The Secret

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Hello to everyone in The Secret Cafe!

So happy to see this thread was in my notifacations! It has been a long time. :( :loves to you all.

Let's just face it I simply cannot think of cooking when it's so hot outside! Pass the ice tea please, or even better, a sprig of mint to put in a glass of water. Yesterday Clementine put her order in for lasagna and blackberry pie, after seeing the grimace on my face, she added, "For the fall."

Dan has been all about giving Clementine and Nova a memorable summer. Yesterday they went hiking on the state trails near our house, discovered a path they'd never been on before, and stumbled upon a blackberry laden patch! Memories flooded my head of my younger foraging days. :D I couldn't believe he happened to have a clean zip lock bag in his pocket(now that I think of it, it's probably planning ahead for cleaning up after their new puppy). :shock: I convinced them we could freeze the blackberries for later. After they left I snuck a beautiful luscious berry,... :shock: "Woozers!!!! Was it sour!" Lol, serves me right I guess, we're going to need every last one of the to fill a pie,... using plenty of sugar of course.

Okay, time to accomplish something. It was lovely sharing with you in the cafe again!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Geoff »

peacockplume wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:53 am A yr ago I thought I was one who would be going home but Mother, Father kept me here. The awesome surgeons had angel hands and I survived an 11 hr surgery. Today I spoke with the vascular surgeon and he said he was really pleased as none of the stents (9) were leaking, and the main aneurysm was shrinking. And my gratitude is overwhelming. I also had a mild cerebral stroke. Yet I overcame the disabilities almost completely back to normal. Yes. Great is the Gratitude!
So I’m going to do some sweeping around here and spend some time sitting out on the balcony. The kettle is on if there’s anyone who’d like to join me.
Blessings, pp
Wow pp so good to hear you are still kicking. I had no idea about this secret cafe. I am hanging in there after dealing with a dreadful virus I got in Scandinavia on a bus tour four weeks ago. I never thought of covid, but yes I have covid, and its 4 weeks and still active!! Fortunately it's not been too bad, but it's tiresome. I did wear a mask and try to isolate while on tour, which made for a rather anti-social time. Now I am back home I am sure I will get over it soon.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good Morning PP and Kim and Good evening to Geoff over in Australia,

I was wondering how your vacation in Scandinavia had gone. I was shocked to read here that you had such a hard time and had contracted COVID-19. It is so easy to become complacent, isn't it? I find myself forgetting to social distance, use hand sanitizer, and even don a mask as we were taught so well in Australia. How are you feeling now? I am sorry for missing this. I have been rather wrapped up in my mom and dad's care and the remodeling that is going on here so we can hopefully bring them home. That is a whole other frustrating story which I won't subject you all to. :roll:

I've been up for a while now after a restless night with some strange dreams. Subversive alien forces sneaking into our lives and thoughts and all that. Would have made a good movie if it wasn't so disturbing. And it doesn't help that it is still dark outside and I am alone physically at least. :lol: We're not alone though are we? The good guys are always with us as PP 's post so gently demonstrates. I remember your scary time PP Those who loved you were praying hard. I kept telling Christ Michael that we still needed you on this planet, which of course, we do.

Yes, I am chuckling at this...
I had no idea about this secret cafe.
Well, it wasn't really a secret, but the Secret thread quickly became a thread where we could talk about anything and everything... no thread restrictions and such. Mostly because the bunch of us at the time it began were extremely chatty and we could easily change the subject and direction of a bonified thread to recipes, gardens, children, and pets in no time. This thread lets us keep up with each other and even get to know new friends. So with that, anyone who is reading please feel free to join this thread, and introduce yourself.

The sun is coming up now and in an hour the remodelers will arrive so I suppose it is time to kick it into high gear, get out of my Pyjamas, and move my car out of the driveway so their big truck can have access.
As I am leaving I am thinking of Sammy and her Love Love Love. :happy
and this song...

That is my wish for all of you.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Thanks for mentioning Sammy Jo! I've been going to message her, about the group meditations resuming if she cares to join. Have lost that memo (in my head) several times now. :roll Going to do it now!

Love you guys, :loves
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Well HELLO!!!!!

Guess I'm getting called back in to the loop :lol:

Had some emotional upsets over the past 2 years and just couldn't find the motivation to meditate. Just last week I decided to do a "no pressure" version of meditating. (Always felt pressured to not fall asleep.) So I've been focusing just on breathing in God's love and if I fall asleep, then oh well (which I do within 5 minutes :lol: ). I have already noticed a huge uptick in "knowing things". The most recent example was one of my husband's customers is shopping product lines from other vendors, she came to his company with a request/threat. I told Jack "she's bluffing". I've never met this woman, but I KNEW she was bluffing, and indeed she was. So just lots of little things like that.

PP, glad you are still here with us and are improving! Sandy - what is all this renovating going on? Kim :kiss: thank's for pm'ing me.

Not sure how chatty I will be, we too are working on some renovations, and we have 3 weddings coming up in the next 3 months, so I will be a busy bee. I will try to check in more often, and in the mean time know my LOVE!!!! is with you all!

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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

Aww... I'm just here to say hi Sammy.

I'm hoping to train my knowing in the manner you have.

A sincere 5 minutes is way more potent than an insincere 20.

Don't sweat the small stuff. =)

Great to see your post.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Sammy Jo!
Nice to see your post! :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello ! :bana:
Sammy Jo!!! I am so excited to see you here! I think you made a valid point with "the breathing in God's love". Why is we always feel pressured to make it more complicated? I forget sometimes that the Creator of all doesn't need hocus pocus. LOL He or She has plenty of all that without us...I suspect love is what impresses and just taking the time to "reach out." It's weird we're talking about this as just this morning I needed an answer to something and without so much as a "howdy do" I asked what was on my mind...It suddenly hit me that it seemed lately I was mostly paying attention to God when I needed something. I stopped myself and apologized, and then I felt a connection I had been longing for...soooo message sent...message received. :D Speaking of simple...I'd like to thank you again for the Tasha Silver Books a couple of years ago. I love them...When I find myself getting all uptight like a pretzel with life, I find it's a good time to read a chapter in one of her books.

About the renovations...whew, well, here's a long story. You guys may want to get a cup of coffee and a biscuit.
As most of you know, my mom and dad have been diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer's. Last February I moved to Tennessee to help them cope with their changing life conditions. At this time they are in separate assisted living buildings (Dad is a lot worse than mom) but both of them long to be together and to go back to their home of 65 years. So that is what we are going to do. As soon as we can renovate one of their bathrooms to accommodate rollators and wheelchairs, create a shower they can walk into, and build a lift off the back patio so they do not have to walk up and down stairs we will be bringing them home with me living with them and taking care of them. has been slow going as the family construction team we hired to do the work themselves has had major health problems. I am trying not to go crazy and remember that the delay may very well be orchestrated from above for all of our own good...the construction people, and all the family members. But is a little scary as both of my parents have struggled mightily the past month or so.
Dad was in the hospital this week. We still don't know what was the cause of his symptoms, but he has made a recovery and seems back to his abilities of a few weeks ago. I am grateful for almost every moment as I have been away from them for so much of my life. Still, I could use a double dose of celestial patience and foresight.

Wow! Did you say 3 weddings in 3 months? :shock: :shock: :shock: Yep, you are going to be busy. :lol: If there is anything we can do to help say the word... a bottle of red, a bottle of white? :)

I'm going to slip outside pretty soon...It is such a lovely day out there. I think a little gardening is in order. Nature has a way of soothing any worry and upset. Well for me anyway... :sunflower:

Until we meet again... :love
love you guys!
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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

If there is anything we can do to help say the word... a bottle of red, a bottle of white? :)
Funny! We are going to see Billy Joel tomorrow night!

Wow Sandy, that's a lot to be taking care of. How do you hold it together? I can't begin to imagine the difficulties of aiding a parent with dementia let alone 2 of them, and renovations are SO stressful! Sending a little emotional/mental superglue to help keep it together :D

Are you getting to see the grandbabies at all? (WOW! brain beep-beep! Can't recall if there is more than one grandbaby :? )

One wedding down, 2 to go. Next one on the 8th of Oct. The first was a blast!

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Re: The Secret

Post by sammy »

Sandy - ignore the PM, I figured it out....

SO - we saw Billy Joel last Sept. He put on a 3+ hour show with not breaks. It was AMAZING! EVERYBODY in Madison Square Garden new practically EEVERY word to EVERY song and sang along. The energy was off the charts. It was mind blowing that after 3+ hours we left saying "he didn't even sing this, or that"...SO many hits that everybody knows! At any rate last year he didn't sing this song (I think he sang it this time just for Sandy!) ... cQFdnL45hw

This video shows how hard it was raining and how no one cared! (Listen to the crowd sing along!) ... jvPz64PaS4

With Stevie Nicks ... vbhV69b8yN

Off to the races, HAPPY MONDAY!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Geoff »

Well hello Sammy!!! Gee PP and Sammy and all. I will need to keep an eye on things in here. I am over my covid now but that last overseas holiday swansong for Janet turned into maybe the least memorable holiday ever. We will be staying closer to home in the future where the cost of getting there does not exceed the holiday cost itself.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello everyone!
What fun...I have just returned from tuning into a little Black Sabbath that Eric mentioned on another thread and now enjoying one of my all-time favorites, Billy Joel. Sammy, I so loved the excitement and energy you shared with us along with the videos too. It looked like you had great seats. I would have loved to have been there too, rain and all.
I was just thinking sometimes I wish we could go back in time and do it all again, experience some of the great music or even great books and movies for the first time.

So glad you are feeling better, Geoff. It is a real shame that your last long-distance overseas trip was a bit of a bust. live in gorgeous Australia with such varied scenery. Home has much to offer, eh? :D It would be fun to go to the Kimberlys don't you think? George wanted to go to the gold fields on a vacation the year before he died. I think he knew though, that he really was not up to that kind of a trip. Still, I would have loved for him to experience it again. I guess he is experiencing all kinds of wonders these days that will make his last exploits look like child's play.

I hope everyone is having a good week. :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hello everybody,

I have been thinking about this thread this week and the people who once posted here. Naturally, it isn't just this thread that draws my memories, but we have had some fun conversations. This thread evolved from discussing the book, "The "Secret" into talking about anything you didn't matter if we went off-topic or changed the direction midway here. In fact, and to be honest we were often talking about food.
So I think I'll say hello tonight and reach out through the ether to all our friends.
You remain in my thoughts and I keep you close in heart.
please be safe and blessed.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Sandy,

I recently dined out at restaurant and they had a copy of The Secret book on display there. I never read the book, but watched the movie back in 2007. I’ve been making a conscious effort lately to not look back and to focus on the present and future. However, I can’t help but notice how far I’ve come since 2007. I think The Secret did play a big part in my progress, and perhaps it would be helpful to recall what I learned from it.

The Law of Attraction states that ‘thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.’ The Secret helped me to understand this principle. To manifest something, we have to think positively about what we want, not negatively about what we don’t want. When we dwell on the things we don’t want, we are thinking about that thing and therefore drawing more of it into our lives. So when we realize there is something we don’t like in our lives, it’s helpful to think positively about its opposite.

There are many caveats to this law to be figured out. I think our feelings have something to do with this as well. For instance, if we are missing a certain person, it may be that the feeling of longing is what we are propagating into the universe. And the universe gives us more feelings of longing rather than bringing that person into our lives. So rather than focusing on someone we miss, perhaps we should change the way we approach this to thinking positively about the way we felt while with this person and then the universe will respond with bringing other people into our lives that makes us feel this way.

Of course, this law is not magic. Just like anything else, we must put in the work if we want to see results. I think the Law of Attraction is about sending our intents into the universe to help us manifest opportunities. And it is up to us to take advantage of these opportunities to improve our lives.

Thanks for bringing this up, Sandy. I really needed a refresher on this. What is your understanding of The Secret?

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Jonathan,
To be truthful, it has been a long time since I thought about "The Secret". I read it probably at about the same time as you did.
It was then I discovered that I had unknowingly put many of the principles stated in the book into practice, something that was instrumental in my coming to Australia.
In those days I meditated every day for, at least a short period of time. As well, I was actively working on healing in the ether from my Akashic Construct as well as bringing up any inner blocks that would impede working in spirit. It sounds like a lot but in reality, once the hard work was done, finding the major blocks and understanding and releasing or letting them go with love and gratitude, it was simply daily maintenance and didn't take long. So I guess what I am saying is what is stated in the book, The Secret, is innate in all of us once we start meditating...practicing Stillness on a daily basis. We give of our time and allow spirit to work its magic in our lives. "Allow" being the important word... I believe one of the hazards we can run into while using the Akashic Construct cd is dictating what is to happen. If one can relax and allow spirit to bring it to us we have much greater success. Our God within knows us better than we know ourselves...just go with the flow... and be comes when we are ready.
I am all over the shop this morning...but if there is one thing that will change our lives for the better it is daily heartfelt meditation. Life will flow beautifully from there.

I appreciate what you wrote, Jonathan. I have a very difficult time not looking back and missing life with George. I still haven't adjusted to life here which is so different and I suspect that is probably part of my problem. When something confounds you it is easy to want to go running back to what felt safe and comfortable. It is easy to give up and fall back on despair and victimhood which while may be understandable and even justified...isn't the least bit helpful.
So it may be time to do the hard work and find those blocks and sort them through, eh? It isn't going to get any easier and may become harder and more ingrained the longer I wait.
Any advice would be most welcomed.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Sandy,

Yes, daily meditation seems to be the key. I’m thinking it’s time to redouble my efforts and break out the Akashic Construct CD again. I’m going to start over from the beginning. I was pretty good at imagining myself as a rose bush, thorns and all.

I don’t think I can advise you on anything like this. Only you will know when you are ready to let go and move on. But when you do, perhaps you should get yourself a nice younger man. ;)

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” – William Shakespeare
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