The Soul Body

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The Soul Body

Post by George »

The Soul Body

Wrapped around the physical being is the light body, growing, undulating inside and spurring you on to greater development. Welcome to your soul! This beautiful form living within is the real you; the one that is aligned in the will of the Divine Spirit in whose image you were originally conceived. While one’s self-identity primarily is focused on the physical body, you can delve into this inner reality and see yourself as God sees you.

It is a matter of desire: do you truly want to see yourself in this way? Then simply set your heart upon it. Spend time in a stilled state of mind and body and allow what is inside to come up to the surface. There are many ideas and experiences that want to show you something very positive and beneficial. If you are willing to move through the resistance within the physical body and allow what is deep inside to well up within your mind, the growth you can achieve is extraordinary and will heighten your perspective and fill you with a deep, lasting peace. You will be giving your soul body an opportunity to show you what it is and how it functions for your highest good.

Although the soul body is hidden by negative thoughts and hurtful feelings that have been used as a shield to protect the vulnerability of your own innocence, let that not deter you from wanting to see yourself as Spirit views you. You are innocent as a child of God. Beyond the pain and resistance in your body, your soul contains a delightful surprise that wants to grow within you and overtake all of the negativity that has long been housed within. Here is where true healing occurs that can resonate outwardly into your body. Through the development of your soul body can you find the secrets to bring the physical body into alignment with the way it was originally designed to function.

The soul body grows by personal life experience. Each time you make a decision that is in alignment with the way of Spirit or each time you have an experience wherein your actions are love-filled, you grow your soul. Spirit adds golden threads inside your being and configures your thoughts and feelings to wrap around the new truths you are expressing in various ways. The beauty that you create within is the true measure of your identity. And something switches in the consciousness that helps you recognize and claim this as your very own.

If you need help in sitting in the stilled state to recognize this through either insight or feeling, ask your Divine Mother and Divine Father to prepare the way. Through their love and spiritual energy moving in you can a path of light be created for new images to emerge in your conscious mind and fill you with inspiration, hope, and an awareness of your true self. When you embrace this fully, your life path will move in a new direction and you will find yourself on the road to living your dreams seeded deep within. This is indeed possible. Your Divine Parents will help you climb over the rocks in your own way and help you overcome every limitation within so your true soul self can emerge victorious!

Claim your soul body as your very own. Ask to see your inner beauty and begin to see identify yourself with your soul. There will be many delights to enjoy as this reveals itself: a spiritual seduction to satisfy you to your core and bring you to the heights of ecstasy. Believe it! Desire it! Become it! It is your destiny.

The Center for Christ Consciousness is dedicated to facilitating your growth into your soul body. Through a variety of services and experiences, we help you access the deepest and truest part of your being and to help you bring it out into the world. Visit our website at for further information.
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Post by Bella11:11 »

Hi George,

i recently joined the site, and have experienced the promts for a couple of years. They just keep getting stronger and stronger.
What you've got running is awsome. I admire your extensive work, and i have been really thinking about.. should we say 'alot', and how i really become apart of all this.
I know deep down inside me i have many tools, but i dont know which ones to use, although saying that, i have recently had the urge by our friends and myself to get into the healing side of things. it really drives me inside to help people, but i just honestly dont know where to start, i have not yet got your AC cd but i will be Asap.. maybe that is the best way to go... i dont know?

Also Im in the middle of your book, and i am enjoying it so much, we have very similar humour, its been great.

I hope that you could give me any guidence.

Love and Light

Bella 11.11
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Post by George »

Hello dear Bella 11:11,

The field is wide open to you when you make yourself available.

Too many of us try to make things happen in a certain way when the Midwayers have profiles on us that would make any psych envious.

You have no more to achieve than to make yourself ready -- calm your mind whichever way you can -- in stillnesse meditation or with the Akashic Construct, but better still, with both. 8)

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Post by blue nova »

Thank you George for this for the Soul :wink:

Bella wrote:
it really drives me inside to help people, but i just honestly dont know where to start,
I know deep down inside me i have many tools
Looking deep within and getting in touch with your Soul, finding out who you truely will find your answers. I think stillness/meditation would be a wonderful thing. You've already started by hearing and following the prompts :wink:

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Post by peacockplume »

thank you George for that post,

Could anyone in meditation, see their Soul body as outside of them also, or would they be getting a glimpse of their Higher self.
Wrapped around the physical being is the light body,
This beautiful form living within
ok, where are we, inside and outside????

if we are looking inside ourselves, going within.....

how can the soul body be outside.....

or is the light body, surrounding the physical body which holds the soul body????

did I say I was confused?????

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Bella,

When I first started to know that I was a healer, I wondered, what should I do,,,,,what should I learn,,,,I asked for guidance,,,,then followed whatever Spirit brought my step has led to the next, and it was easieir, once I stopped trying to figure out what to do......when you get ideas, or start noticing similarities in things, it's usually an indicator,,,,books, magazines come your way,,,,,you might see something on the net,,,,,,and in the final analysis, follow your heart, and ask for guidance..
love pp
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Post by George »

PeacockPlume writes:

<<< Could anyone in meditation, see their Soul body as outside of them also, or would they be getting a glimpse of their Higher self. >>>

I think the latter. There are circumstances of extreme stress when the Thought Adjuster "steps outside" and they are known to project all of their human charge.

You know the saying: "Being beside oneself." I've seen it more than once. Not sure if I ever recorded it.

Yes, I did, and I just found it. A bit lengthy, but there it is.

Why would he waste all evening on a live play reported to be quite boring? He was only a part-time student, belonging to none of the boarding colleges, just associated with one. He had never before agreed to join Louise Hewitt at her old colleges’ tables on evenings like this. Why would he consent? God knows, but Barnard was there with her.

Their meals had just been brought to the table.

George noticed someone a few tables away who looked quite grey. There appeared to be two of her, side by side. She’s literally beside herself, but with what? he thought. Suddenly he was suffering from the same cross-eyed migraine she was suffering from.

His stomach was in uproar. His food tasted bland, so suddenly. That isn’t me! It is her! I am taking on her symptoms. Things like that had happened all too often, but never to that degree.

‘It’s brilliant cooking, George,’ Louise remarked, ‘hoe into it. You’re only picking at your food.’ She looked him in the eyes. ‘You look ill, pale. Do you have an ulcer, or something?’

He carefully shook his aching head. ‘They’re someone else’s symptoms,’ he mumbled. ‘She’s over there, two tables across, facing us and a little off to the right. See her? Next to the guy with the wavy hair. The woman in grey.’

‘She’s wearing blue, George,’ Louise informed him. ‘She’s wearing a bright blue pant-suit. I talked with her earlier.’

That came as a surprise. Barnard had another good look at her, but she looked grey to him. The whole dining hall looked like an out-of-focus colour photograph with a small grey picture inserted where she sat. She, too, was only picking at her food. Maybe I should get the new lenses in my glasses checked out, he thought. But he knew that wasn’t it. He needed to go and touch her on the forehead. That would make her migraine go away. This, at last, was the promise of the Great Master’s Golden Flame to be fulfilled.

‘Her name is Maria Morgan,’ Louise informed him. ‘I played a few games of tennis with her this year. She’s doing year two, Human Resources, I think. She’s an external student, part time, like us. And I think the fellow next to her is her husband. He once came to pick her up.’ She added, ‘They’ve got children, but they’ve been at each other’s throats for years. That’s what Maria told me.’

‘Who else do you know at that table?’ George asked.

Louise looked again at the diners but she didn’t recognise anyone else, only Maria Morgan. What a coincidence that is, he thought.

‘I’ll have to fix her migraine, Lou Lou,’ he said. ‘Then we can both enjoy our dinner.’ He tried to get up, but he couldn’t. He was stuck fast in his chair, it seemed. How annoying. ‘Do me a favour, please, Louise,’ he asked her. ‘Go tell the Morgan lady that when she has had enough of that cross-eyed headache, I’ll take it away from her. It’s pounding my brains to bits as well.’

Louise left to talk to Maria and she soon returned. ‘Maria says thanks, George, and if it gets any worse, she’ll come and see you, she says.’

George’s migraine had lessened somewhat, but he knew she still had to be healed that evening.

George and Louise finished their dinners and filed into the theatre. The Morgans’ reserved seats were precisely next to theirs __ in a five hundred seat theatre __ how strangely coincidental. But soon after Maria seated herself, she collapsed onto the floor. Her wavy-haired husband never bothered with her. What a sweetheart he is! The man simply stood aside, like he was a total stranger, to let someone else take care of his wife.

With the help of one of the bouncers, Barnard carried the rather heavy woman to the ladies’ rest room. One of the usherettes moved ahead of them and opened all the doors. They placed the almost entirely unconscious Maria on a couch. Barnard told the bouncer he would have her back in the land of the living in no time, and he asked the young lady to stay.

There must have been something for her to learn, but George himself didn’t know what it was. And what followed next must have left her with more questions than answers.

With his fingers on Maria’s temples, his thumbs on her forehead, as he had long ago been programmed to do, he told her what she needed to know. She learned about what her future held and what she needed to do. Search the healer for the words he used. He had no idea about what he was saying to her.

Maria Morgan was receiving a stream of information that never slowed for many minutes. The young lass stood behind him as if nailed to the ground, and listening to all he had to say. Barnard was only listening to the echo of his voice, wondering who was making him say all those things. But he knew the information was right.

Finally, the job was done. Maria sat up on the couch, saying, ‘Gee, I feel good! I’ll go and do all that!’ There was a glow about her, and George now realised she was indeed wearing blue. It really suits her, he thought. But he wondered what it was he had said and done.
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Post by peacockplume »

Dear George,
Now doesn't that just make you want to have a tape recorder on you....(at all times)

I seem to remember something about the incident,,in reference to a pounding headache ,a bit about it anyway, and the part about you talking to her and not knowing what you were saying….. I think part of it is in one of your books, but it's nice to read the whole story....

You have had a life long ‘job’ in this area,,,,,I’m sure glad you recorded a lot….

That type of situation wouldn’t happen to anyone though would it. I mean, not just out of the blue, to see two people, when it’s only one, and to see such a grey colour, really pronounced the fact of how sick she was….. I imagine it would give someone a good scare if it happened and they probably would go get their eyes checked….

But you knew what was up…..the poor womans headache was so bad, she got out of herself……at least she didn’t wander off…

And I don’t think it’s very pleasant either, for you to actually pick up her headache….
Was this only, so that you knew you had to do a healing for her,,,,if you hadn’t felt it so excruciatingly, you might not have known, you had to do the healing, as a lot more went on that just getting rid of the headache.

The Great Master’s Golden Flame…..did you get immersed in it???? And knew that someday you’d be able to bring it forth to heal someone????

How truly blessed you are George,,,,

And truly blessed we are to have such a wonderful mentor….

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Post by Claude »

Hi Peacokplume, George and all,

George writte:There are circumstances of extreme stress when the Thought Adjuster "steps outside" and they are known to project all of their human charge.

p. 1196 chapter 2: The Self-acting Ajusters.
Possibly there is an answer in this.
Supreme and self-acting Adjusters can leave the human body at will. The indwellers are not an organic or biologic part of mortal life; they are divine superimpositions thereon. In the original life plans they were provided for, but they are not indispensable to material existence. Nevertheless it should be recorded that they very rarely, even temporarily, leave their mortal tabernacles after they once take up their indwelling.p. 1197:1
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Post by George »

Claude quotes:
Nevertheless it should be recorded that they very rarely, even temporarily, leave their mortal tabernacles after they once take up their indwelling
Supreme Adjusters -- and many 11:11'ers have Supreme Adjusters -- leave frequently, making your body jar or jolt, just as you are dropping off to sleep.
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Post by peacockplume »

Thank you George, and Claude:

fr George:
Supreme Adjusters -- and many 11:11'ers have Supreme Adjusters -- leave frequently, making your body jar or jolt, just as you are dropping off to sleep.
I am presuming that if the jolt, wakes you up, that they come back????

and please, what is the difference between, a TA and a STA....

usually, when people talk about being jolted into their body, they are referring to have been astral travelling, and I have heard of people mention that when they leave to astral travel they 'pop' out, (a kind of a jolt???)

I'm also presuming that when you astral travel, that you're TA is also with you (soul??? consciousness??? same thing???)


and if a TA or STA, would leave you, just as you're going to sleep, ,,,,,

well that thought, just opened up a big can of worms for me....

I'm not even going to go there,,,,,I refuse to think I have been left "alone",

love pp
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Post by CathyLynn »

Hello George and Everyone:

you wrote:
Supreme Adjusters -- and many 11:11'ers have Supreme Adjusters -- leave frequently, making your body jar or jolt, just as you are dropping off to sleep.
That happens to me quite often just before I drift off to sleep. Sometimes it jars me so much I'm totally awake for a while. Very odd sensation when it happens, it wouldn't even be able to describe it.

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Post by peacockplume »

Hi CathyLynn
me too, that's why all my weird questions.

P.S. did you get the QT instructions???

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Post by George »

I'll try answer this bit by bit before I dash off 'urgently'.
I am presuming that if the jolt, wakes you up, that they come back????

If the jolt wakes you up, you still go back to sleep.
and please, what is the difference between, a TA and a STA....
A great deal of experiences for the Supreme Adjuster.
usually, when people talk about being jolted into their body, they are referring to have been astral travelling, and I have heard of people mention that when they leave to astral travel they 'pop' out, (a kind of a jolt???)
That's when the TA and human mindedness return. The idea of a soul traveling along is not correct according to Teacher Tomas, at least in the instance of my personal journeying in the "astral" world.
I'm also presuming that when you astral travel, that you're TA is also with you (soul??? consciousness??? same thing???)
The soul doesn't go anywhere, only the mindedness can travel along if invited, or be 'left at home'.
and if a TA or STA, would leave you, just as you're going to sleep, ,,,,, well that thought, just opened up a big can of worms for me....
Just a small can.
I'm not even going to go there,,,,,I refuse to think I have been left "alone",
Alone apart from your destiny guardians.

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh George,
I just love you, thank you so much for going through that, and answering,

re: the can,,,,,,I'll just leave the lid on for awhile...

and if I get into this now, allan's supper won't be ready when he wakes up..

till later, and some thought....

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Post by Claude »

Hello peacockplume and everyone,

You have asked what is the difference between a TA's and a STA's
Here is what is a advanced or Supreme TA'S.

A self-acting Adjuster is one who:

1. Has had certain requisite experience in the evolving life of a will creature, either as a temporary indweller on a type of world where Adjusters are only loaned to mortal subjects or on an actual fusion planet where the human failed of survival. Such a Monitor is either an advanced or a supreme Adjuster.

2. Has acquired the balance of spiritual power in a human who has made the third psychic circle and has had assigned to him a personal seraphic guardian.

3. Has a subject who has made the supreme decision, has entered into a solemn and sincere betrothal with the Adjuster. The Adjuster looks beforehand to the time of actual fusion and reckons the union as an event of fact.

4. Has a subject who has been mustered into one of the reserve corps of destiny on an evolutionary world of mortal ascension.

5. At some time, during human sleep, has been temporarily detached from the mind of mortal incarceration to perform some exploit of liaison, contact, reregistration, or other extrahuman service associated with the spiritual administration of the world of assignment.

6. Has served in a time of crisis in the experience of some human being who was the material complement of a spirit personality intrusted with the enactment of some cosmic achievement essential to the spiritual economy of the planet.

Self-acting Adjusters seem to possess a marked degree of will in all matters not involving the human personalities of their immediate indwelling, as is indicated by their numerous exploits both within and without the mortal subjects of attachment. Such Adjusters participate in numerous activities of the realm, but more frequently they function as undetected indwellers of the earthly tabernacles of their own choosing.

Undoubtedly these higher and more experienced types of Adjusters can communicate with those in other realms. But while self-acting Adjusters do thus intercommunicate, they do so only on the levels of their mutual work and for the purpose of preserving custodial data essential to the Adjuster ministry
Page 1197 of the realms of their sojourn, though on occasions they have been known to function in interplanetary matters during times of crisis.

Supreme and self-acting Adjusters can leave the human body at will. The indwellers are not an organic or biologic part of mortal life; they are divine superimpositions thereon. In the original life plans they were provided for, but they are not indispensable to material existence. Nevertheless it should be recorded that they very rarely, even temporarily, leave their mortal tabernacles after they once take up their indwelling.

The superacting Adjusters are those who have achieved the conquest of their intrusted tasks and only await the dissolution of the material-life vehicle or the translation of the immortal soul.P. 1196:3-7
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Post by peacockplume »

Thank you Claude,

wow, you really know your stuff, that's a pretty deep description of what each of them is...

I loved the way George, put it in a nutshell though....
A great deal of experiences for the Supreme Adjuster.
I must do some more reading in the UB....

thanks again for looking it up...

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Post by deepa »

Hi George,
I am a new member. I started seeing 11 11 very very frequently especially last couple of months.My search got me to this site and i registered. I Lived in India last 4 years practising reiki and other modes of healing that i learned from my spirirtual guides and my spiritual parents. I am back in Canada where i have lived for years to finally put an end to a 10 yr marriage that practically finished me. If it wasnt for healing and the divine energies i would be floating elsewhere. I was in search to connect with people like yourself and all others that i see on this site. I think universe is so beautiful and it just reciprocates all the time. I really enjoyed reading your msgs and think you are a special soul.Thanks so much and am so happy to be here with all you lovely people.
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Post by George »

Deepa writes:
I really enjoyed reading your msgs and think you are a special soul.
Those who simply decide to "be" tend to later regret the "un-done do" part of the task, whilst those who only "do" put soul growth on hold for later.

Does an Advanced Thought Adjuster with a given task represent the promise of rapid soul growth? Good question. And does it matter when eternity is the "pressing" deadline?

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Deepakshi,

Welcome to our little family of light workers! You seem like a beautiful person with much to share with the rest of us. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Claude,

Is that your cat in your avatar photo? I love the expression on his/her face, almost as if she/he is posing for the photo!

Do you use a concordex when looking for specific passages in the Urantia Book? I didn't use mine much the first couple years but it has been very useful lately and I would be lost now without it.

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Post by Claude »

Hello Sandy,

Yes Sandy it is "my" cat. one day he was in the hot water room in the back
and now we live together. :lol:

Yes i use a concordex Urantia Book cd. It is very usefull.

Have a good day :D
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Post by deepa »

Hi sandy,
Thanks once again.It's such a pleasure for me to be here with you all.
deepakshi :)
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Post by Claude »

Welcome deepa.:hithere

Sandy, i have read all the Urantia Book in french, three years ago. But to give a english quote i have to find the page in the french translation and them go to the same quote in the english one and then copy/paste....big job.
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Claude,

He's a very special Kitty and I am sure he knows he couldn't have found a better home than the one he shares with you. :D What have you named him?
I found a young cat once in the middle of a busy highway. Someone had thoughtlessly thrown him out the moving car window in an effort to get rid of him and he lay stunned in the middle of the road. :cry: He quickly became a much loved part of our life and now he watches over my eldest son and keeps him company.

I wondered how you posted those english quotes because I assumed you also had a French concordex. It makes me appreciate them all the more knowing the extra time and thought that you put into them. Thanks you Claude, you are a very special light worker.

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