ;)

:sunflower: Krimson Skooler
"Good for what ails you." (popular refreshment
at the Skool of Meganta, they say). :roll:

:arrow: Stir 2 tbsp red beet powder into one quart plain unsweetened kefir
(this complements the natural buttermilk health tradition).
Add 1/4 cup frozen apple juice concentrate to sweeten. :roll

:sunflower: Jicamama
Another "Good for what ails you." (they say). :roll:

:arrow: Wash and peel a medium jicama,
slice like fat French fries, then refrigerate
in 50/50 mixture of apple juice concentrate
and water, sprinkled with cinnamon.

:sunflower: Almondios
"Good for what ails you." (also popular
at the Skool of Meganta, they say). :roll:

:arrow: Soak raw almonds in water overnight,
then drain and refrigerate until used.

:sunflower: Seedy PBonly
"Good for what ails you." (not necessarily
Aladdin's "Open Sesame!", but nutritional boost). 8)

:arrow: Combine 18oz jar "peanuts only butter"
with 1 1/4 cups white sesame seeds; refrigerate.

:sunflower: Prof. Newton's Apple
"Good for what ails you." (teacher pleaser
at the Skool of Meganta ... apparently). :roll:

:arrow: Mix 2 large, chopped red apples
with 2/3 cup natural apple sauce (chilled)
and 2/3 cup dried cranberries; refrigerate.

:sunflower: Ginger's Oother (pronounced 'Ginger Soother') ;)
"Good for what ails you." (soothes sore throats of Skool teachers
who lecture wherever and whenever they deem permissible;
to be sent to the Deem of Permissible is a good thing). :D

:arrow: Gently masticate a slice of raw ginger for 30 min.
whenever a sore throat seems Permissible reward.

:sunflower: Seedy Spooner

Myth records that Skool's Prof. Newton and Prof. Adam
(somehow related to the apple) were chatting after class
when Prof. Newton shouted "Seedy Spooner!" ... but
Prof. Adam heard "See De Spooner?". Since they were
looking toward a cranberry bog, Prof. Adam assumed
that a spooner had a romantic interest nearby. :hithere

:roll: Long myth short: Dried cranberries were soon
added to Seedy PBonly to create Seedy Spooner,
a chewy energy treat (presumably oft shared
by hopeful spooners on the bog log). :oops:

:arrow: Vigorously (as with spooner anticipation)
stir 1 cup dried cranberries into 2 cups PBonly;
refrigerate to avoid excessive spooner heat. ;)

:roll: Long myth short longer: Seedy Wedgie
(fresh wedges of sliced orange) was a palette freshener
afore seedy spoonin' commenced (or resumed). :D

:sunflower: Kottage Mustard
"Good for what ails you." (bold taste/texture
at the Skool of Meganta, they say). :roll:

:arrow: Whip together 8oz container Low-Fat Cottage Cheese,
5oz container 0% Plain Greek Yogurt, 1/2 tsp garlic granules,
12oz container Stoneground Mustard, 2 tbsp dried parsley,
1 tbsp virgin olive oil; refrigerate.

Serve on/with whatever, wherever, whenever
... even with faux fowl. :?

:sunflower: Appley Kakao
"Good for what ails you." (applesauce and cacao,
oft aptly concocted at the Skool of Meganta). 8)

:arrow: Stir together 1 1/2 cups natural applesauce,
1/4 tsp cinnamon, 2 tbsp 100% cacao powder,
2 1/2 tbsp finely shredded coconut; refrigerate.

Serve on/with whatever, wherever, whenever
... oft not with chopsticks (unless served
with raw walnut halves). :roll

:sunflower: Appley Kakao OO (pronounced 'Kakaooo')
"Good for what ails you." (AK with Overnight Oats
for an energy breakfast at the Skool of Meganta). 8)

:arrow: Stir 2 tbsp oat bran into 3/4 cup Appley Kakao
and refrigerate overnight. To serve, drizzle on
virgin coconut oil and top with raw walnuts.

:idea: Gifted professors oft enhance their tutoring day
with stimulating wedgies (post-Kakaooo orange slices). :roll:

:sunflower: Avocado Butter
"Good for what ails you." (great for toasted
whatever, whenever at the Skool of Meganta). 8)

:arrow: Mash 3 not-too-ripe avocados, stir in 1/2 tsp salt,
2 tbsp virgin olive oil and 1/4 tsp garlic granules.
Sprinkle paprika on after applying to toast
(try Ezekiel 4:9 Flax Bread). ;)

:sunflower: Tuna Skooper
"Good for what ails you." (a tuna scoopable for
whatever, whenever at the Skool of Meganta). 8)

:arrow: Mash 15oz can cannellini beans (drained),
then stir in 5oz can tuna (drained), 1 tsp dried dill,
1/2 tsp garlic granules, 2 tbsp lemon-flavored fish oil. :roll

Scoop with leafy celery sticks (or whatever). :roll:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: https://www.healthline.com/health/kefir-vs-yogurt

"Kefir is typically fermented for 14 to 18 hours at room temperature. The process of making yogurt is similar to kefir,
but it’s fermented for less time (two to four hours) and is often cultured under heat."

"The biggest nutritional difference between the two is that kefir contains more probiotics than yogurt.
While yogurt also contains some probiotics, kefir is more potent. If you are looking to improve digestion
or gut health, kefir is the better choice."

:idea: Interesting comparison, suggesting near-similar nutrition
but kefir is ready-to-drink while yogurt is a spoonable ...
and both can blended into a smoothie. 8)

Rod :)
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