Lucifer Rebellion

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Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

I am putting this "old news" here, as I regularly tell people Lucifer is no more, and then can't reference that. This I believe was written by TML.

Adjudication Lucifer Rebellion
Adjudication Lucifer Rebellion - The tribunal of the case of Gabriel vs. Lucifer before the courts of the Ancients of Days had already begun before The Urantia Book was given to the Forum group in Chicago in the early 1930's. Completion of the universe judicial decree, wherein all participants had either repented and had been rehabilitated or, as in the case of Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia , Dalagastia, had spurned Divine mercy and were annihilated. The adjudication was decreed in Salvington, Capital of the Local Universe of Nebadon, on March 16, 1985, by our present Urantia calendar, and made it possible for the Correcting Time to begin and for the communication circuits to be reinstated. The reasons that the rebellion was allowed to continue for 200,000 years are discussed in The Urantia Book. You must understand that up until the time Lucifer ceased to exist, he still had free will and had not agreed to the adjudication. The adjudication could not happen until he agreed that it was the right thing to do. The sinner himself must agree with the verdict before adjudication can take place.

Caligastia - A secondary Lanonandek Son, at one time Planetary Prince of Urantia until he joined the Lucifer Rebellion. Caligastia served loyally for 300,000 years before taking up the sophistry of his superior, Lucifer. He became ultra-individualistic, resented supervision, and had a tendency to disagree with established order. As he committed to ever more deliberate sin, his personality became completely distorted. Although shorn of power, he remained on Urantia for a time and contributed to the Adamic default through his evil influence. He ceased to exist at the time of the adjudication in 1985, choosing annihilation over repentance.

Lucifer - A brilliant primary Lanonandek Son who served as a loyal Sovereign over the System of Satania for 500,000 years before he decided that there was no Universal Father and made a Declaration of Liberty, contending that the local systems should be autonomous. Through pride, he convinced himself that the rebellion was for the good of the system, and was able to ensnare large numbers of celestial beings throughout Satania to join him in his rebellion against the Father's over-control. He even tried to enlist Michael in his plan for secession. Jesus terminated Lucifer's power when he met with the archrebels Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia) on Mount Hermon defeating them as the Son of Man, without using his Divine powers. Lucifer's was the third rebellion in the Local Universe of Nebadon, all of which occurred before Michael had earned his Sovereignty. Lucifer was tried, along with his cohorts, in front of the Ancients of Days in the case called Gabriel vs. Lucifer, and after the four archrebels again spurned the offers of mercy they were offered by Michael, they chose annihilation and are no more. Thus ended the trial and adjudication that took place in the fall of 1985.

Rebellion - Out of ten thousand systems in the local universe of Nebadon, there have been three rebellions by local system administrators, the last being the one that affected the System of Satania and Urantia. They all occurred before Michael achieved full Sovereignty. Lucifer began as a brilliant and loyal Administrator of the System of Satania, but gradually through evil and error became a believer in self-assertion and liberty, and was able to convince his associate, Satan, and another 37 Planetary Princes to join him in his manifesto to reject universe allegiance, including our Planetary Prince, Caligastia and his associate Daligastia. Through self-deception, Lucifer's pride led him further into deliberate and willful sin. For two years of system time, the rebels were allowed to continue with their scheme, trying to convince other free willed celestial beings to join them. At that point, Lucifer was dethroned and striped of power and the 37 systems that had participated in the rebellion were placed in quarantine, with all connections to the rest of the universe severed to contain the further spread of evil. All participants were offered mercy by Michael if they chose to repent their actions and be rehabilitated. The rebels were allowed to roam freely on the System Capital for 200,000 years until the completion of Michael's seventh and last bestowal. As Michael became Sovereign, he petitioned the Ancients of Days to intern Lucifer on the prison world until the adjudication of the case of Gabriel vs Lucifer. At the end of the trial, those who were found guilty and rejected mercy Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia chose annihilation. Following the adjudication, which occurred in the Fall of 1985, the quarantine has been lifted and the quarantined worlds of the System of Satania are being normalized. Since Michael became a Master Son and Sovereign of Nebadon, rebellions by celestial administrators can no longer take place.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Welles »

I'm really glad you posted that, Geoff. I'm gonna bookmark it for I too have been frustrated to clearly describe the Lucifer Rebellion to those who have no prior references. Your information is that which I have embraced over the years as being an accurate portrayal of a level of reality.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

Hi Welles.

I recall George first telling me that the adjudication was complete, but George did not write this summary, but its pretty well in line with what I believe happened. However I thought Satan was back on this world, and I also thought George confirmed that?

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by George »

Hello you both,

Four are as if they never were --- Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia.
(more of them from other planets, of course)

It was in 1984 or 1985 when Midwayers were no longer armed.
That rather surprised me, but at the time I knew not why that was so.

All evil on this world is now of human making.

All Midwayers and angels are back and busy.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Welles »

George wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:29 am Hello you both,

Four are as if they never were --- Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia.
(more of them from other planets, of course)

It was in 1984 or 1985 when Midwayers were no longer armed.
That rather surprised me, but at the time I knew not why that was so.

All evil on this world is now of human making.

All Midwayers and angels are back and busy.

Cheers . . .
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Mamo »

This is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you, Geoff! :sunflower: :kiss:

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

George wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:29 am Hello you both,

All evil on this world is now of human making.

Cheers . . .
For some reason this thought is more frightening than Lucifer. We have a potential for greatness, including evil
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Mamo »

:hithere Eric!

I thought these two quotes from TUB would go well along with your comment.
1 - (111:6.1) Many of the temporal troubles of mortal man grow out of his twofold relation to the cosmos. Man is a part of nature—he exists in nature—and yet he is able to transcend nature. Man is finite, but he is indwelt by a spark of infinity. Such a dual situation not only provides the potential for evil but also engenders many social and moral situations fraught with much uncertainty and not a little anxiety.
1 - (2:3.2)
..."Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap." True, even in the justice of reaping the harvest of wrongdoing, this divine justice is always tempered with mercy. Infinite wisdom is the eternal arbiter which determines the proportions of justice and mercy which shall be meted out in any given circumstance. The greatest punishment (in reality an inevitable consequence) for wrongdoing and deliberate rebellion against the government of God is loss of existence as an individual subject of that government. The final result of wholehearted sin is annihilation. In the last analysis, such sin-identified individuals have destroyed themselves by becoming wholly unreal through their embrace of iniquity.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by atsguy »

George wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:29 am Hello you both,

Four are as if they never were --- Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and Daligastia.
(more of them from other planets, of course)

It was in 1984 or 1985 when Midwayers were no longer armed.
That rather surprised me, but at the time I knew not why that was so.

All evil on this world is now of human making.

All Midwayers and angels are back and busy.

Cheers . . .

This brings up 2 very big questions. I was reading over some transmissions from years ago, specifically this one

Did the midwayers themselves start out in a low technology level. Given their long life, I would image if you were to take a a few hundred humans back in time to pre civiliaztion era and give them unlimited life...then just from this small group a civilization could be erected give. Trial and error over an extended lifetime...eventually reaching laser weapons🤣

Since they were armed all the way till the 1980s, Someone had to manufacture these weapons? Or were they mostly a thought construct/symbolic?

Could hear weapons effect us? Our physical bodies?

I have to get my hands on the halfway realm books, hopefully they can explain these quarks in my visualizations on how these beings and their devices interact with our reality.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by atsguy »

Also I don’t kno if it is written in the urantia book, but what about these other 2 rebellions that happend?

Is there any detail or info on them, and the beings involved?
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

I'm happy to come here and read this.

Plenty of folks have described our planet as a, "prison planet" or that we've been under "quarantine."

How do you reconcile with devout Christians who believe satan is alive, that these are the end times, and the mark of the beast is upon us?

I had a dream I met satan once, even though he had more years than human years- he was actually quite childish. More like an alien abusing psychic powers. The world I dreamt of was operating from a caste system.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

Lucifer has had zero influence on Earth since Pentecost. Same for all the "fallen" angels. That Satan nonsense is just a technique to avoid personal responsibility, as is the notion Jesus died for someone else's behaviours. The churches teach so little truth that it's gob-smacking.

We are in end times. The end of the 3D world. The 3D world will no longer sustain humans. They either move to 4D or die. It's a choice many will not take to move to 4D. But Jesus is not coming to save them, and unless they drop their church blinkers they will not know how to advance to 4D.

I will add that there are space brothers and sisters living on both Mars and Venus. Yet we know at 3D neither can sustain life. The civilisations are much higher than 3D. I have personally been taken there in a guided meditation by a lovely space sister from Venus. I have been promised a physical visit as well. Venus - the dimension they have created - is very like 3D Earth's beauty. Mountains, snow, rivers, valleys and lush vegetation. Mars appeared more limited to the precise area they live in which is on the "equator".

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

Hi Geoff,

I'm curious what you think 4D is like?

Thanks for your thoughts. I asked another person the same question this morning.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:19 am Hi Geoff,

I'm curious what you think 4D is like?
I wrote a short description here:

Spheres, Dimensions and Ascension

There is more info in a book that is HUGE: Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012-2030 by Sal Rachele available on Amazon. I do not believe in reincarnation and was astounded that in this book it would seem a bunch of very advanced Space Brothers and Sisters support that doctrine. Because it's a real red flag to me. So I have major issues with either the medium - because strong beliefs can entirely change such communications, or alternately I don't believe the source is at the level claimed. But if you just ignore that stuff it's full of info that has a ring of truth to it.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Geoff.

4D is quite a leap compared to 3D, from what you've written.

Are you referencing any Hidden Hand or Law of One material? Just curious.

A lot of this reminds me of, "The Great Harvest"

By the way- esteemed monks see something 2024-2026 as being cataclysmic. I'm talking bigger than the covid pandemic. That's just a few years at most. Maybe it's more of the same as you described. But one monk who was a disciple of Yogananda says most won't make it through this transition(confirming what you've written).

I'm also told the sun is a star gate and we've captured crafts coming in and out. We also have captured craft moving deep underwater with no visible propulsion system moving over 100knots.

While I think there are physical means to space travel, I think a lot of it has more to do with concepts like astral travel and remote viewing. Personally I am more comfortable learning through the latter.
I'm still a little terrified of the idea of physically traveling through a star gate. Or replicating a personality to inhabit a nonorganic avatar. After reading briefly from your site I don't know if you consider Earth your home, my belief- being born here, is that this planet is hosting the experience and for the time being is my Home.

Earth, God... There's a huge heart sensation, a swelling of appreciation as I reflect on my Being Here a gift granted by both of them.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:16 am
Are you referencing any Hidden Hand or Law of One material? Just curious.
happyrain wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:16 am
I'm also told the sun is a star gate and we've captured crafts coming in and out. We also have captured craft moving deep underwater with no visible propulsion system moving over 100knots.

While I think there are physical means to space travel, I think a lot of it has more to do with concepts like astral travel and remote viewing. Personally I am more comfortable learning through the latter.
I have not heard the sun is a star gate and I think I would have heard. The main gate by which God's Energy comes into this universe is the Heavens Gate, which is well known.

There are many methods of propulsion used acrosss this universe. Huge ships like the Mother Ships that are 3 km long do use propulsion, probably based on zero point energy, also called scalar wave energy. But for small ships crewed by advanced space folks who are all in spiritual sync, everything is driven just by thought. The internal lifts, the movement through space etc. And yes they also bilocate, which is simple but of course is suitable just for small groups, and I think often has a time limit attached as to how long you can remain there. Not certain about that however.

Yes Earth is currently my home and will be always where I had my material existence.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Geoff.

Yup, crazy to think we've had our hands on ZPE for over 30 years- that I know of
(Thinking of the fluxliner)
But it goes even further than that I'm sure.
Anyways, okay well thanks for humoring me and giving me your opinions on things.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

Geoff wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:07 am There are many methods of propulsion used acrosss this universe. Huge ships like the Mother Ships that are 3 km long do use propulsion, probably based on zero point energy, also called scalar wave energy. But for small ships crewed by advanced space folks who are all in spiritual sync, everything is driven just by thought. The internal lifts, the movement through space etc. And yes they also bilocate, which is simple but of course is suitable just for small groups, and I think often has a time limit attached as to how long you can remain there. Not certain about that however.

Yes Earth is currently my home and will be always where I had my material existence.
For anyone interested, this is a congressional testimony by Dr. Steven Greer...
The video is only 8 minutes long. ... greer.html

"Since 1954 October of that year we have not needed rockets, jets, internal combustion engines and surface roadways between cities. I say that with authority that this is the case."

"There are electromagnetic systems that have been developed that can interface directly with what we call coherent thought- the same way you can interface with lasers what is called coherent light- where you synch up all the wavelengths."
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

I could add that some space ships have multiple means of propulsion and use different systems for long distance travel through space as opposed to negotiating through atmospheres.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:07 am
Yup, crazy to think we've had our hands on ZPE for over 30 years- that I know of
Actually Nikola Tesla demonstrated scalar wave energy and held a patent on his device. The scientists he showed it to were disinterested.
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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by happyrain »

happyrain wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 3:22 pm
George wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:29 am Hello you both,

All evil on this world is now of human making.

Cheers . . .
For some reason this thought is more frightening than Lucifer. We have a potential for greatness, including evil
Yes I believe technology that could cure disease and alleviate the suffering of our planet has been supprresed in favor of personal power(profits/greed). I could be mistaken.

Do you think it's possible, and do you think it might not be *just a human thing*?
Dr. Greer kind of says it all in the video above. Truly remarkable.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

happyrain wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:18 pm

Yes I believe technology that could cure disease and alleviate the suffering of our planet has been supprresed in favor of personal power(profits/greed). I could be mistaken.
While I have not yet used the current scalar wave healing devices that have been built based on years of communication with Nikola Tesla plus his patents, the references are amazing. It is a type of healing that seems to direct itself - so you don't know what it will address for you. But it has had the most amazing reports including stuff that very much looks like it can heal damaged DNA. Kids with severe autism have apparently been fixed. It's not easy to locate the guys with the real deal machines as everyone is now jumping on "scalar wave". And the fellow promoting (not the career scientist who lives in Hawaii and built these) is way too commercial for me really. A set of 8 or 12 devices runs at $200k Aus. His argument is the Western world must pay so the rest of the world can get them cheap. Now sure that many have been installed outside the Western world at this time.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Geoff »

Here is a crazy thing. I bought this exact "crystal" wand many years ago and found it so useful I bought one for George. Sandy used it for many years and she said it helped George with chest pains. No one ever called it "scalar energy" however, and I did hear that when one of George's broke it was comprised of crystals. But here it is today, bold as brass - a scalar wave healing device. Is that not hilarious? Now it may be such a device, but they never said so initially. By the way the midwayers told George this wand was as powerful as most human healers.


I found lots of info but, as before, I cant find the Hawaiian site.

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Re: Lucifer Rebellion

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... g-therapy/
"Scalar Waves and Rife Frequency For Healing / Scalar Therapy"

"Scalar waves promote profound healing because they operate at a frequency range that aligns with the Schumann Resonances (the heartbeat of our planet that we tap into when grounding ourselves). By harnessing these resonances and running them through the Scalar Qi; we can simulate their natural state and utilize them for healing." 8)

:idea: Looks like a good introduction, but hints that continuing exposure to the bad stuff is counterproductive to scalar healing ...
and 5G EMF is now spreading all over the planet! That which protects one at bedtime and keeps the EMF away would be a good option,
especially since natural healing occurs during sleep. :roll

:study: Re:
"9 Best EMF Meters and Detectors of 2023"

:idea: Probably one of the better 2023 investments! Try a group purchase and share to start monitoring
EMF exposure in your typical environments, then try to avoid more intense exposures. :finger:

Rod :)
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