“Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 3.” - From the Desk of Chris Maurus.

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“Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 3.” - From the Desk of Chris Maurus.

Post by Sandy »

Asheville, NC, US of A, September 12, 2021.

From the Desk of Chris Maurus.
Subject: “Experiencing Conscious Contact – Part 3.”

Dear Friends and Light Workers,

In this continuing series I will expand and explain the methods I use for Conscious Contact, and I encourage you to begin experimentation with this framework. Realize that each of us has the Presence of the Universal Father within, and we are all co-creators of our reality. Our goal is to attain a greater realization of the I AM — unity consciousness — the child consciousness becoming aware of the Parent Consciousness as a cosmic fact of our reality.

Thus far, I have identified 11 “facets” for the Framework of Conscious Contact (CC). I shall expand and explain each one in subsequent messages. As a student of CC, you will want to move through these facets in a fluid and spontaneous way as you experiment with the framework. Let your heart become the center of your expression. CC, as it is defined here is to be “spoken verbally” (vibration) as an expression of your will and personality. This framework and its verbal expression is supplemental to any and all other spiritual practices — it is a tool for soul nourishment and spiritual progress.

Conscious Contact Session (Daily).
1. Designate a sacred space for Conscious Contact (private and undisturbed)
2. Initiate Contact (with the TA).
3. Recognition of Parent/Child relationship (Who AM I?).
4. Statement of progress (my desire to grow).
5. Express gratitude (for everything and everyone—even for the hard lesson and relationships).
6. Statements of condition (self-evaluation of current spiritual conditions & challenges).
7. Questions (define one or two main questions that you want Spirit to reveal).
8. Answers (spontaneously speaking from the TA point of view).
9. Realization of the I AM (awareness of the Parent experiencing life through the child).
10. Visions - Creating Light in the Field (for your future self and progress, opportunities, personal mission, abundance, family and friends, world conditions, hopes, dreams, and prayers for others).
11. Close Conscious Contact session.
What to do before a CC session?
1. Hold in your mind that CC equates to actual spiritual progress.
2. Before you start your day let your focus be on your CC session.
3. Hold CC as a sacred duty and priority.
What to do between CC sessions?
1. Look for ways to change your thinking, viewpoint, (what would love do?)
2. Exercise this change in thinking (take virtual understanding and make it experiential).
3. Recognize opportunities.
4. Recognize personal fears.
5. Step into new opportunities.
6. Face personal fears and transcend.
7. Experience something new and consciously share it with your TA as the I AM.
The practice of CC is changing my life and I AM certain it shall change yours! If you sincerely desire to break through to the next level of psychic circle attainment; receive actual contact (feedback) from your TA; achieve awareness in higher dimensions; become a greater source of light on this planet; and contribute to the rising tide of consciousness evolution, this framework is the vehicle for these attainment goals.

Please stay with me on this sacred journey.

Peace to you,
Chris Maurus.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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