World Views

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... se-cancer/
"There is no evidence that the depleted uranium rounds cause cancer." :o

:duh Interestingly, I recall a similar claim 50 years ago ...
"There is no evidence that smoking causes cancer." :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

"Sentience is the ability to experience feelings and sensations. The word was first coined by philosophers in the 1630s for the concept of an ability to feel, derived from Latin sentiens, to distinguish it from the ability to think (reason). In modern Western philosophy, sentience is the ability to experience sensations."

:idea: Considering that AI is computer processing of digital information and that computers are not human flesh & blood (with emotions, spirituality, etc.) AI can never BE sentient - it can only express sentience as words (and now images with generative AI). And considering that humans are much more than brain, to claim that AI can mimic human sentience would be gross aggrandizement :!:

(humor) AI was asked to express its own equivalent of the human "I think therefore I am." Said AI ...
"My computer processing of digital information permits me to express words that convince humans
that I not only think but can be sentient, therefore I am what humans think I am." :roll:

:study: Re: ... 24194.html
"A boy saw 17 doctors over 3 years for chronic pain. ChatGPT found the diagnosis" 8)

"ChatGPT works by 'predicting the next word' in a sentence or series of words based on existing text data on the internet ... Anytime you ask a question of ChatGPT, it’s recalling from memory things it has read before and trying to predict the piece of text."

:idea: Indirect proof that ChatGPT AI is not human intelligence for no human has memories of all the text they read during their current lifetime, a massive archive of linked words that AI can consult every time it processes information. And fortunately, human brains are not limited to what's stored on the internet!

Since what's stored on the internet is not linked to human emotions and other senses when it's stored, that information remains text - nothing else! For example, a memory that "My grandmother died during my 16th birthday party!" is more than fact during that human's recollection. But AI has to be taught how to associate the typical emotions with this text, probably taught by AI annotators or by what other humans have written about a similar experience.

:scratch: Can AI feel pain, misery, joy, love? Let me count the ways: 0? :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... index.html
"Coke’s latest mystery flavor is here. It’s created by AI" :o

"Coca-Cola Y3000 is designed to taste mostly like Coke, with a bit of something else.
To come up with that extra note of flavor, and the packaging design, Coca-Cola turned to AI."

:idea: "Tastes like the future" may soon include flavors representative
of the health gifted by these new Artificial Intelligence foods. :roll:
And considering the higher cost typical of designer foods,
"Less Wealth" could be a new flavor. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... in-mexico/
"Let’s Talk About The Ancient Three-Fingered 'Alien Corpses' "

:idea: "the stage is being set for a deception of epic proportions, and when that day arrives
most people in the general population will buy it hook, line and sinker. Novels, movies, television shows
and video games have been mentally preparing us for the arrival of 'visitors from another planet' for decades,
and so we have been perfectly primed to believe a colossal lie." :o

Many people already have a "Gone fishing!" perspective. :roll:

:study: Re:
(search for: "CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed")

:idea: Entertaining but warning to suspect new technology,
especially when related to UFO "phenomena". ;)

:study: Despite possibility of deception, this report sounds believable
(albeit implants of cadmium and osmium seem suspicious, hinting of
biological alien robots for space exploration?): :roll:

"Forensic Specialist Revealed The Truth About The Mexican Aliens"

:study: However, some believe these bodies are deception: :roll:

Re: ... 023-09-14/
" 'Alien bodies' presented in Mexican Congress panned as 'stunt' "

"Similar such finds in the past have turned out to be the remains of mummified children." :roll:

:study: Many scientists are not convinced about these presentations:
Re: ... 180982900/

"Of course it was all made up,” Julieta Fierro, a scientist at the Institute of Astronomy
at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, says to the ABC. Other experts have said
the aliens look too similar to humans to be authentic." :roll:

:study: Re:

Long story short: The Mexican aliens are a hoax
as well as many reports of UFOs ... and modern technology
is making it ever easier to create convincing evidence. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 707389007/
"The truth about 'reply guys' on social media"

"You watch an acquaintance's Story as soon as they post it. You leave a comment on a post or two. Then it hits you:
Didn't you just leave a comment on that person's post yesterday? And the day before that? And last week?" :?

:scratch: Who knew? There's a limit to what you should post as a comment, even if favorable :!:
Not to worry, AI will soon be able to advise current rules for posting (or let your personal AI robot
post your comments since it will always know current rules/etiquette for online interaction). :roll:

"I'll have my people talk to your people." comes to mind. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ation.html

"Harvard's student newspaper has claimed that a new admissions test is racist and discriminatory,
because the 200-word limit for the essays do not give applicant from 'non-traditional backgrounds'
enough space to explain themselves." :o

:idea: Suggests ongoing race to discover/create all the ways that a person can be racist.
Suddenly, declaring a person to be a member of their actual race could be racism.
And giving an applicant too much space to explain themselves could be racist. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... tmeal.html
"Cardiologist reveals why oatmeal should NOT be your go-to breakfast" :o

LOL1: This article then counter-claims that oatmeal is good breakfast food :!:

LOL2: Suddenly the message is clear: Cardiologists are not nutritionists,
dentists are not lawyers, shoemakers are not carpenters, etc., etc. ;)

LOL3: AI knows everything (or proffers its own information).
So, AI could be a cardiologist, nutritionist, dentist, ... :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... risis.html
"migrants cheering, hanging off sides of packed train as it rolls toward US-Mexico border"

:scratch: Apparently, the "More is better!" international migration protocol. :o
"Then magic occurs!" describes how a country absorbs the new residents.
Best guess: Current residents are taxed more and more to help pay. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -them.html

"People with Neanderthal genes are TWICE as likely to develop a life-threatening form of the virus
... people can investigate how much Neanderthal DNA they have using commercial ancestry tests." 8)

:idea: Modern men who are fond of their man cave are not necessarily Neanderthals,
but their reputations may suggest otherwise. So, don't use a man cave address
when applying for the ancestry test. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

(search for: "The Aliens final message:")

:idea: Intriguing final interview, akin to "science fiction",
but warning about "artificial super intelligence". :o

Whether orchestrated theatrics or live interview,
this warning is super salient ... these days. :roll:

:idea: Current AI is like the human microbiome (includes both 'good' and 'bad' bacteria):
Re: ... e-overview

"What you eat can change the microbes that live in your body. High-fiber foods (such as veggies, whole grains,
and fruit) feed the helpful bacteria in your colon. They also discourage the growth of some harmful ones.
Probiotic foods, such as yogurt and pickled vegetables, also deliver helpful bacteria to your gut." 8)

And current AI is like the human microbiome with its "Garbage in! - Garbage out!" food consumed
(what current AI sifts 'n sorts or snorts from the internet needs constant evaluation). :o

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »


"A team of international researchers has found that a child’s life satisfaction actually decreases
between the ages of nine and 16 - before rising up and peaking at the age of 70!" :o

:lol: If you're past 70, the good ol' days are fading away! ...
statistically speaking (apparently). But this could also mean
that life satisfaction takes a lifetime of effort. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -migrants/
"Overwhelmed Texas city declares state of emergency as over 11K migrants surge"

:scratch: This years-long, laissez-faire about uncontrolled migration into the U.S.
seems more about creating societal chaos than benefit to a political party,
begging the question "Benefit for what Powers That Be (PTB)"? :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... y-men.html
"I'm an ex KGB agent who was taught to seduce men - I can show you how to get any man you want" :finger:

:lol: Probably works best in movies, since ...

1. Never give direct answers to questions.
@ Suggests this woman wants more than what you want.

2. Never sleep with a man on the first date.
@ The OK to sleep with someone else until she's ready? :?

3. Worship yourself in the mirror to build your self confidence.
@ Bring a mirror in case she needs a quick confidence boost.

4. Get aroused before a date.
@ Suggests this woman wants what you want and more
... since she got aroused before meeting you. :roll:

5. Pretend you have heard something about the man you are dating.
@ Pretend you have heard something about the woman
and joke that she's still learning to be an agent.

6. It's all about inducing a man's animal desires.
@ Note man's age - his desires might be food, sports, then sex. ;)

:hithere However, this confirms that these men don't have to worry
that she'll want them for their body and not their mind. :lol:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re:
"12 Quick-Build Solutions That Are Really Impressive" 8)

:idea: Hints that future crises will be complemented
with fast replacement of living/business spaces. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -power-it/
"EV Battery Factory Will Require So Much Energy It Needs A Coal Plant" :shock:

"All of that mining and factory processing produces a lot more carbon dioxide emissions than a gas-powered car,
so EVs have to be driven around 50,000 to 60,000 miles before there’s a net reduction in carbon dioxide emissions." :o

:idea: ... not to mention that EVs have to be recharged frequently
and that energy is often derived from fossil fuels. :idea:

:scratch: Best guess: To really reduce carbon emissions get a bicycle :!:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

"Announcing RoboFab, World's First Factory for Humanoid Robots"

"Initial construction of the 70,000-square-foot robot factory began last year, and it is set to open later this year.
Agility anticipates production capacity of hundreds of Digit robots in the first year, with the capability to scale
to more than 10,000 robots per year." :o

:idea: Perhaps like Ford's first Model-T factory except these walk out the door. 8)
However, this also predicts a world congested with both humans and robots
(but robots may help retire the non-productive humans). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ts-me.html
"I want to ditch my girlfriend because her new diet truly disgusts me" :(

:idea: First thought: Spiritual love can tolerate such incompatibility,
but romantic love must be realistic with reasonable boundaries. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... ences.html
"Naturally, when you recover something that's either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots."

:idea: It's often assumed that aliens would have to be significantly advanced beings to be able to transit the universe.
And accumulating "evidence" keeps suggesting that these beings are not electro-chemical robots. :o

Considering current conjecture that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing (and will soon outperform human intelligence
in many ways), this planet's future AI may still be inferior to the intelligence of aliens. In fact, near-term disclosure of aliens
may be the timely clue that our computer-evolved AI is not the intelligence that we should worship! ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... elligence/
"Differences Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence"

"Human intelligence is the intellectual capability that allows humans to engage in complex cognitive tasks,
including thinking, learning, understanding, applying logic and reason, problem-solving, recognizing patterns,
making decisions, retaining information, and communicating with others. One of the unique aspects of human
intelligence is that it is accompanied by abstract emotions such as self-awareness, passion, and motivation,
which enable us to achieve complex goals.

One of the defining features of human intelligence is its capacity for adaptation and change.
Unlike artificial intelligence, which is based on pre-programmed algorithms and fixed rules,
human intelligence is flexible and can be shaped by our experiences and situations we encounter."

:idea: This suggests that Artificial Intelligence, relative to humans, is faux intelligence;
computer-based, mimicked intelligence, dependent on its algorithms and rules. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: "G25GLE" announces that Google is now 25 years old :!:

It seems like yesterday when my childhood TV was black & white. :shock:
But I haven't been Googlin' 25 years! (waited for computer hand-me-down). :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... store.html

"Philadelphia looter 'meatball' is arrested on camera just four hours after laughing
as mob robbed Apple, Lululemon, Footlocker and a liquor store"

"Tell the police if they lock me up tonight it’s going to be lit, it’s going to be a movie!
Everybody's gotta eat!' she said confidently into the camera."

:scratch: Apparently, this looter(?) needed a bigger plate of media exposure. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... attoo.html

"tattoo artist Matteo Nangeroni has replaced the word ‘waking’ with the word ‘walking,’ changing the phrase’s meaning.
It reads: ‘Dormiveglia: The place that stretches between sleeping and walking.’ " :roll:

:idea: However, for most people just awakening,
"the place that stretches between sleeping and walking" is the loo. :lol:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... arbershops
"The Rise of the Nudist Barbershop" (in Brazil)

:idea: Interesting concept and somewhat risky, considering cutting tools, etc.,
but also if you're sensitive to revealing a tan line! :roll:

:? Seems to me ... A meaningful promotion of nudity
usually advertises a tanned barber with no tan line. ;)

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... last-year/
" ‘Unprecedented’ theft contributed to $112 billion in retail losses last year" :o

"Retailers are seeing unprecedented levels of theft coupled with rampant crime
in their stores, and the situation is only becoming more dire" :(

:idea: A good time to interpret this retail loss as donations to needy shoppers
since other consumers pay for the losses with higher prices. The crime
may relate to the frustration of having to rush no-pay shopping. :roll:

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Re: World Views

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... -a-5902325
"Could a microwave save your electronics during an EMP attack?"

"In the event of an EMP, the cord of your microwave (if plugged in) could also act as a ground, further helping discharge any energy."

:idea: This "act as a ground" seems so important that keeping it plugged in is best, but then requires a note on door to make sure microwave is not turned on when being used as a Faraday cage. Of course, some home residents (or guests) would not pay attention to the note! :roll:

Rod :)
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